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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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6 minutes ago, _-Mio-_ said:

Seniors were talking to... teacher? Why I have a feeling that it was somehow connected to Arthit,


Actually this is not connected to Arthit and it is not in the novel but adding this make the story more realistic in my view (I've been through sotus before). 

The teacher didn't approved them to make any freshmen welcoming activity outside the campus (at the beach) It's an order from dean of the faculty. Because there were many bad news about the activity in the pass years and parent also worry about this so he told hazing team to do some better activity

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6 minutes ago, delightful said:


I had to do it guys, hope it works! I love them soooooooooo much! Someone give me the HD raw files from Line TV so I can sub episode 6. :heart:


I love this couple so much too. :P:wub:

Thank you for subbed preview!! :heart: Now I'm really going. haha Bye.^^

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49 minutes ago, primeare said:

i was not expecting Arthit's nickname to be known this fast but whewwwww. And when prem helped wad ( is it just me or my imagination or i dont know, i think i love this series too much i may have started seeing things ) was he shielding wad with his own body from getting beat up?

you have no idea how long i've been waiting for a premxwad scene so this episode practically gave me tingles.

you're not seeing things. hehehe.

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Guest delightful
6 minutes ago, Kate Kang Sunyalux said:


Soon spicy noodle my favorite :confounded:


I can't go back though, so much responsibilities here in America. Kid terng took yang tee yoo meurng-thai.

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33 minutes ago, delightful said:

Here's the translation to the preview:

K: P'Arthit, are you mad at me?
A: Why would I be mad at you?
A: You and I don't mean anything to each other.
K: P'Arthit.. are you okay?
A: Why? What's your problem?
K: Next time if you're going to cry, tell me.
K: I'll wipe your tears away.


The reason Arthit is crying isn't a bad thing, it's a good thing.. just so you guys won't have to be worried. ^_^ That's also in the novel, he cried because the Freshman's actions touched his heart. ^_^


Was he crying because of the guy who posted something on the website?

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33 minutes ago, cadburygirl said:


Me too. Can't wait till next Saturday. It seems like that's all we're doing, waiting for the next Saturday til we meet these boys again. P'Arthit why are you crying? You break Kongpop's heart as well. Poor baby Arthit. :bawling:

That teacher in ep 6 is so good looking. Spazzzzz. Yawzahhh. :blush:

P'Prem's tight jeans FTW!!!!!! Dayammmmmmmm. *fansself*

The way P'Prem protects Wad is making me melt. Ohhhhh I can't wait to see how these two's relationship develops.



What is P'Arthit's nickname? :blink:


I want to know too. :sweatingbullets:



On 9/23/2016 at 10:42 AM, delightful said:

his nickname is Aye-Oon "ไออุ่น" which translates to warmth or something along that line.


i hope @delightful wouldn't mind me sharing just this sentence. hehe.

bless your heart for your enthusiasm and kind heartedness. is it too late to say i've been your fan for a very very long time?

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every time arthit yells kongpob's name when kong's say something cheesy is so funny to me. anyway does anybody on here know their birth dates? i feel like arthit is a Scorpio (fire sign) and kong is any water sign most likely an Aquarius/Pisces but my instinct tells me he's an Aquarius.

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@Kate Kang Sunyalux @delightful @primeare Thank you so much for sharing the tidbits on today's episode and the coming preview. :heart:  I can't go to sleep even though it's nearly 2 am here bcoz I'm just too excited. I'll sleepin tomorrow as it's a weekend. :blush: Now going to watch ep 6 all over again. :lol:

:heart:  Much LOVE to everyone here. :heart:  You guys all ROCK!!! It's so good to have a place where we can squeee over the boys and our favourite show. We are all united through our love of this show and our love for these boys even if we're from different countries with different cultures and speak different languages. It's like we have our own small United Nations here. LOL.  :blush:

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4 minutes ago, cadburygirl said:

Why did those guys beat up Wad? Are they from another faculty? If they are from the same Faculty, I don't think they'd dare to beat P'Prem right? P'Prem covered Wad with his own body. OMGGGG. Knight in shining armour to the rescue. :heart::blush:

I have a feeling they were those sore losers from their basketball match who injured Wad. I think they were from another faculty. Eventhough it was a short scene, I felt warm and fuzzy. hehehe

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Guest delightful

@samvilerow23 It's so funny because Kongpope is saying those lines as if he's trying to pick up a cute little girl. And the funniest thing is that these words affect P'Arthit! If a normal guy that didn't feel anything towards the other person hears this, they wouldn't get upset at all. This is evident enough that Arthit places a lot of importance on Kongpope and his words.

