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Guest back-sue

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thanks for the recommendations

i dont know half of them but i will look them up b/c you recommended them =]

(though i cant read romanization well..i can read korean though, obviously!)

and i dont know any jpop songs..dont even speak japanese

and i would insult all your japanese people if i tried

i think its b/c i listen to myself 24/7

but i really cant tell that i'm off pitch in the songs

..maybe i'm tone deaf

well, i can tell when OTHER people are off pitch

not for myself though..

..what to do with myself? ahh

and i was listening to the original track w/ my headphones when i was singing too..

i dont know what to do with myself!!


i need to practice more T.T

keep listening to yourself? lols thats how i criticize myself. =X haha i always hear so many things wrong... weird.. =X

Whoa..it seems like i missed out a lot lol. Thanks for the translation!!

Anyone wanna critique my soundclick? My korean is...real bad and I'm gonna improve. And I wanna know what you guys think of my singing which is pretty bad too... I sang as time goes by and break away. but when i send in my tape of me singing i'm gonna sing in english lol ><;



oh yeah..i posted this up in the performers section but i didn't get a lot of feedback..so i wanted to post it up in here

break away - you go off a bit towards the end. not much vibrato. some emotion but ehh. ur voice isnt "supported" sounding? maybe its just me.

as time goes by - no real emotion. boring for me. u cant seem to reach the higher notes. and when u go low ur voice turns not-so-nice. i think ur voice seems to change a lot. like its deeper and then in the end it turns so light. =X

i personally didnt like either clip. big mama for me to like it when u sing them is if u can wow me.

as time goes by the pitch wasnt right at times. that bothered me. and it kinda sounds like u might be using ur throat [?] [maybe at times] not positive. ur korean pronounciation was okay. i think it was a bit better in break away. maybe sing as time goes by might be a bit fast too pronounce well? hmmm


i think u should project more cuz ur voice is soft even tho it is low. i think its middle range more than low range tho. try to hold notes that need to be held longer. work on vibrato too. even if these songs might not have as much vibrato as some other songs... it sounds weak and empty without vibrato.

good luck praciticing!!

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Guest The Legend

As Time Goes By: Pronounciation isn`t that bad..but it`s not good either..

There`s no emotion in your voice :x It really bores me, sorry to say. ^^;

You`re off tune a lot...and you`re sort of rushing. ^^ I`ll give you credit since it`s acapella and it`s hard to sing on tempo with acapella ( I would know :x) but slow down <3

Break Away: Better than ATGB, but...theres just that feeling..it`s like you`re forcing your emotion..which isn`t good. >~< It sounds like you`re forcing vibrato a little bit, which isn`t good either...save your vibrato for later <3 You`re on pitch most of the time, but other times it`s just whoa. o_o;;; Props for doing a Big Mama song, but...I don`t think you necessarily wowed it for me.

I think your song choices were good, considering you have a low range...but for you I think Break Away > As Time Goes By. But you`re gonna have to work a LOTTTT on Break Away if you plan to impress me any time soon. :x

If I`m being too harsh on you guys, sorry ^^;

Nope, you're not bein harsh lol. For as time goes by i was rushing because it was slow..lol bad idea im guessing. and for break away, how was i forcing vibrato? Vibrato's when your voice...vibrates or somethin right? I don't know when i'm doin it.


The Legend: I only listened to one.

As Time Goes By: Like kimseo said, you sing this song without any emotion. It seems like you're just talking and you also sound kind of nasally.

