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[OFFICIAL THREAD 1] Lee Jonghyun ♡ Gong Seungyeon [House Of Brownies]


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I may not have time to keep up with the coming episodes because of two essays that are due soon, so I thought I should share my thoughts on the latest episode before I shut myself off from all entertainment (if that's even possible) hehe...

I must have said this time and again, but I love the little gestures and looks these 2 share, as if the cameras are not around. I think, at the very least, these 2 admire each other a lot as fellow artistes. SY's look of admiration when JH was posing for his solo pictures was very real, not so much of someone lost in love, but of someone who really admires JH's professionalism. Not that it makes them less loving, but I thought it holds all that much more meaning when you admire your other half for the professional side he shows while he's at work.

When SY was doing her solo shots, there was one part when she slightly 'shakes' her head while looking at JH. Somehow that felt so real...it's not a pose she was trying to make, but it felt like she was trying to send a 'love signal' to JH. Haha whatever that means...

Her look of concern when JH talked about his injury while shooting his drama also felt real. She lowered her tone of voice, and I noticed that she always does this when she's concerned about something. When JH said she looked different with the heavy makeup, she also spoke in this low voice and asked him if it looked weird.

Moving on to JH...haha there are so many things I can say about him but it will sound like pure fangirling so I shall refrain from that. A lot of his loving looks and gestures have already been pointed out by you guys, but I just wanted to mention his slight 'grabbing' of her hair when things became too tense during the near-kiss shots. He was mainly professional during that segment but when he touched and grabbed a bit of her hair, it showed that he was trying real hard to maintain his composure.

That's about it for now I guess. I shall end off with saying he looked really good in his casual green shirt and jeans get-up. It looked so simple but he was oozing with hotness. Ok I'm done. Hope to have time for the BE Couple soon!

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​He was really! having hard time! His frustrations over his wifey are our enjoyment :)

​He obviously likes her bare legs a lot. Every time she shows them, he comments- remember the skirt in Japan and the dress going to meet her father. Look at where his eyes goes when she has the jean shorts on and look at his eyes when she comes out in the school uniform. Right to her legs! 

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I do have a couple of things that I would like others opinions on that are more familiar with typical things in Korea. It was very chivalrous that he looked out for her during the photos shoot, but shouldn't she have a manager there that is keeping an eye on things and taking care of her as well? 

I am also slightly bothered that JH doesn't want to tell SY when anything bad happens. He didn't tell her when he was sick, she had to read it on his SNS. He didnt want to tell her that he lost the keychain. And he didn't tell her until he saw her that he got hurt while filming. 

He is very much a man, but he has to start trusting her that she doesn't just want the handsome happy perfect times with him, but all the times. Her father said she took care of her little sisters well, so he has to let her take care of him and help out when he has bad news or bad things happen, right?

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Guest Hickk

Oh my oh my.....this week episode is...I'm at loss of word. The photoshoot stint, even if it was edited a lot, it's amazing. So intense...those two doesn't need to do much to rise the temperature...just stuck close and stare at each other. Their expressions are so real... it's undeniable they are attracted to each other.

About the kiss...well i think JH was kind of pissed... I mean he had just said " I won't touch it" and BAM!!! I think he was concerned about SY faith in his word after the "incident". I actually believe he was keeping his eyes opened to "measure" somehow the distance between them. That's why he is denying it so badly after. He didn't want to kiss her in a photoshoot and also he doesn't seem the kind of man who like to play tricks. If he'll set his mind in kissing her he will just go for it. Not just a light touch.:wub:

Anyway I'm kind of shocked over something: when the ceci preview was released I got the impression that SY was more comfortable than JH, that she was taking the photoshoot as a job in a professional way. The episode just prove that my first idea was totally wrong!!!! She is avoiding his eyes from time to time, also she breathe really heavily during most of the bed scene and the kiss stint. Like she can't bear him staying so close. 

I actually think he feels the same as her but since he's more experienced he is capable of controlling his emotions better this time. The sweetest part for me it was when he had his head in her lap....he wants to do that at home SOOOOO BADLYYYY!!! Look at his dimples!!!

P.s. Just one more thing. At the beginning I didn't understand why the staff made SY wear the net stocking if she was going to be covered in sheet the whole time... But after watching the subbed version i actually realised that the photo staff was going to propose a even wilder pose (the staff said "cover yourself but show a part of your leg" or something like that) but JH showed his disappointment for the sake of his wife that was feeeling uneasy.

Oh that was sweeeeeet!!! JH BRAVO!!!!

