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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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1 hour ago, OTAKU-KUN said:

On soompi is fine cuz i dont hav an account but... I COULD MAKE AN ACCOUNT JUST FOR YOU FLAWLESS CREATURE XDD

52 minutes ago, biblioklept said:

I have wattpad too but I guess a lot of people don't have wattpad acc. I personally think... post it as you like! :D I But even though I have wattpad... I read it from soompi lol.

47 minutes ago, naboos said:

Please keep posting here!  Please?!  I'll beg!  :P

No need to beg! I can do that ^^ (Shhh nobody tell soompi that I'm posting inappropriate things :vicx::vicx::vicx: 55555)

Flawless creature 555555 It's like I'm just writing out my daydreams when I write it... And from the very beginning I approached it as writing something for myself, like writing out my own daydream, so I just described things they way I like... Haha I decided not to try and think about describing things they way other ppl might prefer so if my adjectives and scenes are weird it's just cuz I'm weird ;◡;

11 minutes ago, baw74 said:

I'm attending a wedding on Christmas Eve in Thailand - it's Buddhist. So no, I don't think Christmas Eve is a huge deal in a country that's 95% Buddhist (but I could be wrong!)

Along the same topic, it did feel weird setting up the trip, knowing I'd be in a place that wasn't a) cold at Christmas and b ) didn't have Christmas. :D

Thanks for the info ^^ I'm thinking it'll be 17 eps then :phew: ...maybe... I guess we'll find out as time goes on!  I'm just excited that we get Sotus for almost all of January!!

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7 hours ago, germanknight said:

it should mean that Sotus starts back again 19 Nov and will end on 21 Jan so by counting the Saturdays you might also understand if episodes are 17 or 16, however @delightful might be even more specific on the wording and do not forget xmas and new year time that can affect further stop i presume but those are my assumptions


It'll be episode 18 °____° don't undesrstand..

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So I have a question, is Copy'A (the makers of Make it Right and War of High School) part of GMM or are they two separate companies? Because Gunsmile sang the theme song for WoHS on the GMM channel, but for some reason I thought that they were two different channels or something?? 

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5 hours ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

Oops :blink: Sorry I fixed it :sweatingbullets:

Oh yeah I have a question for whoever has been reading.. Should I continue posting chapters to soompi? Or should I start only posting them on Wattpad? I was just wondering.......

Please post continue to post to Soompi also. It is way easier to read it in here.

My computer seems to have a lot more problems with handling Wattpad.

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Wow!  Thank you so much for all the shares folks and feeding the hunger of us less fortunate and SOTUS-deprived fans. On aside, I'm wondering as to what's the more precise context of the Tew's IG post that seemed to get a reaction from Krist?


Google's translations with 'sex', 'sunday', 'kiss' words may have feed me wrongly  :(

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54 minutes ago, shivyn01 said:


On 20/10/2016 at 6:27 PM, shivyn01 said:

One last one before I go find myself something to eat. 


  Reveal hidden contents

Tiew: "Hey N'Phun! How's the open day to our university going? Have you decided on your course yet? Do you think you'll come here?"


Phun: "Ah! P'Tiew! Hello. Yes I like it so far but I haven't decided on anything yet. I want to check out a few and decide later.  Noh and I decided that if we cannot go to the same university than we would like to at least be near to each other and maybe rent an apartment together in between."


Em: "Really? Sounds like a good plan."


Phun: "Oh P'! I went behind the gym with Noh because....well you don't need to know why. But, we saw P'Kongpop there."


Em: "Really? What was he doing there? We don't have basketball practise today."


Phun: "I have a video. Here! Look!" /takes out phone and plays a clip/


Em: "Yes thats Kongpop...."



I hope you enjoyed reading  it as much as I did writing this. Xoxo. 

  Reveal hidden contents









Have a great Thursday (or Wednesday) everyone!!

Finally found it. Still finding soompi so hard !! anyhu these go together, as the first story and it's sequel for those who may have gotten confused as to why suddenly Phun and Noh made entries. :P

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2 hours ago, momobae said:

So I have a question, is Copy'A (the makers of Make it Right and War of High School) part of GMM or are they two separate companies? Because Gunsmile sang the theme song for WoHS on the GMM channel, but for some reason I thought that they were two different channels or something?? 

I think MIR was through MCOT which is a different TV channel... I'm not sure about WOHS though.. I still haven't had the time to watch past ep 2 of that one :sweatingbullets: Maybe the OST was just done through GMM Records or something. Sorry I'm not very helpful. The only thing I know for sure is that MIR is MCOT (well I'm pretty sure :sweatingbullets:)

2 hours ago, annakas said:

Please post continue to post to Soompi also. It is way easier to read it in here.

My computer seems to have a lot more problems with handling Wattpad.

Okay will do :) 

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31 minutes ago, aryien86 said:

Kyaaaa~~ where u got dis dear?? It's a cute storyy~~ :wub:

I made it :wub: I used to post them here but then I had shifted it to wattpad so that all the fic-let's would be together but  then reading the replies to D I realized there were some who don't use wattpad. This is a screenshot of the wattpad fic. 


Here's a link for those who want to check it out there :wub:



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Hello guys ,omg I love this series so much , I have been lurking lol and I love everyone's comments, I'm very grateful to our dear delightful andthe authors of the fanfics for the awesome work , keep up the good work .

I have a question how is that the kiss scene is gonna happen? I mean who is going to start it, sorry if it sounds like a silly question

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1 hour ago, shivyn01 said:

I made it :wub: I used to post them here but then I had shifted it to wattpad so that all the fic-let's would be together but  then reading the replies to D I realized there were some who don't use wattpad. This is a screenshot of the wattpad fic. 


Here's a link for those who want to check it out there :wub:



I seeeeee~~~ Thanxx for dat link dear~ 

*I have an wattpad acc, but I'm only reading d ff, not posted anything~ & I didn't active on it too~ :sweatingbullets:

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