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[OFFICIAL THREAD 1] Lee Jonghyun ♡ Gong Seungyeon [House Of Brownies]


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Hi my fellow brownies. This will be my first post ever in soompi but i've been a lurker since the first thread .
I've followed this couple since the WGM days and they are the only couple that really drew me in and made me believe in love. I'm actually a bit cynical when it comes to the topic of love.
At first watch their first broadcast, as jonghyun fans I have a feeling like "oh no...", "I can't watch it", etc. etc.
But my expectation is WRONG! I FALL IN LOVE TO THEM! Their wgm is so full with their sincerity, jonghyun never let seungyeon hand free, always care towards each other. And for the busan trip hugging everywhere anywhere you can hahaha.
I feel really happy to found this forums, so please treat me as well since my english is not good enough:sweatingbullets:

​Welcome dear..welcome to Brownies Paradise...

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no wonder he has 10 ex girfriend... he is handsome , famous, lovable, cute, sexy.. he is every woman dream and also my dream man:P... i think he just point out who gonna be dating with... so lucky to have him.... i just made a promise for my next life please let me be his wife... lol...

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Guest agwkand

I have a feeling that JY will be filming WGM this week :D hope its gonna come true!! They're separated for too long!!!

​Let us keep praying and hoping that wish will comes true!!!

Delusional mode on : what are they chating or talking when they are separated for too long like this? Telling that they are already missing each other maybe:wub:

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Finally I find some time to spazz. How much fun was this episode?! :w00t:

I just love CNBLUE interactions so much. They are really like a family, always lovingly nagging at each other...

About JS's SIL comment... I think due to the editing etc we really don't know enough to make an accurate assumption. It could very well be that JS was refering to YH's WGM activity years ago... it could also mean that YH is dating someone secretly with marriage intentions atm (a lot of knetz believe it's PSH but let's face it, it could be anyone; we don't know)... JS could also be refering to JH's ex-gf. I don't really believe that though. You don't use this describtion if it's not related to WGM or a serious relationship. Given JH's age, even if he had 10 gf's so far, these relationships wouldn't have been serious. If we assume he started dating around 15 if would roughly be one girl a year... No, SIL not fitting at all. Also JH said "Why are you saying strange things? That made me nervous." To me it sounds like at first he thought JS was refering to him until he realised that his dongsaeng meant YH... JS even looked surprised with how shocked JH got. Thus I believe JS meant YH with this comment

Anyhow, even if JS was refering to JH's previous gf's... it's all in the past! We spoke about this earlier. JH always admitted that he dated before (years ago). Still, as far as we know from his interviews/ time on WGM he wasn't as emotionally involved as he is with SY now. I won't write down all the differences again since they are all stated a few (100 *cough*cough*) pages back. I just think that we should keep watching/enjoying JH's and SY's relationship develope and focus on the present rather than try to figure out their past so much (we can't accurately figure out what really happened back then anyway unless someone will actually tell the whole story).

When JH asked if they found SY pretty, to me it sounded like he somehow wanted their approval. He wanted them to say that he met a good wife (/girlfriend). Then watch their faces. My first thought was that they agree but they were also sighing inwardly, because they feel (like MH stated before) JH is giving too much (of his real feelings) away on national TV. They are worried it will backfire. That is why they are playing it down with "Just like on TV"..."It's a burden, right? Honestly!"... "You are rushing too much"...
When JH says he does it because he likes it/her the reaction is like "Honestly, that can be seen as over the top.", implying again that he is too obvious/straight forward. Also MH nervously addresses how they plan their future to be like... Then JS makes the kissing sound, adding to MH's troubled heart. He could not get his sentence straight. I wonder what he was trying to say when he mentioned the "hoping for..." You can clearly see he's worried there. (I found the moment SY looked at JS and he pretended nothing happened hilarious to watch though, sorry Minhyukkkiee:phew:) The peak moment was for me when JH admitted he fell for her (eyes) openly in front of his dongsaengs. He really left them dumbfound. However, even if JS and MH asked him to tone down his love display a bit JH won't do it. It must give them a really strange feeling to see him this way, since they expected him to be a typical Busan Namja and now he's being all cute. (I actually wonder if they are comparing his behaviour towards SY with how he treated his ex-gf's. Because of their shocked reaction I think it must be quite different.) To summ it up the BIL's are happy for their Hyung ("it's nice") but they want him to watch out what he's doing.  They don't want him (and her) to get hurt in the end.

