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[OFFICIAL THREAD 1] Lee Jonghyun ♡ Gong Seungyeon [House Of Brownies]


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I have one question to all BOICEs and Burning Souls in the forum. I am quite interested to know your opinion regarding JY's non-response (in sns)  to 100th day gift by fans. perhaps those who follows his career from the beginning would know better. btw, I am not related to the gift effort but just want to know JY better.   


For me, I think it's a matter of 'out of sight, out of mind', meaning the thinking is - as long as he doesn't directly post anything related to SY, the fans won't get mad and possibly hate on SY. Just like he posts on IG when filming WGM, but never posts a couple selfie with SY.

(I hope you don't relate this non-response to his feelings for SY and whatnot)

CNBLUE does get a lot of gifts from fans, for birthdays, when they visit other countries, food support for concerts, music shows, etc etc and Yonghwa even gets the same food support vans for his solo dramas, but AFAIK they have never posted thank yous on SNS. So, in a way, JH thanking fans for his drama support by posting on IG is a first.


(using Yonghwa's WGM past as an example)

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^^^I understand all of this.... 


Isn't WGM an "acting" "project" like OM?  OM is NOT CNBlue, right? I mean, OM production doesn't give a rat's behind about CNBlue as it relates to what they are doing, just whether JH shows up and does his "acting" job properly, right?


Why is it okay for Boice or Burning Soul to give him gifts at OM and he can post all of those pics on his IG BUT not WGM gifts for 100 Day Project.  SY accepted them, so it's not "protecting" her by not posting it because she already showed her gifts on her IG and gave them her baseball jersey for charity purposes.  What's wrong with that?  Why couldn't JH be as accepting of WGM fans as those fans of OM????  Are you saying there are NO Boice or Burning Soul fans who are WGM BEC fans? We all know that's not true since there is a good % of them in this forum.

So let's all be clear here, because talking about "protecting" SY and his only being able to ACCEPT Boice/Burning Soul gifts for CNBlue or OM projects is a huge excuse making expedition, because the real reason is that a good # of Boice/Burning Soul are nutso, crazy people who like to dictate how another person lives their life like a slave-master, period.  JH knows full well after years at this job that he has to do a jig to the beat of their drums if he wants to butter his bread, because the fans can be just that nasty if he dares to try to have a happy loving relationship before the day he goes on the official CNBlue webpage with his APOLOGY LETTER giving his 1,000 word statement of contrition for daring to love one woman so much he decides to marry her.  Don't tell me it's not so, because I've watched and read these very kinds of letters with tears in my eyes that a human, in order to make a living doing what they love, has to apologize for their own personal happiness....

...so yes, most likely JH does not post WGM stuff, not because he isn't as considerate to the WGM fans as SY is, but to placate the nutso, crazy fans who pay his bills...

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in case anyone was interested, Part 1 of CNBlue's White Spring concert in Japan is up on YouTube (cr. cnblue.cl)  ... and yes the couple bracelet is visible .. ;)

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Too cute... at ~5 and ~8 minutes:



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Guest rainmoon

in case anyone was interested, Part 1 of CNBlue's White Spring concert in Japan is up on YouTube (cr. cnblue.cl)  ... and yes the couple bracelet is visible .. ;)

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Too cute... at ~5 and ~8 minutes:

Right ... it was pretty cute and exciting to see;  you actually see it a lot lol.. love love love :wub: I love watching their concerts ... 

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I have one question to all BOICEs and Burning Souls in the forum. I am quite interested to know your opinion regarding JY's non-response (in sns)  to 100th day gift by fans. perhaps those who follows his career from the beginning would know better. btw, I am not related to the gift effort but just want to know JY better.   

I have one question to all BOICEs and Burning Souls in the forum. I am quite interested to know your opinion regarding JY's non-response (in sns)  to 100th day gift by fans. perhaps those who follows his career from the beginning would know better. btw, I am not related to the gift effort but just want to know JY better.   


For me, I think it's a matter of 'out of sight, out of mind', meaning the thinking is - as long as he doesn't directly post anything related to SY, the fans won't get mad and possibly hate on SY. Just like he posts on IG when filming WGM, but never posts a couple selfie with SY.

(I hope you don't relate this non-response to his feelings for SY and whatnot)

CNBLUE does get a lot of gifts from fans, for birthdays, when they visit other countries, food support for concerts, music shows, etc etc and Yonghwa even gets the same food support vans for his solo dramas, but AFAIK they have never posted thank yous on SNS. So, in a way, JH thanking fans for his drama support by posting on IG is a first.


(using Yonghwa's WGM past as an example)

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In my opinion, JH's IG account was made by him for Burning Souls (his fans). And, in my opinion again, being in the business for a long time has taught him a lot and he very well knows what his WGM-related actions might cause. Though he might not personally care, but I believe he cares for SY and what his WGM-related IG actions might do to her and her career. I believe JH is playing safe to protect SY. 

