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[Hong Kong Drama 2016] The Last Healer In Forbidden City 末代御醫


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The Last healer in Forbidden city poster.png


Chinese Title: 末代御醫

English Title: The Last Healer In Forbidden City

Genre: Period

Episodes: 20

Producer: Nelson Cheung

Broadcast Period: March 28, 2016 - April 22, 2016

Replacing: Short End Of The Stick 公公出宮



Roger Kwok as To Chung (杜仲)
Tavia Yeung as Fuk Ling (伏苓)
Helena Law as Empress Dowager Chee-hei (慈禧太后)
Pierre Ngo as Gwong-seoi Emperor (光緒帝)
Rebecca Zhu as Consort Tsan (珍妃)
Jonathan Cheung as Zoi-fung, Prince Chun (載灃醇親王)
Regen Cheung as Yau Lan (幼蘭)
William Hu as Zoi-yi, Prince Duan (載漪端郡王)


During the late reign of the Qing dynasty skilled physician To Chung (Roger Kwok) is named the new Imperial Palace Physician when he successfully heals Empress Dowager Chee-hei (Helena Law) from her illness. To Chung eventually grows close to the Gwong-seoi Emperor (Pierre Ngo) who is under house arrest at the Forbidden City and striped of his powers after angering Dowager Chee-hei due to losing the First Sino-Japanese War and rebelling against her authority. To Chung also heals Gwong-seoi Emperor from his illness and helps the young emperor with his relationship with Consort Tsan (Rebecca Zhu).

However how great he is as a physician to the imperial family, To Chung cannot heal his crippled wife Hung Bak-hap (JJ Jia). Desperate to heal his wife he seeks out the services of bone-setter Fuk Ling (Tavia Yeung). Fuk Ling's treatments helps Bak-hap relieve some of her pain. Impress by Fuk Ling, To Chung refers her to the Forbidden City where she becomes Empress Dowager Chee-hei personal bone-setter.

To Chung and Fuk Ling's friendship eventually turns romantic but his loyalty to his wife Bak-hap prevents him from further pursuing his romance interest in Fuk Ling. Fuk Ling however has ulterior motives with getting close to the imperial family as she has been tasked to kill the Gwong-seoi Emperor.




Hubert Wu - Soul of Pain 



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Roger Kwok praises Tavia Yeung is very smart and hopes she will give birth soon

(Picture, from left to right: Roger Kwok, Tavia Yeung)

Roger Kwok (郭晉安) and Rebecca Zhu (朱晨麗) were promoting TVB new series, The Last Healer in Forbidden City (未代御醫) in shopping centre at Tsuen Wan. When mentioned the series was no longer keeping in warehouse, Roger said: "Nobody says it will not broadcast and it is aired as normal now. (Any pressure as Short End of the Stick series (公公出宮) received high ratings?) Hope the ratings will increase gradually."

Roger exposed Tavia Yeung (楊怡) had 'happiness' word written on her face and said: "I only knew it after reading the news. She is very smart and I hope she will have many children. (Sharing tips about having children?) I ate lots of meat when having a daughter and lots of vegetables when having a son. I do not know if it works but it works for me."

Mentioning the series had an opportunity to broadcast, Rebecca said: "Nope and I never hear it before. The ratings depend on Tavia now." Tavia and she acted in Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles (名門望族) series together and hoped she will give birth soon.

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian E-News Portal
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Tavia Yeung has no plans to give birth yet


Yesterday, Tavia Yeung (楊怡) attended the promotional campaign of the TVB series, The Last Healer In Forbidden City (末代御醫) and it was her last time to promote new series as her contract had expired and they were currently negotiating and with other companies as well. When asked if she will stop working and gave birth to baby, Tavia Yeung said: "Nope as there is still a lot of work next year. (Worry there is 'accident 意外'?) Touch wood, please do not say I have an accident!"

Source: Ming Pao (HK)
Translated by: Admin @ Asian E-News Portal
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