When I saw this I couldn't help but think that they would not have worried if they didn't feel the reality of their relationship already. Usually the members try to make things awkward for the newly weds or they intent to bring them closer together. It's like the first time I seriously get the feeling the members want a couple to slow down, wishing that they won't get hurt in the end. It doesn't seem like an acting job for any of them anymore.

How funny was JS when JH said he would introduce him to someone, too? LOL I get the feeling that they could create a pretty funny double date with him around since he's so playful, always bickers with JH and gets along well with SY.

I found it pretty amazing how well SY did while meeting the BIL's. She must have been extremely nervous since she knows how much their opinion means to JH. I had the feeling though that the both of them must have spoken about JH's brothers offscreen often and he must have reassured here a lot before he set the meeting. Otherwise I doubt she could have been so comfortable around them. I watched the YongSeo segment before and (Sorry YongSeo fans) compared to their meet up SY fit into the group naturally right from the very beginning. She wasn't overly shy. There was no awkwardness (unless JH created it with his touchiness). Instead SY was very interested in them and this other side of JH. Also she behaved in a way that would justify JH's cheesy behaviour. She didn't brush him off or anything. Even when his brothers were teasing him she made sure they knew she was fine with how he was treating her. She had his back like a real wife.

SY gained like 1000000 plus points when she quickly forgave MH for breaking the bracelet. When she told him it was okay she almost made it sound likeit was her mistake for using this kind of string, saying she wanted to change it anyway. She doesn't only make sure JH is comfortable, she wants the BIL's to be at ease, too. It reminded me of JH losing his first couple item and how well she dealt with it.

One scene really confuses me. I still don't seem to completely understand it. Anyone care to help me out?:sweatingbullets:
They started to talk about MH's hobby-->flower arranging leading to him doing her bouquet for the wedding and how JS should take the pictures. Then SY talked about how it sounded like they were going to register their marriage right there. Then:
JH: The main photo should be taken somewhere else.
JS (surprised):  Wait, what did you say??
JH: Making the photos...
Everyone starts laughing (relieved??!)...
I don't get it!?! What caused this reaction from JS (and the rest)?

Who else could not stop laughing when SY suddenly covered JH's mouth?! :D
As I said in a previous post I think this gesture is really intimate. You wouldn't do it if you were not 100 % sure you are that close with this person already. His reaction was just as intimate (and didn't even make SY flinche for a second). I get the feeling that they have had this kind of skinship a lot (offscreen perhaps?)... The BIL's must have been startled as well. Imagine one of them trying to shush JH? It would have been like JH explained on the Go Show (http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xw8h6k_engsub-121214-cnblue-go-show-3-5_music)... Follow me!!! :sweatingbullets: Only SY can do this to him and the BIL's seem to realise it, too since they are trying to look away while feeling awkward. How funny is it that he actually enjoyed this kind of skinship, grinning like an idiot since it came from his wife? He must be really happy about how well she's expressing herself now. It just shows how comfortable she feels around him.

Since MH is usually the quietest out of the members and the one who hides his emotions the most I found his (hitting) outburst towards his Hyung pretty interesting! If anyone would have told me beforehand I wouldn't have believed that he actually did this. Cute JH must have really annoyed the hell out of him. Too much to bear. Experiencing their love life must have really been hard on him.:P

Also when SY mentioned in the BRI how she found JH sexy I was actually amazed with how someone could say the word "sexy" in such an straight forward but at the same time innocent way. The both of them are really something else...

When JH wanted SY to sing I was reminded of how they would do just about anything for each other even if they initially didn't like to do it. As much as SY was startled by his sudden suggestion she would not leave him hanging, in the end simply doing what he asked. No arguing, no begging. I really like that a lot about them. They step up/are bold when it comes to doing things for each other. It keeps a relationship fresh for a long time. Very good sign!! (I laughed my head off when I watched JS at the end of the song. What the hell was he doing with his bass guitarre?!:w00t:)

At the concert you could see once again that they just can't lie to each other. This is really amazing, too. My fiancé and I are the same. We can tell straight away once we look at each other's face or hear the voice. It's is even greater that they can tell after only knowing each other for a couple of months!

