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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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Guest erikaenchanted

hi every1 ...umm never posted in this thread before

my names erika

big bang's awesome *dancy dancy*


heres a piccy i drew of top:


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Guest amyyboo


& omgoodness!! the Always MV was sooo sexyyy. I'm jsut speechlesss. I love their cars man. & The part where they showed Daesungs abs :w00t:

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Guest SOUL'd to:GD


Omgsh~ I am like, flipping out right now *dies* thank you SABRINA for the links, I don't think I could have waited until it finished DLing on CB since I'm like dling 5 files at the same time right now gaahh~~

GD was so fly, Seungri was so handsome, YB & Daesung was so charming, and TOP was mega-fine :wub:

I loved how they put in scenes where it was showing some of the things they did there in Hawaii, haha some cuties foolin' around. I loved the part where they dug a huge hole into the sand just to bury themselves :lol: SO CUTE. I'm dying X__X aww and the dance in the middle of the road was AWESOME! I freaking LOVED it, waahh~~ i love the dance.

oh oh oh and i always wanted to see their jumps in action! woottt~ I LOVED THE "SUPER-GD" JUMP! :P oh man this MV is addicting @_@ It makes me happy :3 <33333333

and now I'm excited to watch BIG BANG on Star King! *dies* just by looking at the caps, I'm tempted *__*

I am SO going on gif spree for all these awesome clips and the mv ah~



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Guest iLOVEYB_x

omg i just watched Always MV. DAESUNG'S FINE HOT BODY! gahh!!

GD-so cute in the sand pile.

Seungri- HIS DANCE!



Daesung- HIS FINE BODY!!

i'm in love with the dance at the end. the guys are SOO dorky. second favorite video from BB! i loved it when they added clips from Hawaii. they're soo cute and random. =D i wanna go to HAWAII NOW! looks so nice and BEAUTIFULL!!

another thing and this is so weird. YB looks like my older cousin in this video. o.O

also..HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO TOPPIE! i would made him a video or banner but my computer sucks butt. x]

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:DDDDDDD Happy legalization to TOP <3

ha, i barely post, but since it's TOP's birthday+realease of Always, i just gotta

the Always MV was so adorable ! I love the song (:

Hawaii is so pretty ! And omg when they showed Daesung's abs...

*drools* LOL ahhhh. All of them looked amazing ~ They're such dorks

fksafhlaskfhsa they're amazing ~

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wow, the always MV was love. when is their full length album coming out? weren't they saying before that it would come out in November? i'm ready to see what they have in store for us fans.

i can't wait til tomorrow's YSMM with GD. it looked like Lee Tae Sung from TODAW and 9 Innings 2 outs is also in that ep too.

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happy birthday to SeungHyun...

happy birthday to SeungHyun...

Happy birthday to CHOI SUNG HYUN...


love nounu and the iVIPs....


THANKS EVERYONE for EVERYTHING i am so in love with the MV.. excuess my

slowness.. but it was a good thing to come online... i was screaming the whole time i was

watching the MV.. i am so LOVING it. YB looked so awsome in there.. he was so HOT

and when T.O.P. was sitting there... DAYUMN.. i think i know why i love him... ahaha..

he looked so CUTE when he was messing with his lay and the ice cream.. ahaha....

i can't stop thinking about it.. man.. i can't even think about what to write.. because i'm too

happy.. and excited.. man.. my fingers are all jittery.. ahahahahahaha.. i know i LOVED it..

ahahaha.. i like the way they put in the clips of them in HAWAII.. it was adorable... but too

bad that T.O.P. was wearing a t-shirt... man DS's abs killed me... i was like.. touching

the screen.. ahahaha..i LOVED his small ponytail.. ahaha.. he's a dork... dried mengoes?

GD was so ADORABLE with his cap and stuff.. and when he was flapping his hands..

PEEK A BOO BABY.. ahahahaha.. man.. Seung Ri was so cute.. he wasn't in there as

much... ahaha.. but he was so cute when he SMILES ahahaha.. i love him.. ahaha..

man when they were throwing DS into the water he was so cute.. ahaha.. i wish it was me...

oh.. and their DANCE it was so cute.. i love them... AHHHHHHHH... i can't stop thinkg about it...

i am so goingBLAH... WAHHH... OMG... i LOVE THE MV....... digging the sand?? ahaha...

that was so cute.. ahahahaha.. i want to get burried with T.O.P... (sorry for being bias)

OKAY.. CALM DOWN NOUNU.. ahaha.. well WOW.. that was a blast.. i've watched it twice already.. ahaha..

i want it to be a MP3.. man.. i need to watch STARKING.. um.. i saw the love letter clips.. i didn't really

get what it was for.. but yeah.. they were so cute.. i want to go to the WILD WILD WEST.. they make it

seems to INTERESTING.. and HOT.. anyday i would be in the WILD WILD WEST.. ahaha.. i love them

they were so cute.. ahaha.. they look GOOD...


