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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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On 9/18/2016 at 8:13 PM, jaelephy said:

It's very interesting reading about SOTUS and OSPEK. Damn life's hard for you guys. I am a Canadian of Indian heritage and I have cousins in India who faced similar things when they entered university/college. It was mostly humiliating stuff as ordered by the seniors and they are very harsh. It's just called ragging there and is officially banned by law but it still happens. It's much worse than sotus and ospek though. I am so lucky I am in Canada...I am too outspoken to comply with orders. When I entered university, my orientation week was filled with fun activities and welcome parties. All the respect to all the freshies who go through all this. You guys are pretty brave.

Another Canadian! I'm from Canada too ^^

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On 9/18/2016 at 0:36 AM, whitedove said:

Teaser for episode 6:


And according to schedule, the official English-subbed version for episode 1 should be up at GMMTV YouTube channel this Tuesday, the same day as the subbed versions of U-Prince Series and Lovey Dovey Series.

So they're slowly uploading the series with official English subs. Hmmm. Is it just me or bae Arthit can't really look into Kong's eyes directly these days? Dies... :D

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Guest delightful

@greenfan Yes, their love is very mature compared to the other BL stories I've read or watched. I think it has a lot to do with Arthit and Kong's attitude, and I'm glad the author is very true to those characters. Bittersweet(author) didn't turn Arthit and Kong into teenagers in love once they realized their feelings for each other, instead gave us such true to character reactions from both of them. *Spoilers, again..*

Arthit being so freaking prideful that it hurts and yet in the end he ends up giving it all up and running after Kong. And he is really worried and finally understands that even if he could just catch Kong another time, he had to see Kong right then and there, because he believes that if he missed that opportunity to speak to Kong he wouldn't be able to find the courage to talk to him again. And Kong always the one that gives into his feelings, yet still maintaining his dignity. He doesn't beg for Arthit to return those feelings, he understood where Arthit would find it difficult and let Arthit decide/make up his own choices. He never once forced Arthit into returning his feelings. He simply only asked for an answer on the bridge.

I loved when Arthit asked him, you know how I am, right? You know I like to drink pink milk, right? LOL! I literally fell out of my chair when I read that one. And Kong being a little confused at first and thinking Arthit was going to force him out of his life. Then out of nowhere Arthit gives his answer by simply kissing him. I almost died there. Then he starts walking away and Kong is like.. wait, P'Arthit, I didn't quite hear that. Tell me again meaning kiss me again!.. I really needed CPR then.

Seriously, this series has been so good. The angst was so good that when I was reading their 'separation' parts I had tears in my eyes. At times I wanted an outburst from Kong, I wanted him to do something dramatic so that Arthit could realize his own feelings sooner. BUT Kong was patient even when his own heart was hurting so much, yet all he thought of was how uncomfortable and a pain it was for his P'Arthit. That's who Kong really is, the one that only blamed himself and never blamed Arthit. Even if it was Arthit's indecisiveness that had both of them in that place, and at times Kong wondered why Arthit would deny him even a smile and at times he was so caring and enduring towards him to the point where he thought that enduring side was what kept him from being able to stop his feelings for Arthit, he didn't ask Arthit to stop what he was doing. I think it was because he took all the blame and he knew it was his fault that his precious P'Arthit had to be troubled by his feelings.

Oh, I'm going around in circles.. Sorry, and thanks to whoever reads this!


*On a side note... do we not have a thread here for Honey Puppy? ****

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On 03/09/2016 at 1:27 PM, lolalarue said:

I'm absolutely convinced Arthit was jealous of K talking to May about the name tag and that's why he hung back after the rest of the seniors left. But why did he give K a new name tag,secretly? So he wouldn't get into trouble? 

If Arthit was the one who gave a new tag to Kong and put it in his locker secretly, it makes sense because he's tsundere af. lol 

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5 hours ago, erngust said:

Can I be of shameless imposition (or anyone else who might be of assistance)... please help me in finding the transliteration + translation of the song used in the Kongpop-Arthit video montage below? (similar to the above)... Many thanks in advance... :)

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It's a song by Labanoon, there's a translation of it on deungdutjai~ (x)

@riska2904 (x) ~ ^-^ Hope that helps

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11 hours ago, hcpoirot said:

Agree with @Mio, I also dont like season 2 if they add so much new stuff and try to drag the story by adding too many couples and just add more drama. (Just like Love Sick season 2. It will be good with 20 episode but they made it 36 episode)

Better to end SOTUS in a high with 16 ep that many of us will remember and rewatch again and again later on.