Thanks to everyone who's working so hard to make us enjoy this amazing show in english! THANKS!


​Oh!!! Forgot about that! I got that impression too, because in the preview SY had a fixed expression (frozen) while JH was wandering and gazing at her, lol (the kiss shoot)

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JH: my wife was in front of many people
JH: wearing revealing clothes. i mind it alot
JH: my wife probably mind it too. i am worried



That is a very revealing statement and he said it effortlessly.  I mean, he said it matter-of-fact and with conviction that gives me no doubt in my mind that this is **exactly** how he feels.  He not saying it to play up being the husband, nor saying it to *fit* WGM.  He's saying it, again, because he 100% means this statement.  I also think that his *wife* being uncomfortable was an after-thought.  Not that I'm saying he doesn't care for her or worry for her, he 100% does.  What I mean is that, he cannot get his thoughts together fast enough to think about her, he's just trying to deal with his own internal struggle....

"I mind it a lot."

....For someone who has conveyed themselves as down-to-earth, easy-going, non-possessive, non-territorial, not a jealousy man, a man who runs away from *clingy* women, a man who doesn't like to be constrained, a man who likes to be free to go without *answering* to someone, a man who is tough, a man who is *athletically competitive* whose not into generally *romantic* stuff, a man who does not like couple stuff whatsoever, and man who feels he shouldn't have to express his feelings once the person understands they are together because "like is like"... HOLY MOLY... has Lee Jong Hyun done a 180 degree turn in who he thinks he is since he met Gong Seung Yeon!  

There is no doubt that Jong Hyun is experience a truly 100% different side to himself.  He doesn't even care anymore.  He'll openly express his possessiveness over Seung Yeon without hesitation.  He IS perfectly happy knowing that she is beautiful without make-up and no one else *getting* that fact.  I don't feel this statement is overtly jealous.  What I do see in it is him protecting his own heart as well as her 'innocence'.  He doesn't want her to "reveal" herself to the world BECAUSE he does NOT want to have to feel JEALOUSY in the FUTURE!! With the "revealing" the sexy side, Jong Hyun is fully aware having been around it half his life, that it does one thing and one thing only for a girl in this industry:  GIVE HER A BIGGER MALE FAN BASE!  The fact that WGM then exposes that NEW male fan base to the fact that Seung Yeon is ALSO a very, very COOL chick to boot???  Again, holy moly!  Jong Hyun knows full well that the next step is having baseball mascots all up in her grill trying to openly flirt with her in front of him.  ....I'm not saying she's gonna ACCEPT *any* advances by other males, but that really isn't the point for Jong Hyun either.  The point IS that when some dude is around doing stuff that he FEELS he needs to PROTECT her, internally he'll be struggling with some emotions he says he NEVER has, namely JEALOUSY.  It doesn't matter if Seung Yeon is a *good girl*, the fact that he has to deal with guys oogling his woman is enough to drive this boy insane.


///and if that doesn't scream *commitment* and *relationship*, I have no idea what those 2 words mean...///

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Guest ayvah

I don't know if this has been posted before but I just came across an interview of CNBLUE dated Feb 2014 so it's still quite recent and thought it would be an interesting read for us brownies to see what JH said he's like and how he's behaving with SY now!

CR: Taken from Dramafever (let me know if I'm not allowed to directly quote their article!)  http://www.dramafever.com/news/cnblue-spills-about-love-and-drama-in-a-valentines-day-special-interview/


Don’t you really have an ideal type?

No. Even if I set my ideal type, I meet different types (Laugh). For one thing, I prefer an easy-going person. I don’t like someone snapping at me. Someone who can accept me the way I am, who doesn't play games with me. I like that kind of person. I have a casual manner. Of course I will do all I can do for her. For example, I can write or sing songs for her, but celebrating event days is not my things. I don’t even know my schedule. For example, I didn’t know about this shooting until today.

You will be in trouble with your girlfriend if you don’t celebrate anniversaries.

I celebrate important days. If I never did that, my girlfriend would feel sad. Come to think of it, I fortunately avoided special days while I was dating someone. I don’t even celebrate my birthday. I like spending the day without any fuss.



​sorry to cut your post but just want to highlight that this is one of those reasons why i feel their virtual marriage is more than just a show. delulu or not, jh as a virtual hubby is the same jh of cnblue. :wub:

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Guest mase207

So despite being one of the subbers for the episode, I only just managed to watch it now... :lol: 

Seeing how it all comes together is really amazing. Thank you to my teammates @chagushu, @swarley242, @b8l8, @bokyo28, and @isocode! You guys are awesome.


