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[OFFICIAL] Darling Couple (Lee Jong Suk ♡ Park Shin Hye)


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Guest nyahh

In my class earlier, one group discussed about the theories about love and attraction. And I'm not even sure if this is true or what, but they stated something like this: When a group of people laugh, people will instinctively look at the person they feel closest to in that group.

So I'm looking at this again and just looking closely at Jong Suk and Shin Hye's interaction. :P Aside from the skinships, which are already a looot, what else do you notice? LOLOLOL (deluluuuuuuuuuuuuuu :P:wub::sweatingbullets::lol:


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I miss spazzing with u guys...anyone available?? :lol::Dhey @nyahh you have time?hehehe..coz I have plenty(it's my free day today...and i'd like to spend it with you guys here..been stressed out lately..LOL):P:rolleyes: Btw, I watched that clip again, if that's the theory about attraction and love, well hell yeah I agree!hehehe..:DI just noticed SH glanced at JS more often, and JS gestures towards SH is gentle and sweet..hehehe..:wub::rolleyes::sweatingbullets:

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Guest nyahh

Their photoshoot almost had the same theme. Flowers, sun, and sunglasses. LOLOLOL That's why it's so easy to put their faces together. :P:lol::lol: They haven't released those pics of JS looking glamorous in a red suit, so I'm still waiting for that one ;) 


cr mylovelybiass

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Allure Korea June (Part 1)

T/N: I’m going to do this bit by bit because I read really slowly and if anyone wants to continue from where I stopped, please go ahead! And if there is any mistakes in the translations, please let me know (Because it’s technically my /first/ time translating interviews directly from Korean). I’ll be editing this with corrections as and when so yeah. The general idea shouldn’t be too far off I hope? And, gosh, I miss him.


This is the first time you are doing a photoshoot at Maui right?

Yes. It’s also my first time to Hawaii. I was hit by the very strong winds and lied on the sand and did a variety of things for the shoot. Ha ha. But the journey to Maui was hard. My butt hurt a lot.

You didn’t rest when you were working on your projects, and now you should take a long rest.

Because of the time difference, I’ve been waking up at 5 a.m. I read a scenario three times. And it was nice coming out into the open and lying on the sunbed. I don’t know what I should do to rest now that I’m taking a break in so long.

There is nothing you want to do when you come to Hawaii?

There isn’t anywhere special that I want to go to. It’s the kind of degree that since I am here, I want to try eating their famous food or just going anywhere. But that sense of obligation is actually quite tiresome. When I went to London, I tried sightseeing for the first time. I went around to see this and that, and I realized that was interesting.

You are at the age where you should enjoy but it’s a little pitiful to say that there is nothing you want to do.

After my debut, I’ve been working continuously and did not rest. I was just at home for 2 weeks and some time ago I started horse riding and climbing. I didn’t do anything outside exercising. I learnt climbing previously when I was filming for the beer commercial. For horse riding, I am going to learn so that I can do a horse riding role one day.

When you are at home, your only hobby is to watch television. All your hobbies are related to acting.

Last time I watched dramas and movies, but recently when I watch the actor’s acting, I’ll imagine the filming set and become part of the cast so it is difficult. So recently, I mostly watch variety programmes.

I found and saw your previous interview, I had two thoughts. Have a more enjoyable life, and don’t have it so hard on yourself.

I hear words like that a lot. During I Hear Your Voice, I gathered popularity and suddenly received a lot of attention, so I had a tremendous sense of burden about my next project. I originally worried a lot and had an introverted personality, and while I was acting, it was improving a little but as it piled up yearly, it was like I went back to the start. When I was still a rookie and went for auditions, I sometimes would had confidence but now I became more nervous. When I have work, I will think “Don’t embarrass.”

It is like if you climb up like you longed for, then there will be no worries, but other worries are bound to come up.

Actually, not even once had I felt at ease. It is like there are new worries born at each period of time.

What about going out and meeting friends?

I want to do that too but I have no friends. It’s better if I don’t meet people who I’m even slightly uncomfortable with. I have done many projects so I have met many people but it is extremely rare that we keep in contact after time passes.

This is the first time I am hearing that you don’t contact others.

