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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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4 hours ago, delightful said:


*Hugs you furiously* I still check in here guys, I'm still interested in K-pop so I do come here for the news and also to check my private messages here. I have messaged Lupita311 and offered my apologies, and all is fine. I knew the rules here and I violated that, plus I also went off topic MANY MANY times here. I'm just happy that it lasted as long as it did, they were good times. 

Anyways, just letting you all know that I had to cut up the super long chapter of SOTUS the special chapter : Workshop shirt, Thank the Senior, and Walk Side by Side into two parts. The first part is posted at pinkmilk, you're free to go download them. Just remember the rules of not sharing it though. Thanks! I know I can trust my Soompi family here. 

But I am super excited for the next episode! EP.14 WILL BE EPIC! Both Krist and Singto have already stated this in their IG, I am expecting the kiss to be more intense than the bridge one because they both are going in for it. The bridge was just Arthit surprising Kongpope. I'm feeling all giddy just thinking about it! Going to go back and watch it again! :wub:


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On 19.12.2016 at 0:28 AM, Asgarla said:

I can´t really answer all your questions..but as far as I know, we should see in the next episodes what happens in the special chapters after the official novel end...like epilogues..so still something that belongs to the original novel.:)

If I remember right, the writer is involved with the drama, that is why the dialogues are so close to the novel.

Thanks:)can't wait for this

could someone can give me link to the novel in private message?

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I have rewatched the episode so many times. Arthit is such a smush. His face after giving Kong is gear was too freaking cute. Kong requesting another answer from Arthit was too cute. Him trying to hold Arthit's hand on the bridge, all felt real and playful. Love that Arthit is still as tough as ever, even though he is slowly falling in love. Fantastic episode.

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On 2016/12/19 at 0:26 AM, seoha said:

Um...I just wanna say though I haven't posted here a lot, my love for this thread has never stopped. So....until other friends come back again, let's look after here together. that's the only thing I can do with you. actually, I saw the ep 13th, but can't focus on it like before. because unexplained feelings of sorrow filled my heart. That was the time when I realized that this thread is more important to me than I expected.

let's cheer up!


@seoha I can relate..

I'm sunk as many friends left...the series is reaching in its climax though.... I don't know how to deal with my feelings... I love Sotus but I realized that I also loved this thread and you!!!!  I'm not talkative and sometimes become a silent reader but I felt comfortable here and felt as if we were sotus family... 

( of course I can see people who left here on fb or pinkmilk and it's fun)

I'm glad that @delightful posted here again!!

I feel much better. I may need some  more time to go back to normal.

Edit: I  think I use both soompi and pinkmilk forum for now. (Fb? I don't know...) Thank you @delightful to make new place we can talk together again. 

Ok, I'll think about next ep!  I'm curious about how they'll give us... how Arthit and Kongpope tell their friends about their relationships??....and how does May feel about it?!!:glasses:


Edited by butterflymania
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7 hours ago, delightful said:

*Hugs you furiously* I still check in here guys, I'm still interested in K-pop so I do come here for the news and also to check my private messages here. I have messaged Lupita311 and offered my apologies, and all is fine. I knew the rules here and I violated that, plus I also went off topic MANY MANY times here. I'm just happy that it lasted as long as it did, they were good times. 

Anyways, just letting you all know that I had to cut up the super long chapter of SOTUS the special chapter : Workshop shirt, Thank the Senior, and Walk Side by Side into two parts. The first part is posted at pinkmilk, you're free to go download them. Just remember the rules of not sharing it though. Thanks! I know I can trust my Soompi family here. 

But I am super excited for the next episode! EP.14 WILL BE EPIC! Both Krist and Singto have already stated this in their IG, I am expecting the kiss to be more intense than the bridge one because they both are going in for it. The bridge was just Arthit surprising Kongpope. I'm feeling all giddy just thinking about it! Going to go back and watch it again! :wub:




*hugs you tightly* You are here! :wub: Don't go anywhere, come here and talk with us from time to time. *runs to pinkmilk forum for first part of the long SC* haha

*hugs to all* I CAN'T WAIT FOR EPISODE 14! :w00t: 3 days, 21 hours and 56 minutes TO GO! :wub:

#alwayslurkingaround :phew:

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3 minutes ago, Mio- said:


*hugs you tightly* You are here! :wub: Don't go anywhere, come here and talk with us from time to time. *runs to pinkmilk forum for first part of the long SC* haha

*hugs to all* I CAN'T WAIT FOR EPISODE 14! :w00t: 3 days, 21 hours and 56 minutes TO GO! :wub:

#alwayslurkingaround :phew:

I'll be here too when I have time ^^

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Dear @butterflymania

Wow, we are together here. It's the really middle of night here.

the time Sotus ends will come sooner than I think. Time is really fast haha. Let's just admit what happened here and accept feelings such as a feeling of loss and a bit depression we have now Because we can't escape them. 