Ooh, gotcha. I gotta really work on putting emotion into songs I sing.

as time goes by - no real emotion. boring for me. u cant seem to reach the higher notes. and when u go low ur voice turns not-so-nice. i think ur voice seems to change a lot. like its deeper and then in the end it turns so light. =X

i personally didnt like either clip. big mama for me to like it when u sing them is if u can wow me.

as time goes by the pitch wasnt right at times. that bothered me. and it kinda sounds like u might be using ur throat [?] [maybe at times] not positive. ur korean pronounciation was okay. i think it was a bit better in break away. maybe sing as time goes by might be a bit fast too pronounce well? hmmm


i think u should project more cuz ur voice is soft even tho it is low. i think its middle range more than low range tho. try to hold notes that need to be held longer. work on vibrato too. even if these songs might not have as much vibrato as some other songs... it sounds weak and empty without vibrato.

good luck praciticing!!

lol i noticed my voice changing on ATGB haha. and on the deeper part of it, i know I couldn't hit it right but that was the best I could do =X. I didn't want to project a lot cuz i didn't wanna seem like i'm yellin then singing you know? but i'll work on that too. i didnt notice i have a soft voice hehe..

Thanks you guys for the feedback!

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Guest cindy-yang


its when your voice vibrates (hence its name, haha)

mine just came naturally

as i grew older

i think you just have to practice

it was weird when i got mine

i was in choir for 2 years

stopped singing

the next year BAM i had it

it was very weird

Ohh thank you so much lol.

I will be reading some stuff and they'll say something about it and ill be like o_0


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its even weirder how i got mine :P

i tried to sing WBT by BigBang

i got so pissed cuz i couldnt vibrate

i kept singing it...wouldnt work

one fine day...i was practicing in the morning

i got pissed cuz still couldnt do anything... so i stopped

evening that day... i started singing again

and... i just got it :P

btw...i bet sum of you already heard me sing

If any of you have time, i would like to hear sum recommendations from you guys - i prefer ballads

cuz i need to work on emotion and ballads are the ones i need to work on most rite now

thank u

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its even weirder how i got mine :P

i tried to sing WBT by BigBang

i got so pissed cuz i couldnt vibrate

i kept singing it...wouldnt work

one fine day...i was practicing in the morning

i got pissed cuz still couldnt do anything... so i stopped

evening that day... i started singing again

and... i just got it :P

btw...i bet sum of you already heard me sing

If any of you have time, i would like to hear sum recommendations from you guys - i prefer ballads

cuz i need to work on emotion and ballads are the ones i need to work on most rite now

thank u

lols. interesting...

i dont even know how i got mine lols. just one day i could sing okayly (lols)... AHAHAHAHA =X

i copied Lyn's style of singing at first during her SarangHaetJanAh times then gradually i "discovered" my voice and etc etc LOLS.

i dont even know when i got vibrato ahaha i think i "studied" how singers sang and whatnot and embedded their voices in my brain or somethign like that and yea. i dunno =/

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Guest tokyollvogue

i just finished translating YG's message in the YG Official Thread.

it looks like YG will not be holding Open Auditions after all. He mentioned they never officially have and by the way he said it he doesn't plan to in the future.

The most common way that he takes in singers is through networking, word of mouth or you directly marching up to YG doors as Park Bom did.

just a heads up...

...now i'm reconsidering sending in my stuff through mail. is there a point in sending stuff in when i know im going to stressed out cause its going to take awhile for them to look through demos.

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well there is a point.. didnt the audition process was the send in through mail for the first audition and the second one was the online.. they will check the demos.. you never know

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i just finished translating YG's message in the YG Official Thread.

it looks like YG will not be holding Open Auditions after all. He mentioned they never officially have and by the way he said it he doesn't plan to in the future.

The most common way that he takes in singers is through networking, word of mouth or you directly marching up to YG doors as Park Bom did.

just a heads up...

...now i'm reconsidering sending in my stuff through mail. is there a point in sending stuff in when i know im going to stressed out cause its going to take awhile for them to look through demos.

oh wow really? aww i wised he did open auditions


if only i could directly march up to his doors.

they'll look thru your demos but of course it'll take some time.

if ur really determined to make it, then you should be willing to wait as long as it takes.

dont give up~

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Guest 보석미남

yes thanks for translating tokyo||vogue. ^^

i'll just copy and paste them trainee info here.

omg. 4 FEMALE trainees? that's flippin' crazy. T__________T.

sm has like 9456109357135 and is hard to get in.