I like the sunbaes but even then, I am indifferent and don’t know how to contact them well. It seems rude but when we talk on the phone and there is silence, it is like there is a barrier and I’m very uncomfortable with that. When you are talking on the phone, thinking about what to say next is an uncomfortable thing, so it is better if i don’t do it. When I am at home and I need to talk to the CEO and department head of the company about work, I would text.

Then aren’t you lonely?

I am lonely. I am lonely to the degree of discomfort. But I am familiar with it. When I get bored of being at home and want to go out, there is no one I can meet. At that time, I’ll just drive to the internet cafe. The internet cafe is a place where it wouldn’t be weird even if you are alone. When I was a rookie, I went there often when I had no work. When I go there, I would think about the past.

Trans by: 07160914 

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Guest nyahh

I miss spazzing with u guys...anyone available?? :lol::Dhey @nyahh you have time?hehehe..coz I have plenty(it's my free day today...and i'd like to spend it with you guys here..been stressed out lately..LOL):P:rolleyes: Btw, I watched that clip again, if that's the theory about attraction and love, well hell yeah I agree!hehehe..:DI just noticed SH glanced at JS more often, and JS gestures towards SH is gentle and sweet..hehehe..:wub::rolleyes::sweatingbullets:

​I'm free. LOL it's my hell week this week, but I always seem to have time for these two?? :P COME HERE. SHARE YOUR DELULU THOUGHTS AMEN!! :lol::lol::lol: It's just a theory anyway. :P


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​I'm free. LOL it's my hell week this week, but I always seem to have time for these two?? :P COME HERE. SHARE YOUR DELULU THOUGHTS AMEN!! :lol::lol::lol: It's just a theory anyway. :P


​I know..I felt sad when I read it.. He seems to be really lonely at times..why is that?with all those fame and fortune, how come? waaahh!!I suddenly feel like hugging him and say its ok..things will change now that you met her..LOL!!:D:D Hey @Rania, that was fast!thanks a lot!:lol::lol:

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Guest nyahh

Jong Suk's answers are so contradictory. Now, I'm confused. I'm just glad he mentioned horse riding and climbing -- meaning it really happened. But it's sad when he's outright saying that he's lonely and he doesn't have friends. It's so weird? Sooo contradictory... Hmmmmm. Also, I just wish he'd stop putting too much pressure on himself. He's still got a long way to go, and failure is experience too. (Doesn't mean he's going to fail though) :D

(I'm putting my best thinking face on so I'm using Sherlock as my reaction gif :lol:)


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Yup.that horse-riding and climbing part made my heart flutters..hahaha..:lol::lol:oh gracious!my shipper heart!!:D:D And I support you on that, he's still young, that means he has long way to go..failures are part of life and most talented actors today have been through a lot before...it will just make him even stronger and powerful..so Sukkie, keep fighting!!:D:D 

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Guest nyahh

Yup.that horse-riding and climbing part made my heart flutters..hahaha..:lol::lol:oh gracious!my shipper heart!!:D:D And I support you on that, he's still young, that means he has long way to go..failures are part of life and most talented actors today have been through a lot before...it will just make him even stronger and powerful..so Sukkie, keep fighting!!:D:D 

​It's just one part of the interview though. Let's wait for more, I'm scanning the rest of the interview, and the only translated part was one column of the first page. This should be interesting. Hmmm. HAHAHA What do you think? It's soo weird, coz JS's soo straightforward. Buuut, what if he's starting to know how to handle these interviews, and he doesn't say all the truth anymore? Just parts of it? LOL. Can't be. Now I'm losing my mind. I'll just wait for the rest of the translations. :D:lol::lol:

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​It's just one part of the interview though. Let's wait for more, I'm scanning the rest of the interview, and the only translated part was one column of the first page. This should be interesting. Hmmm. HAHAHA What do you think? It's soo weird, coz JS's soo straightforward. Buuut, what if he's starting to know how to handle these interviews, and he doesn't say all the truth anymore? Just parts of it? LOL. Can't be. Now I'm losing my mind. I'll just wait for the rest of the translations. :D:lol::lol:

Oh, I found a song for JS just now..hehehe..here it is.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLAoJxLBUpc (I hope one day he will sing this to someone..ehem!!hehehe:D:D