GO iVIPs and VIPs... GO..

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Guest xXsmilesXx

OMg so much things to spazz over..like

Starking..the UFO live message thinge..even though i haven't seen it..but the

Always mv was awesome..it was so cute..they looked like they were having to much fun

Daesung has some killer abs..omg...TaeYang was so hott in every shot man...and the dance was cute..

the mv was pure delight...now i can't wait to watch Star king w/TOP belly dancing...

Happy 21st TOP

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Guest lilswtazndevil



OMG!! the mv was so good!!

they look so FINE in white!!

i love this mv!!

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Guest Leena651

Wow, wow, wow... ALWAYS MV totally ROCKS! Totally lOVE this mv! Everyone of them (GD, TOP, YB, DS & SR) were SUPER FLYIN' HOT!

MAN, my favorite part is them getting out of their TIGHT Rides. Thats how I like em' just in white t's and jeans :w00t:

Thank you everyone for uploading and sharing all the BB weekend goodies :D

Happy 21st Birthday T.O.P. !!!

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Thank you for the upload. <3

I translated the interview using these youtube clips. (for the international big bangers out there <3)


Yoon Do Hyun: I wanted to introduce them to you: BIG BANG!!

Big Bang Performs Lies

YDH: Wow, it’s very explosive here. Yes. It’s very nice to meet you members of Big Bang!

Big Bang: Hello!

YDH: It’s a bit noisy in here, but since this is your first time on Love Letter, why don’t you introduce yourself?

GD: Um, before we introduce ourselves, we wanted to do a hello in our own style?

YDH: Ah, of course! Go ahead!

Big Bang does beat box introduction

Big Bang: Hello, we’re BIG BANG!

YDH: That was really cool, that was really cool…but…besides the BIG BANG! At the end, was there an introduction at all? Like with words? Was it for your image?

GD: -_-;; Yes, yes.

YDH: Ah~ yes yes. Though…I would like to know your names?

GD: Ahaha! Yes! I’m G-Dragon, leader of the group!

TY: Hello, I’m Big Bang’s Tae Yang!

SR: Hello, I’m Big Bang’s Seung Ri!

DS: Hello, I’m Big Bang’s Dae Sung!

T: Hello, I’m Big Bang’s T.O.P!

(Fangirlism spills over. Loudest scream for Toppy)

YDH: I actually feel kinda bad saying this, but T.O.P…you seem the most popular?

TY & GD: Yes, he is

YDH: You’re the one who’s combining acting with music, right?

T: Yes, yes I am.

YDH: Ah, so that is different. So! As many of you may know, the members of Big Bang are actually quite young. But before debut, there is news that they went through a very rigorous training process…I mean, you’re not a soldier, but I heard your training was long. How long have you been practicing?

GD: Um…For Tae Yang and I, we’ve been training for seven years.

YDH: Seven years?!

GD: Yes, and for the rest of the members, three years.

YDH: Three years…so, how old are you two if you’ve been training for 7 years? (gestures towards GD and TY)

GD: We’ll be 20 this year.

TY: I joined YG in 6th grade.

YDH: You joined YG in 6th grade?! And practiced?

TY: Yes.

YDH: Wow, in 6th grade…you’re supposed to be singing children’s songs, but…wow. So, I heard you wrote and produced Lies, G-Dragon?

GD: Ah yes, I did.

YDH: Wow, so when did you start making music?

GD: I started making music…well, I officially started making music not too long ago, but I wrote my first lyrics in 5th grade. Heh heh

YDH: 5th grade?!

GD: In 5th grade, we went on an overnight field trip…at the field trip, we had a talent contest. Everyone else was singing songs from older singers and whatnot, but I wrote lyrics with a friend and performed it.

YDH: So you performed this song you made at the talent contest?

GD: Yes.

YDH: How was the reaction?

GD: There was no reaction. Hahah

YDH: Because nobody knew the song?

GD: Yeah, that too. Everyone kinda looked at me with a “What are you doing?” look.

YDH: That’s a similar point that we share. However, I performed my own songs at night shows. Wow, talent show 5th grade, huh? I suddenly wanna hear this song you wrote, the one where you performed at the overnight field trip.

