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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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who noticed sunmi and sohee sandwiching gd? haha that was so funny, it looked like sunmi bumped into gd. haha. and when daesung was laughing oh so cutely, during the tell me tell me tell me you part, haha super funny!! he was in sunmi's place and sunmi was in his place. :lol: gah daesung was so confused in that perf, but so cute! and so enjoyable to watch. :lol:

wonny thanks for those caps! i loved the perf, the more caps the better. :lol:

josephine, really? daesung was gonna do the babybabybaby part, so didnt notice. *runs off to watch the perf again* oh okay! so now i know why he was smiling like that. i noticed something off but i didnt know what. haha.

thanks lanladay for the yt links

and if you wanna watch it not on youtube, here's a link, its much much more clear. but its only the special stage.


credit:wondergirls bestiz

here's some gifs from the perf. :D im still not over how cute daesung was in the perf. he was all smiles during the perf. haha. so cuute. :wub:


^haha! yeeun guiding desung, :lol: gah daesung why are you sucha cutie?? gah he kills me.. haha.



^daesung and yeeun's incomplete hearts. :lol:


and here's top and yoobin.




oh wonny did you edit your post. :lol: same gifs here.. haha. :P

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...and a gif showcasing daesungies little stuff up :lol:


WTF? TOP, are you doing the tell me dance or not?? xDDD :lol:



credits to bestiz

YAY!! BABY RI IS BACK!!! He looks so happy to be on stage.he kept smiling. How cute!!

hahaha! thanks for posting up these gifs wonny! it totally cracked me up! Especially TOP!

the special stage was really messy, but like what the others said, it looks so fun! i love it so much, except for the fact that it was so rushed. and definitely, you can see more chemistry between WG and BB. i can't wait for the music drama!

and ofcourse other I-IVPS account on the BIG ONGOING CONCERT!OMG!! :w00t::w00t:

erm... i don't know if i'll get killed if i say this. But i hate GD's bangs. cut it please! it's covering his cute face. :ph34r:

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Guest kiwiberry


Finally, I finished watching the perfs! As usual the boys are looking fab! There is definitely a different feel when Seungri is there. No matter how much I love GD, I still prefer Seungri singing his parts~ I'm so happy he's back! But obviously he hasn't fully recovered.. he just isn't as bouncy and hyper.. During their

perf, at around 2:00, he kind of limped a bit. :tears:

As for the special stage.. I agree with what you guys said about it being rushed and messy yet enjoyable! I'm definitely excited to see their next collab for the drama mv!

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Oh my god. SR come back! I miss him so much!

WG and BB perfomance agian! I'm downloading this. Will edit late! Big Bang hwaiting!

Thankz all pic, gif, info and clip! Thankz all everyone!

Today Big Bang concert! I wanna go there! Big Bang is G.R.E.A.T!!!

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Guest Saebin :D

@1nn0xsmile, AHAH new Lie parody? lmao there are so many parodies.. but this was extreme. getting the guy to cross dress AHHA. I bet alot of people stared at him =p and they surely laughed alot during the filming! xD

@KIKO, lmfao! top poking daesung haha. looks so cute.

he seems to enjoy it alot =p Thanks for the adorable gifs!;

woah Top's lashes are really long :o ;

LOL!!! gd trying to seduce us :P

@wonny, wowowow thats an amazing no. of albums sold xD

Goes to show how great our boys are =D

@vip_gd, OMFG! He's so cute AWWW. he didnt change some from then though. ahhh so adorable with the mouth expressions ㅋㅋ. what dancing competition is that? HAHA the gay stuff they danced is way too cute. and the body 'wave'.. ooo ^^ but i'm jealous of the guy touching seungri :fury: AHHA. :P

The third song is sooo familiar O__O what is it? .__.'' (lol sorry too many questions -_- )

ooo the hands thingy is pretty cool. their dancing is so organised btw, as in the timing. xD

Anyways thanks alot for sharing the video! =)

@Soy, Thank you for sharing the interview =) havent seen it before ^^;

(the following is unimportant LOl just writing what i feel about the interview xD)

lmao at daesung:

I don't have sleep habits. I just wake up exactly how I fell asleep. I don't even move around!

AHHA. I'm totally the opposite of him then, i move around alot :P ;

awwws who are the perverts who touched our boys butts :( only I can do that! *bawls* lololol. ;

Seungri = Once. There was something bad written about me so I wrote something positive about myself on the website.

HAHA! omgosh seungri you're too cute xD Actually i hvae always wondered if celebs do that :P aww seungri's a fan of Shinhwa and DBSG too! :o ;

AHHA! YESSS my number 1 speed dial is my home too, same as SR xD ㅎ surprisingly the rest are all their parents xD ;

aww SR feels sad when people calls him short? ;( don't worry im def shorter than you. nothing wrong about that xD

Q50. What are 5 things that bug you about being the team’s youngest member?