I LOVE this sentence you said SO MUCH. I want it to end like that. I want this series to be the one that will stay in my head for a while and that it will be a real pleasure (with squealing haha) watching it over and over again. :wub: 


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29 minutes ago, delightful said:

@greenfan Yes, their love is very mature compared to the other BL stories I've read or watched. I think it has a lot to do with Arthit and Kong's attitude, and I'm glad the author is very true to those characters. Bittersweet(author) didn't turn Arthit and Kong into teenagers in love once they realized their feelings for each other, instead gave us such true to character reactions from both of them. *Spoilers, again..*


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Arthit being so freaking prideful that it hurts and yet in the end he ends up giving it all up and running after Kong. And he is really worried and finally understands that even if he could just catch Kong another time, he had to see Kong right then and there, because he believes that if he missed that opportunity to speak to Kong he wouldn't be able to find the courage to talk to him again. And Kong always the one that gives into his feelings, yet still maintaining his dignity. He doesn't beg for Arthit to return those feelings, he understood where Arthit would find it difficult and let Arthit decide/make up his own choices. He never once forced Arthit into returning his feelings. He simply only asked for an answer on the bridge.

I loved when Arthit asked him, you know how I am, right? You know I like to drink pink milk, right? LOL! I literally fell out of my chair when I read that one. And Kong being a little confused at first and thinking Arthit was going to force him out of his life. Then out of nowhere Arthit gives his answer by simply kissing him. I almost died there. Then he starts walking away and Kong is like.. wait, P'Arthit, I didn't quite hear that. Tell me again meaning kiss me again!.. I really needed CPR then.

Seriously, this series has been so good. The angst was so good that when I was reading their 'separation' parts I had tears in my eyes. At times I wanted an outburst from Kong, I wanted him to do something dramatic so that Arthit could realize his own feelings sooner. BUT Kong was patient even when his own heart was hurting so much, yet all he thought of was how uncomfortable and a pain it was for his P'Arthit. That's who Kong really is, the one that only blamed himself and never blamed Arthit. Even if it was Arthit's indecisiveness that had both of them in that place, and at times Kong wondered why Arthit would deny him even a smile and at times he was so caring and enduring towards him to the point where he thought that enduring side was what kept him from being able to stop his feelings for Arthit, he didn't ask Arthit to stop what he was doing. I think it was because he took all the blame and he knew it was his fault that his precious P'Arthit had to be troubled by his feelings.

Oh, I'm going around in circles.. Sorry, and thanks to whoever reads this!


*On a side note... do we not have a thread here for Honey Puppy? ****


Oh my gosh, @delightful! This is just toooo heavy to take. 



I can only imagine how tearing this separation had been for Kong during those times. But I adore him not demanding anything from Arthit and just keeping it to himself. I guess this is the part where he was crying at the balcony of his room. And of course, I can only tell how Arthit can be so worried about Kong. I'm sure he's also affected and feeling guilty that they have to go through this. But for me it's fair for both, not rushing into conclusions that they may regret at the end. It's one way of protecting themselves but more so protecting the feelings of the other. It just made their feelings grew fonder for each other. I understand that has to happen and we can only prepare for it. 

I really hope the series will continue doing this to us. Haha. Gasp! This is too tight and I'm on the verge of crying. How can you not? I'm just reading this and what more after seeing it happening right before our eyes! That moment when Arthit realises what Kong means for him and having the courage to tell him. Then suddenly getting ashamed again and the typical Kong teasing him. Such a good sight to behold! They, after all, are still young. There's really a good balance between maturity and youthfulness to this series. 

Thanks for all the spoilers, @delightful! I still do not want to use translators so I'm relying on you, guys. Lol. And I'm now intrigued with this Puppy Honey :) 



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25 minutes ago, bookfaenframe said:

It's a song by Labanoon, there's a translation of it on deungdutjai~ (x)

@riska2904 (x)

very much and big big thanks @bookfaenframe

going through the English translations already given me advance feels for those moments when Kongpop and Arthit are ...