Just some pre-bedtime ramblings...

While I was watching the photoshoot, I realized that there were several small interactions that caught my eye upon re-viewing. One of them actually happened RIGHT after the particular moment that I pointed out in my previous post. JH talks about how he only slept an hour, but doesn't feel tired at all. Then these two... have this absolutely adorable back-and-forth where they just keep asking each other why, because they both know what the answer will be. SY is so comfortable with him and knows exactly what his next line is going to be. And she loves it. They got super close during this particular exchange and I don't think they realized it either. It just seemed like they naturally got within that distance. They were staring at each other and were hardcore flirting. Like woooooah hoah. What is that all about you two?! "married couple", remember?! :lol: Also, I don't know if I'm the only one who notices or thinks this, but doesn't it kind of look like they're hugging right before they go back out after their break? It cuts really quickly so it's only for a brief moment. After their little "why" exchange, it looks like JH is kind of pulling her in and she's leaning towards him a bit. I don't know, maybe I'm just going crazy.

Another habit that I've noticed JH started doing is brushing her hair with his fingers, either to the side or behind. A lot of couples have subconsciously picked dirt or whatever off each other's faces, but that's about the extent of it. JH's actions speak volumes about how he feels about SY. The caressing of her hair is a really intimate and affectionate behavior, something that as a guy, you would NEVER do to anyone but your S.O. I think it would even be rather uncomfortable for a couple simply being a couple on WGM rather than being intimate outside of the show as well. SY doesn't even overreact to it, she just smiles and kind of looks away from shyness. How sweet is that? They have somehow reached the point where this type of affectionate interaction is something that they are seemingly used to. As if JH has done this far more times than what the show indicates. Us guys don't do this unless we really like the girl. It's our nonverbal way of basically saying "you're beautiful". When he strokes the back of her hair, I can say from experience that it's kind of our way of saying "you're mine".

This gets me to thinking: it's a damn shame that we only get to see them for 25 minutes a week. Because in reality, these two have spent entire days together already. They have way more conversations, interactions, and off-camera moments than we could ever imagine. It makes sense, since they seem to make leaps and bounds in the progression of their relationship seemingly every episode. They've had sat on long train, car, and plane rides together. They've spent a whole day in JH's hometown of Busan, and celebrated his birthday overnight there. They've done much more than we'll ever know, and I hope that those experiences are even more precious to them. Those are the memories, both filmed and unfilmed, that the two of them get to cherish and keep between themselves. Those are the experiences that they've shared together and no one knows about. As outside viewers, we only get a 25 minute glance at these memories being made. But in reality, they're creating their own story right now. Filming only takes up a portion of their days together, and filming is only part of their story. What we don't get to see is the conversations they had when they celebrated JH's birthday overnight, the gazes they exchange when they're all alone, or the skinships that they have when they aren't filming (which we got a glimpse of when a camera caught them holding hands off-cam at Everland). It's these moments that I realize how little we actually know about them, and just how exciting that is; not just for us, but for them as well.


Alright I've rambled long enough! :sweatingbullets: It seems like I type an essay every single time...

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Guest ayvah

i have a very big request. can someone make a gif of the massage scene? waahhh i think that's my "mostly" most (i dont know how to describe it since i love every scene) favorite scene during the photoshoot. SY was saying how tired she was but JH, though he only had one hour of sleep, did not feel tired. i just found their interactions here so real and candid. 

and after reading @mase207 post, i remember the part i loved most was that "why is that so? why is that so" while looking at each other. please if someone can make a gif, thank you very much!

hahhaa i feel so funny because i keep editing my post. i just wanted to add that after this "why is that so?" exchange, there's a subtle side hug between these two! 

edited again to say, if these two were fake, i would not know what's real anymore. 

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Guest xo02love_stv

hey guys, i have a question :sweatingbullets:... i have noticed a lot of bashers commenting about seungyeons' eyes.They said that she did plastic surgery to have a double eyelid. I mean its not that its embarrassing for her because with our without plastic surgery i think she is drop dead gorgeous.B) but, ive been looking through her previous pictures during her trainee days in SM ent. and for me she still looks the same. I've also been watching her sister through the JYP competition "sixteen" and she also has the same eye structure as her sister. This really makes me believe that she is completely natural. Dont you guys think so too??? 

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Guest ayvah

favorite lines from from photo crew:

to JH: what did you see to make you shy?

to JH and SY: It was too serious. Have some sweet. 

and SY had an out-of-body experience. she only saw white and she felt she was not herself hahaha! 


