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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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1 minute ago, delightful said:

It looks like SOTUS will come back back on the 19th. The post is just explaining that between the 30-100 days of the mourning period the contents of the shows will have to be toned down/edited. No 'fighting' as in slapping and 'cat-fights' and no 'sexual' content. SOUTS should be safe, even if it's rated 18+ we don't have any 'bed' scenes other than them just sleeping next to each other. OMG! I hope the kiss doesn't get cut!!!!

:scream: :scream: :scream:

...um but if stuff ends up getting edited out, will they later release the full version? I hope so ;-;

Or does anyone know if Line TV or somewhere online while at least have the full versions? :sweatingbullets: Sorry I guess no one really knows at this point... I wouldn't mind waiting for the cut scenes as long as they actually get released at some point...

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14 minutes ago, delightful said:

It looks like SOTUS will come back back on the 19th. The post is just explaining that between the 30-100 days of the mourning period the contents of the shows will have to be toned down/edited. No 'fighting' as in slapping and 'cat-fights' and no 'sexual' content. SOUTS should be safe, even if it's rated 18+ we don't have any 'bed' scenes other than them just sleeping next to each other. OMG! I hope the kiss doesn't get cut!!!!


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*nosebleed* they're talking about eating each other!!!!!!! *faints*



Tqvm @delightful for the explaination.. I also hope the same thing. . . please don't cut the kiss scene..

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1 hour ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

Okay everyone! I finished CHAPTER FOUR :) (sorry I don't know why I made that so big :sweatingbullets:)

So... this chapter... I don't know if it's appropriate to post it on soompi :blink: But I guess I'll try doing it anyways? (Is there anyone who wants to read it and doesn't have Wattpad?)

As always you can find it on Wattpad here: http://my.w.tt/UiNb/ve1fSxmDUx

And then I also put it here in the spoiler box below >> CHAPTER FOUR >>

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“Kongpob! What are you doing?”




Arthit’s words rang out through the still room cutting through thickness of the heated air.




Kong looked up from his target and simply smiled at the reprimand. Arthit with his blushing cheeks, shaking voice, and hands firmly clenched in the sheets – how could Kong not grin at the adorable sight? He had never wanted anything more than the man in front of him. He never knew that he could be so utterly and hopelessly attached to and affected by another person before. It didn’t feel like a strange thing though. Kong couldn’t even remember what it was like before Arthit. What it was like to not have his precious P’Arthit always on his mind.




At this moment his P’Arthit had the cutest scowl etched across his brow. The cutest pink chubby cheeks too. Kong’s grin only became wider the longer he stared and soaked up the adorable sight.




“Relax P’Arthit. I promise it will feel good.”




Arthit could feel his heart racing, the stuttering sound quickening even more as each second passed. Relax?! Your face is inches away from my… Are you really trying to–




These chaotic thoughts raced through Arthit’s mind as he tried to get a grip on the situation at hand. His mind was once again clouding with heat. He wouldn’t let himself finish any of his embarrassing thoughts as each one surfaced from the jumbled, flustered mess that was his current internal state.




Kong moved his hands up from the crook of Arthit’s knees and began to slide them further along the older man’s thighs. The right hand stopping only a few inches above Arthit’s knee and was placed firmly atop his pale bare thigh. The left hand didn’t stop though. Kong continued to move along the outside of Arthit’s thigh until he met with the curve of the older man’s hip. Kong held that hip down with a firm grip while using his right hand to lean Arthit’s already bent left leg farther to the side.




Opening up a clear pathway.




No more words came out of Arthit’s lips. He was watching Kong. His pulse stuttering faster and faster. Would he really be willing to do something like… like that? For me?




Arthit started to squirm slightly. His embarrassment making him want to die right there, but he couldn’t stop the younger man. He realized that he didn’t want to. And that realization made him even more embarrassed.




But his embarrassment didn’t last for long.




It was hot and wet. Kong’s tongue up against him. The slick wetness seeping through the fabric of his boxers. The heat of Kong’s mouth pressed tightly against his most sensitive area.




“Hhnnng,” the strange sound left his lips. His sanity, any coherent thoughts left lingering in his mind, abruptly vanished with that one touch.




Kong looked up at Arthit as he slowly slid his tongue along the ticklish fabric of those striped boxers. Along the growing protrusion within them.




Arthit’s grip tightened on the sheets beneath him and his breaths came out in thick heavy pants. His eyes screwed shut for a moment, but then opened again when he felt Kong’s tongue pull away.




“Arthit,” those damp swollen lips parted to form the word.




“Look at me.” Kong’s tongue flicked up across his upper lip as he finished uttering the command in a hoarse, guttural voice.




Kong bent back down, hands still holding Arthit in place, and positioned his mouth close to Arthit’s expectant member. Hot air lapped at the sensitive skin pressing its way through the cotton fabric.




Arthit swallowed hard. His bobbing Adam’s apple painful against the dry walls of his throat. The thudding in his chest was drowning his ears in its erratic rhythm and making his fingers itch against the sheets. Desperate to relieve himself.




Kong’s tongue brushed forward meeting him again and Arthit’s fingers tightened hard against the sheets while his throat let out a hoarse moan. This time his eyes remained fixed on the hunched figure before him. Completely entranced by the sensual sight of Kong’s toying tongue.




Kong was swathing the sensitive area in slow deliberate strokes; carefully wetting the fabric. Outlining the hardening member beneath.




At first his eyes never left the older man’s. Making sure that his Arthit was watching. But he eventually fell into a steady rhythm – bobbing and lapping against the material. Methodically wetting and teasing the delicious treat beneath.




Arthit’s breathing rasped in and out and his thoughts stuttered their way to the surface of his foggy mind:








His mind hitched for a moment. A lick had just landed right along the tip of his member where it was already beginning to strain against the damp fabric.




are you–




The thought halted. Kong’s tongue was curving around the tip before roughly pressing down and burning its way along the stiffening length. The fabric of his boxers was now thoroughly wetted from Kong’s meticulous strokes. It clung to the heated flesh beneath and pulled roughly against the delicate skin.




Kong moved his head back up and twisted his tongue around the rigid tip once more; this time pressing hard against the opposite side as it curved around the meaty width and jerked downwards.




Arthit gasped as the fabric tugged against him. The abrasive drag bunching the material at the base of his member, sending shockwaves out across his slick tingling skin, and leaving his now leaking tip pressed hard against the taut surface of his boxers.




Kong pulled away and braced his arms on either side of Arthit’s torso. Arthit’s hands shot up from the mattress and gripped Kong’s broad shoulders tightly. Kong moved forward and was now straddling Arthit again. His body pressed down on Arthit’s hard straining member sliding slightly forward then down against it. Arthit’s fingers bit deeper into those shoulders as the motion caused him to buck. Kong’s own member felt hard against his and the friction as they rubbed against one another sent cascades of pleasure throughout their bodies. Hands still digging into Kong’s shoulders, Arthit swiftly tugged Kong forward bringing the other man’s lips crashing down on his own. Arthit’s movements were no longer shy and guarded. His tongue swept forward into Kong’s mouth fervently tasting the other man.




Their lips moved against one another in a heated exchange desperately tugging and parting as their tongues fervidly stroked and teased one another. Arthit pressed himself harder against Kong taking advantage of his mouth. Fully exploring the enticing cavity.




A low guttural sound slowly tore its way up through the back of Kong’s throat and his hands faltered about for a moment before grabbing hold of Arthit’s waist and pulling himself even tighter against the man.




After what felt like an eternity, their mouths slowly began to withdraw. But their lips were reluctant to part. Gentle nibbles and sucking pops the only sound in the otherwise still room.




Kong had risen up higher onto his knees to gain better access to the other man’s mouth. He was now perched above him looking down at Arthit’s kiss swollen lips. His breathing hitched at the sight of his own saliva spread across their surface. Staring down at the decadent sight, he found himself gently tugging at his own lower lip. Arthit’s eyes followed the movement closely. His throat becoming even more parched.




