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He Loves Naughty Girl Not

Guest s u n d a e_

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Guest MiZzKaEunieee

hahahah. lol. thanks for adding me to your pm list!!


lol. i think it'd be sweet.

when i read

"the Ice King Kang Yoon Sung"

i thought it said at first, "the Ice King Kong"

lol. me and my retarded brain. xD

thanks for the pm. write soon!!

*wow. this has gotten a bit long...buttt....i hope you like long letters!!*


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Guest always_urs

OMG!!!! damn i miss so many

post took me a while to read

them all.... but damn... crack

me up good.... hope u post

up soon then ^_^V

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Guest s u n d a e_

Chapter 16 – Ironies.

I was a complete madcap to even think that there is the slightest chance that I like Yoon Sung. Bloody hell, of course I don’t!! And the person to bring me back to my senses? None other than my current love, Yoo Sang Hyuk.

Yes, it is Saturday at last! I am finally going to be united with him!!!

I twirled around in front of the mirror like those girls in those movies do before they go out on a date. When they spin, they look graceful like a swan. When I spin, I look like a waddling duck. I stopped spinning and examined my clothing again; denims, a white singlet and lime poncho over the top to cover my fat with white joggers. Looks good enough.

I heard Yoo Na shout from her room, “Appa! Have you seen my glasses?!”

“Glasses are meant to make a person look smart”, I said, lifting the black thick-rimmed glasses I ‘borrowed’ from Yoo Na and tried them on.

I look like a f*cking nerd.

“Yoo Na! I found them!” I yelled.

She burst through my door and stood in the doorway. She chucked me the daggers.

“Don’t look at me like that you little richard simmons, I got them from Freak’s room”, I lied.

I handed her the glasses and she snatched them.

“Yoo Rin stayed at her friend’s house last night”, Geek said through gritted teeth.

I shrugged and she stormed out. Ah well.


I was sitting cross-legged on the cushion at the short-legged table next to Sang Hyuk who seemed even more nervous than I was.

“So…uh, what do you need help with?” He quivered.

I remember preparing for this question in advance yesterday night by scanning my report.

KOREAN : 75%
MATHS : 54%

And you get the gist of it, basically, I’m flogging school.

I looked indecisively at Sang Hyuk, “Uh… maths?”

He took a deep breath, “OK. Um… do you have your homework with you?”

I nodded and pulled out my math book and opened to a random page with words on it I don’t ever remember copying. It looks like Ha Na’s writing.

“We’ll start with this question”, Sang Hyuk said.

I smiled, “OK.”

He pulled the book closer to him and I shifted over, closer to him. He glanced at me then shifted over again. I glanced at him and moved closer. He glanced at me and moved further. We kept doing this ‘til he was squashed up against the wall. What is he doing…? I smiled at him and he had sweat dotting his forehead.

“Uh, Yoo Jin, I need some space”, he hinted.

“Oh”, I nodded and moved over a centimetre.

He glanced at the space between us and sighed. He pointed to question one.

“What you do here is…”

What the richard simmons is he saying? He’s simply telling me what to do and not explaining it. If he isn’t Sang Hyuk I’d be thumping him for not doing a proper job right now.

Hmm… I wonder what he smells like? With my sensitivity to scent, a man’s aroma is very important. I pretended I couldn’t see properly by squinting my eyes at the textbook. I leaned in closer to him and took a deep breath.

“PWAH!!” I hurriedly leant away from him and pegged my nose.

Sang Hyuk looked at me completely lost. “What is it?”

I let go of my nose and wriggled it. I could have easily been honest and said ‘richard simmons YOU STINK’ but little lies don’t hurt. The thing is I couldn’t bring myself to say ‘you smell good’ so I said, “A bug bit my nose.”


He went back to teaching me as I eyed him hopelessly and sighed.

“Yoo Jin, uh… are you listening?”


“Bye”, I whispered, trying to put on a sweet smile.

His eyes widened. “Bye!” He gushed and quickly shut the door.

Once the door was closed I wriggled my body loosely and screamed in frustration.


The chitter chatter died out as the Moon came in for third period.

“I have your assignments”, he announced.

I smiled and glanced over to Yoon Sung who was also smiling. Pfft, my poor slave thinks he’s going to make me do 10 dares. Over my dead body.

“Ha Na and Jin Kyu!” The Moon called. “By the way, class, after you receive your assignments you may spend the rest of the period discussing it.”