Will you guys shoot me if I said I wanted to kiss P'Arthit? :sweatingbullets:

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very emphatic Kongpope...  and sad for May as well seeing this... kudos to the actress for keeping in character despite of it not being captured clearly on-screen...  kudos to both!!! 

but most importantly, some things just can't be unseen... but I'd rather not unsee... apologies... :vicx:  

No worries Singto, Krist had also his share of the 'moment' (in bed). :vicx:




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6 minutes ago, delightful said:

@samvilerow23 It's so funny because Kongpope is saying those lines as if he's trying to pick up a cute little girl. And the funniest thing is that these words affect P'Arthit! If a normal guy that didn't feel anything towards the other person hears this, they wouldn't get upset at all. This is evident enough that Arthit places a lot of importance on Kongpope and his words.

Will you guys shoot me if I said I wanted to kiss P'Arthit? :sweatingbullets:


I find it funny too, especially as kongpope dared to say such words to a senior. You're very daring and brave Kogpope. *heartsyou* I think P'Arthit's heart has been shook since the first day when Kongpope said he's going to make him his wife and Arthit replied he wanted to see if Kongpope is all talk or can he walk the walk. OMG. Can't wait. :blush:

No, please go ahead, I want to kiss P'Arthit too, even though he's younger than me. Ha ha ha ha. :blush:  I think Konpope might take an issue though if we even dared to look at HIS P'Arthit with hearts in our eyes. :lol::lol::lol:



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I gave up on live streaming. But,thank you @_-Mio-_ for the link! :heart: Ah their interactions are getting cuter and cuter, and Kongpop is so sly, using arthit nickname the minute he knows to tease him.

" Next time if you're going to cry, tell me. I'll wipe your tears away ".. smooth kongpop,smooth :phew:


On another matter, this happened

“Krist_est : PEASE do not force me again. Please guys. ”


*Sigh* .. Some people are just so terrible..



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7 minutes ago, erngust said:

very emphatic Kongpope...  and sad for May as well seeing this... kudos to the actress for keeping in character despite of it not being captured clearly on-screen...  kudos to both!!! 

but most importantly, some things just can't be unseen... but I'd rather not unsee... apologies... :vicx:  

No worries Singto, Krist had also his share of the 'moment' (in bed). :vicx:





I didn't even realize May was watching Kongpope looking at P'Arthit until you point it out. Poor May, looking so forlorn. M should be there to console her from this heartbreak. :cry:


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Guest delightful
4 minutes ago, cadburygirl said:


I find it funny too, especially as kongpope dared to say such words to a senior. You're very daring and brave Kogpope. *heartsyou* I think P'Arthit's heart has been shook since the first day when Kongpope said he's going to make him his wife and Arthit replied he wanted to see if Kongpope is all talk or can he walk the walk. OMG. Can't wait. :blush:

No, please go ahead, I want to kiss P'Arthit too, even though he's younger than me. Ha ha ha ha. :blush:  I think Konpope might take an issue though if we even dared to look at HIS P'Arthit with hearts in our eyes. :lol::lol::lol:


You distract Kongpope and I'll kiss P'Arthit, then we'll switch! OMG... I would feel so guilty towards Kongpope afterwards. No, we can't do it. ABORT MISSION! :bawling:

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2 minutes ago, orangesun said:

I gave up on live streaming. But,thank you @_-Mio-_ for the link! :heart: Ah their interactions are getting cuter and cuter, and Kongpop is so sly, using arthit nickname the minute he knows to tease him.

" Next time if you're going to cry, tell me. I'll wipe your tears away ".. smooth kongpop,smooth :phew:


On another matter, this happened

“Krist_est : PEASE do not force me again. Please guys. ”


*Sigh* .. Some people are just so terrible..




Kongpope is very smooth. Ahhh poor admin of Krist fanclub. I guess some people are not very patient or just desperate. I can understand both their sides. :( *sigh*


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1 minute ago, delightful said:

@samvilerow23 It's so funny because Kongpope is saying those lines as if he's trying to pick up a cute little girl. And the funniest thing is that these words affect P'Arthit! If a normal guy that didn't feel anything towards the other person hears this, they wouldn't get upset at all. This is evident enough that Arthit places a lot of importance on Kongpope and his words.

Will you guys shoot me if I said I wanted to kiss P'Arthit? :sweatingbullets:

TRULY! and i think the reason why arthit instantly deflects any words of affection from kongpope is that he's not sure if kongpope is being sincere or not, actually he knows that he's being sincere and that's what scares him. 

i wonder if there are occasions in the novel that arthit felt some type of way regarding may and kong's relationship. it makes me giddy just thinking about arthit's jealous reaction lol 

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