YG New Artists (by mr. yg)

There has been a lot of gossip and stirs about Park Bom, a female trainee who will be debuting next year.

It looks like its because of recent news in her being a CF Model alongside a couple well known house hold names already out in the industry.

While Park Bom was at YG training..

It was a twist of fate that an audition scout chose her to be a model in their “ANYSTAR” campaign.

In other major groups there are thousands of trainees practicing…so I hear.

We are already known to be rather difficult and picky and highly-selective when allowing trainees into YG…Currently there are only 4 female trainees practicing with us.

One feature in regards to YG is that…we don’t hold open auditions, in the stead it is most common that you personally come into our company.

In Park Bom’s case, for 3 years she has been dropped from YG auditions and kept insisting on knocking on our doors with many trials and tribulations. Although she is very kind and cordial…she is also a very stubborn one as well.

She was not training to be a dance based singer…it just so happened that she had to prepare to dance in “anystar”.

Awhile ago..we put up a clip of 16 year May Doni singing.

At the last one concert…we briefly introduced a Kim Ji Eun, a girl with superior power in song.

Also, though we can’t release much information yet…we also have a 13 year old girl practicing and working with us.

(We don’t have any male new artists in the works…still thinking^^)

Park Bom and Kim Ji Eun will most likely debut in the early half of next year.

While May Doni and the 13 year old will cross over to Japan in March…they will attend school there and start preparations for their debut in Japan.

translated by tokyo||vogue ^^

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Wow.surprise surprise. i thought may doni is gonna debut in Korea. i never thought she's gonna debut in Japan.

Man. only 4 female trainees?! What about that black girl? what's her name? i thought she's a trainee too?

It's so freaking hard to get into YG.><

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i just finished translating YG's message in the YG Official Thread.

it looks like YG will not be holding Open Auditions after all. He mentioned they never officially have and by the way he said it he doesn't plan to in the future.

The most common way that he takes in singers is through networking, word of mouth or you directly marching up to YG doors as Park Bom did.

just a heads up...

...now i'm reconsidering sending in my stuff through mail. is there a point in sending stuff in when i know im going to stressed out cause its going to take awhile for them to look through demos.

wow. hmmm..i guess it does make sense that demos are hard to look through. so i'm sure it would take a long time for a reply back. ahhh. but i'm still going to send mine in. i can wait. it may be long wait, but if they were really interested, they would reply as fast as hey could.

wait..i think one of the trainnee girls [dancer] got in from word of mouth, right? i forget..i saw a clip of her auditioning. -.-

thanks for the info

yes thanks for translating tokyo||vogue. ^^

i'll just copy and paste them trainee info here.

omg. 4 FEMALE trainees? that's flippin' crazy. T__________T.

sm has like 9456109357135 and is hard to get in.

YG New Artists (by mr. yg)

There has been a lot of gossip and stirs about Park Bom, a female trainee who will be debuting next year.

It looks like its because of recent news in her being a CF Model alongside a couple well known house hold names already out in the industry.

While Park Bom was at YG training..

It was a twist of fate that an audition scout chose her to be a model in their “ANYSTAR” campaign.

In other major groups there are thousands of trainees practicing…so I hear.

We are already known to be rather difficult and picky and highly-selective when allowing trainees into YG…Currently there are only 4 female trainees practicing with us.

One feature in regards to YG is that…we don’t hold open auditions, in the stead it is most common that you personally come into our company.

In Park Bom’s case, for 3 years she has been dropped from YG auditions and kept insisting on knocking on our doors with many trials and tribulations. Although she is very kind and cordial…she is also a very stubborn one as well.

She was not training to be a dance based singer…it just so happened that she had to prepare to dance in “anystar”.

Awhile ago..we put up a clip of 16 year May Doni singing.

At the last one concert…we briefly introduced a Kim Ji Eun, a girl with superior power in song.

Also, though we can’t release much information yet…we also have a 13 year old girl practicing and working with us.

(We don’t have any male new artists in the works…still thinking^^)

Park Bom and Kim Ji Eun will most likely debut in the early half of next year.

