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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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9 hours ago, shivyn01 said:

I'm a little different I think. Though I watch BL, I somehow confuse the real names with the character names. I don't confuse their personality or the fact that yes indeed they are actors but just the names. If I read the book then it's fine but this only happens when watching them onscreen. And when I write fanfics, I find it easier to write with their real names or of their real personalities and life because writing their character based fics to be very difficult for me. I can never write as good as the author or even try to get the same feels as them because my inferiority complex is too deep. That's is why when @delightful writes her fics I get so so impressed because it makes me react the same way the novel (the one that bing and Google trabslated) did. 


But I do agree that when fans confuse the story with real life and start attacking them and their loved ones personally is wrong and hateful. Its ok to imagine it, write about it, or even made fan made videos and share with it with fellow friends but we mustn't try to stamp our own delusions onto them. They are their own persons and we have no right to dictate their lives 

Oh but confusing the names is fine! It happens to all actors when their fans meet them they call them by their character's name (aka "Oh look, it's Harry Potter!" xD) The thing is yeah some people do mix the real person with the character, thinking that there is no difference in between.... We can do things but we have to stay respectful 16.gif

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Happy 300th page!! :w00t::wub:

@teamperaya Holy mot... That picture... Singto is SOOOO :wub::blink: I AM NOT OKAY. *stares*


You are the best @originalnickname, you found the link... but NO.. :tears: I don't like it... that emoticon :tears:... Whatever, I'll watch it. (please don't spoil it... if it's very sad ending. I'll just cry it out....) I watched UL few weeks ago, some force was making me watch it (LOL) and cried like a baby at the end... I don't know why I couldn't like Master. I think at the end I was SO SAD for Shu Nian... That poor boy who loved his Master.... just thinking about it makes me sad. *waiting for HE*


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21 minutes ago, _-Mio-_ said:

Happy 300th page!! :w00t::wub:

@teamperaya Holy mot... That picture... Singto is SOOOO :wub::blink: I AM NOT OKAY. *stares*

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You are the best @originalnickname, you found the link... but NO.. :tears: I don't like it... that emoticon :tears:... Whatever, I'll watch it. (please don't spoil it... if it's very sad ending. I'll just cry it out....) I watched UL few weeks ago, some force was making me watch it (LOL) and cried like a baby at the end... I don't know why I couldn't like Master. I think at the end I was SO SAD for Shu Nian... That poor boy who loved his Master.... just thinking about it makes me sad. *waiting for HE*


I put the :tears:, but it's kinda bittersweet actually :


They don't die, don't worry haha, they just don't end up together......

EDIT: @_-Mio-_ gave me the idea, now I put different emoticons for : my favorites, happy endings and sad/bittersweet endings.... ;)

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On 9/23/2016 at 2:50 PM, Kate Kang Sunyalux said:

As a novel fan, I would like to clarify that SOTUS in Dek-D online series ended at chapter 28. However, Bittersweet added 4 more special chapters in the book. I saw their spoils from someone and I think some of them are very important about their relationship after the bridge scene.

Spoiler alert

Special Chapter 1: First date (Kongpop's first date in uni)

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It's story about Kongpop's first day in university as we came to be interviewed by the faculty. 

It shows his attitude toward the faculty which he didn't really like it at the first time (but he needs it for his family's business) and it also shows how he felt about SOTUS.

At that day, he met a senior who gave him a very good advice and change his perspective of the faculty.

In the book, it doesn't tell us who is that senior because Kongpop didn't ask his name but we can conclude it is Arthit. I'm not sure if Kongpop remember him.


Special Chapter 2: Thank P' Party (It's the kiss scene we saw in trailer) this chapter is quite longggg

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There will be an engineer sport day ( like engineer students from many universities) and P' Arthit AGAIN said that we have to win all.

Kongpop and Arthit did bet again that if he win all he can ask something from Arthit. He put too much afford to the sport (this made Arthit felt guity about his order also) and Kongpop fainted in the basketball game and they lose. Then P'Arthit just asked one thing from Kongpop as same as Kongpop ask from him (going out shopping). This time he started to feel differences between their lifestyle and background. He though Kongpop is a perfect man and he should have bright future and a good family. Arthit started to worry about future. Then they happened to met Preapailin (the star freshly girl) and Arthit told her that he just happen to met Kongpop here (sure Kongpop felt bad about it) and Arthit felt that Preapailin get along with Kongpop really well like many thing in common and he felt more worry about their relationship. Because their relationship wasn't very clear at that time. 

Then the Thank P' Party ( the party held by first year to thanks all senior) Arthit and friends thought they were not able to join the party because they would do a field job away from bangkok (at Ampawa around 1 hour from Bangkok). At ampawa, Arthit asked for advice from Knot about his relationship. Knot said  "So now you care about unseen future than someone you've clearly seen in front to you. After that Arthit rushed himself to go to the party. Kongpop also have a white card with his confession written to Arthit in the party. After that Arthit took away his white thread from Kongpop(he gave to Kongpop early on freshmen welcoming). Kongpop was shocked and though they would end now. Then P' Arthit gave him brown leather bracelet (stronger is better) and made Kongpop were it to him (know they have couple bracelet) and friends in the party start to say like ohh you guys were same things just like a couple then P'Arthit shouted back "yeahhh we are a couple" and this is how they declare their stronger status to people.


Special chapter 3: When P'Arthit was freshmen

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Nothing special here just a short story.


Special chapter 4: When Kongpop is in 3rd year

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Kongpop will be a header of hazing team and his style is different from Arthit. He is more like calm and angelic (with monster inside) he is more using physiologic than scolding freshmens. (Believe me this is more scary than P'Arthit I was through this kind of hazing gives tense and pressure.) P' Arthit came back to university to take his trascript.

There is a hint that P'Arthit is bot in the chapter also



Love it when all of you give me some spoiler make me more excited to watch for the next and next episode

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On 9/23/2016 at 10:08 PM, riska2904 said:

i ask bittersweetboyslove (author) about her permission for fanbase to do english trans, she said we should ask nobu publishing for that

so lets pray together for nobu publishing permission  

I will one of who will pray for that and one of who will order, also please put my name under the list if they agree to translate the novel

On 9/23/2016 at 10:32 PM, delightful said:

So, I just read the chapter where they slept together. My heart is now pulled out of my chest and sitting next to that monster's pink milk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stab it all you want!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bawling:

 Hope thay you can give me the detail OMG pervert mind :wub::wub::wub:

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Really... :)

6 hours ago, leno4218176 said:

All free-to-air television broadcasters are now allowed to show dramas, variety programmes, sports matches and commercials but must strictly abide by the guidelines for TV stations during the 30-day national mourning period

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Hello nice to know you all.

Actually i already give comment in there and there but count me as a new member of this Sotus Forums and love Kong and arthit so much.

I never can't get enough of thern.

I also just knew about them just a couple of week and already fall so hard for them and then suddenly they will postponed the drama hiks hiks hiks the last episode 8 and can't wait more for the 9th episode.

This forums just make me missing them more and more but love it to know you all

Love from me


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