... gonna be struggling with their secret feelings towards each other (as per spoilers shared). :cold_sweat:

Just in case, the following is an extract of the English translations (already a fitting poignant poem by Kongpop for Arthit, and in some degree by Arthit for Kongpop as well).  For sure I'm gonna get back to this song time and time again as their story progresses....

Kit Nai Jai (Thinking In My Heart) by Labanoon

I know I shouldn’t think any more that this, 
I know what I have is great
To be near you, to be called your loving friend, 
to meet you and see you and speak with you
But every time, I avert my eyes, afraid my heart will pound

I don’t know how long I can force myself when in my heart, 
I’m thinking far more than that
I want to take care of you and worry for you more than this, 
I want to connect with you more than just a friend
But I end up having to keep my “I love you” in every day

Keeping it in my heart, keeping in every word
Afraid it’ll separate you and I
I’ll keep it in like this, I’ll only think my love in my heart
If I say it, I’m afraid I’ll be sad, I’m afraid I’ll lose you

Love, only loving you like this is still good
I just want to continue having you
I don’t want you to realize who I secretly love
I can only think in my heart that I love you

The days and nights that pass by, 
I can only think in my heart that I love you
That I love you, that I love you... 


... again, thanks so much. :wub:

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Guest delightful

@greenfan I know, right? I seriously was so emotional when I read the last 2 chapters. It's as if my heart was ripped out of my chest and placed on a platter with Arthit stabbing it and then pulling it out. LOL! That sounded kinda weird. :blink:



I'm sorry to keep going on about Puppy Honey! But seriously, if we don't have a thread on it I think we need to make one. There are 2 couples in Puppy Honey, the normal guy/girl love that develops from their love of cats and dogs and the 'supporting' guy/guy couple that steals the show. Gun and Off is superb in this story. They're both soooooooooo good looking too! Gun's lips and dimples!!! I want to lick his dimples! LOL! AND THE BEST PART is not only is it subbed already BUT they are filming season 2 right now!!!! It will air at the beginning of next year. Gun and Off said that we got a light version of their story in season 1, in season 2 there will be drama and their love will be that much more intense. I can't wait. Off said we just kissed in season 1, in season 2 we get into it.. or something along that line. It's super cute. And their relationship outside of filming is something to adore. They are close friends too, they often go shopping together because their styles are similar. YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT! If you don't want to see the guy/girl relationship parts then just fast forward thru them, but honestly they weren't annoying either. It was a cute story overall and I'm looking forward to season 2. I've never wished for 2017 to get here so soon before!

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@delightful That was weird! Haha. How could they do this to our hearts?

And thanks for the suggestion! So, I searched online for pictures of Puppy Honey to see who the BL characters are since I do not know their names. I've actually been watching Thai, Japanese, Korean, Chinese BL series but never really got interested with the actual actors. Guess my fixation is with the characters only. But Sotus is a different story. The characters made an impression that they are so relatable! At least now I know Singto, Krist, and my favourite New :) So, I found that it's the current friend of Arthit in the Sotus series with one of the leads from Love Love You. And that boy really is cute! Although I also like the original actor. I may get my self to watch Honey Puppy but I have to save it for the weekend. I'm impatient going up once I start watching any series that I know has a complete season uploaded already. Lol. Will be very happy to join the discussion when a thread is set up for it, if there is nothing yet. Update: I searched for random episodes and saw a bit of episode 6. I'm half-dead right now so I'm saving this for the weekend. Lol!

Can I just say that this is giving me a good distraction from work? Lol.