“Does it feel good?” It was a coarse whisper that spread out from Kong’s teasing lips. The sound of his voice sent shivers down the older man’s skin and made him want to buck. He barely restrained himself.




Kong dipped his head down and gently bit Arthit’s jaw. Nibbling along that firm defined line, Kong reached the point below Arthit’s ear and slowly brought his tongue out to flick across the soft surface.




“Does it?”




But Kong didn’t wait for a reply. He dipped back down and this time his tongue swept out across the dip beneath Arthit’s jaw moving along the side of his neck. He licked his way down towards the dip beneath other man’s chin, then withdrew slightly and planted a gentle kiss on the older man’s bobbing Adam’s apple.




This time Kong didn’t bother to pull away in order to ask the question.








A soft line of kisses peppered Arthit’s throat curving across the surface.




“You–” The word was mouthed closely against Arthit’s throat, only a centimetre apart from the quivering flesh. The sound reverberating through Arthit’s sensitive skin.




Each planted kiss became longer than the next until Kong’s searching lips brushed against a stuttering pulse. He grinned; the light brush of his upturned lips tickling against Arthit’s skin.




“–feel good Arthit?” His voice had taken on a gravelly texture and felt like hot, dark liquid spilling up against Arthit’s senses.




Without waiting for a reply Kong extended is tongue and flicked it across the thudding pulse. The hot, wet sensation sent a cascade of shivers down Arthit’s body.




Kong pressed his tongue down again; this time moving it more slowly against the spot. He felt the jump of Arthit’s pulse against his tongue.




He suddenly gave into the urge to bite.




The sharp sensation coursed through Arthit. His fingers dug more firmly into Kong’s shoulders and he bucked against the younger man. But, Arthit’s sudden movements shook Kong sending his hands flying out from Arthit’s waist to land against the hard surface of the headboard that rested behind the sitting Arthit.




Kong’s teeth, which had been gently but firmly latched to the other man’s neck, scraped along the edge of that thudding pulse jarring deeper into the flesh as he was propelled forward.




“F u c k! Kongpob!”




Kong leaned his weight against his planted hands and slowly righted himself once more. His breathing was coming out in ragged gasps. His eyes were drunk with desire, but a faint spark of concern flitted across the glossy surface. He leaned back slightly and withdrew his arms from the headboard only to reach out and gently cup Arthit’s handsome face.




“Are you okay Arthit?” The words were deep and hoarse, but laced with sweetness; his concern evident. Kong tilted his Arthit’s head to the side slightly and looked down at his neck.




Arthit’s heart was racing. It felt like it was going to jump right out of his throat. He was mesmerised by the delicious look in Kong’s eyes. Entranced by the cute sincerity in their wide puppy-like stance.




His hands left Kong’s shoulders and he quickly brushed aside Kong’s arms muttering, “Yes of course I’m fine.”




He awkwardly looked to the side before allowing his eyes to flit back up to Kong. His member below was still straining against the damp fabric; desperately itching to feel the rough texture of Kong’s jeans once more. His lips were still hot and tingling from when last they parted with the other man. The short sharp pain that had brushed across his neck only seemed to add a new vibrant flavour to the taste of sensations swarming him at the moment.




Arthit held Kong’s gaze. His eyes filled with a sensual flicker – a mere symptom of the raging fire within his taut frame.




He raised his arms and looped them around Kong’s neck.




Kong gazed down at his Arthit captivated by the sight before him. He saw the desire in the other man’s eyes. All traces of his guarded embarrassment had disappeared. In fact, Kong felt as though his boyfriend was eating him up with that intense, fiery stare.




Beads of sweat sprouted from Kong’s skin and his heart filled with a giddy, bubbling sensation.




He was mesmerised by his Arthit. By how that handsome face could change from one expression to the next: His cute furrowed scowl, his wide-eyed flustered face, his shy embarrassed blush, and now his intense hungry stare.




Just thinking of all those expressions was making him grin and leaving his heart constricting inside.




“What are you smiling at?” Arthit gruffly questioned. His voice felt thick in Kong’s ears and stuck a bit: The sound of his tongue against the roof of his mouth a pattern of slick heavy slaps and reluctant suction-filled withdrawals.




Kong opened his mouth to give a playful reply, but the words stuck in his throat at the sight of Arthit’s tongue.




It had flitted out from the older man’s dry, hot lips and Kong watched as it lightly teased its way along Arthit’s upper lip. Even though the unconscious gesture lasted but a fleeting moment, it stuck in Kong’s head and drew attention to the glistening sheen left behind on Arthit’s lips.




Heat bloomed in Kong’s chest and his throat constricted in a hard gulp.




Meanwhile, a strange sense of satisfaction had begun to blossom in Arthit’s mind as he watched Kong’s flustered behaviour. A devious smirk split across his face at the sight.




That wayward smirk tore through Kong’s defences. His heart stopped at the sight then hitched and thundered in an erratic stuttering pattern; filling up his chest.




“Kongpob.” Arthit’s voice was soft and sultry this time. A deep desire-laden overtone weighted the familiar word.




When was the last time I heard him speak my name like that? Kong shivered.




“Hmm?” the distracted murmur fell from Kong’s lips.




Arthit’s gaze moved down from Kong’s eyes and rested on those lips. His arms were still laced around Kong’s neck and Kong’s hands were still grasping his waist.




Instead of replying, Arthit tilted his head and slowly pulled Kong forward. He pressed his lips against Kong’s soft expectant mouth. His upper lip met with the crease in Kong’s lips; nudging them apart.




Kong’s jaw opened slightly and his lips parted.




Arthit’s upper lip continued to press into the opening while his lower lip moved down entrapping Kong’s own lower lip.




He bit down.




“Oi!” the exclamation broke through Kong’s startled lips.




“Punishment for biting your P,” Arthit explained with a stern expression, but a slight smile was evident on his face as it began to tug at the corners of his lips.




Kong simply stared for a moment before letting out a love-filled laugh.




But as he laughed, his head bent back causing his body to shift slightly. The tightness in his pants rubbed against Arthit’s own hardness. Kong sucked in a whistling breath as the friction caused the pressure in his constricting jeans to build. The metal of his zipper bit into the sensitive flesh beneath.




“Arthit.” The word was strained. The last syllable uttered in more of a whine.




After steadying his breathing slightly, he spoke again: “Let me undress you.”




There was fire in Kong’s eyes and Arthit swallowed a hard gulp as he looked into them.




Today really was turning out to be a weird Sunday, Arthit thought.




And he was loving every minute of it.




End of Chapter Four






So… They haven’t even taken their clothes off yet… Why am I writing things out so slowly? 555 I thought that would be enough of a turning point to stop for now. Hopefully, my weird descriptions didn’t weird you guys out too much ^_^”



And you can read all of chapters ONE through THREE here :) I decided to put them all in one spoiler box this time >>

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Oh and please don't post it any where or anything because you can't copy things from Wattpad but you can from soompi ;-; .......

:) :heart:


i can't count how many rated novels, ffs, mangas i read, and i can keep my poker face
but i dunno why, when i read your ff my cheeks became hot, and this is only mild rated
OMGS..... what have you done to me.....


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42 minutes ago, delightful said:

It looks like SOTUS will come back back on the 19th. The post is just explaining that between the 30-100 days of the mourning period the contents of the shows will have to be toned down/edited. No 'fighting' as in slapping and 'cat-fights' and no 'sexual' content. SOUTS should be safe, even if it's rated 18+ we don't have any 'bed' scenes other than them just sleeping next to each other. OMG! I hope the kiss doesn't get cut!!!!

This is actually a blessing in disguise because I have exams... and my last day of exams is the 17th. So I won't have Sotus to distract me (anymore than it already does) :lol:.

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52 minutes ago, riska2904 said:

i can't count how many rated novels, ffs, mangas i read, and i can keep my poker face
but i dunno why, when i read your ff my cheeks became hot, and this is only mild rated
OMGS..... what have you done to me.....