While May Doni and the 13 year old will cross over to Japan in March…they will attend school there and start preparations for their debut in Japan.

translated by tokyo||vogue ^^

i had no idea that may doni will be debuting in JAPAN. hmm..but i'm sure she'll do well. hahha..great singer.

woww..park bom's such a brave girl hhaha. i wish i could do that .. if i lived in korea. -.-

only 4 girl trainees?!?!?!? are you joking me? ahhh i feel really discouraged now.

let me just die arrgggggg

thanks for the info

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Guest yunakue

I think this is the part where we all need to get serious you guys.

Not like posting up and say we're nervous (like I usually do) but actually work our as$ off now.

Stay strong folks! (lol)

If we believe in ourselves, deep in your heart, there's always miracle standing there. ^-^

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I think this is the part where we all need to get serious you guys.

Not like posting up and say we're nervous (like I usually do) but actually work our as$ off now.

Stay strong folks! (lol)

If we believe in ourselves, deep in your heart, there's always miracle standing there. ^-^

thats right. i think i've been slacking during winter break.

it's a time where i should be working HARDER..HARDEST..

but i haven't. i'm so lazy..i should get a reality check and start working.


but i can't help but feel nervous..only 4 girls...DANG

but i'll try. harder. and hopefully pray that i'll get somewhere.


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Guest CutieGirl303

yes thanks for translating tokyo||vogue. ^^

i'll just copy and paste them trainee info here.

omg. 4 FEMALE trainees? that's flippin' crazy. T__________T.

sm has like 9456109357135 and is hard to get in.

YG New Artists (by mr. yg)

There has been a lot of gossip and stirs about Park Bom, a female trainee who will be debuting next year.

It looks like its because of recent news in her being a CF Model alongside a couple well known house hold names already out in the industry.

While Park Bom was at YG training..

It was a twist of fate that an audition scout chose her to be a model in their “ANYSTAR” campaign.

In other major groups there are thousands of trainees practicing…so I hear.

We are already known to be rather difficult and picky and highly-selective when allowing trainees into YG…Currently there are only 4 female trainees practicing with us.

One feature in regards to YG is that…we don’t hold open auditions, in the stead it is most common that you personally come into our company.

In Park Bom’s case, for 3 years she has been dropped from YG auditions and kept insisting on knocking on our doors with many trials and tribulations. Although she is very kind and cordial…she is also a very stubborn one as well.

She was not training to be a dance based singer…it just so happened that she had to prepare to dance in “anystar”.

Awhile ago..we put up a clip of 16 year May Doni singing.

At the last one concert…we briefly introduced a Kim Ji Eun, a girl with superior power in song.

Also, though we can’t release much information yet…we also have a 13 year old girl practicing and working with us.

(We don’t have any male new artists in the works…still thinking^^)

Park Bom and Kim Ji Eun will most likely debut in the early half of next year.

While May Doni and the 13 year old will cross over to Japan in March…they will attend school there and start preparations for their debut in Japan.

translated by tokyo||vogue ^^

whoa will they ever debut in korea???

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Guest MangoJuice

so i presume the thirteen year old girl is lizzie?

man good luck to 'em.

oh JSM =] can you upload the english application pleaseor whoever that has it? since the last link is expired ^_^ please and thank you :D

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sometimes YG sorta comes off as arrogant in a way that they dont' even bother holding auditions as if they are too good for that and the only way you can get in is by word of mouth or you coming to their doors.. but i odnt 'know..

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sometimes YG sorta comes off as arrogant in a way that they dont' even bother holding auditions as if they are too good for that and the only way you can get in is by word of mouth or you coming to their doors.. but i odnt 'know..

in a way yes but also doing open auditions cost money.

i heard the last time they had open auditions, they found nobody.

so like i guess they dont want to spend a lot of money and not have results.

i think the four trainees he mentions are people that are definitely close to debuting... maybe? lols

i will one day be one of those trainees... i hope... LOLS =X

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