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37 minutes ago, delightful said:

@greenfan I know, right? I seriously was so emotional when I read the last 2 chapters. It's as if my heart was ripped out of my chest and placed on a platter with Arthit stabbing it and then pulling it out. LOL! That sounded kinda weird. :blink:


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I'm sorry to keep going on about Puppy Honey! But seriously, if we don't have a thread on it I think we need to make one. There are 2 couples in Puppy Honey, the normal guy/girl love that develops from their love of cats and dogs and the 'supporting' guy/guy couple that steals the show. Gun and Off is superb in this story. They're both soooooooooo good looking too! Gun's lips and dimples!!! I want to lick his dimples! LOL! AND THE BEST PART is not only is it subbed already BUT they are filming season 2 right now!!!! It will air at the beginning of next year. Gun and Off said that we got a light version of their story in season 1, in season 2 there will be drama and their love will be that much more intense. I can't wait. Off said we just kissed in season 1, in season 2 we get into it.. or something along that line. It's super cute. And their relationship outside of filming is something to adore. They are close friends too, they often go shopping together because their styles are similar. YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT! If you don't want to see the guy/girl relationship parts then just fast forward thru them, but honestly they weren't annoying either. It was a cute story overall and I'm looking forward to season 2. I've never wished for 2017 to get here so soon before!


Now I got excited. :P I always try to look for good BL dramas/movies, Chinese one are really good but most of them end with Cliffhanger or sad ending and I'm sick of sad endings. I already know couple of movies that look really good but they end sad. That's what puts me off and that's why I try to avoid most of BL dramas/movies. I'm still sad over Addicted, I'll never get over it. Also I am praying here that ' No.10 YanDaiXie Street ' gets S2, because I got into that watching that it will end happy, but then that ending really surprised me, I was crying like a baby, was depressed for couple of days. Then I found out that there will be S2, but ofc China banned the series... God knows what will happen now. I'll still pray that S2 happen. (srry for all the rant about other series, I know I shouldn't be doing this here)

I'm same as @greenfan one I start a drama I just can't let it go... especially I can't wait long for episodes, when whole drama is posted. So I watch like crazy... that's why weekend is the best... but only problem is, I already have bunch of things for this weekend. I'll try to squeeze PH there. If not I'll save it for next weekend. :D *off to watch Drinking Solo*

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13 minutes ago, _-Mio-_ said:


Now I got excited. :P I always try to look for good BL dramas/movies, Chinese one are really good but most of them end with Cliffhanger or sad ending and I'm sick of sad endings. I already know couple of movies that look really good but they end sad. That's what puts me off and that's why I try to avoid most of BL dramas/movies. I'm still sad over Addicted, I'll never get over it. Also I am praying here that ' No.10 YanDaiXie Street ' gets S2, because I got into that watching that it will end happy, but then that ending really surprised me, I was crying like a baby, was depressed for couple of days. Then I found out that there will be S2, but ofc China banned the series... God knows what will happen now. I'll still pray that S2 happen. (srry for all the rant about other series, I know I shouldn't be doing this here)

I'm same as @greenfan one I start a drama I just can't let it go... especially I can't wait long for episodes, when whole drama is posted. So I watch like crazy... that's why weekend is the best... but only problem is, I already have bunch of things for this weekend. I'll try to squeeze PH there. If not I'll save it for next weekend. :D *off to watch Drinking Solo*

OMG, @_-Mio-_! I have the same sentiments with you on Addicted and Yandaixiejie! How can they ban such good series?! Well, they have their reasons. I just hope that this does not happen again. They're just sooo good! I was more positive with Yandaixiejie having another season and it's also my favourite. I told myself that there better be a second season. Yandaixiejie should comfort me from all the tears that was poured out because of that ending! But no recent news has come out so I think I'll let it go, too. Huhu. Sorry, is there a thread where we can do all these ranting? Lol.

And yes, I'll make sure to find time to watch Puppy Honey. It could be a good way to kill time while waiting for Sotus' episode 6. Btw,  I don't think live streaming links work well here in the Philippines. I'm sure I have strong connectivity at home but it just lags. So again, I'll just wait until the whole episode is uploaded. Can't wait to read all the fans' comments then :P

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On 09/09/2016 at 11:11 AM, jaelephy said:


I am so opposite to you. since I know,  these guys are just actors and aren't in love for real so I don't mind them interacting with other guys and all. It's their life after all. As long as I get my chemistry onscreen, I don't care much about how they behave offscreen...tbh too much fanservice stuff actually turns me off the couple (basically what happened with OhmToey and me)...too much staged stuff isn't for me.

I agree with you. Here in the Philippines, fans of on-screen couples(we call these couples "loveteams") are also very particular with whom the other person is hanging out with. Some fans attack the "third party" to the point of death threats which is very scary in my opinion. The level of obsession is uncanny.