Lol I know right they haven't even gotten that far yet so why am I so weirdly descriptive :blink: I guess since I have a very detail-oriented meticulous personality I think of too many things to write while in the middle of writing and it takes FOREVER to get anywhere with things... What was supposed to be a one shot is becoming so long now :sweatingbullets:

I'm sorry for ruining you :sweatingbullets: 555 I'm too evil with these cliffhangers.

47 minutes ago, eliseaplus. said:

This is actually a blessing in disguise because I have exams... and my last day of exams is the 17th. So I won't have Sotus to distract me (anymore than it already does) :lol:.

Actually I hate to admit it, but the hiatus did come at a good time for my university workload O _ O"

Except I don't finish until maybe around December 15th or something :tears: But once mid December hits I should have so much more time to devote to SOTUS!! YAY.... I'm already devoting more time to it than I probably should though :sweatingbullets:

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I've been rewatching the GMM live chat interview and... I only just noticed this:

Towards the end, when they're asked if they've ever felt shy around each other (around 30 minutes in), they first talk about how they were shy during the casting process when they didn't know if they were competing for the same role. And then they talk about other things for a while (who's the funniest, instagram handles etc.). Then they're asked to summarize what SOTUS stands for and Krist explains a little bit but ends up noticing, "I'm handsome." :P.


For a moment Singto is confused and asking if Krist was talking about himself or who else - probably because Krist was staring at him.


And Krist replies, "Did you think I was talking about you?" And THEN Singto instantly remembers that there was one time during acting lessons when Krist felt shy.


And Krist doesn't remember and the topic gets dropped.

But, the thing is, I wonder if Singto remembers that moment right at that point because the conversation triggered the memory? Like, what if during those acting lessons, when they had their head together and were trying to make each other feel shy... what if Singto actually did something like telling Krist how handsome he is and it actually worked and Krist got all shy because he didn't expect it? Or maybe Krist said Singto was handsome and then got shy himself, because it was too intimate a confession, haha.

I could totally see that happening, and it would make sense for Singto to remember it like that and right at that point in the interview too.

I mean, obviously we don't know, and I wish they hadn't dropped the topic (Krist even went and requested to "skip it":rolleyes:), but... okay, it'll just be my personal headcanon from now on. :lol:



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On 01/11/2016 at 2:37 PM, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

Haha is Singto advertising his perfume? Or just letting Krist know that he smells good so he'll be even tastier for whenever Krist decides to take a bite  :vicx:

I think Krist may have asked him what perfume he wears (I'm more concerned with the fact that a guy noticed someone's smell <-- my cousins and workmates are too 'Grr I'm a man' type to even notice if we had pink  hair) and Singto had probably forgotten at the time 

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6 hours ago, delightful said:

Another round of OLD flirting tweets/IG posts... I am taking a little break from translating because my work is a little stressful this week.. so I'm writing a fanfic instead. As usual, I'll try to fit it into the timelines of the special chapters. ^_^

Anyways.. enjoy these for now. There's more ,.,, but lets save those for tomorrow.

*It's my 800th post!!!!!!!!!!!! CELEBRATING ALONE ... ALL BY MYSELF!!! I need vitamin K and vitamin ME. LOL!*




Happy 800 posts!!!!!!And thank you for the translations !! they are such trolls. I don't know whether or throw them into a room together and  tell them to get it over with :wub: or to just laugh at the fan service:D

4 hours ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

Okay everyone! I finished CHAPTER FOUR :) (sorry I don't know why I made that so big :sweatingbullets:)

So... this chapter... I don't know if it's appropriate to post it on soompi :blink: But I guess I'll try doing it anyways? (Is there anyone who wants to read it and doesn't have Wattpad?)

As always you can find it on Wattpad here: http://my.w.tt/UiNb/ve1fSxmDUx

And then I also put it here in the spoiler box below >> CHAPTER FOUR >>

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“Kongpob! What are you doing?”




Arthit’s words rang out through the still room cutting through thickness of the heated air.




Kong looked up from his target and simply smiled at the reprimand. Arthit with his blushing cheeks, shaking voice, and hands firmly clenched in the sheets – how could Kong not grin at the adorable sight? He had never wanted anything more than the man in front of him. He never knew that he could be so utterly and hopelessly attached to and affected by another person before. It didn’t feel like a strange thing though. Kong couldn’t even remember what it was like before Arthit. What it was like to not have his precious P’Arthit always on his mind.




At this moment his P’Arthit had the cutest scowl etched across his brow. The cutest pink chubby cheeks too. Kong’s grin only became wider the longer he stared and soaked up the adorable sight.




“Relax P’Arthit. I promise it will feel good.”




Arthit could feel his heart racing, the stuttering sound quickening even more as each second passed. Relax?! Your face is inches away from my… Are you really trying to–




These chaotic thoughts raced through Arthit’s mind as he tried to get a grip on the situation at hand. His mind was once again clouding with heat. He wouldn’t let himself finish any of his embarrassing thoughts as each one surfaced from the jumbled, flustered mess that was his current internal state.




Kong moved his hands up from the crook of Arthit’s knees and began to slide them further along the older man’s thighs. The right hand stopping only a few inches above Arthit’s knee and was placed firmly atop his pale bare thigh. The left hand didn’t stop though. Kong continued to move along the outside of Arthit’s thigh until he met with the curve of the older man’s hip. Kong held that hip down with a firm grip while using his right hand to lean Arthit’s already bent left leg farther to the side.




Opening up a clear pathway.




No more words came out of Arthit’s lips. He was watching Kong. His pulse stuttering faster and faster. Would he really be willing to do something like… like that? For me?




Arthit started to squirm slightly. His embarrassment making him want to die right there, but he couldn’t stop the younger man. He realized that he didn’t want to. And that realization made him even more embarrassed.




But his embarrassment didn’t last for long.




It was hot and wet. Kong’s tongue up against him. The slick wetness seeping through the fabric of his boxers. The heat of Kong’s mouth pressed tightly against his most sensitive area.




“Hhnnng,” the strange sound left his lips. His sanity, any coherent thoughts left lingering in his mind, abruptly vanished with that one touch.




Kong looked up at Arthit as he slowly slid his tongue along the ticklish fabric of those striped boxers. Along the growing protrusion within them.




Arthit’s grip tightened on the sheets beneath him and his breaths came out in thick heavy pants. His eyes screwed shut for a moment, but then opened again when he felt Kong’s tongue pull away.




“Arthit,” those damp swollen lips parted to form the word.




“Look at me.” Kong’s tongue flicked up across his upper lip as he finished uttering the command in a hoarse, guttural voice.




Kong bent back down, hands still holding Arthit in place, and positioned his mouth close to Arthit’s expectant member. Hot air lapped at the sensitive skin pressing its way through the cotton fabric.




Arthit swallowed hard. His bobbing Adam’s apple painful against the dry walls of his throat. The thudding in his chest was drowning his ears in its erratic rhythm and making his fingers itch against the sheets. Desperate to relieve himself.




Kong’s tongue brushed forward meeting him again and Arthit’s fingers tightened hard against the sheets while his throat let out a hoarse moan. This time his eyes remained fixed on the hunched figure before him. Completely entranced by the sensual sight of Kong’s toying tongue.




Kong was swathing the sensitive area in slow deliberate strokes; carefully wetting the fabric. Outlining the hardening member beneath.




At first his eyes never left the older man’s. Making sure that his Arthit was watching. But he eventually fell into a steady rhythm – bobbing and lapping against the material. Methodically wetting and teasing the delicious treat beneath.




Arthit’s breathing rasped in and out and his thoughts stuttered their way to the surface of his foggy mind:








His mind hitched for a moment. A lick had just landed right along the tip of his member where it was already beginning to strain against the damp fabric.




are you–




The thought halted. Kong’s tongue was curving around the tip before roughly pressing down and burning its way along the stiffening length. The fabric of his boxers was now thoroughly wetted from Kong’s meticulous strokes. It clung to the heated flesh beneath and pulled roughly against the delicate skin.




Kong moved his head back up and twisted his tongue around the rigid tip once more; this time pressing hard against the opposite side as it curved around the meaty width and jerked downwards.