When I watched the side hug I found myself thinking why is she slightly trying to push him a way? She looked comfortable so I didn't understand the reaction at first. Later I realized that she must have done it because she wanted their first real bear (fatale) hug to stand out. So cute!:)(I actually saw JH becoming nervous right before. The thought of getting a kiss must have made his heart race. Poor pabo... He needs to wait a little longer. I guess there will be a cheek kiss for his birthday and perhaps a lip kiss for their wedding.)

Can anyone translate the card she wrote to him??? I am really dying to kow what the kiss card said...:D

Seeing JH live in concert must have really been amazing for SY. It reminded me of something Park Shinhye once said about Yonghwa. He does well as an actor but he really shines on stage. It must be the same with JH!

And finally that preview killed me like 10 times! They definitely stepped up their game in Busan. The way JH pulled SY up in a typical judo way... My fiancé does that to me, too. My heart skipped a beat watching this. Wow! I don't think JH would have been this bold if he wasn't trusting that SY would be okay with it since this move it's kinda a hot issue in SK.  (Imagine BIL's faces when they see this:sweatingbullets:) I cannot wait for next saturday to come!!!

I finally finished my novel. I am grateful that I can always share my thoughts with you!

Kamsahamnida my fellow Brownies!:wub:

PS: After getting JH's family's consent on Busan trip I hope this will be how their future will be like...


Delulu mood on!:D

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One scene really confuses me. I still don't seem to completely understand it. Anyone care to help me out?:sweatingbullets:
They started to talk about MH's hobby-->flower arranging leading to him doing her bouquet for the wedding and how JS should take the pictures. Then SY talked about how it sounded like they were going to register their marriage right there. Then:
JH: The main photo should be taken somewhere else.
JS (surprised):  Wait, what did you say??
JH: Making the photos...
Everyone starts laughing (relieved??!)...
I don't get it!?! What caused this reaction from JS (and the reast)?

previously, i explained it this way:

jungshin's hobby is photography, so after jungshin offered up minhyuk's hobby as a service for the newlyweds (bouquet), minhyuk offered up jungshin's hobby, too (presumably to take their wedding photos). jonghyun didn't want jungshin's service and said that the main photos should be taken somewhere else, meaning he wants it done by someone else. jungshin got offended, so then, jonghyun just offered that jungshin just do the bts of the wedding/photoshoot. 

i hope that clears that up for you. it was a little taste of how tom-and-jerry-ish jonghyun and jungshin's relationship is. :)

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Can anyone translate the card she wrote to him??? I am really dying to kow what the kiss card said...:D

​I've seen people on WGM DCgall trying it, but unfortunately when zoom in it's unreadable, so I don't think we will get the content of the letter any time soon (unless someone with reading ninja skill appears lol)

@kazu-id You do a great job providing trans (your level is way better than mine believe me haha) sometimes it is really hard to translate, especially if you don't know korean fully because a single phrase you don't get can change the whole meaning of the conversation. When I to post some trans I always get nervous because I don't what to mislead anyone, there have been times when I have delete all I have translate and didn't post it because of that:sweatingbullets:

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One scene really confuses me. I still don't seem to completely understand it. Anyone care to help me out?:sweatingbullets:
They started to talk about MH's hobby-->flower arranging leading to him doing her bouquet for the wedding and how JS should take the pictures. Then SY talked about how it sounded like they were going to register their marriage right there. Then:
JH: The main photo should be taken somewhere else.
JS (surprised):  Wait, what did you say??
JH: Making the photos...
Everyone starts laughing (relieved??!)...
I don't get it!?! What caused this reaction from JS (and the reast)?

previously, i explained it this way:

jungshin's hobby is photography, so after jungshin offered up minhyuk's hobby as a service for the newlyweds (bouquet), minhyuk offered up jungshin's hobby, too (presumably to take their wedding photos). jonghyun didn't want jungshin's service and said that the main photos should be taken somewhere else, meaning he wants it done by someone else. jungshin got offended, so then, jonghyun just offered that jungshin just do the bts of the wedding/photoshoot. 

i hope that clears that up for you. it was a little taste of how tom-and-jerry-ish jonghyun and jungshin's relationship is. :)

​I was thinking that at first, too. But then I looked at JH's face and my first impression was that he seemed to have (another?) plan already... Does anyone agree with this? I am not daring to hope yet... but... could it be he is planning something without SY knowing about it?:sweatingbullets:



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Seeing your gift: "Very beautiful, isn't she "(JH question every time meets JS and MH)????

