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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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Guest redevilica

Guerilla Concert












I wanna be among these crowd T_T xDD



Credit: as tagged + Daum

--will add more and more xD i'm adding as i'm uploading them--


Finally i can get into this thread...soompi been acting up since last night 0_0

Ahhh, now for thankies :) thank you you all lovely lovely people who posted pics and links and all <3 and thank you melodygreenleaf for the news update ^^ BB has been on the news every other day now <3

gah! Can't wait to see this perf! B-b-b-but I won't be around till next week to see it *bwahh* :tears: ... ok enough of drooling over these pics and let's get back to work xD *sigh*

PLEASE shoot a video for "I Don't Understand!" Imagine how sexy the MV would be O_O I see a black and white music video with someone singing near a fireplace (I know, weird right). The last part, with the guitar, I can see a scene in the rain. And Tae Yang ripping his shirt, as the rain drips all over his nice, toned body.

^ yes please YG, make the MV just like that xD

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Guest the7REAL.

But I got SO excited for a minute. PLEASE shoot a video for "I Don't Understand!" Imagine how sexy the MV would be O_O I see a black and white music video with someone singing near a fireplace (I know, weird right). The last part, with the guitar, I can see a scene in the rain. And Tae Yang ripping his shirt, as the rain drips all over his nice, toned body. LOL ok i should get back to studying...

^LMAO. Wow, all detailed...hahaha. Funnyy. :lol:

I know I'm always posting..long...posts/projects...but..lol..here's another YGBB project you can join. Or if you're not a YGBB member you can still join but it will still say 'from YGBB members/VIP'^^


YGBB Xmas Video Message for Big Bang!

Project can be found here on YGBB if you are a member: http://z14.invisionfree.com/YGBB/index.php?showtopic=7903

About-- You know how YG family does a Christmas video message? What about a 'YGBB wishes you a merry christmas' sort of quick and easy thing from YGBB members. Meaning, all you'd have to do is say 'Merry/Happy Christmas, Big Bang from (location here)!" (Any way you want, but be nice if you dressed all holiday-like) If people can't do video, a simple pic of fans holding a simple sign that says "merry xmas big bang from wherever (cali, london)


Holiday music would be playing lightly in the background.

They can see the different races and nationalities, and you can even say it in you're own language~ "Feliz Navidad, Big Bang!" This is something that can easily be posted on their sites too and daum and stuff.


- For Video: Max 30 second per video (you can include friends), giving you time to make a short christmas message. (no weird ad-libs like 'TOP YOU'RE SO HOT!' in the background tho..lol)

^depending on how many people who sign up, it may or may not be edited in a way to fit all the clips

- For Pics: A picture of you holding up a sign or something that says 'Merry Christmas Big Bang from____) OR, a picture of you dressed all Xmas-y and you can photoshop the text and decorations on! Make sure it's big enough so that when its made into the video it won't get super stretched.

It would be nice if you could be dressed all Xmasy or Big Bang-gy(lol? Like if you bought a BB T shirt or bandana!) Be funny, and all that~ Be creative! This will be nice with enough participation!

When you are done: PM me your picture or video (uploaded on sendspace.com or something)

Sign Up-- (if you're a member of YGBB, just sign up there, if not, you'll just have to remember the Due Date and remember to send to me on Soompi thru PM)


YGBB ID/Screenname:


Video or Picture:

Due Date--

DECEMBER 17, 2007

The video will be posted on Daum, YGBIGBANG.com YGBIGBANG Cafe, and Youtube for us all to see.^^; This will also be included in our Christmas package thingy for Big Bang, which will be given by YGBB members who will be in Korea this December!

Thanks for Reading!

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^^^ Big Bang in this video, I thought it was RECENT. LOL! Because Daesungieeeeoppa looks the same. But I was thinking why SR looks different :blink::unsure: then I knew for sure it was old when I saw Taeyang's Cornrolls. LOL :crazy:

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Guest akfgtenshi

Hi, I don't really go on here, but I just wanted to share with you some pictures

of Big Bang that my friend had taken with her Camphone. She said they were filming

a new Music Video, I'm guessing it's for "I Don't Understand."

She also said not a lot of fans knew about it, so she got the chance to take some

pictures... Lucky her :]


It was taken at Yonsei University in Shinchon, Seoul [112807]





OMFG! THEY WERE AT YONSEI?? *depression*

can u tell me what time was that?

because i walked through there yesterday (on the 28th) and i didn't see them! ;__;


aw maaaaaan! i can't believe i didn't catch them! and i go by yonsei so many times! argh!

*100% upset*

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ooh thanks 'juhjuh' for the fancam vid btw :]

it's not too bad, it's pretty gud quality, it's just youtube =P

haha i just had to laugh .. gd is so into it. he's like 'EY' 'EY' 'YEH' 'YEH' 'UH' 'UH' *nods head* rofl

i like it .. it's just jumping, slouching and nodding their heads XDD

it's cute what gd's wearing. the G on his sweatshirt

i wanted to see all of them but oh well,

just have to wait for the HQ

i wna see TOP!!!!

and thanks guys for all the pictures heheh

- Hongdae Guerilla

is it pronounced, Go-ri-lla? or Gu-eh-ree-la?

ohemgee thanks 'xrainonme' and your friend haha

gosh, I would've wasted my load or memory of my fone and take EVERY single snapshot of big bang XDD

and and record it haha

whoa, another mv again? they sure have a tight schedule

ohhhhh i see, that song

i was hoping for 'FOOL' or 'CRAZY DOG'

ahhh~ trying to reminisce that scene teehee


phew, another leftover picture i managed to obtain XD


another photoshoot? yes oh yessir


more pictures







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Guest josephineeee















credits to on pic + rinrin,nun@popcornfor2 + victoryseungri

thanks everyone for pic spam and sharing !!

i wish i was at the guerilla concert T.T

the x'mas idea is very cool !! i think im gng to join that ^^


PLEASE PM ME ASAP OKAY ?! URGENT ! okay .. quite only laa ><"

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hahah i love the captions on the pics.

the one with daesung/top : "seunghyun hyung, there's a noona" TOP: "where, where" hahaha it matches with their expression at the time too.