That may seem so. But this is what I don't understand fully, FAN BACKLASH. If one is an all-out fan of an Idol, why not support everything about that Idol, professionally and personally?  Just because I don't want this particular attachment an Idol has with someone, I would do all sorts of things to ruin that someone?  Then what kind of person does that make of me?

Although I know the importance of fanbase for each idol, but these idols are human too(every fan knows this), they have choices that are personal to them, we may not always like the clothes they wear, or all their friends, but are we to hate our idol because of the clothes or their friends? Then what kind of a fan does that make us/me?

Don't fans want their idol to be happy? If wearing a particular clothing/accessory, or being with a particular friend that fans do not necessarily like, but makes that idol happy, can't fans just accept it and be happy for their idol? (and not have to go through great lengths to ruin things or someone or their idol?)

I have always been a follower of the CNBlue men as individuals and as a group, watching and supporting their music and dramas, that got me to watch Jonghyun since day 1 in WGM. I do not know SY originally before WGM days, but seeing how JH have reacted and interacted upon seeing her and being with her in the show(and even outside the show referring to IG sagas), just makes me happy for JH and for them as a couple in a show, and even as individuals (even hoping as a couple) outside WGM.  

Just saying, no harm meant. Just my thoughts, PEACE!


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Guest yeongwoong

@amastris : "Don't think too much or you'll get yourself tiredLet's live more comfortably." - Lee Jonghyun

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It's not just the choppy flow of conversation that's weird, but the practice session is weirdly spliced as well. One moment Jung Shin is sitting down wearing his black jacket, the next moment he's standing, playing and wearing just his t-shirt...and then he's back to sitting down, wearing his black jacket again when they finish playing. I highly doubt that was all one shot! It's like the guys had practiced their set sitting down, and then when they finished, the PD's were like, "Nooope! Do it again standing up and with more energy/feeling!" haha

Little edits like this don't really make a difference in the scheme of JY's relationship, but it makes me realize how much is edited and unseen. MBC better give us good unaired footage this week! :P

I think for their practice session the cuts were understandable.. Its a practice for their FNC Kingdom concert, so its expected that they'll run through a lot of songs with lots of breaks in between. JS could have worn and removed his jacket several times thus the difference in the video. 

Whats inconsistent to me was JY's watch. Notice that at the beginning of their sit-down conversation, the black watch was already removed, when it should only be after JS asked him to transfer his bracelet that he removed his watch (almost at the end of the CNBlue scene). This only shows that the WGM sequence is not according to how the story goes in real life, but as to how they would want the story for the audience to be. 

Very much agree, it's quite a mess how some of the recent Jongyeon episodes have been stitched together.

The Korean netizens seem to feel the same way (Thanks @rosedust)


[ + 135] [- 7] There are a lot of editing~~ the broadcast are too short, this part also got a lot of edit=.= 

A lot of the time, it's the smaller, quieter moments that are the sweetest, so I'm sure the WGM staff has tons of tender moments littered across the ground of their editing room :( The producers probably assume viewers only want the "greatest hits", to use a music album analogy, but it's often the B-sides and lesser known tracks that resonate the most...  Recall, this Everland lunch scene and photo were cut from the original airing --



Fortunately, as @belledejour mentioned, the essence of Jongyeon hasn't been lost during the editing process and the silver lining of so many Jongeyon scenes being cut/edited is WGM will run out of material to air, prompting more WGM filming and dates for Jongyeon -- per @meminthehouse's calendar, their last known filming date was May 21, almost a month ago. Even cactuses need watering or they'll shrivel and wilt -- please don't let Jongyeon wilt, WGM staff!




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Isn't WGM an "acting" "project" like OM?  OM is NOT CNBlue, right? I mean, OM production doesn't give a rat's behind about CNBlue as it relates to what they are doing, just whether JH shows up and does his "acting" job properly, right?


Why is it okay for Boice or Burning Soul to give him gifts at OM and he can post all of those pics on his IG BUT not WGM gifts for 100 Day Project.  SY accepted them, so it's not "protecting" her by not posting it because she already showed her gifts on her IG and gave them her baseball jersey for charity purposes.  What's wrong with that?  Why couldn't JH be as accepting of WGM fans as those fans of OM????  Are you saying there are NO Boice or Burning Soul fans who are WGM BEC fans? We all know that's not true since there is a good % of them in this forum.