I have met several celebrities. Though what we see on screen is already beautiful and handsome, but if you see them in person it happen to be ten times better. So I believe that these 2 people are incredible handsome/pretty that made JH directly fall for her with no doubt at all.

Did you all notice when SY ask about "sister in law" to Jungshin, you can see JS answered by moving his 10 fingers????

Why I have a feeling that JS just want to tell SY that JH has around 10 ex-girlfriends!!!!!

Brownies, don't get me wrong. I've read somewhere years ago that JH statement that the number of his ex girlfriend is equal to the number of his fingers:wub::wub:

​I believe they already talk different things when JS moving his finger, for me this part is the worst editing in this eps. And we already discuss about JH past in early page, and yes we all know JH had a lot of GF back then. And SY also had past relationship. But, brownies already decided not worry about that, we just talk about the present now, let the past still in the past.

​I agree, Because of the bad editing, I don't know why they changed topic to JungShin fingers, probably, just my theory, because MinHyuk broke the bracelet, they were talking about why MinHyuk is the only one who can do it for Jong Hyun since they all played guitar so their hand got a lot calluses, they can't do it for Jong Hyun. That's why Jung Shin said his finger were hurt also... I believe that they wouldn't mention such thing like how many ex-girlfriend that he had in any situation, because it's kind of impolite. 

And I think we don't care how many exes he had, even SY, I haven't heard about the statement that the number of his ex is equal to the number of his fingers, but I did watched an interview he said something like 8. So I know at least 8 for sure.

However, I think it's very normal, given that his first kiss was at a stairs in school when he was 14 -15 yo, and the girl was not his girlfriend yet, he just was trying to make her his girlfriend. He is the type of very straight forward and free-spirited, and manly man. no wonder he had a lot of girlfriend. Not to mention he was so popular in high-school.

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The fingers thing was just the funny/clever way of Jungshin wanting to tell SY but couldn't because he care(or is scare haha) for JH. He is like i'll tell you how many but sadly my fingers "hurts" so I can't. This is very true to Jungshin playful personallity, he loves to tease JH thats why he does this things.

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Thanks for the amazing post @IAmSoulReader LOVED IT!!!!!!  Yesterday I just should have stayed in bed and not posted at all!  Seems like your heart can be in the right place but there is this thing called the Korean Language that still can separate you like an ocean from what's truth and what's not.  Yesterday I was taught that lesson!  I thought he said Baby when in fact he said talking.  I believed JS was talking about his other sister-in-law when in fact after watching it again now I am not sure.  I thought at the end of the BIL visit he was speaking about all of them!  I haven't changed my mind about that. I also believe there is more to that wedding conversation that meets the eye.  I have no facts just felt it.....  As I have posted already I think WGM did a poor job with this episode in hopes that this weekend  we will see their best effort.  I also want to personally thank from my heart @kazu-id & @Ishi-chan & @13lacknight all the others who every week take precious time to give us their translations.  Please don't ever be sorry, for giving me and everyone else a bridge to cross that language ocean.  For rushing to give us a glimpse of what we saw in the raw.   If anything it's my fault for rushing with my feelings instead of waiting with my brains.  Never think your talent or knowledge is lacking when in truth most here would love to have it!!!   There is also one other truth no matter how many different translations you watch.  There is always that chance that the words themselves can be different or disguise from the persons meaning.  Also you can be so close with people that no words are needed.   They can see it in their eyes or physical movements body language.  Anyways it's only Monday looking forward to a great week of spazzing with all of you!!!:wub:


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we only do a speculation here base on what we see....the real things only them n the crew knew....GOSH!!! I should apply as wgm editor...i can work for free...:D 

Someone mention they heard word aegi from JH while side hugging....n u know what i volume up n I really hear the words"Aegi"....is that SY nick now Jonghyun-ahhh....:wub: n back to "Tame topic at zoo" am waiting what will SY call him.....n JH already give a hint with safari song he make....:phew: *slowlyrunsssss*

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