1 hour ago, butterflymania said:

Ok, I'll think about next ep!  I'm curious about how they'll give us... how Arthit and Kongpope tell their friends about their relationships??....and how does May feel about it?!!

 Wow, I can't even imagine. Maybe friends like Knott will bless them and at least accept their relationship as a couple, I believe. May....poor girl, at first it will shock her but she will also acknowledge who Kong really falls for. anyhow she has Aim, right? i envy her, having such a great guy...though she failed her one-sided love for Kong....ha......I feel lonely....


as one of solos..........hahaha....good night buddies. 

@Mio-    3 days, 21 hours and 56 minutes TO GO! :wub: - I am happy to see this!

-----ps. love Arhit's manly, serious eyes. His sexy, determined,  and brave staring and action at Kong. Wow, he is a real man. I used @delightful's in the movie clip. Thank you always. 


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43 minutes ago, Gilbert Gonzales said:

Delightful Sub is closing on Monday!  She has created a new website called pink milk.

I quited the group as soon as I learned about the new forum ↓ Didn't wanna be subcribed to thousand things, that's a logical decision to close the group...


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OKAY! so someone explain me this.....delightful-san has created "pinkmilk" forum so wht about the facebook group? Is she gonna delete the page? Should i quit it because its pointless? Annd most importantly...... IS EVERYONE GONNA MOVE ON TO PINK MILK INSTEAD OF SOOMPI? oh gawd......im so sad......i was away for a while and all the moderator drama happened.....and then delightful made fb then she made a new website.... Ahhh but i wanna be here...on soompi thats where i started and met all of u and shared my SOTUS crazyness ....wth im so emotional right now.....is everyone gonna leave after sotus over?....(ok lets just stop here or other wise ill really start crying)




11 hours ago, Mio- said:


*hugs you tightly* You are here! :wub: Don't go anywhere, come here and talk with us from time to time. *runs to pinkmilk forum for first part of the long SC* haha

*hugs to all* I CAN'T WAIT FOR EPISODE 14! :w00t: 3 days, 21 hours and 56 minutes TO GO! :wub:

#alwayslurkingaround :phew:

@Mio- uwah i thought i was never gonna see sotus countdown again!!! *hugs u tightly* waiting for ep 14 too.....looking forward to jelly artihit xP

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32 minutes ago, OTAKU-KUN said:

OKAY! so someone explain me this.....delightful-san has created "pinkmilk" forum so wht about the facebook group? Is she gonna delete the page? Should i quit it because its pointless? Annd most importantly...... IS EVERYONE GONNA MOVE ON TO PINK MILK INSTEAD OF SOOMPI? oh gawd......im so sad......i was away for a while and all the moderator drama happened.....and then delightful made fb then she made a new website.... Ahhh but i wanna be here...on soompi thats where i started and met all of u and shared my SOTUS crazyness ....wth im so emotional right now.....is everyone gonna leave after sotus over?....(ok lets just stop here or other wise ill really start crying) ..................

@Mio- uwah i thought i was never gonna see sotus countdown again!!! *hugs u tightly* waiting for ep 14 too.....looking forward to jelly artihit xP

@delightful created a Facebook group called "Delightful subs" where she posted ep. 13 subbed, but I guess she realized that it wasn't a well-organized place, so she decided to create her own forum http://pinkmilk.createaforum.com/index.php (and yeah, she's gonna delete/close the Facebook group), where she will post all the translations (novel translations, special chapters and subbed episodes). On the forum there's also a place to discuss the show, but we can still talk here, at least I will stay here, I'm not gonna post comments on the new forum, I'm only gonna stop by it on subday :) 

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22 minutes ago, OTAKU-KUN said:


We can always be an active member to both group, can't we? I always log in here in soompi since the first day I registered, and in pinkmilk forum since yesterday. I'm not gonna leave~ :wub:


1 hour ago, Mio- said:

*hugs to all* I CAN'T WAIT FOR EPISODE 14! :w00t: 3 days, 21 hours and 56 minutes TO GO! :wub:

#alwayslurkingaround :phew:

How I miss to see this countdown ❤

I can't believe we are nearly reach the end of the series haha we've been through the laugh and tears all the way until eps 13, the official ending (in the novel)~ :) Gonna miss all the excitement here :wub:

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23 minutes ago, OTAKU-KUN said:

OKAY! so someone explain me this.....delightful-san has created "pinkmilk" forum so wht about the facebook group? Is she gonna delete the page? Should i quit it because its pointless? Annd most importantly...... IS EVERYONE GONNA MOVE ON TO PINK MILK INSTEAD OF SOOMPI? oh gawd......im so sad......i was away for a while and all the moderator drama happened.....and then delightful made fb then she made a new website.... Ahhh but i wanna be here...on soompi thats where i started and met all of u and shared my SOTUS crazyness ....wth im so emotional right now.....is everyone gonna leave after sotus over?....(ok lets just stop here or other wise ill really start crying)



@Mio- uwah i thought i was never gonna see sotus countdown again!!! *hugs u tightly* waiting for ep 14 too.....looking forward to jelly artihit xP

I will still visit soompi when I have time @OTAKU-KUN!! I'm still here :) And delightful still loves soompi! She was just looking for a more permanent place to set up. Not just for SOTUS, but it will be like the home for all her translations as she subs other things in the future.


For example, My Lil Boy translations don't have a place to be posted so if she has the time to do that drama, she can post it there. She's even interested in inviting other subbers to join the forum and use it as a home base if they want to (this isn't a for sure thing, but you know just an idea of the kind of place we tried to set up).

And yes quit the Facebook group... that place got a little out of hand. We received so many complaints about it. I'll post a quote from it here in order to help explain the situation to anyone who is confused:


This is just a comment from the post that was the announcement. You can also read the announcement if you have more questions.

"I'll just add that the format of Facebook does not suit our purposes, but I understand how others could love this kind of format and prefer it to a forum. However, the issue is that we are the admin/moderators of this group and so we are responsible for the content within it. It would be too much for us to have to manage both the forum and this Facebook group. That is why we would really appreciate it if you guys were able to manage your own Facebook group or join the international one! That way you can still have fun SOTUS discussions on Facebook without us having to exert extra energy to deal with all the complaints and problems that come up when you have a group like this. It has only been around for less than a week and we have already received a lot of complaints and so I hope you can understand why we have made this decision."


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beautiful..still not moving on from this ep

already finish reading special chapter wow so much interesting stuff happening with the competition especially the parade it could have taken one whole ep like ep7 but of course i doubt they gonna focus too much on the competition with less than 40min so probably just a lil bit since they still having the shopping date, misunderstanding of Prae/jealousy/possessive storyline and then thank you party+kisssssssssss so much going on ep14 hope they won't cut important part from the special lol
awww please at least include the stolen cheek kiss&hug
Bittersweet sure love the number 2 & 6 since the amount of full IE student is 216 lol


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I won't be able to watch the live because of xmas dinner and I'm crying so much, why it must be the ep where everything fluffy happens; a hug, kiss on the cheek and 'the REAL KISS WOAHWOAH'. How will I survive this....:bawling: I'm counting on you and your spoilers guys.:cold_sweat::heart:But I wanted to livechat together with you........*sobs sobs*

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@nanao707 I'll check your videos out soon. xD I am currently using LIMERENCE SUBS at the moment. I'll be updating here whenever I'll reupload the two SOTUS videos after rerendering 'em. 

Editing on Arthit and Kongbop gives me so much joy. You know, when you are editing on something, sometimes it feels like a chore; something that you have to do and you can't escape from it. But, SOTUS made editing fun again. I love being able to capture Arthit's expressions and Kongbop's cheeky attitude in my edits. This has dwindled down a bit since the two strikes I received last week but my love and passion to edit on the boys hasn't. Having just read the special chapter that @delightful translated, my emotions are all over the place. I need that hug after the Engineering day to happen. Arthit struggling to breathe within Kong's arm is a sight to behold. LOL.

Talking about that.. @delightful thank you so much for the special chapter part one. I absolutely can not wait to read the next part. This part is 25 pages long at that... I don't know how you do it. So much of your time is wasted on translating the novel for us. Thank you so much for doing this. I feel like I dont thank you enough for it. Thank you for continuing to be the princess of our SOTUS KINGDOM.. ^.^  

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