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1 hour ago, delightful said:

@greenfan I know, right? I seriously was so emotional when I read the last 2 chapters. It's as if my heart was ripped out of my chest and placed on a platter with Arthit stabbing it and then pulling it out. LOL! That sounded kinda weird. :blink:


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I'm sorry to keep going on about Puppy Honey! But seriously, if we don't have a thread on it I think we need to make one. There are 2 couples in Puppy Honey, the normal guy/girl love that develops from their love of cats and dogs and the 'supporting' guy/guy couple that steals the show. Gun and Off is superb in this story. They're both soooooooooo good looking too! Gun's lips and dimples!!! I want to lick his dimples! LOL! AND THE BEST PART is not only is it subbed already BUT they are filming season 2 right now!!!! It will air at the beginning of next year. Gun and Off said that we got a light version of their story in season 1, in season 2 there will be drama and their love will be that much more intense. I can't wait. Off said we just kissed in season 1, in season 2 we get into it.. or something along that line. It's super cute. And their relationship outside of filming is something to adore. They are close friends too, they often go shopping together because their styles are similar. YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT! If you don't want to see the guy/girl relationship parts then just fast forward thru them, but honestly they weren't annoying either. It was a cute story overall and I'm looking forward to season 2. I've never wished for 2017 to get here so soon before!

Finally there's a place where I can speak of Puppy Honey. I already watch Puppy Honey before watch Sotus so one of the reason I looking forward watch Sotus is because there's P'Pick or P'Bright here. When the first time I saw him I feel he looks like Captain from Lovesick. I really happy when I heard there'll be season 2 because the bl couple there have open ending.:wub:

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@greenfan Krist is so good with capturing the tsundere image especially when he started eating and not looking at Singto. It looks like he's annoyed from the outside but you can also see that he's overjoyed that Singto came and stayed a while. You can really relate to his facial expression. And Singto's like sarcastic as always. Bravo to both of them!

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22 minutes ago, greenfan said:

OMG, @_-Mio-_! I have the same sentiments with you on Addicted and Yandaixiejie! How can they ban such good series?! Well, they have their reasons. I just hope that this does not happen again. They're just sooo good! I was more positive with Yandaixiejie having another season and it's also my favourite. I told myself that there better be a second season. Yandaixiejie should comfort me from all the tears that was poured out because of that ending! But no recent news has come out so I think I'll let it go, too. Huhu. Sorry, is there a thread where we can do all these ranting? Lol.

And yes, I'll make sure to find time to watch Puppy Honey. It could be a good way to kill time while waiting for Sotus' episode 6. Btw,  I don't think live streaming links work well here in the Philippines. I'm sure I have strong connectivity at home but it just lags. So again, I'll just wait until the whole episode is uploaded. Can't wait to read all the fans' comments then :P

I also have same feeling like you guys. Everytime I watch Chinese bl the sad end always crush me moreover cliffhanger:(. Yandaixiejie not as open as Addicted so I wish there'll be season 2 how can they leave us with such ending:bawling:. Now I prefer watch Thai bl because they give us happy ending or second season. Wish the ban not so severe:dissapointed:.

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Guest delightful

Yes, it is so hard to find good BL movies/series out there. The best BL types in each country for me: Japanese = yaoi anime/manga, Korean = BL fanfics and idols acting out those fanfics or doing parodies, and Thai would be these types of series/movies from GMM TV.

Yeah, Honey Puppy season 1 is done, it's short, only 6 episodes and I believe they are all officially subbed on GMM TV. Not sure since I don't watch the with subs, but if they're not all subbed let me know and I can sub them.

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1 minute ago, Yves George Sanchez said:

@greenfan Krist is so good with capturing the tsunedere image especially when he started eating and not looking at Singto. It looks like he's annoyed from the outside but you can also see that he's overjoyed that Singto came and stayed a while. You can really relate to his facial expression. And Singto's like sarcastic as always. Bravo to both of them!

IKR! Or maybe he thought he should have been informed that Kong will be coming. In that way he could have prepared. Haha. Who would like to be seen by your special someone sick and helpless anyway? Especially Arthit who projects such a very strong image. He could feel defeated at that moment. We'll see on Saturday. Lol. 

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