1) I have the least space to hang my clothes

2) I always have to sit at the seat in the way back when we ride a car.

3) When we go on programs I always have to wear the clothes that the other members don’t want to wear. <--LOLL the leggings, perhaps??

4) I always pick out clothes last after all my hyungs have chosen their clothes.

5) I manage alll our schedules. Yeah, we have a manager, but in our apartment I’m the one who has to take care of our schedules."

awwwh poor SR :(:(:( especially number 3.. ahaha leggings! O_O

wow that was a longggg interview xD

Dang i've been on bigbang thread for hours :P

on page 1160 now. have 6 more pages to go!! :D will post/edit again later xD



YES SR IS BACK! Most definitely, incredible. xD


so happy for them as they are going to have concert again, and really hope that they will come to singapore to open a concert too. hope they are doing well now and not tiring themselves, sorry my english is not that good, but just hope that they can be sucessful in their concert, and health most important


OMGOSH I so want them to come to sg please :( I heard sm ent is not targeting Singapore.. (not sure if its true..) So why not YG?!?! Dangggg i'd be so happy if YG held an audition and BIGBANG concerts in Singapore :(

wooo i found the perf on youtube.

just watched the performance

it was released just hours ago?? cool.

the special stage one is super LQ though.

i guess it's cos they released it real quick? o___O lol idk.

thanks Zura3.DS&SR. for sharing the hq one though, it is so much better.

ahah, just finished watching it, it's GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xDDDD

haha <3

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oh, about that video

i don't really know the third song, i only know the second one though

but here's a screen cap ^^

seungri is so cute :D


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Guest akfgtenshi



*happy tears*

welcome bak Seungri! (L)


i sitll haven't watched the special stage yet...


but i will do so in a while!

i can't wait!!

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AAAH! Music Bank was awesome!!! Magnae is back!! I'm sooo happy that he's not hurt any more!!! Seungri Baby is back!!! I didn't like the special stage very much. The previous one was much much better!! Thank you everyone for posting all the gifs and pics. They made my day.Since I'm here I'll share some pics that I have saved. Sorry I'm obsess with G-Ri. -__-.







there's probably more somewhere but I'm too lazy to look in all the files. So enjoy!!

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Guest vana117724

Zura3.DS&SR. thanks for the gif.

i don't know if anyone noticed but when gd was doing the pyramid thing it seems like he

kinda "bounced" off of


. he looked shocked too lol.

hmm....that part was so cute. maybe it's only me that noticed.

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Guest chungmah.


I watched the special stage performance.

Even if it was shorter, it was still nice to see them perform again together.

What made me laugh was DaeSung and Ye Eun trying to make a heart and then her shoving DaeSung.

Lol, Very cute ^__^

Yeahh - I TOPped a page =D

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Guest Meethoing

I KNOW.. SEUNGRI is back!.. XD i'm so happy!!.. and he sure looks extra extra happy to be back... i would say big bang shouldnt add or subtract any members.. 4ever.. XD.. i miss seungri a ton even though he isnt my favorite but hes now someone i really like now. =)

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I'm very happy to see our Maknae back on stage! <3333333

LOL the Special Stage was messy but it was so much fun! It kinda felt like watching your buddies performing a skit or something LOL. I forgive them cos with the concert and everything, they wouldn't have much time to practice. I'm just glad that we could hear them better this time. I NEED HQ CLIP PLZ KTHX.

I was reading a few news articles regarding the concert. AND OMOOOOOO! I found out that they did a parody of Coffee Prince, specifically THE KISSING SCENE. It said that the kissing scene looked SO REAL, causing all the fans to roar LOL. The two men were... TOP and.. someone that I couldn't read LOL. Maybe someone can help me out -____-;;

빅뱅 지드래곤·탑, 키스신에 공연장 발칵

남성그룹 빅뱅의 지드래곤과 탑의 깜짝 키스신에 공연장이 발칵 뒤집어졌다.

빅뱅은 28일 오후 8시부터 서울 방이동 올림픽공원 펜싱경기장에서 '빅뱅 이즈 그레이트'(Bigbang is Great)라는 타이틀로 단독공연을 갖고 5000여 팬과 만남을 가졌다.

이날 공연을 위해 다양한 퍼포먼스와 이벤트를 준비했던 빅뱅은 드라마 '커피프린스 1호점'을 패러디한 '커피프린스 2호점'을 선보여 팬들을 깜짝 놀라게 했다.

이 영상을 통해 개성 넘치는 모습을 보여준 빅뱅은 극중 고은찬 역과 최한결 역을 지드래곤과 탑이 각각 맡아 눈길을 끌었다.

특히 두 사람은 극중 윤은혜와 공유가 선보였던 키스신을 그대로 재연, 팬들의 질투(?) 어린 반응을 이끌었다.