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SO ADDICTED to Big Bang jackets. So colorful. I love it. ^__^;; Oh boy, oh boy.

Does GD still wear that muffler/kerchief or was that just for...a certain phase?

Anyway, GD doesn't look bad in those crazy glasses. Haha, they're actually cute. Time to make some icons!

Seriously though. Thanks so much for all the pic spam and everything.

I've yet to get used to 'Hot Issue' and everything. So much to update on! 'Hot Issue' is really popular for the Cyworld netizens though.

The songs are really electonic-esque with a hiphop/R&B feel so the netizens at Cyworld...oh yes, definitely do love it like they did with 'Lies.'

And I'm so late on the new MV. I just watched it yesterday. Mixed feelings? I liked it, but I wish Big Bang was a part of the story a little more.

Like how GD was in 'Lies.' And when YB came out of the car in the first scene we see them, he like...has this cute spasm. HAHA.

Anyhoo, TOP can really sport them glasses and cap.

Love Big Bang style.

And a real angel right here: http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d55/vaav...4de5720dac3.jpg

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Guest sookyung

hahah i love the captions on the pics.

the one with daesung/top : "seunghyun hyung, there's a noona" TOP: "where, where" hahaha it matches with their expression at the time too.

totally! ^^ i was like "the hand gestures go totally well with the captions" haha

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Guest trangtwo

Those HQ pics are heavenly <3 Thanks guys for sharing.

Ahh Big Bang keeps me so open minded. I've never liked techno, but I like their techno-ish songs. I don't think bubble gum pink pants and green checkered jackets match very well, but I like it on them lol. I just can't not love everything they do ^^

Oh yeah, Monica and Jerilyn - these Big Bang projects are awesome. Gahh I wish finals weren't in two weeks, but I really wanna participate. So I'll try my best. ^^

Yay another Big Bang interview. Typical Big Bang adorkable-ness...

Big Bang - SPN Interview 071129

Ok, so the girl is weird. She's all like "Yo man, yo man, wassup, yo man." And GD's probably thinking "What the heck?" (She does it at the end of the interview too XD)


G-Ri lovin'


Don't you just love their love-hate relationship? And the physical abuse of course <3

I love how there's always at least one gif-able moment in any clip with them.

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Gosh i'm so loving the new look and song!! i so wish i was in korea right now!!

tempo is such a litto cutie with his little hair and glasses!! so cute!!

thanks everyone for the updates and pix!! :)

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OMO.. I loved the pic spam.. THANKS they are so cute...

WOW.. Jerilyn (i can't believe i have been spelling your name wrong.. sorry) that's

such a cute idea.. i want to do one.. but wait..i have to find time and the right

HOLIDAY outfit.. ahaha.. that's a cute idea... hum...

well..i hope that everyone participates in the BB projects that we have over at

YGBB because there are a lot of fun things going around.. it'll be AWSOME...



thanks for the link trang.. i am trying to watch it now.. but i am too busy..



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the people who got to go to the Guerrila concert are so lucky!!!

well many people are wondering what a Guerrila concet is well its a concert i guess we all know that

anyhow at the concert its free and like for example big bang tries to round all of their fans to come. the hole idea of a Guerrila concet is to have your fans come but one thing you must do is pass the limit ( the limit is you must have a cetin amount of fans who shows up) i'm not sure how many fans are needed to come in order for you to have the concert, but all i know is big bang passed...

correct me if i'm wrong about the Guerrila concet!

other stars have done Guerrila concets before!

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Thanks to everyone who posted pictures, links, translations, etc.!

SillyYun Presents...


Magician YB Special Last Farewell Lesson

^ LOL thanks for sharing this! YB sure knows how to make the magic happen ;)

I was reading a fan encounter on LJ's Big Bang community, and watching her short clip, it did remind me of the guerilla concerts.

:o LUCKY GIRL! My jaw was wide open while I was reading that.

Hehe singing on a truck, that's such a cute way to promote their new music.

As if they need to, though...

Oh yea, and rawesome, your review was really awesome (haha XD)...and yes, I absolutely hate when people don't listen to Big Bang's music and automatically assume that their music is "fake gangsta crap." Someone really said that on one of my YT videos (I deleted it of course because ignorant bashing is for bitter losers ^^). People who don't know Big Bang are quick to make snap judgments, but if they actually see how they act, they'd know they are not "wannabe gangsters."

I also HAAATE it when people say that! Especially my friends

over here. People seem to assume that whenever people rap, that it's

supposed to be "gangster". I'll stop here cuz I could go on for days xP

The boys had a guerilla concert?! Korean fans are getting more and more chances to see them =( I'm so jealous T_T


Hehe, I love the G on his shirt!


:o Do I even have to say anything?!

The concert looked amazing! Whoever attended is so lucky! Who thinks

they should have one of those in the states :D

blu_smiley O.O G-Dragon is looking GOOD in those caps! I have to go watch that...

Seungri is really maturing!

Thanks again everyone!

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