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Guest fanturntable

Sorry if this has been discussed already, but why exactly is April the best time to audition for YG?

since most of yg's trainneese debut in march so in april they wont have much trainnees so they'll be looking for new ones or sumthing

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Guest 1dEtErMiNAtIoN

THANKS JeWeLz x3...im not confused..and i know that u dont mean to literally kick my stomach..HAHAHAHA...but thanx...ALOT..that little info goes a long way...aniwaise...thanx

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Guest JeWeLz x3

Sorry if this has been discussed already, but why exactly is April the best time to audition for YG?

because alot of the trainees will be debuting in march so they'll be busy now preparing them and stuff. in April they'll have more time plus they'll need new trainees cuz they dont have that many trainees since 4 of them will be debuting soon. meaning that there will be 5 left. heh it's a good time to take in new people. ^^

THANKS JeWeLz x3...im not confused..and i know that u dont mean to literally kick my stomach..HAHAHAHA...but thanx...ALOT..that little info goes a long way...aniwaise...thanx

lol you're welcome. I'm glad i was able to help!! :)

oh and just call me Julie :D what's your name btw?

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Guest lunalie

lol i've been practicing soo much lately too

i hope everyone else is doing well ^^

april is only like...3 months away now since january is almost over...

let's practice hard and do well~ :)

thanks so much for the advice before! i definitely sent in too many songs before, and not all of them were the best. i'll try to focus on just a few and polish them in time. but i still have lots of school work >_> sometimes i think this unnie is getting too old to do this stuff.

question: what do you think - if i do a song where an artist has lots of adlib-ing over a chorus or something, should i do the adlib or follow the song? because it sounds a little weird if you do the adlib and then pause a few seconds for the next one. a lot of times they start or stop in the middle of lines...

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Guest Hitorijime

Hmm, then I guess I'll get everything ready during March break after my B-day. Then in April, I'll send my stuff! ;D

^Maybe you should only learn some of the adlibs, like the easier ones. Some of the harder ones are hard to do because they could go over them over and over to get it perfect and just paste on the good one.

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Guest Hitorijime

sorry to ask but what is adlibs??

basically it's improvising with vocals. When you listen to songs (especially R&B) and you hear an artist go out of the melody and possibly do sounds like oooh and yeah, that's adlibing. I'll try to use Audacity to cut a part of a song out if you still don't get my horrible explanation.

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Guest 1dEtErMiNAtIoN

hey JULIE!!...i have a friend that has that name...wait..i have two..u and my other one..ahah..my name is whitney...

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@1determination: even tho im still straining my voice at sum high notes, but if u wanna take off the strain you need to breath thru ur nose, fill ur stomach with air -> thats the diaphramic breathing. you sing from the stomach. imagine that ur stomach is a balooon. when you breath in, push ur stomach out-fill the baloon with air; when you exhale it will go back to normal.if this is not clear try:

- lay down and kinda bring ur legs up a lil bit, put a medium-weight book on ur stomach, you will see the book go up and down. and ur shoulders wont move. only ur stomach. thats wut diaphramic breathing is. and try to practice the breathing until you're used to it.

use it in singing. always breath in ur notes, not ur mouth. when u go up high, do not tighten your stomach.

if ur straining,for me i think its bcuz ur not breathing rite or ur larynx goes up when you go higher

~the adams apple is the front of the larynx. if you're sure where it is, put ur fingers on ur chin, slide them down till u feel the first bump. thats the adams apple.

keep ur fingers there, now sing. when u go high and it goes up as well and its not good. it can go up and down while u sing but not too much, try to keep it down and practice it then the larynx will stay down itself. well...not like its gonna do that itself but bcuz ur so used to it that whenever u sing its gonna stay down not go up too high

[move up and down a little bit while singing. not stay in one place]

i dunno if this is clear enough for you, Roger Love explains more thru the CD and the book i just tell u wut i read/heard.:)

good luck

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Guest cindy-yang

basically it's improvising with vocals. When you listen to songs (especially R&B) and you hear an artist go out of the melody and possibly do sounds like oooh and yeah, that's adlibing. I'll try to use Audacity to cut a part of a song out if you still don't get my horrible explanation.

ohh i get it i think is is like in the song if i aint got you at the start?

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Guest JeWeLz x3

hey JULIE!!...i have a friend that has that name...wait..i have two..u and my other one..ahah..my name is whitney...


hehe i think i only know one Whitney now...and that's you! lol. :lol:

hmm...adlibbing's kinda hard for me. like if i do it, i copy other singers. i wish i could do it naturally by myself. but lately i've been getting better. hah from my practicing. like today i was singing at church and i just like suddenly kinda adlibbed and it was cool cuz it was natural and not forced lol.

i think i'm gonna get voice lessons soon. i just need to convince my mom some more. and i might have lessons w/ my friend's teacher...maybe lol.

i think i could get soo much better if got lessons...even better if i actually had them at an earlier age -.-

how's everyone else doing w/ their singing?

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Guest 1dEtErMiNAtIoN

THANK YOU JSM!!!!...that was a lot of help too!!!...soompi friends are so helpful!!!..im glad that i joined...but thanx...no its not confusing at all...and i know what the adams apple is..HAHAHAH....SORRY EVERYONE..IM GOING TOTALLY OFF TOPIC!!!!...IM EXTREMELY SORRY!!!!!..ILL STOP

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i changed the plan.

songs r gonna be

Fallin - Alicia Keys

Nan - Ock ju Hyun

and i can't decide between Sarang apa bonjok inayo - LYn && Sarang kajima - Lim Jeong hee. HELPPPPPPP !!!!!!!

the dances will be

Jackie O - I got wut you need

LL Cool J - Move something

dance practices starts tmrw :P

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Guest muchacha

^ I think that song by Lyn would be better for your voice ^_^

I was thinking about singing JoJo - Get Out. Thats a good song right?

And for a korean song I wanted to sing either Trace by LJH or Amnesia by Gummy

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