남자인 두 사람의 너무도 리얼한 키스신에 대다수 팬들은 어찌할 바를 모르며 큰 함성으로 이들의 열연에 화답했다.

이 외에도 멤버 승리는 한유주 역을 맡아 과감한 여장연기로 뜨거운 박수를 받았다.

And LOL was Seungri dressing up as Han YooJoo? Anyway, I'm a fan of Coffee Prince as well so this is awesome news for me!

One more thing. They opened the concert with Crazy Dog! Perfect song <3

longtusk - WOW YOU HAVE "FOR THE WORLD" ALBUM ALREADY?!!!! I ARE JELLY OF YOU! I really, really hope you can share with us the pictures soon cos I'm like dying here LOL.

--- EDIT


In gold!


TOP's hair looks so good even from afar LOL


I wonder how our fellow i-VIPs are doing now. Having the best time of their life, I assume? XDD


Our fashionista leadah &hearts;


I think this was taken after the concert, with "Marine Boy", uh, the guy from the national swimming team. LOL I fail with names.

I think Jerilyn has posted up the news about him getting a free ticket to the concert cos he likes them so much.

credit: bestiz

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Guest naturalhonee

Guys - vote for BB!!!!!

Vote here!

help them get into the finals, they're up against many other korean artists, as well as chinese and taiwanese artists too!

if they get thru, they'd be able to attend the award show next year in china!!

you can vote up to 10 times a day - support bb! go everyday if u can, you dont need to sign up or anything..just click the link thats right next to the word 'BigBang'. they are way behind certain artists, specifically those from


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Guest iLOVEYB_x

goshy i've been gone for 2 days and i missed out on a lot. so many catching up to do.

CHEEE~~ the GREAT concert! i'm squealing so freaking much it's not even funny. =X

and i just watched the BB+WG special stage. this time was better, but for Tell Me you couldn't hear Big Bang that much, except for TOP. their voices were muffled from WG's. =[ i loved it whe GD scratched his head and when YeEun guided Daesung. stop being so freaking cute Daesung!

well Lies, everyone was equal. you heard them both clearly.

who noticed sunmi and sohee sandwiching gd? haha that was so funny, it looked like sunmi bumped into gd. haha. and when daesung was laughing oh so cutely, during the tell me tell me tell me you part, haha super funny!! he was in sunmi's place and sunmi was in his place. :lol: gah daesung was so confused in that perf, but so cute! and so enjoyable to watch. :lol:

wonny thanks for those caps! i loved the perf, the more caps the better. :lol:

josephine, really? daesung was gonna do the babybabybaby part, so didnt notice. *runs off to watch the perf again* oh okay! so now i know why he was smiling like that. i noticed something off but i didnt know what. haha.

thanks lanladay for the yt links

and if you wanna watch it not on youtube, here's a link, its much much more clear. but its only the special stage.


credit:wondergirls bestiz

here's some gifs from the perf. :D im still not over how cute daesung was in the perf. he was all smiles during the perf. haha. so cuute. :wub:


^haha! yeeun guiding desung, :lol: gah daesung why are you sucha cutie?? gah he kills me.. haha.



^daesung and yeeun's incomplete hearts. :lol:


and here's top and yoobin.




oh wonny did you edit your post. :lol: same gifs here.. haha. :P

thanks for the GIFS! and yeah i noticed GD being sandwiched. c[x Daesung is such a cutie.

I was reading a few news articles regarding the concert. AND OMOOOOOO! I found out that they did a parody of Coffee Prince, specifically THE KISSING SCENE. It said that the kissing scene looked SO REAL, causing all the fans to roar LOL. The two men were... TOP and.. someone that I couldn't read LOL. Maybe someone can help me out -____-;;

WAHH! are you serious? i have to watch now.

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omg.. so i was just watching the BB AND WG performance and like.. at this one part where seungri and that wg girl.. umm.. was that seungri singing?!?!.. he sounded soo different. like a bit more manly.. XD

i was thinking the samething he sounds different! :lol:

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Guest pototemo

Hello everybody this is my first time that I visit this forum

I like bigbang a lot. I feel so glad that seungri came back and recover from his injure.

I love their performance with wonder girls too, they are so cute.

I'm very happy that they perform together again.

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Guest Meethoing

omg.. so i was just watching the BB AND WG performance and like.. at this one part where seungri and that wg girl.. umm.. was that seungri singing?!?!.. he sounded soo different. like a bit more manly.. XD

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one minute previews of the songs in for the world. i havent listened to all yet but gah ive just heard a few and homahgad i am spazzing. haha! i dont know how to rip the audio and stuff.. but you can hear it all here :w00t::w00t::w00t: their english is soooo good! me likey me likey me likey!!!!!



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