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Guest iNtRiguE.
question!! is it true if you do a language.. u get 10% more TER or something ?

and im planning to do english 2a/2b .... Hope it gets scaled up

btw i can come to the meet up too??? lol!! ive been living here for 7 years and havent been to the zoo.....

i think its 10% more to your language subject so say if you did Italian and you got 61%.

it would be 61% x 1.10 = 67.1%

i think... i'm not 100% sure ;)

haha the zoo.. it smells but it's quite good.

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Guest TrainDriver
question!! is it true if you do a language.. u get 10% more TER or something ?

and im planning to do english 2a/2b .... Hope it gets scaled up

btw i can come to the meet up too??? lol!! ive been living here for 7 years and havent been to the zoo.....

haha if there was a meetup any1 can go :D scaling depends on ur school, but most of the time its always down. imo, do 3A/3B its exactly the same course but sometimes 3A/3B is scaled up.

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its been a while since i did the tee but i think with languages you do get scaled up a bit? i did tee japanese and i got scaled up... and i think you get extra points at ecu? you might want to check with your teachers on that to be sure. but i did japanese because i knew that one at least would be scaled up, and i was doing well in the first place.

i don't get this english 2a/2b stuff. is that the new system they put in place? how does it work?

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baha yeah// english is compulsury and there are like 5 options

English Lit

English 2a/2b

English 3a/3b


basically lit the hardest and it goes down. i couldve done lit but decided not to because i hate reading Literature

EDIT- Sorry above are year 12 subjects. Mah bad

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i see. hmpf when i was in year 12, there was english lit, english and esl. i don't like reading because i HAVE to so i just did english. i was so glad i did ok with english, that was the subject i worried about most. some of my friends had to do that english proficiency test because they failed.

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I actually enjoyed English Lit even though I only just passed. What is the English proficiency test?

One of the things that is so unfair is that one of my students older brother is doing Indonesian. They are from Indonesia and they all speak it reasonably fluently.

My sister did japanese and she had it scaled up really high. I didn't do a language at school because I went to a bogan school in the middle of the bush where "culture" basically consisted of what grew on things if they had been in the fridge too long.

If your worried about failing tee then work this out. Right now as a part time bus driver I earn more than what I will as a first year primary school teacher. To become a bus driver I did a 3 week driving course, a two week transit thing and then they gave me a bus and sent me on my way. I don't know why but they didn't teach me how to get fat and they didn't teach me how to have that bus driver smell ether. I guess that must just come in time.

What I'm trying to say is that there are loads of half good jobs out there that you can do while you wait to get in to uni as a mature aged student in a few years time if you still really want to go to uni.

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i rekon best advice to yr 12s is to NOT WORRY ABOUT SCALING cus its out of ur hands. Unless u threaten everyone to do really bad. -.-;; but really.... waste of effort^^;;

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Guest TrainDriver

^AHHHH KAPPOW, u got it wrong, trust me i'm doing 3A/3B, go change ur subject now :D 3A/3B unit is supposedly the more difficult english course.

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AHHH I KNOW WHY!! youre in year 12 right? Im getting into year 11!!! mah bad im sorry. just used to talking to ppl in my year -.-''

Edit- Yeah iPhets ish correct (this is what happens when u have too many pamphets and schools brainwashing u). im also in year 10 too.

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i really regret slacking off in english now. I never cared about english this year and didn't try in assessments/essays ><

now im scared cos its gonna get scaled down so much =[

but i'll try to forget about the scaling like ~S2~ said.

i should try figure out my uni preferences now >< I only have 3 choices so far

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Not that anyone here is interested, but Transperth are getting 100 new articulated (ie bendy buses).

This is the first one (2100). I will get to drive it when it comes on cats because I'm one of only 3 cat drivers that can drive artics.


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i just saw my brother's newsletter and applecross mocks are next week (japanese orals this friday!)

so i guess for the rest of you yr 12's it would be roughly the same right?

as the others said, try not to think about the scaling.

some of my friends failed english, but they still got to go to the courses that they wanted by passing a proficiency test, mostly engineering, commerce. i can't remember what it was, but some sat it in advance, and some sat it after they found out their mark.

i'm terrible at giving at advice, but i guess eat well, get enough sleep, and focus? all anyone can ask is for you to try your best. if you feel you've been studying too long and your head is stuffy, go outside for a walk, get some fresh air and clear your mind.

(i feel so old remembering way back then)

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isnt it

english 1A/1B, 2A/2B, Lit and ESL?

thats what i had to choose from or next year.. im year 10 now btw..

English 1A/1B and 2A/2B are the choices you ahve for year 11.

In year 12 you have a choice of


English 1C/1D (non-tee)

English 2A/2B

English 2B/3A (only available to some schools)

English 3A/3B


Our mocks are 2nd week of holidays so we have more time to study. I can't believe that time is going by so fast ><

z80: so they are replacing the small cat buses with those 'bendy' buses?

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hahaha, Your not old enough yet Korean girl. When you find your self saying back in my day, then you know your getting old. It's hard when you have family doing tee and you still remember it. I think I was more stressed than she was.

And no, they are just going to use 3 of them for rush hour cats.

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Guest TrainDriver
Not that anyone here is interested, but Transperth are getting 100 new articulated (ie bendy buses).

This is the first one (2100). I will get to drive it when it comes on cats because I'm one of only 3 cat drivers that can drive artics.


i wish they had double decker buses like they do in singapore :P top deck is cool

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i wish they had double decker buses like they do in singapore :P top deck is cool

Think Claremont subways. Besides Perth is just too small for that. We are not really much bigger than a large country town.

Also I don't know if I trust most Perth bus drivers with normal buses. I'm sure there would be deaths if they got to drive double deckers.

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Guest sulfuric_ACID

oh yeah about that language thing for tee..it's only for ecu though..what a shame...i didn't get my first preference and i think i missed my second preference by 0.05..i couldn't be bothered waiting for them to accept me cause i needed to take a summer course so i just took my third one..i hate my course, it sucks.

ohh those buses!! 100s not much though

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