Ha Na and Jin Kyu got up together and collected their assignment. Ha Na caught my eye and mouthed ‘sixty percent’. For a collaboration with Jin Kyu, that’s a world record.

“Yoon Sung, Yoo Jin!”

I stood up and so did he. We walked down the two aisles in the class and arrived at the Moon at the same time. The Moon smiled, “Very impressive work.”

I took the assignment and we walked to the window.

“Did you hear that?” I asked.

“I’m not deaf”, he retorted.

I sighed and pulled the first scoring sheet out of the plastic sleeve.

Part A : 98

That was Kang Yoon Sung’s bit… I gulped. So he really is smart… He glanced at the scoring sheet.

“You said you’d get 100%!” I exclaimed.

“I combined it with your part that’s why”, he excused.

I scoffed and grabbed hold of the second scoring sheet. I slowly pulled it out…


I threw the assignment to the ground and screamed for joy, “BINGO!” I punched the air and clicked my fingers, “Yes!” I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around. “What?”

Yoon Sung shoved the scoring sheet back at me and nodded for me to read it. I raised a brow and stared at the numbers in front of me.

“Sixty six?” I muttered.

66?! The stupid Moon had slipped in the second sheet upside down! NO! richard simmons no this is embarrassing… it can’t be. I felt a pout coming on, and seriously, I never pout- well not a lot. I tried to block it and the only result was I looked like a human with a horse’s mouth. I reluctantly looked away from the sheet and up at Yoon Sung who was observing me with a cocky smile.

I stomped pass Ha Na and Jin Kyu who were in the middle of an argument.

“Yoo Jin, what’s wrong?” Ha Na called after me.

A bet’s a bet. I went to my table, ripped out a piece of paper and cut out the shape of a body. On it I wrote my name then stuck it on the floor and stepped over it.

I took a deep breath and looked across the room to Yoon Sung who was still staring at me, “I’LL LIVE UP TO YOUR STUPID DARES, KANG YOON SUNG!!!”

He gave a lopsided grin as the rest of the class glanced from him to me.


The next day…


Run, Yoo Jin! It’s Park Im Ho!

Eh, I’m unfit. Can’t be bothered. He caught up to me and held onto my elbow.

“I heard you declared that you owe ten dares to Kang Yoon Sung!” He said frantically.

“Yeah, so what?”

“That’s dangerous! What if he dares you to have sex with him?!”

I slapped him hard. “How cheap do you think I am?!”

Im Ho hung onto his cheek with a gapping mouth. I glared at him and strode away.

Kang Yoon Sung wouldn’t do a thing like that, after all, I know his aunty. What’s he going to dare me to do anyway? Glue the teacher’s butt to a chair? Hm, haven’t done that in a while…


On the way back from successfully gluing the new history’s teacher butt to the chair with super glue (I bet he has to take his pants off) I caught Yoon Sung walking down the corridor with a large pile of thick books.

“What’s with the creepy smile?” He asked.

I ignored him but I had to stop when he announced, “Your first dare…”

I spun around on my toes. “What?”

“Is to return these books back to the library.”

How easy. But maybe there’s something else…

Yoon Sung came and dumped the books onto me, only I withdrew and they tumbled down to the floor messily.

“Yah, rubber arms?”

I squinched my eyes and pointed at his face. “What’s your true motive? Do these books have itchy powder?”

“No, you idiot”, he grabbed my finger and thrust it down.

No? “Then why waste a dare on something like this?” I said pointing to the books on the ground.

“Because, I can afford to.”

Well the b1cth was right, I’ve got nine dares left then.

“Fine then, stupid cow”, I said and crouched down to pick up the books.



“Don’t you ever let people finish their sentences?”

“Not if I don’t want to”, I replied arrogantly, standing up with the seven books. Geez they’re heavy. “You know, now that I think about it, you’re a nerd too. Just missing-”

I stood on my toes, reached for his hair and attempted to flatten it out and part it to one side with one hand. Why isn’t he reacting? I found out soon when I realised I was eye-level with him and our faces were in VERY close ranges. We stared at each other for a moment with no words.

I quickly got off my toes. “You’re just missing a comb over and f*cking good pair of thick-rimmed glasses- and maybe you need to tuck your shirt it.”

He went blank but said, “Why are you swearing?”

“’Cause I’m talking to you”, I answered and headed off to the library.

Truthfully, I think it’s because swearing tends to lighten the atmosphere.