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Guest hihi_hehe

hey guys, i have a question :sweatingbullets:... i have noticed a lot of bashers commenting about seungyeons' eyes.They said that she did plastic surgery to have a double eyelid. I mean its not that its embarrassing for her because with our without plastic surgery i think she is drop dead gorgeous.B) but, ive been looking through her previous pictures during her trainee days in SM ent. and for me she still looks the same. I've also been watching her sister through the JYP competition "sixteen" and she also has the same eye structure as her sister. This really makes me believe that she is completely natural. Dont you guys think so too??? 

​Double eyelid surgery is COMMON in Korea, like it's really common, no stress over that 


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I don't know if this has been posted before but I just came across an interview of CNBLUE dated Feb 2014 so it's still quite recent and thought it would be an interesting read for us brownies to see what JH said he's like and how he's behaving with SY now!


Don’t you really have an ideal type?

No. Even if I set my ideal type, I meet different types (Laugh). For one thing, I prefer an easy-going person. I don’t like someone snapping at me. Someone who can accept me the way I am, who doesn't play games with me. I like that kind of person. I have a casual manner. Of course I will do all I can do for her. For example, I can write or sing songs for her, but celebrating event days is not my things. I don’t even know my schedule. For example, I didn’t know about this shooting until today.


​Thanks for sharing, JH on WGM, with SY, seems to be very in line with what his interview response -- not having much sense of time :wub:





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Guest b8l8

i have a very big request. can someone make a gif of the massage scene? waahhh i think that's my "mostly" most (i dont know how to describe it since i love every scene) favorite scene during the photoshoot. SY was saying how tired she was but JH, though he only had one hour of sleep, did not feel tired. i just found their interactions here so real and candid. 

and after reading @mase207 post, i remember the part i loved most was that "why is that so? why is that so" while looking at each other. please if someone can make a gif, thank you very much!

hahhaa i feel so funny because i keep editing my post. i just wanted to add that after this "why is that so?" exchange, there's a subtle side hug between these two! 

edited again to say, if these two were fake, i would not know what's real anymore. 

​here you go @@ayvah



 They are so in tune with each other and at times it seems like they are in their own world forgetting that there are cameras around or other people for that matter. Just like that scene with dad at the restaurant, when jh told sy to drink more apple juice. Dad was talking about the other daughter but trailed off when he saw he did not have their attention anymore. kekeke

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Guest BluePlate


it looks like they didnt know the camera was following them.  Look at the camera angle.  At first, from behind and then from side.

their interacation in this scen is so natural and looks like they didnt care about the camera at all.  


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@mase207, you paid so much attention to details for a guy. If only there were more guys like you haha. But I also did notice everything you stated but I just couldn't put my thoughts together as well as you could so I just stayed quiet.

I also noticed that during the scene where SY wore an orange dress, JH had his hand around her waist while waiting for the staff to set up. Sigh they're so natural it kills me. LOL I can't imagine how much more intense the flirting gets off screen. My mind boggles just thinking about it!

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Guest AlexMao

@b8l8 Actually I choose to interpret the scene at the restaurant a little more 19+, as I think other Brownies may have as well. As for how well these two get along I think it has to do a lot with the casting. It's been brought up a few times how the casting director picked Seung Yeon based on Jong Hyun's ideal type. This is generally how they pick couples for the show, but I can't say they managed to do as well then as they have now with these two. If anything it took other couples a bit more time to get this in sync with other person. 

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Guest b8l8

@mase207, you paid so much attention to details for a guy. If only there were more guys like you haha. But I also did notice everything you stated but I just couldn't put my thoughts together as well as you could so I just stayed quiet.

I also noticed that during the scene where SY wore an orange dress, JH had his hand around her waist while waiting for the staff to set up. Sigh they're so natural it kills me. LOL I can't imagine how much more intense the flirting gets off screen. My mind boggles just thinking about it!


@b8l8 Actually I choose to interpret the scene at the restaurant a little more 19+, as I think other Brownies may have as well. As for how well these two get along I think it has to do a lot with the casting. It's been brought up a few times how the casting director picked Seung Yeon based on Jong Hyun's ideal type. This is generally how they pick couples for the show, but I can't say they managed to do as well then as they have now with these two. If anything it took other couples a bit more time to get this in sync with other person. 

​i had a delayed reaction to it too like SY! hehehe Can't believe JH would be so bold as so say that in front of her dad!

their "almost" kiss!