So let's all be clear here, because talking about "protecting" SY and his only being able to ACCEPT Boice/Burning Soul gifts for CNBlue or OM projects is a huge excuse making expedition, because the real reason is that a good # of Boice/Burning Soul are nutso, crazy people who like to dictate how another person lives their life like a slave-master, period.  JH knows full well after years at this job that he has to do a jig to the beat of their drums if he wants to butter his bread, because the fans can be just that nasty if he dares to try to have a happy loving relationship before the day he goes on the official CNBlue webpage with his APOLOGY LETTER giving his 1,000 word statement of contrition for daring to love one woman so much he decides to marry her.  Don't tell me it's not so, because I've watched and read these very kinds of letters with tears in my eyes that a human, in order to make a living doing what they love, has to apologize for their own personal happiness....

...so yes, most likely JH does not post WGM stuff, not because he isn't as considerate to the WGM fans as SY is, but to placate the nutso, crazy fans who pay his bills...

We're in the same boat.

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@amastris : "Don't think too much or you'll get yourself tiredLet's live more comfortably." - Lee Jonghyun

I truly hope that wasn't directed at me, because I'm not the one thinking too much around here and I'm certainly not tired.  

1. I'm not the one going on and on and on about whether or not the BILs are talking about SH or JHs g/fs. I'm the one saying what does it matter either way? I'm the one saying what is the DEFINITION of an ex-? An ex- is an ex-, 'nuff said, move on. But even after posting this, there's a clusterfark still going on discussing how many ex-s JH might possibly have had. ...I think THEY are the ones THINKING too much and making the topic TIRED.

2.  I'm not the one worrying about how often BEC meet and whether he is not posting on his IG to SY because he's lost interest.  I don't worry about JH's fanbase, I just say, I KNOW, there's a LARGE element of them who are nuts and they dictate his interactions... so the fact that he even FOLLOWS her, or has an IGsaga with her AT ALL is a cherry on the top of the ice cream JH loves having SY wipe from his mouth.  But I have no problems when people post after post try to give EXPLANATIONS and EXCUSES for JH's nutso fans that, YES, we understand this fact, AND that it AFFECTS his ACTIONS, but that in and of itself isn't the BEST reason for him to DISCOUNT a portion of his FANS that like EVERYTHING he does, not just CERTAIN things.  I'm particular about this point.  I don't like crazy fans, and I'm not going to "agree" with the excuses they give to act "CRAZY". A melon is just that, a melon.  We know they try to taint things... no reason to go on describe the different colors of the melons in JH & SY's lives.

....and I'm certainly NOT worried about how much or how little they see each other.  They don't have a set schedule.  They both seem, actually, quite flexible and I really like that about this couple.


If BEC were to have gone by a strict every 2 weeks schedule they would have seen each other 4/30, 5/14, 5/28, & 6/11 up until now.  That's a total of 4 times they would have seen each others face.  

As it stands they've seen each other 4/16, 4/30, 5/3, 5/14, 5/20 up until now.  That is also total of 4 times... and that includes probably 12-14 hours into the late hours of the night on 4/16 & 4/30 and a train trip and most likely 1 day & 1/2 in Busan since we know SY was there to cheer him with a cake at MIDNIGHT on his birthday.  So, even though it's going on a month since they've seen each other, they've spent a heck of a lot of time 1v1 and that's why you are seeing the results by their "closeness", and with both of them having such a busy schedule, an episode cancellation, the focus on 2 new couples, and, as pointed out by another Brownie here, the fact that they could have very well did a filming in between that we are not aware of because they spent that whole day, maybe in bed, at home... who knows really until the episodes come out....  and we have been told, unlike other fans of other couples, right off that they text and speak to each other on the phone about the mundane things in their lives regarding filming and such, which sounds very couple-y to me, that I seriously don't understand why people THINK too much about it and get themselves TIRED.

"Let's live more comfortably..."  shall we? ;)



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I just wanted to share another theory on why JH and SY are not as active on IG anymore... At the start when they first met each other interacting on IG was probably the only/easiest way to get each other's attention/to communicate in general. Later they exchanged phone numbers, I guess around that time the posting decreased, because they could just directly contact each other. We even know that they talk a lot - a statement that is pretty bold for celebs and you could tell how comfortable they were on the phone in the last segment. This is no ordinary confession. As we know almost all celebs who are rumored to have a romance usually deny a close relationship all together or at least play the facts down.

My thought: JH would not boldy tell everyone that he completely fell for SY if he was merely acting. I could be entirely wrong but the way I see it he would rather say something like "She's nice/ I like her." and not make a complete love fool out of himself. (Would he really risk to be teased from his friends for years from to come if he hadn't in some way confirmed that their feelings for each other are mutual? I think he's bold but he's not stupid. He would have given up much earlier and played the rest of their time on WGM safe.) He'd be more composed.
By stating (like every time WGM airs) that he completely fell for her he is not just introducing her to his friends/family as the girl that captured his heart, he is (perhaps most of all) also influencing his fans. I don't want to speculate too much but if I was him I'd hope that my fanbase would slowly get used to the idea of them dating or even supporting him, because they can see how happy she makes him. Also JH was wearing the couple bracelet right in front of his fans at the concert. He could have just left it at home if he wanted to make a clean cut between WGM and his other activities.