Arthit gasped as the fabric tugged against him. The abrasive drag bunching the material at the base of his member, sending shockwaves out across his slick tingling skin, and leaving his now leaking tip pressed hard against the taut surface of his boxers.




Kong pulled away and braced his arms on either side of Arthit’s torso. Arthit’s hands shot up from the mattress and gripped Kong’s broad shoulders tightly. Kong moved forward and was now straddling Arthit again. His body pressed down on Arthit’s hard straining member sliding slightly forward then down against it. Arthit’s fingers bit deeper into those shoulders as the motion caused him to buck. Kong’s own member felt hard against his and the friction as they rubbed against one another sent cascades of pleasure throughout their bodies. Hands still digging into Kong’s shoulders, Arthit swiftly tugged Kong forward bringing the other man’s lips crashing down on his own. Arthit’s movements were no longer shy and guarded. His tongue swept forward into Kong’s mouth fervently tasting the other man.




Their lips moved against one another in a heated exchange desperately tugging and parting as their tongues fervidly stroked and teased one another. Arthit pressed himself harder against Kong taking advantage of his mouth. Fully exploring the enticing cavity.




A low guttural sound slowly tore its way up through the back of Kong’s throat and his hands faltered about for a moment before grabbing hold of Arthit’s waist and pulling himself even tighter against the man.




After what felt like an eternity, their mouths slowly began to withdraw. But their lips were reluctant to part. Gentle nibbles and sucking pops the only sound in the otherwise still room.




Kong had risen up higher onto his knees to gain better access to the other man’s mouth. He was now perched above him looking down at Arthit’s kiss swollen lips. His breathing hitched at the sight of his own saliva spread across their surface. Staring down at the decadent sight, he found himself gently tugging at his own lower lip. Arthit’s eyes followed the movement closely. His throat becoming even more parched.




“Does it feel good?” It was a coarse whisper that spread out from Kong’s teasing lips. The sound of his voice sent shivers down the older man’s skin and made him want to buck. He barely restrained himself.




Kong dipped his head down and gently bit Arthit’s jaw. Nibbling along that firm defined line, Kong reached the point below Arthit’s ear and slowly brought his tongue out to flick across the soft surface.




“Does it?”




But Kong didn’t wait for a reply. He dipped back down and this time his tongue swept out across the dip beneath Arthit’s jaw moving along the side of his neck. He licked his way down towards the dip beneath other man’s chin, then withdrew slightly and planted a gentle kiss on the older man’s bobbing Adam’s apple.




This time Kong didn’t bother to pull away in order to ask the question.








A soft line of kisses peppered Arthit’s throat curving across the surface.




“You–” The word was mouthed closely against Arthit’s throat, only a centimetre apart from the quivering flesh. The sound reverberating through Arthit’s sensitive skin.




Each planted kiss became longer than the next until Kong’s searching lips brushed against a stuttering pulse. He grinned; the light brush of his upturned lips tickling against Arthit’s skin.




“–feel good Arthit?” His voice had taken on a gravelly texture and felt like hot, dark liquid spilling up against Arthit’s senses.




Without waiting for a reply Kong extended is tongue and flicked it across the thudding pulse. The hot, wet sensation sent a cascade of shivers down Arthit’s body.




Kong pressed his tongue down again; this time moving it more slowly against the spot. He felt the jump of Arthit’s pulse against his tongue.




He suddenly gave into the urge to bite.




The sharp sensation coursed through Arthit. His fingers dug more firmly into Kong’s shoulders and he bucked against the younger man. But, Arthit’s sudden movements shook Kong sending his hands flying out from Arthit’s waist to land against the hard surface of the headboard that rested behind the sitting Arthit.




Kong’s teeth, which had been gently but firmly latched to the other man’s neck, scraped along the edge of that thudding pulse jarring deeper into the flesh as he was propelled forward.




“F u c k! Kongpob!”




Kong leaned his weight against his planted hands and slowly righted himself once more. His breathing was coming out in ragged gasps. His eyes were drunk with desire, but a faint spark of concern flitted across the glossy surface. He leaned back slightly and withdrew his arms from the headboard only to reach out and gently cup Arthit’s handsome face.




“Are you okay Arthit?” The words were deep and hoarse, but laced with sweetness; his concern evident. Kong tilted his Arthit’s head to the side slightly and looked down at his neck.




Arthit’s heart was racing. It felt like it was going to jump right out of his throat. He was mesmerised by the delicious look in Kong’s eyes. Entranced by the cute sincerity in their wide puppy-like stance.




His hands left Kong’s shoulders and he quickly brushed aside Kong’s arms muttering, “Yes of course I’m fine.”




He awkwardly looked to the side before allowing his eyes to flit back up to Kong. His member below was still straining against the damp fabric; desperately itching to feel the rough texture of Kong’s jeans once more. His lips were still hot and tingling from when last they parted with the other man. The short sharp pain that had brushed across his neck only seemed to add a new vibrant flavour to the taste of sensations swarming him at the moment.




Arthit held Kong’s gaze. His eyes filled with a sensual flicker – a mere symptom of the raging fire within his taut frame.




He raised his arms and looped them around Kong’s neck.




Kong gazed down at his Arthit captivated by the sight before him. He saw the desire in the other man’s eyes. All traces of his guarded embarrassment had disappeared. In fact, Kong felt as though his boyfriend was eating him up with that intense, fiery stare.




Beads of sweat sprouted from Kong’s skin and his heart filled with a giddy, bubbling sensation.




He was mesmerised by his Arthit. By how that handsome face could change from one expression to the next: His cute furrowed scowl, his wide-eyed flustered face, his shy embarrassed blush, and now his intense hungry stare.




Just thinking of all those expressions was making him grin and leaving his heart constricting inside.




“What are you smiling at?” Arthit gruffly questioned. His voice felt thick in Kong’s ears and stuck a bit: The sound of his tongue against the roof of his mouth a pattern of slick heavy slaps and reluctant suction-filled withdrawals.




Kong opened his mouth to give a playful reply, but the words stuck in his throat at the sight of Arthit’s tongue.




It had flitted out from the older man’s dry, hot lips and Kong watched as it lightly teased its way along Arthit’s upper lip. Even though the unconscious gesture lasted but a fleeting moment, it stuck in Kong’s head and drew attention to the glistening sheen left behind on Arthit’s lips.




Heat bloomed in Kong’s chest and his throat constricted in a hard gulp.




Meanwhile, a strange sense of satisfaction had begun to blossom in Arthit’s mind as he watched Kong’s flustered behaviour. A devious smirk split across his face at the sight.




That wayward smirk tore through Kong’s defences. His heart stopped at the sight then hitched and thundered in an erratic stuttering pattern; filling up his chest.




“Kongpob.” Arthit’s voice was soft and sultry this time. A deep desire-laden overtone weighted the familiar word.




When was the last time I heard him speak my name like that? Kong shivered.




“Hmm?” the distracted murmur fell from Kong’s lips.




Arthit’s gaze moved down from Kong’s eyes and rested on those lips. His arms were still laced around Kong’s neck and Kong’s hands were still grasping his waist.




Instead of replying, Arthit tilted his head and slowly pulled Kong forward. He pressed his lips against Kong’s soft expectant mouth. His upper lip met with the crease in Kong’s lips; nudging them apart.




Kong’s jaw opened slightly and his lips parted.




Arthit’s upper lip continued to press into the opening while his lower lip moved down entrapping Kong’s own lower lip.




He bit down.




“Oi!” the exclamation broke through Kong’s startled lips.




“Punishment for biting your P,” Arthit explained with a stern expression, but a slight smile was evident on his face as it began to tug at the corners of his lips.




Kong simply stared for a moment before letting out a love-filled laugh.




But as he laughed, his head bent back causing his body to shift slightly. The tightness in his pants rubbed against Arthit’s own hardness. Kong sucked in a whistling breath as the friction caused the pressure in his constricting jeans to build. The metal of his zipper bit into the sensitive flesh beneath.