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Firstly I want to thank the BEST subbing team for providing the new JongYeon cut so quickly!! You've done an awesome job! I actually feel terrible that I can't be of any use, especially when I see you guys working so hard on it!:(

Now... WHERE TO START??!:sweatingbullets:

The cutting of the episode was a bit strange. Still, I loved what I saw. This couple never fails to please my hunger for them.

CeCi Shooting:

Watching JH's reaction towards the completely styled SY was really interesting. She seemed to have appeared to him in a new light. He looked quite surprised with the hot side of his wife and you could tell it got his blood boiling. However, I think he adores his easy going, naturally beautiful wife even more, since he can be very comfortable and playful around here (at least while being in public... :D). All the make up and the staff somehow made them a bit shy and awkward around each other during the shooting.

I loved how JH always tried to make sure SY was doing alright with where they were heading with the shooting. He complimented her to give her selfconfidence, during their break he was giving her a massage to make her less tense. Also he showed concern for her outfit while doing the bed scene.

I saw two (key-) scenes there...
The first scene was when JH was giving SY a massage and she (looking like she forgot about all the cameras around them for a moment) just leaned against his chest as if his mere presence could give her strength. Leaning back against someone is a very intimate gesture. I would only do it to my partner. And leaning back in general also means you trust that person behind you to "catch" you. So for me this is a sign that they've moved past friendship. Their bond goes deeper.
The second scene that really stood out to me was how JH told the staff that SY's outfit during the bed scene was too revealing. I think there were a lot of layers to what he said and how he reacted. JH clearly noticed that SY was feeling quite uncomfortable about her clothes, but since it was her first shooting and she wanted to be professional she didn't dare to say a word. So JH told the staff instead and made it look like he couldn't deal with it. It reminded me of the snoring incident while they were in Japan. He would take the fall for her. I do believe that he was uncomfortable with her clothes, too. However, I personally think he wouldn't have cared so much if it was any other shooting partner than SY. This moment was where he stopped treating the shoot as a job. He said it himself: He was concerned for his wife.
JH is very protective and obviously (and he wouldn't even have guessed it himself before he met SY) he doesn't like to share. I don't think JH is prude and I believe he's been in the industry for long enough to have seen some very spartanly dressed girls. It shouldn't be too shocking for him. But for someone who is only doing a job he seems to really hate it whenever SY shows off a sexy image. Looking at his reaction I am quite sure that JH sees SY as his (at least potential) girlfriend. And absolutely no man likes it if his girlfriend wears revealing clothes. Man like their girlfriend's sexy side, but only behind closed doors. JH clearly doesn't apprechiate it when other people get to look at SY this way. Acting like a typical man he is not that mysterious to read after all :D

(I sometimes wonder how JH experiences all this. Does he actually realise that he really changed a lot since meeting SY?)

Lastly, I am sure their lips touched. Their reaction was so obvious. However, I found it cute how they were both saying that it could not be called a kiss. I agree. It was not enough lip contact/emotion to be called a kiss. They want more and hell yeah I want to see more than a coincidence as well!:lol:

Back home:

SY could do CF's for cooking and food! She looked amazing in the kitchen. I was imagining her as a young mother who was waiting for her working husband to return home. I am really wishing for their Japan prayer to become true. They would have super cute children!:w00t:

When JH hugged her and kept touching her hair I found myself - again - thinking that they must have started some kind of realtionship off screen. (If they are not allowed to see each other they must be at least talking on the phone. Maybe they risk a few ninja meetings as well:D) The way they look at each other. The way they talk and play with each other. The way they touch each other. It is obious how much they care for each other. Also I really loved how SY reacted when JH told her about his eye accident. Her posessive side was adoring to watch!:lol:

School uniform:

I was grinning like an idiot when JH hugged SY and she started to hide away while smiling. She's such a cutiepie! Also they looked so good together in uniform! They should do a drama - it could be their first lead role while acting together. And in the background you can hear another round of YOU'RE MY DESTINY....!

When they were talking about their past school life I was quite amazed with SY. A lot of girls would have played down their popularity. Since SY is usually very humble you would have expected her to do the same. However, she stated honestly that she did receive a bit of attention. They way she said it didn't come across exaggerated or arrogant though. I think JH likes these kind of unexpected reactions from SY a lot. They read each other well but she still manages to surprise him from time to time.

Okay... I've written an essay again. I should stop now. I hope I didn't bore you guys but I felt the need to share my thoughts on them with someone.:wub:


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