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Man Crush Monday: Park Yoochun's Han Jung Woo in "Missing You"

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Park Yoochun never ceases to amaze me with his acting abilities, especially since he first debuted as a singer. In "The Girl Who Sees Smells," he is, again, impressing me with his versatility and reminding me of how well he always portrays each unique character by bringing them to life. Just like Han Jung Woo from "Missing You," our Man Crush Monday this week. In such an emotionally heavy melodrama, Han Jung Woo was a breath of much needed fresh air, even if he had me going through box after box of tissues throughout the 21 episode duration of "Missing You." Here's my five reasons why Han Jung Woo deserves a spot on our Crush list, complete with some potential spoilers.

1. Han Jung Woo can "erase" bad memories.

MCM_HanJungWoo_BadMemoriesSwaaaa~ Such a simple hand gesture with an even simpler sound and yet, it erases all of Lee Soo Yeon's bad memories while bringing a tender smile to our faces. How many of us tried to mimic this special Han Jung Woo hand motion? I know I did. Hehe. It might be considered childish, but it's, without a doubt, effective, isn't it? And with such a heartwarming meaning behind it, I was already totally willing to hand my heart over to Han Jung Woo on a platter.

2. He doesn't care about upholding appearances.

MCM_HanJungWoo_Appearance The most important thing is his own happiness, his own comfort, and his own method of relieving stress. Well, when it comes to his passionate love for singing, that is, even if he can shatter glass with his completely loud and tone deaf voice. Haha! I love a man that exudes a strong sense of confidence even while doing the most amusing and outrageous of actions.

3. He has fun and quirky habits.

MCM_HanJungWoo_Fun_zps3sd1u9uw.gif But they are never without reason, just like his battle with the streetlights, his tendency to shovel food into his mouth like he hasn't eaten in years, and calling Lee Soo Yeon's mother his girlfriend. Those quirks are so uniquely Han Jung Woo, but it serves to touch the heart on so many different levels that, before you know it, he's burrowed his way into your heart and set up camp. At this rate, I think it's safe to say that Han Jung Woo is just an incredibly warm and touching man.

4. Han Jung Woo has drive.

MCM_HanJungWoo_Drive He knows where to get his motivation from and he goes for it with everything he has. He became a detective to find Lee Soo Yeon. He worked hard to piece all the clues together and solve the mystery. It was a long and difficult journey for him, but Han Jung Woo never gave up and he gets bonus points for that. Even when Zoey denied being Lee Soo Yeon, Han Jung Woo trusted his instincts and continued his pursuit for the truth. Half of his drive probably comes from his guilt for leaving her behind all those years ago and the other half is simply his love for her, but it still takes a boatload of dedication and he most certainly brought that to the table.

5. Han Jung Woo is appropriately forward.

MCM_HanJungWoo_Forward1MCM_HanJungWoo_Forward2 No one can say that he doesn't have his heart on his sleeve because Han Jung Woo most certainly does. He's always incredibly straightforward with Lee Soo Yeon and actively pursues her in a romantic manner. Unlike a lot of other heros in Dramaland who argue back and forth with themselves on whether or not they should go for the girl, Han Jung Woo just boldly dives in, even if he risks getting hurt and flat out rejected. Soompiers, what did you think of Han Jung Woo? Does he deserve a spot on our Crush list? Who would you like to see next? Let me know in the comments below! In the meantime, I'll be grabbing another box of tissues and giving "Missing You" a re-watch since I'm suddenly... missing you, drama! Get it? Ha! For the complete list of Man Crush Mondays, please click here.

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