“Arthit.” The word was strained. The last syllable uttered in more of a whine.




After steadying his breathing slightly, he spoke again: “Let me undress you.”




There was fire in Kong’s eyes and Arthit swallowed a hard gulp as he looked into them.




Today really was turning out to be a weird Sunday, Arthit thought.




And he was loving every minute of it.




End of Chapter Four






So… They haven’t even taken their clothes off yet… Why am I writing things out so slowly? 555 I thought that would be enough of a turning point to stop for now. Hopefully, my weird descriptions didn’t weird you guys out too much ^_^”



And you can read all of chapters ONE through THREE here :) I decided to put them all in one spoiler box this time >>

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Oh and please don't post it any where or anything because you can't copy things from Wattpad but you can from soompi ;-; .......

:) :heart:

Thank you D!! :wub: This chapter was a smoking hot one and we haven't even started with the main course :P

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@tsoon0708 You are killing me today with your posts!! First that dream and then your analysis of the live chat!! Great catch! I love your ideas! They're cute :wub:

12 minutes ago, shivyn01 said:

I think Krist may have asked him what perfume he wears (I'm more concerned with the fact that a guy noticed someone's smell) and Singto had probably forgotten at the time 

:o :wub: That makes sense ^^

12 minutes ago, Amiy said:

Krist's ig story



they are together right now :wub:


AHHH SO CUTE! Krist is teasing Singto about how he's a first year again :joy: I love Singto's response ^^ Krist is so cheeky and Singto is just too cute here! (I heard that Krist asked Singto what year he was studying in)

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8 minutes ago, shivyn01 said:

Happy 800 posts!!!!!!And thank you for the translations !! they are such trolls. I don't know whether or throw them into a room together and  tell them to get it over with :wub: or to just laugh at the fan service:D

Thank you D!! :wub: This chapter was a smoking hot one and we haven't even started with the main course :P

Shiv!!! It's good to see you back on the thread! Yes I'll have to work on the main course O _ O "" 

:joy: :wub:

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HAPPY 800TH POST @delightful :wub: Thank you for everything! :D

@dreadaeleonkvothe oh uh... can't wait to read new chapter of your FF. I'm finishing 'Life is Beautiful' today... so I'll save it for later. I'm saving everything for later... past week I've been watching just this drama. I'm crazy. I know. :lol:

4 hours ago, delightful said:

It looks like SOTUS will come back back on the 19th. The post is just explaining that between the 30-100 days of the mourning period the contents of the shows will have to be toned down/edited. No 'fighting' as in slapping and 'cat-fights' and no 'sexual' content. SOUTS should be safe, even if it's rated 18+ we don't have any 'bed' scenes other than them just sleeping next to each other. OMG! I hope the kiss doesn't get cut!!!!


THIS CAN'T HAPPEN! ... :tears: If it does happen... I hope they will find a way to post un-cut version. Can LINE TV do that? or does LINE TV need to follow those rules too? 

I really hope kiss scene doesn't get cut!!!!

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Guest delightful
2 hours ago, Amiy said:

Krist's ig story


they are together right now :wub:


I replayed this clip on IG about 20 times. Krist is so cute!! I just want to pinch his cheeks for being so cheeky and picking on his P'Singto! Poor Singto doesn't know what to say or do, it was as if he thought Krist said something nice to him with his smiling face, then he digested the meaning and he about smacked him in the head. THEN he remembered they were in public and also he was being filmed! LOL! Poor Singto!!! 

Yes, it makes me so happy knowing that they are together right now. Someone posted on twitter that they had a job together. I am waiting for more photos from fans!!! Also, Krist will be appearing on a show that's being filmed on the 4th.. so I hope he gets to talk about P'Singto. LOL! My poor heart is so full of pink right now I can't even... *smiles*

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1 hour ago, delightful said:

I replayed this clip on IG about 20 times. Krist is so cute!! I just want to pinch his cheeks for being so cheeky and picking on his P'Singto! Poor Singto doesn't know what to say or do, it was as if he thought Krist said something nice to him with his smiling face, then he digested the meaning and he about smacked him in the head. THEN he remembered they were in public and also he was being filmed! LOL! Poor Singto!!! 

Yes, it makes me so happy knowing that they are together right now. Someone posted on twitter that they had a job together. I am waiting for more photos from fans!!! Also, Krist will be appearing on a show that's being filmed on the 4th.. so I hope he gets to talk about P'Singto. LOL! My poor heart is so full of pink right now I can't even... *smiles*

@delightful, congrats on your 800th post, and let me be the one to give you your 7777th reputation for being so awesome in contributing to this forum, from text/web translations to subbed episodes to translated medias.

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7 hours ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

Okay everyone! I finished CHAPTER FOUR :) (sorry I don't know why I made that so big :sweatingbullets:)

So... this chapter... I don't know if it's appropriate to post it on soompi :blink: But I guess I'll try doing it anyways? (Is there anyone who wants to read it and doesn't have Wattpad?)

As always you can find it on Wattpad here: http://my.w.tt/UiNb/ve1fSxmDUx

And then I also put it here in the spoiler box below >> CHAPTER FOUR >>

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“Kongpob! What are you doing?”




Arthit’s words rang out through the still room cutting through thickness of the heated air.




Kong looked up from his target and simply smiled at the reprimand. Arthit with his blushing cheeks, shaking voice, and hands firmly clenched in the sheets – how could Kong not grin at the adorable sight? He had never wanted anything more than the man in front of him. He never knew that he could be so utterly and hopelessly attached to and affected by another person before. It didn’t feel like a strange thing though. Kong couldn’t even remember what it was like before Arthit. What it was like to not have his precious P’Arthit always on his mind.




At this moment his P’Arthit had the cutest scowl etched across his brow. The cutest pink chubby cheeks too. Kong’s grin only became wider the longer he stared and soaked up the adorable sight.




“Relax P’Arthit. I promise it will feel good.”




Arthit could feel his heart racing, the stuttering sound quickening even more as each second passed. Relax?! Your face is inches away from my… Are you really trying to–




These chaotic thoughts raced through Arthit’s mind as he tried to get a grip on the situation at hand. His mind was once again clouding with heat. He wouldn’t let himself finish any of his embarrassing thoughts as each one surfaced from the jumbled, flustered mess that was his current internal state.




Kong moved his hands up from the crook of Arthit’s knees and began to slide them further along the older man’s thighs. The right hand stopping only a few inches above Arthit’s knee and was placed firmly atop his pale bare thigh. The left hand didn’t stop though. Kong continued to move along the outside of Arthit’s thigh until he met with the curve of the older man’s hip. Kong held that hip down with a firm grip while using his right hand to lean Arthit’s already bent left leg farther to the side.




Opening up a clear pathway.




No more words came out of Arthit’s lips. He was watching Kong. His pulse stuttering faster and faster. Would he really be willing to do something like… like that? For me?




Arthit started to squirm slightly. His embarrassment making him want to die right there, but he couldn’t stop the younger man. He realized that he didn’t want to. And that realization made him even more embarrassed.




But his embarrassment didn’t last for long.




It was hot and wet. Kong’s tongue up against him. The slick wetness seeping through the fabric of his boxers. The heat of Kong’s mouth pressed tightly against his most sensitive area.




“Hhnnng,” the strange sound left his lips. His sanity, any coherent thoughts left lingering in his mind, abruptly vanished with that one touch.




Kong looked up at Arthit as he slowly slid his tongue along the ticklish fabric of those striped boxers. Along the growing protrusion within them.




Arthit’s grip tightened on the sheets beneath him and his breaths came out in thick heavy pants. His eyes screwed shut for a moment, but then opened again when he felt Kong’s tongue pull away.




“Arthit,” those damp swollen lips parted to form the word.




“Look at me.” Kong’s tongue flicked up across his upper lip as he finished uttering the command in a hoarse, guttural voice.




Kong bent back down, hands still holding Arthit in place, and positioned his mouth close to Arthit’s expectant member. Hot air lapped at the sensitive skin pressing its way through the cotton fabric.




