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Guest back-sue

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thanks for translating. ahhh helps TONS! no joke.

when you record yourself with dancing and singing, could you record both on video tape? cuz i dont know how to record myself on cd or computer ect. -.-

and for PICTURES! is digital cameras okay? cuz that's all the pictures i have.[pictures taken by digital cameras. then print them ect]

are these acceptable?

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Guest 보석미남

First of alllll, I wanna say that I've been a silent reader since forever. Haha.

Anywho, I was wondering if any of you guys are interested in exchanging emails? We can send/forward motivation/accomplishments to each other. Perhaps you can write about how you spent your day onnnnnnn practicing and stuff? Haha just an idea. I figured that email is easier to get to everyone (on the mailing list) and it'll still work even if soompi is down? and there are things that i'm not comfortable posting on soompi (for the public to see :x)

just my 2 cents. if you guys are interested you can pm me ^_^

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thanks for translating. ahhh helps TONS! no joke.

when you record yourself with dancing and singing, could you record both on video tape? cuz i dont know how to record myself on cd or computer ect. -.-

and for PICTURES! is digital cameras okay? cuz that's all the pictures i have.[pictures taken by digital cameras. then print them ect]

are these acceptable?

are you recording it together or separate? the dancing & singing. pictures, digi cam taken pictures are acceptable, as long as you don't photoshop it or anything. but if you do, i think they can tell .

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First of alllll, I wanna say that I've been a silent reader since forever. Haha.

Anywho, I was wondering if any of you guys are interested in exchanging emails? We can send/forward motivation/accomplishments to each other. Perhaps you can write about how you spent your day onnnnnnn practicing and stuff? Haha just an idea. I figured that email is easier to get to everyone (on the mailing list) and it'll still work even if soompi is down? and there are things that i'm not comfortable posting on soompi (for the public to see :x)

just my 2 cents. if you guys are interested you can pm me ^_^

nvm u want me to PM so lols. will PM u.

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Guest lovablekrnstar63

glad you guys enjoy my translations =]


i had a question

so everybody,

(well..everybody that critiqued..which is about 2 people total in this thread, haha)

said i have potential in my voice

but i choose the wrong songs & the wrong genre

what songs do you guys recommend?

b/c i really dont know

what kind of songs will flatter my voice

cuz i cant choose for myself, you know what i mean?

thank you =]

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glad you guys enjoy my translations =]


i had a question

so everybody,

(well..everybody that critiqued..which is about 2 people total in this thread, haha)

said i have potential in my voice

but i choose the wrong songs & the wrong genre

what songs do you guys recommend?

b/c i really dont know

what kind of songs will flatter my voice

cuz i cant choose for myself, you know what i mean?

thank you =]

ballad would be the best for ur voice. maybe jazz too?

something not too high pitched. low to middle range [maybe a bit high] i think is just right for you.

i feel like the same recommendations keep coming up but i'll try to think of more... "unique" ones


- Se7en songs seemed all right (JalHalGeh was your best clip.)

- ChoEun - AhnDwaeGaetNi

- BMK - GgotPiNeun BomEeOhMyun

- JukWoo [?] - Nul WonHae (Queen of Game OST)

- Kim JoHan (maybe?)

- Clazziquai - [maybe?]

- Lee MinKyu - Lovedholic

- Sol Flower - AhPeuGo AhPaDo [other songs by her]

- Lyn - Stay With Me (not really sure how the song goes but lols i just remembered this song title)

- Vibe - Looking at the Picture

- Eru - Black/Dark Glasses

[some of these songs might not be "good for you" but you never know. i tried to make a different recommendation list lols]

Jpop [i cant think =..=]

- ayaka - I believe [maybe? i know she has a unique and low voice]

- K - a lot of his songs lols he has a very soothing voice =]]

[wow i suck at remembering j-artists -.- ]

but it wasnt really ur song choice that was the problem for the most part.

what you need to work on the most is getting the right pitch.

by not hitting the right notes, u made the song sound like it was a totally different song... and not very pretty either.

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Guest lovablekrnstar63


thanks for the recommendations

i dont know half of them but i will look them up b/c you recommended them =]

(though i cant read romanization well..i can read korean though, obviously!)

and i dont know any jpop songs..dont even speak japanese

and i would insult all your japanese people if i tried

i think its b/c i listen to myself 24/7

but i really cant tell that i'm off pitch in the songs

..maybe i'm tone deaf

well, i can tell when OTHER people are off pitch

not for myself though..

..what to do with myself? ahh

and i was listening to the original track w/ my headphones when i was singing too..

i dont know what to do with myself!!


i need to practice more T.T

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Guest cindy-yang

Lol i haven't been on this theard in a while x_x i had to read 14 pages x_x.

But i posted a clip during summer and i think i improved from it lol. Sorry that was really random.

*Gonie- take a speech class or something. :X thnks again, I think you helped me a lot. Kind of like giving me a boost <3

Yes I do think that speech class will help you. It helped me( lol i had to take it this year anyways lol)

I have a question though?

What is vibrato? And how do you sing vibrato?