I am not as disappointed with JH as some of you are. He never used to be overly active on IG so he simply returned to being his normal self - probably to what I've explained above. Also we shouldn't forget that he does a lot for SY. He keeps praising her, he tells everyone how much he likes her. He himself told the public how much he changed when he could have just put on a cool/not as caring image. The amount of skinship is also a massive sign when it comes to his real feelings. If he was just acting, sure he would grab her hand from time to time or even aim for a hug or a kiss. However, he would probably not try to hold her close ALL the time, always finding another excuse to maintain skinship even when it seems uncomfortable due to a certain position situation at times. Even his brothers stated that it is just too much (to bear). I think he really shows how much he treasures her on WGM. Why does he have to release a public statement when we can already see that?

Yes, JH could have done something for their 100th day celebration. But he might just kept this for WGM as well (perhaps they'll have their wedding then).

I believe that this couple talks a lot - whether they are in an off screen relationship or not. I am sure they also spoke about how to handle their fans/antifans/social media accounts. We shouldn't worry too much right now. If we step back and think about it we are getting so much more from this couple than any other WGM shipper paradise I remember. They really share a lot about themselves. So perhaps they just want everyone to get used to them step by step before they make further announcements (my delulu is still active as you can see). ;)





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Just strolling through a local country store and discovered a peculiar item...Here, let me zoom in a bit --



I couldn't believe my eyes -- has SY been using this secret ingredient all along? :w00t:

Just look closely at SY's pocket --



Then again right in SY's bag --



Heavens, no wonder JH has been under SY's spell all this time! :blink:




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You're post made me smile lots! - I think we may have also fallen under a spell. I think if we look just a little closer, there must be a bottle of 'JongYeon Sarang' sitting on that shelf - I'm pretty sure someone's been spiking our brownies with it. It would probably explain the feeling of love we happen to be experiencing along with them!


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@kazu-id You do a great job providing trans (your level is way better than mine believe me haha) sometimes it is really hard to translate, especially if you don't know korean fully because a single phrase you don't get can change the whole meaning of the conversation. When I to post some trans I always get nervous because I don't what to mislead anyone, there have been times when I have delete all I have translate and didn't post it because of that:sweatingbullets:

hahah I don't. I have hard time translating it too. Sometimes, I am like,,,'I understand what they are talking about, but it's so hard to write it in English'. due to lack of English vocabulary in my part. And also, the differences in sentence structures make it harder to translate. English is not my mother tongue and neither is Korean, so there goes my random translation LOL. I have to re-read them many times before posting too. I'm scared for leading brownies to false translation, i'm gonna get razzed by guilty feeling.

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Love for this couple the very reason we are here.....   After my brainless day yesterday I am thankful I was outside, even took a break under my favorite oak tree that has been here longer than my family.  So many directions on this forum today and some heart felt emotions.  Here are a few of mine.  I often feel sorry for our couple and all the walls they have to climb!  They have careers to think about, they have fans to think about, they have family, they have everyday things to think about, expectations, not only in themselves but  those who are around them that expect things.  JH doesn't just represent himself he is in a group.  Things he says and does affects his brothers also whom he loves.  Now he has SY one more person to protect and love.  But with that comes even more responsibility!!  I don't know why he posts or doesn't post! It could be because of others, it could be because of himself and it could be he thought SY's response was for them both.  What I do know is fans come in all degrees and I continue to believe that JH & SY are more than aware of whats going on around them.  Also what has happened to those in the past.     I am thankful that SY isn't in a group at SM that would truly be a high wall to climb.  JH has always been his own man but he is smart enough to know that those fans feed not only him, but those who he starved with, bled with,cried with,worked in the cold & heat with on the streets of Japan.  This couple will never win over all the fans but I won't give up HOPE that they will win a few more everyday!  They haven't rushed in skinship I believe partly because it's respect and maybe partly giving fans time to get use to them and their relationship. Because he understands & loves his fans and wants to do his best for them.  It would be wonderful if they could do that for him in return.   I try my best to post love to fans I don't understand or agree with.  Hoping I can get even just one of them to cross that line look at it in a different light.  I often hear fans scream I Love You JH!!  If that is true, than love him enough to let him go and grow!   Let him be all that he can be!!  Allow him to soar higher because of the freedom to be in love!  For only then will you hear what only the heart can create HIS BEST MUSIC....  And when you look back you can remember you were there LIFTING HIM UP.... THAT'S A FAN.....   THAT'S LOVE...

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