Arthit swallowed hard. His bobbing Adam’s apple painful against the dry walls of his throat. The thudding in his chest was drowning his ears in its erratic rhythm and making his fingers itch against the sheets. Desperate to relieve himself.




Kong’s tongue brushed forward meeting him again and Arthit’s fingers tightened hard against the sheets while his throat let out a hoarse moan. This time his eyes remained fixed on the hunched figure before him. Completely entranced by the sensual sight of Kong’s toying tongue.




Kong was swathing the sensitive area in slow deliberate strokes; carefully wetting the fabric. Outlining the hardening member beneath.




At first his eyes never left the older man’s. Making sure that his Arthit was watching. But he eventually fell into a steady rhythm – bobbing and lapping against the material. Methodically wetting and teasing the delicious treat beneath.




Arthit’s breathing rasped in and out and his thoughts stuttered their way to the surface of his foggy mind:








His mind hitched for a moment. A lick had just landed right along the tip of his member where it was already beginning to strain against the damp fabric.




are you–




The thought halted. Kong’s tongue was curving around the tip before roughly pressing down and burning its way along the stiffening length. The fabric of his boxers was now thoroughly wetted from Kong’s meticulous strokes. It clung to the heated flesh beneath and pulled roughly against the delicate skin.




Kong moved his head back up and twisted his tongue around the rigid tip once more; this time pressing hard against the opposite side as it curved around the meaty width and jerked downwards.




Arthit gasped as the fabric tugged against him. The abrasive drag bunching the material at the base of his member, sending shockwaves out across his slick tingling skin, and leaving his now leaking tip pressed hard against the taut surface of his boxers.




Kong pulled away and braced his arms on either side of Arthit’s torso. Arthit’s hands shot up from the mattress and gripped Kong’s broad shoulders tightly. Kong moved forward and was now straddling Arthit again. His body pressed down on Arthit’s hard straining member sliding slightly forward then down against it. Arthit’s fingers bit deeper into those shoulders as the motion caused him to buck. Kong’s own member felt hard against his and the friction as they rubbed against one another sent cascades of pleasure throughout their bodies. Hands still digging into Kong’s shoulders, Arthit swiftly tugged Kong forward bringing the other man’s lips crashing down on his own. Arthit’s movements were no longer shy and guarded. His tongue swept forward into Kong’s mouth fervently tasting the other man.




Their lips moved against one another in a heated exchange desperately tugging and parting as their tongues fervidly stroked and teased one another. Arthit pressed himself harder against Kong taking advantage of his mouth. Fully exploring the enticing cavity.




A low guttural sound slowly tore its way up through the back of Kong’s throat and his hands faltered about for a moment before grabbing hold of Arthit’s waist and pulling himself even tighter against the man.




After what felt like an eternity, their mouths slowly began to withdraw. But their lips were reluctant to part. Gentle nibbles and sucking pops the only sound in the otherwise still room.




Kong had risen up higher onto his knees to gain better access to the other man’s mouth. He was now perched above him looking down at Arthit’s kiss swollen lips. His breathing hitched at the sight of his own saliva spread across their surface. Staring down at the decadent sight, he found himself gently tugging at his own lower lip. Arthit’s eyes followed the movement closely. His throat becoming even more parched.




“Does it feel good?” It was a coarse whisper that spread out from Kong’s teasing lips. The sound of his voice sent shivers down the older man’s skin and made him want to buck. He barely restrained himself.




Kong dipped his head down and gently bit Arthit’s jaw. Nibbling along that firm defined line, Kong reached the point below Arthit’s ear and slowly brought his tongue out to flick across the soft surface.




“Does it?”




But Kong didn’t wait for a reply. He dipped back down and this time his tongue swept out across the dip beneath Arthit’s jaw moving along the side of his neck. He licked his way down towards the dip beneath other man’s chin, then withdrew slightly and planted a gentle kiss on the older man’s bobbing Adam’s apple.




This time Kong didn’t bother to pull away in order to ask the question.








A soft line of kisses peppered Arthit’s throat curving across the surface.




“You–” The word was mouthed closely against Arthit’s throat, only a centimetre apart from the quivering flesh. The sound reverberating through Arthit’s sensitive skin.




Each planted kiss became longer than the next until Kong’s searching lips brushed against a stuttering pulse. He grinned; the light brush of his upturned lips tickling against Arthit’s skin.




“–feel good Arthit?” His voice had taken on a gravelly texture and felt like hot, dark liquid spilling up against Arthit’s senses.




Without waiting for a reply Kong extended is tongue and flicked it across the thudding pulse. The hot, wet sensation sent a cascade of shivers down Arthit’s body.




Kong pressed his tongue down again; this time moving it more slowly against the spot. He felt the jump of Arthit’s pulse against his tongue.




He suddenly gave into the urge to bite.




The sharp sensation coursed through Arthit. His fingers dug more firmly into Kong’s shoulders and he bucked against the younger man. But, Arthit’s sudden movements shook Kong sending his hands flying out from Arthit’s waist to land against the hard surface of the headboard that rested behind the sitting Arthit.




Kong’s teeth, which had been gently but firmly latched to the other man’s neck, scraped along the edge of that thudding pulse jarring deeper into the flesh as he was propelled forward.




“F u c k! Kongpob!”




Kong leaned his weight against his planted hands and slowly righted himself once more. His breathing was coming out in ragged gasps. His eyes were drunk with desire, but a faint spark of concern flitted across the glossy surface. He leaned back slightly and withdrew his arms from the headboard only to reach out and gently cup Arthit’s handsome face.




“Are you okay Arthit?” The words were deep and hoarse, but laced with sweetness; his concern evident. Kong tilted his Arthit’s head to the side slightly and looked down at his neck.




Arthit’s heart was racing. It felt like it was going to jump right out of his throat. He was mesmerised by the delicious look in Kong’s eyes. Entranced by the cute sincerity in their wide puppy-like stance.




His hands left Kong’s shoulders and he quickly brushed aside Kong’s arms muttering, “Yes of course I’m fine.”




He awkwardly looked to the side before allowing his eyes to flit back up to Kong. His member below was still straining against the damp fabric; desperately itching to feel the rough texture of Kong’s jeans once more. His lips were still hot and tingling from when last they parted with the other man. The short sharp pain that had brushed across his neck only seemed to add a new vibrant flavour to the taste of sensations swarming him at the moment.




Arthit held Kong’s gaze. His eyes filled with a sensual flicker – a mere symptom of the raging fire within his taut frame.




He raised his arms and looped them around Kong’s neck.




Kong gazed down at his Arthit captivated by the sight before him. He saw the desire in the other man’s eyes. All traces of his guarded embarrassment had disappeared. In fact, Kong felt as though his boyfriend was eating him up with that intense, fiery stare.




Beads of sweat sprouted from Kong’s skin and his heart filled with a giddy, bubbling sensation.




He was mesmerised by his Arthit. By how that handsome face could change from one expression to the next: His cute furrowed scowl, his wide-eyed flustered face, his shy embarrassed blush, and now his intense hungry stare.




Just thinking of all those expressions was making him grin and leaving his heart constricting inside.




“What are you smiling at?” Arthit gruffly questioned. His voice felt thick in Kong’s ears and stuck a bit: The sound of his tongue against the roof of his mouth a pattern of slick heavy slaps and reluctant suction-filled withdrawals.




Kong opened his mouth to give a playful reply, but the words stuck in his throat at the sight of Arthit’s tongue.




It had flitted out from the older man’s dry, hot lips and Kong watched as it lightly teased its way along Arthit’s upper lip. Even though the unconscious gesture lasted but a fleeting moment, it stuck in Kong’s head and drew attention to the glistening sheen left behind on Arthit’s lips.




Heat bloomed in Kong’s chest and his throat constricted in a hard gulp.




Meanwhile, a strange sense of satisfaction had begun to blossom in Arthit’s mind as he watched Kong’s flustered behaviour. A devious smirk split across his face at the sight.




That wayward smirk tore through Kong’s defences. His heart stopped at the sight then hitched and thundered in an erratic stuttering pattern; filling up his chest.