And good luck to anyone whos going to send it. I don't think that im ready yet so send in a clip my voice isn't all that great yet x_x

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hey can someone gimme a d/l of gummy-ah ni



Here you go lmao <3 Credits to yours truly, and I hope you enjoy. ^^ <3

glad you guys enjoy my translations =]


i had a question

so everybody,

(well..everybody that critiqued..which is about 2 people total in this thread, haha)

said i have potential in my voice

but i choose the wrong songs & the wrong genre

what songs do you guys recommend?

b/c i really dont know

what kind of songs will flatter my voice

cuz i cant choose for myself, you know what i mean?

thank you =]

Show me a clip of your singing, dearie <33 =]

Lol i haven't been on this theard in a while x_x i had to read 14 pages x_x.

But i posted a clip during summer and i think i improved from it lol. Sorry that was really random.

Yes I do think that speech class will help you. It helped me( lol i had to take it this year anyways lol)

I have a question though?

What is vibrato? And how do you sing vibrato?

And good luck to anyone whos going to send it. I don't think that im ready yet so send in a clip my voice isn't all that great yet x_x

Vibrato is that effect when you sing...

Basically it`s your voice vibrating. :P

Like when singers hold out long notes or just sing (Shin Hyesung is a great example XD) they have that vibration in their voice.

That..would be vibrato. =] <3

To achive it...well..that`s a different story XD <3

It takes bunches of practice, but there isn`t really a specific way that it`s taught..

It just takes listning skills to people who have mastered it...and stuff. XD >_>

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Guest dankyung

it's wen your voice like shakes at the end. like kelly clarkson and josh groban xiah junsu are people who mastered and are just amazin at vibrato. kelly clarkson i was relalie superised she learned it by herself cause she had no interest in singing, she said she didn't reallie want to become a singer during idol until later in the competition.

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Guest lovablekrnstar63


its when your voice vibrates (hence its name, haha)

mine just came naturally

as i grew older

i think you just have to practice

it was weird when i got mine

i was in choir for 2 years

stopped singing

the next year BAM i had it

it was very weird


i posted it a page or two back


and please dont be hesitant to criticize

b/c everyone (almost everyone) seems so scared to say anything

b/c they're afraid to hurt my feelings

dont worry about it =]

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Guest lshluvr

I read that vibrato is when your vocal cords are so relaxed they shake XD Then I heard that that kind of vibrato is bad??!!?!?? o_O

But mine is like that T_T Like if I sing and hold out notes, you can see the little area below my chin move..like..in out, in out :lol:

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Guest The Legend

Whoa..it seems like i missed out a lot lol. Thanks for the translation!!

Anyone wanna critique my soundclick? My korean is...real bad and I'm gonna improve. And I wanna know what you guys think of my singing which is pretty bad too... I sang as time goes by and break away. but when i send in my tape of me singing i'm gonna sing in english lol ><;



oh yeah..i posted this up in the performers section but i didn't get a lot of feedback..so i wanted to post it up in here

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For Chloe:

Kelly Clarkson Song: Truth be told, this song is not for you. :x

I think it`s the range...But I do like your smooth tone in your voice..it`s just the song. The vibrato is okay, but it doesn`t have that natural tone..you know? Well..kinda. But I think it`s good but it can be great with more practice. =]

Seeya: Again, the range is probably too high for you. It sounds like your forcing out the high notes. Not your song. ^^ Nice vibrato though.

Se7en: It`s good but I think you changed the key to a higher one? :x

I don`t know, I never heard the song XD But maybe if you sang it in a lower key it`ll sound better.

Corbin: Oh God, this song :x Personally the song knaws at my brain (yes, in a bad way) but it`s not directed to you. XD You`re very quiet in this song compared to the other ones o_o; But I can`t really find the emotion in there...

Maybe if you sang lower songs like Gummy, Big Mama, Bubble Sisters..I think you would do well. You have soooooooo much potential in your voice, but you`re just not choosing the right songs..You have that ability to have a R&B voice...if you work on getting the R&B emotion and tone, plus picking the correct songs, you`ll do really well...trust me.

Whoa..it seems like i missed out a lot lol. Thanks for the translation!!

Anyone wanna critique my soundclick? My korean is...real bad and I'm gonna improve. And I wanna know what you guys think of my singing which is pretty bad too... I sang as time goes by and break away. but when i send in my tape of me singing i'm gonna sing in english lol ><;



oh yeah..i posted this up in the performers section but i didn't get a lot of feedback..so i wanted to post it up in here

As Time Goes By: Pronounciation isn`t that bad..but it`s not good either..

There`s no emotion in your voice :x It really bores me, sorry to say. ^^;

You`re off tune a lot...and you`re sort of rushing. ^^ I`ll give you credit since it`s acapella and it`s hard to sing on tempo with acapella ( I would know :x) but slow down <3

Break Away: Better than ATGB, but...theres just that feeling..it`s like you`re forcing your emotion..which isn`t good. >~< It sounds like you`re forcing vibrato a little bit, which isn`t good either...save your vibrato for later <3 You`re on pitch most of the time, but other times it`s just whoa. o_o;;; Props for doing a Big Mama song, but...I don`t think you necessarily wowed it for me.

I think your song choices were good, considering you have a low range...but for you I think Break Away > As Time Goes By. But you`re gonna have to work a LOTTTT on Break Away if you plan to impress me any time soon. :x

If I`m being too harsh on you guys, sorry ^^;

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Guest maly&ahpulee

The Legend: I only listened to one.

As Time Goes By: Like kimseo said, you sing this song without any emotion. It seems like you're just talking and you also sound kind of nasally.

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