You are right!Im really excited to read the rest of it..Oh i remember, you know how to translate korean too...have it a try..LOL..(just kidding, I know you are busy with school so don't bother, it will come, we will just have to wait..:D) He's very cautious now..maybe he's learning from someone who is more experienced handling interviews..LOL..:D:lol:..Though I still prefer  forthright JS..:sweatingbullets:


Edited by Amber03
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Guest nyahh

Oh, I found a song for JS just now..hehehe..here it is.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLAoJxLBUpc (I hope one day he will sing this to someone..ehem!!hehehe:D:D

You are right!Im really excited to read the rest of it..Oh i remember, you know how to translate korean too...have it a try..LOL..(just kidding, I know you are busy with school so don't bother, it will come, we will just have to wait..:D) He's very cautious now..maybe he's learning from someone who is more experience handling interviews..LOL..:D:lol:..Though I still prefer  forthright JS..:sweatingbullets:


​Aww, nooo I don't want to be sad. That song is sweet but sad too. HAHAHA But he's making me sad with those answers. :( HAHA WHAT. Can someone please cheer the boy up? He just needs a friend. LOL :P 

The next question goes something like: "You're always laughing. Then you're lonely as you're speaking at this moment too." Something like that, just a follow up with the last question translated but I guess that's the rough translation. HAHA :P I'm trying to read his answers, but I can't read some of the words or my eyes are just getting blurry. LOLOLOL Hmmm I'm okay with him being cautious THAN him being lonely at all. I'd rather he's saying he's lonely but that's not what he's feeling. Oh dear, we're protective of him too. HAHA :P The poor boy just needs somebody to love and who will love him back. :P:lol::wub:

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Guest aydenJ

Now we know that he went sightseing in London and i guess thanks to his niece...he went sightseing for the first time! :lol:


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Guest nyahh

Now we know that he went sightseing in London and i guess thanks to his niece...he went sightseing for the first time! :lol:


​He indirectly admitted those things right? The sightseeing thing and horse riding and climbing. HAHAHA And we all know someone loves to do those. :P (deluluuuu) He's still too honest despite the weirdness coming out of him. HAHAHA :lol:

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I wanna know what he said bout that follow up question..uhhh!maybe i need to study korean..LOL!:lol::lol:

Yeah..he's way too honest to hide those details...well I suppose it comes out from his mouth automatically because he did enjoy those experiences that they still linger to his memory..hehehe...it easy to tell the truth than to lie..:D:D 

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Guest nyahh

I wanna know what he said bout that follow up question..uhhh!maybe i need to study korean..LOL!:lol::lol:

Yeah..he's way too honest to hide those details...well I suppose it comes out from his mouth automatically because he did enjoy those experiences that they still linger to his memory..hehehe...it easy to tell the truth than to lie..:D:D 

​Hmmm his answer goes something like: He lacks sociability, so he's saying, should he overcome it? Haha. I can't read some parts but he keeps on saying "aegyo" and one part he says "Really? I have aegyo?" Bla bla. Let's just wait for the translations. :D they're better at doing it and I'm still learning. :D HAHAHA You should try studying it too, it's easy compared to other asian languages. :P 

Yup, 3 months after london, and he's still mentioning it. Looks like those are the only things he can remember? I guess we just have to comfort ourselves with that reason. HAHA :D 

Oh dear, I hate to say this, but I'm sleepy already. HAHA It's 1:25 AM here, and I'm losing my battle with sleep. Just continue spazzing for our darling couple alright? ;) it's your turn now :P HAHA Good night. I'm beat. HAHA :lol:

- - -

Here have a look at those precious lips. ;) 


cr lovely079

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I was trying to find a good music for my ears when I came across with this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ip0GpcmlVDU ..I saw this movie and I love it. Then my delulu mind strikes again (see this what happens to me when my head is blank..LOL...sorry for infecting our thread with my thoughts..hehehe..), I wish they will have a movie same like this..it will fit them right..I know its a chick-flick, but the story is so romantic..so I strongly recommend to all producers out there and writers/directors to sign them up in a movie ASAP..hahaha..ooppss..no pressure at all..hehehe..:D:D  Ok, ill better stop..maybe everyone is already resting..:wub::wub:

Thanks @nyahh...sleep well.. :):PHope I could talk to others too when time permits..hehehe..:lol::lol:  


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