Yoon Sung’s voice echoed through the corridor. “I need to tell you something, meet me after school. We’ll go to the store together.”

Together? Tell me something? Tell me what? Tell me now! So I don’t have to go with you.


I walked to the front of the school alone and spotted Yoon Sung with his bag hanging off one shoulder standing by the pole marking the bus stop. I went and stood next to him. He took his eyes off the ground and turned to me.

“I thought you wouldn’t come”, he stated.

“I’m not scared of you, so why wouldn’t I?”

He shrugged.

“Tell me”, I demanded.

He looked away, “Later.”


“No”, he simply said.

He said in such a simplistic way I dropped the topic. What does he want to tell me? He needs help with something? Being bullied? Unlikely. Wait, likely since he is the one that got involved with the Red Arrows… wants a favour because I’m Dong Wan’s little godsister? Yeah! That’s probably it! He wants to trade my nine dares for a favour! At least I won’t have to associate with Kang Yoon Sung anymore, not that being with him is such a bad thing anymore.


I was tidying up the sales rack when Yoon Sung emerged from the staff room and walked over to Madam Oh.

“I’m going to pay the bills”, he informed her.

The moment the door closed behind him Madam Oh called me over to the red sofa. I sat down next to her.

“Yes, Madam?”

“Has he asked you yet?” She whispered with an excited smile.

“Yoon Sung?”

She nodded.

I shook my head, “Nope.”

Madam Oh frowned. “Argh that little rascal! You know he told me that-”

The door opened and a young lady in her mid twenties entered. For the next hour we were so busy that neither of us even bothered to glance at Yoon Sung when he returned.


I pushed open the door with my backpack on one shoulder as Madam Oh looked up from her paperwork.

“Walking Yoo Jin to the bus stop?” She asked Yoon Sung, who was tailing behind me.

He nodded, “Yeah.”

She smiled cheekily and winked at him. Knowing I had seen the wink, Yoon Sung pushed me through the doorway and closed the door gently behind him.

“What was that all about?” I questioned.

“Aunties”, he said in an irritated voice.

We started walking side by side, a metre away from each other. I was the one to break the silence. “Why did you move schools?”

“Your boss said my old school was too scandalised”, he replied.

Strange things happen in this weird world. He moved from a scandalised school to one which the godsister of a gang leader attends and is constantly being attacked.

“Were you always like this?” He questioned.

“Like what?”

“Fierce, crazy…”

“Yah yah yah, are you looking for a fight?” I blustered, rolling up the sleeves of my black v-neck top- only it was hard to see under the dim street lights and I ended up pinching myself.


I suddenly felt curious about the relationship between Yoon Sung and I. What is the relationship? Does one even exist? I mean, I don’t like the guy, but I don’t hate him the way I hate others. Sometimes he feels almost like a friend, a lot of the times he feels like someone who deserves to be trashed.

“Yah, describe me in three words”, I said randomly.

Yoon Sung is the first one ever to reply without any thought or further questions, “Born-a-richard simmons.”

I have never received that kind of response before. I blinked, gave him a dirty and his response was to shrug.

“I don’t like lying”, he revealed.


And before I knew it we were at the bus stop and I could see my bus coming. Yoon Sung, too, noticed this and looked down at me. It seems like he’s being hesitant about something. Asking for a favour ain’t that hard. I waited impatiently and the bus stopped.

“I have to go”, I said in a squeaky you’ll-miss-your-chance-while-I’m-in-a-good-mood voice.

He didn’t react so I turned around to the bus.

I saw his chin lift in the reflection of the window.

“I dare you to go to dinner with me.”



faded_x_memories: Thanks for the upload.

MiZzKaEunieee: You cracked me up so bad!! Lol!!

And thanks for all the comments!

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Guest MiZzKaEunieee



stupid sanghyuk. i don like him...

*ducks from the things thrown at me by people who DO like him*


wow. super geek and super freak. lol. how'd you think of that?

thanks for the pm. write soon!

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Guest faded_x_memories

HAHA OMG!!! so he totally likes her!! ^o^ gosh, I should sing a next song when the next post is up. ^^ and np. haha I should wave my heart flags and dance around like a maniac. Heart flags are special edition made by me (: MUAHAHAA post soon

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Guest Alias1234ever

EEEE!!! That's too cute. "I dare you to go to dinner with me."

EEEEE!! Mang. I wish some guy said that to me. Too cute. Update soon!

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