“Kongpob.” Arthit’s voice was soft and sultry this time. A deep desire-laden overtone weighted the familiar word.




When was the last time I heard him speak my name like that? Kong shivered.




“Hmm?” the distracted murmur fell from Kong’s lips.




Arthit’s gaze moved down from Kong’s eyes and rested on those lips. His arms were still laced around Kong’s neck and Kong’s hands were still grasping his waist.




Instead of replying, Arthit tilted his head and slowly pulled Kong forward. He pressed his lips against Kong’s soft expectant mouth. His upper lip met with the crease in Kong’s lips; nudging them apart.




Kong’s jaw opened slightly and his lips parted.




Arthit’s upper lip continued to press into the opening while his lower lip moved down entrapping Kong’s own lower lip.




He bit down.




“Oi!” the exclamation broke through Kong’s startled lips.




“Punishment for biting your P,” Arthit explained with a stern expression, but a slight smile was evident on his face as it began to tug at the corners of his lips.




Kong simply stared for a moment before letting out a love-filled laugh.




But as he laughed, his head bent back causing his body to shift slightly. The tightness in his pants rubbed against Arthit’s own hardness. Kong sucked in a whistling breath as the friction caused the pressure in his constricting jeans to build. The metal of his zipper bit into the sensitive flesh beneath.




“Arthit.” The word was strained. The last syllable uttered in more of a whine.




After steadying his breathing slightly, he spoke again: “Let me undress you.”




There was fire in Kong’s eyes and Arthit swallowed a hard gulp as he looked into them.




Today really was turning out to be a weird Sunday, Arthit thought.




And he was loving every minute of it.




End of Chapter Four






So… They haven’t even taken their clothes off yet… Why am I writing things out so slowly? 555 I thought that would be enough of a turning point to stop for now. Hopefully, my weird descriptions didn’t weird you guys out too much ^_^”



And you can read all of chapters ONE through THREE here :) I decided to put them all in one spoiler box this time >>

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Oh and please don't post it any where or anything because you can't copy things from Wattpad but you can from soompi ;-; .......

:) :heart:


Your SOTUS fanfic is my guilty pleasure now :love:

Please don't stop writing it >__< I'm loving every bit of it~ and I love how the character is not OOC in your FF~ :wub:

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8 hours ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

Okay everyone! I finished CHAPTER FOUR :) (sorry I don't know why I made that so big :sweatingbullets:)

So... this chapter... I don't know if it's appropriate to post it on soompi :blink: But I guess I'll try doing it anyways? (Is there anyone who wants to read it and doesn't have Wattpad?)

As always you can find it on Wattpad here: http://my.w.tt/UiNb/ve1fSxmDUx

And then I also put it here in the spoiler box below >> CHAPTER FOUR >>

  Reveal hidden contents





“Kongpob! What are you doing?”




Arthit’s words rang out through the still room cutting through thickness of the heated air.




Kong looked up from his target and simply smiled at the reprimand. Arthit with his blushing cheeks, shaking voice, and hands firmly clenched in the sheets – how could Kong not grin at the adorable sight? He had never wanted anything more than the man in front of him. He never knew that he could be so utterly and hopelessly attached to and affected by another person before. It didn’t feel like a strange thing though. Kong couldn’t even remember what it was like before Arthit. What it was like to not have his precious P’Arthit always on his mind.




At this moment his P’Arthit had the cutest scowl etched across his brow. The cutest pink chubby cheeks too. Kong’s grin only became wider the longer he stared and soaked up the adorable sight.




“Relax P’Arthit. I promise it will feel good.”




Arthit could feel his heart racing, the stuttering sound quickening even more as each second passed. Relax?! Your face is inches away from my… Are you really trying to–




These chaotic thoughts raced through Arthit’s mind as he tried to get a grip on the situation at hand. His mind was once again clouding with heat. He wouldn’t let himself finish any of his embarrassing thoughts as each one surfaced from the jumbled, flustered mess that was his current internal state.




Kong moved his hands up from the crook of Arthit’s knees and began to slide them further along the older man’s thighs. The right hand stopping only a few inches above Arthit’s knee and was placed firmly atop his pale bare thigh. The left hand didn’t stop though. Kong continued to move along the outside of Arthit’s thigh until he met with the curve of the older man’s hip. Kong held that hip down with a firm grip while using his right hand to lean Arthit’s already bent left leg farther to the side.




Opening up a clear pathway.




No more words came out of Arthit’s lips. He was watching Kong. His pulse stuttering faster and faster. Would he really be willing to do something like… like that? For me?




Arthit started to squirm slightly. His embarrassment making him want to die right there, but he couldn’t stop the younger man. He realized that he didn’t want to. And that realization made him even more embarrassed.




But his embarrassment didn’t last for long.




It was hot and wet. Kong’s tongue up against him. The slick wetness seeping through the fabric of his boxers. The heat of Kong’s mouth pressed tightly against his most sensitive area.




“Hhnnng,” the strange sound left his lips. His sanity, any coherent thoughts left lingering in his mind, abruptly vanished with that one touch.




Kong looked up at Arthit as he slowly slid his tongue along the ticklish fabric of those striped boxers. Along the growing protrusion within them.




Arthit’s grip tightened on the sheets beneath him and his breaths came out in thick heavy pants. His eyes screwed shut for a moment, but then opened again when he felt Kong’s tongue pull away.




“Arthit,” those damp swollen lips parted to form the word.




“Look at me.” Kong’s tongue flicked up across his upper lip as he finished uttering the command in a hoarse, guttural voice.




Kong bent back down, hands still holding Arthit in place, and positioned his mouth close to Arthit’s expectant member. Hot air lapped at the sensitive skin pressing its way through the cotton fabric.




Arthit swallowed hard. His bobbing Adam’s apple painful against the dry walls of his throat. The thudding in his chest was drowning his ears in its erratic rhythm and making his fingers itch against the sheets. Desperate to relieve himself.




Kong’s tongue brushed forward meeting him again and Arthit’s fingers tightened hard against the sheets while his throat let out a hoarse moan. This time his eyes remained fixed on the hunched figure before him. Completely entranced by the sensual sight of Kong’s toying tongue.




Kong was swathing the sensitive area in slow deliberate strokes; carefully wetting the fabric. Outlining the hardening member beneath.




At first his eyes never left the older man’s. Making sure that his Arthit was watching. But he eventually fell into a steady rhythm – bobbing and lapping against the material. Methodically wetting and teasing the delicious treat beneath.




Arthit’s breathing rasped in and out and his thoughts stuttered their way to the surface of his foggy mind:








His mind hitched for a moment. A lick had just landed right along the tip of his member where it was already beginning to strain against the damp fabric.




are you–




The thought halted. Kong’s tongue was curving around the tip before roughly pressing down and burning its way along the stiffening length. The fabric of his boxers was now thoroughly wetted from Kong’s meticulous strokes. It clung to the heated flesh beneath and pulled roughly against the delicate skin.




Kong moved his head back up and twisted his tongue around the rigid tip once more; this time pressing hard against the opposite side as it curved around the meaty width and jerked downwards.




Arthit gasped as the fabric tugged against him. The abrasive drag bunching the material at the base of his member, sending shockwaves out across his slick tingling skin, and leaving his now leaking tip pressed hard against the taut surface of his boxers.




Kong pulled away and braced his arms on either side of Arthit’s torso. Arthit’s hands shot up from the mattress and gripped Kong’s broad shoulders tightly. Kong moved forward and was now straddling Arthit again. His body pressed down on Arthit’s hard straining member sliding slightly forward then down against it. Arthit’s fingers bit deeper into those shoulders as the motion caused him to buck. Kong’s own member felt hard against his and the friction as they rubbed against one another sent cascades of pleasure throughout their bodies. Hands still digging into Kong’s shoulders, Arthit swiftly tugged Kong forward bringing the other man’s lips crashing down on his own. Arthit’s movements were no longer shy and guarded. His tongue swept forward into Kong’s mouth fervently tasting the other man.




Their lips moved against one another in a heated exchange desperately tugging and parting as their tongues fervidly stroked and teased one another. Arthit pressed himself harder against Kong taking advantage of his mouth. Fully exploring the enticing cavity.




A low guttural sound slowly tore its way up through the back of Kong’s throat and his hands faltered about for a moment before grabbing hold of Arthit’s waist and pulling himself even tighter against the man.




After what felt like an eternity, their mouths slowly began to withdraw. But their lips were reluctant to part. Gentle nibbles and sucking pops the only sound in the otherwise still room.




Kong had risen up higher onto his knees to gain better access to the other man’s mouth. He was now perched above him looking down at Arthit’s kiss swollen lips. His breathing hitched at the sight of his own saliva spread across their surface. Staring down at the decadent sight, he found himself gently tugging at his own lower lip. Arthit’s eyes followed the movement closely. His throat becoming even more parched.




“Does it feel good?” It was a coarse whisper that spread out from Kong’s teasing lips. The sound of his voice sent shivers down the older man’s skin and made him want to buck. He barely restrained himself.




Kong dipped his head down and gently bit Arthit’s jaw. Nibbling along that firm defined line, Kong reached the point below Arthit’s ear and slowly brought his tongue out to flick across the soft surface.




“Does it?”




But Kong didn’t wait for a reply. He dipped back down and this time his tongue swept out across the dip beneath Arthit’s jaw moving along the side of his neck. He licked his way down towards the dip beneath other man’s chin, then withdrew slightly and planted a gentle kiss on the older man’s bobbing Adam’s apple.




This time Kong didn’t bother to pull away in order to ask the question.








A soft line of kisses peppered Arthit’s throat curving across the surface.




“You–” The word was mouthed closely against Arthit’s throat, only a centimetre apart from the quivering flesh. The sound reverberating through Arthit’s sensitive skin.




Each planted kiss became longer than the next until Kong’s searching lips brushed against a stuttering pulse. He grinned; the light brush of his upturned lips tickling against Arthit’s skin.




“–feel good Arthit?” His voice had taken on a gravelly texture and felt like hot, dark liquid spilling up against Arthit’s senses.




Without waiting for a reply Kong extended is tongue and flicked it across the thudding pulse. The hot, wet sensation sent a cascade of shivers down Arthit’s body.




Kong pressed his tongue down again; this time moving it more slowly against the spot. He felt the jump of Arthit’s pulse against his tongue.




He suddenly gave into the urge to bite.




The sharp sensation coursed through Arthit. His fingers dug more firmly into Kong’s shoulders and he bucked against the younger man. But, Arthit’s sudden movements shook Kong sending his hands flying out from Arthit’s waist to land against the hard surface of the headboard that rested behind the sitting Arthit.




Kong’s teeth, which had been gently but firmly latched to the other man’s neck, scraped along the edge of that thudding pulse jarring deeper into the flesh as he was propelled forward.




“F u c k! Kongpob!”




Kong leaned his weight against his planted hands and slowly righted himself once more. His breathing was coming out in ragged gasps. His eyes were drunk with desire, but a faint spark of concern flitted across the glossy surface. He leaned back slightly and withdrew his arms from the headboard only to reach out and gently cup Arthit’s handsome face.




“Are you okay Arthit?” The words were deep and hoarse, but laced with sweetness; his concern evident. Kong tilted his Arthit’s head to the side slightly and looked down at his neck.




Arthit’s heart was racing. It felt like it was going to jump right out of his throat. He was mesmerised by the delicious look in Kong’s eyes. Entranced by the cute sincerity in their wide puppy-like stance.




His hands left Kong’s shoulders and he quickly brushed aside Kong’s arms muttering, “Yes of course I’m fine.”




He awkwardly looked to the side before allowing his eyes to flit back up to Kong. His member below was still straining against the damp fabric; desperately itching to feel the rough texture of Kong’s jeans once more. His lips were still hot and tingling from when last they parted with the other man. The short sharp pain that had brushed across his neck only seemed to add a new vibrant flavour to the taste of sensations swarming him at the moment.




Arthit held Kong’s gaze. His eyes filled with a sensual flicker – a mere symptom of the raging fire within his taut frame.




He raised his arms and looped them around Kong’s neck.




Kong gazed down at his Arthit captivated by the sight before him. He saw the desire in the other man’s eyes. All traces of his guarded embarrassment had disappeared. In fact, Kong felt as though his boyfriend was eating him up with that intense, fiery stare.




Beads of sweat sprouted from Kong’s skin and his heart filled with a giddy, bubbling sensation.




He was mesmerised by his Arthit. By how that handsome face could change from one expression to the next: His cute furrowed scowl, his wide-eyed flustered face, his shy embarrassed blush, and now his intense hungry stare.




Just thinking of all those expressions was making him grin and leaving his heart constricting inside.




“What are you smiling at?” Arthit gruffly questioned. His voice felt thick in Kong’s ears and stuck a bit: The sound of his tongue against the roof of his mouth a pattern of slick heavy slaps and reluctant suction-filled withdrawals.




Kong opened his mouth to give a playful reply, but the words stuck in his throat at the sight of Arthit’s tongue.




It had flitted out from the older man’s dry, hot lips and Kong watched as it lightly teased its way along Arthit’s upper lip. Even though the unconscious gesture lasted but a fleeting moment, it stuck in Kong’s head and drew attention to the glistening sheen left behind on Arthit’s lips.




Heat bloomed in Kong’s chest and his throat constricted in a hard gulp.




Meanwhile, a strange sense of satisfaction had begun to blossom in Arthit’s mind as he watched Kong’s flustered behaviour. A devious smirk split across his face at the sight.




That wayward smirk tore through Kong’s defences. His heart stopped at the sight then hitched and thundered in an erratic stuttering pattern; filling up his chest.




“Kongpob.” Arthit’s voice was soft and sultry this time. A deep desire-laden overtone weighted the familiar word.




When was the last time I heard him speak my name like that? Kong shivered.




“Hmm?” the distracted murmur fell from Kong’s lips.




Arthit’s gaze moved down from Kong’s eyes and rested on those lips. His arms were still laced around Kong’s neck and Kong’s hands were still grasping his waist.




Instead of replying, Arthit tilted his head and slowly pulled Kong forward. He pressed his lips against Kong’s soft expectant mouth. His upper lip met with the crease in Kong’s lips; nudging them apart.




Kong’s jaw opened slightly and his lips parted.




Arthit’s upper lip continued to press into the opening while his lower lip moved down entrapping Kong’s own lower lip.




He bit down.




“Oi!” the exclamation broke through Kong’s startled lips.




“Punishment for biting your P,” Arthit explained with a stern expression, but a slight smile was evident on his face as it began to tug at the corners of his lips.




Kong simply stared for a moment before letting out a love-filled laugh.




But as he laughed, his head bent back causing his body to shift slightly. The tightness in his pants rubbed against Arthit’s own hardness. Kong sucked in a whistling breath as the friction caused the pressure in his constricting jeans to build. The metal of his zipper bit into the sensitive flesh beneath.




“Arthit.” The word was strained. The last syllable uttered in more of a whine.




After steadying his breathing slightly, he spoke again: “Let me undress you.”




There was fire in Kong’s eyes and Arthit swallowed a hard gulp as he looked into them.




Today really was turning out to be a weird Sunday, Arthit thought.




And he was loving every minute of it.




End of Chapter Four






So… They haven’t even taken their clothes off yet… Why am I writing things out so slowly? 555 I thought that would be enough of a turning point to stop for now. Hopefully, my weird descriptions didn’t weird you guys out too much ^_^”



And you can read all of chapters ONE through THREE here :) I decided to put them all in one spoiler box this time >>

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Oh and please don't post it any where or anything because you can't copy things from Wattpad but you can from soompi ;-; .......

:) :heart:

Chapter 4 was a good read. I just got a little confused in the part where they were about to undress. Kong's lines were in red instead of blue. Overall, I enjoyed reading it.

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