GD: Ah…

YDH: Do you remember it?

GD: It’s kinda hazy in my mind, but I do remember it being very immature.

YDH: It’s more amazing that you would write something like that in 5th grade though.

GD: I’ll just do a little bit that I do remember.


GD: (talking to members) Could I get a beat please?

(Beat starts)

GD: Yeah~ actually, my voice was a little higher back then. (Does 11 year old GD rapping voice….SO KAWAII >_<)

GD does his 5th grade rap

YDH: Oh it’s so cute.

GD: My voice was very high then.

YDH: It was plenty high now when you re-enacted it.

GD: Heh heh, I did it on purpose.

YDH: But wow, you did a good job. Especially as an elementary school student. Was your beat this accurate back then?

GD: Oh no. It was a mess. I’m still a mess.

YDH: What are you talking about? It was great. So how did the other members get into music and develop an interest for it?

SR: Well, for me in the beginning I was really into dance. I danced to a lot of hip hop music so I kept on getting pulled towards hip hop. So I came into YG, and when I heard that auditions were being held to make Big Bang, I auditioned and came in with G-Dragon hyung and Tae Yang hyung.

YDH: Ah, you two are the hyungs? (gestures towards GD and Tae Yang)

GD: Seung Ri is actually our group’s baby. He’s a ’90 year.

SR: Actually, just before…

(YDH starts laughing because before Big Bang was Lee Seung Hwan who’s a veteran singer. He performed a song he put out in 1989…a year before Seung Ri’s birth)

GD: Ah! Actually, just before…

YDH: That song [LSH] sang was put out in 1989…so while LSH-shi was actively promoting the song, Seung Ri was born, right?

GD: Actually, just before we were watching LSH sunbaenim (elder) in the green room. It was very powerful and we were really sucked in, so we were monitoring it. Um…I dunno if this kind of information will be rude, but LSH sunbaenim is the same age of Seung Ri’s father.

(Audience cracks up and YDH can’t stop laughing)

YDH: Oh, man. This calls for a lot of “I beg your pardon’s” (joking)

(Big Bang looks uncomfortable)

YDH: Now, we’re laughing now and just pass it at that, but actually if we think about it, music crosses all generations and age groups. I think it might be better if we pass it off in that sort of manner. Wouldn’t you think so? It’s not like one’s better because he’s younger or older, right? We’re one because of music. So, the rest of you: what’s the one thing you want to do as you turn into your 20’s. What’s the one thing you want to do as a man? Like, I REALLY wanna do this as a man in my 20’s.

GD: Well, none of us have earned our driver’s license yet. So, we all want our driver’s license and we want to drive a car.

YDH: So, what do you do now?

GD: We go around with our manager hyung. But we want to drive a car on our own…and go driving.

YDH: Do people recognize you when you walk down the street?

GD: Pardon?

(Audience lets out some weird moan and groan)

YDH: Do people recognize you on the streets?

GD: Ah yes!

YDH: Wait a moment. Why did it get so loud during our interview? What’s the reason?

(Audience makes some (*&*& noise I can’t make out)

GD: Ah! I think T.O.P-shi was trying to talk and I cut him off.

T: Oh, well

YDH: Oh, is that what it is? I’m sorry. It was my mistake! My progression sucks today! I’m sorry! Oh I’m sorry! So sorry! Go ahead, go ahead. We’ll rest a bit.

(Everyone moves away from TOP as TOP starts sweating bullets)

T: Well, it’s just that while you guys were talking…all I wanted to say was that I really want my driver’s license too. I just wanted…to…say…that. I really want my driver’s license.

YDH: Do you have a girlfriend?

T: Yes, no! None of us have girlfriends! O_O

YDH: Why are you so taken back?

T: No, none of us have girlfriends.

YDH: I’m sure there will come a day when you say you have a girlfriend and there won’t be that big of a repercussion.

T: Well, actually, because of our personalities, if we have a girlfriend, we’ll say it.

(Audience is yahooing the entire time)

T: No, for real.

YDH: But honestly, this is better. Some people say they have girlfriends and nobody believes them! (says some inside joke I don’t understand..o.o)

YDH: Well, anyway. It’s really nice to see the results of your hard work and progress. Do you guys have any plans for the future?

GD: We’re actually going to be closing up activities for Lies and at the end of the year, we’re going to have a concert.

TY: December 28, 29th we’ll be having our concert.

YDH: Ah, I see. I hope you guys have a successful run and please give a warm round of applause for Big Bang!

Performs Wild Wild West and How Gee remix.



And happy birthday BIG BOY >3


Ji Eunie

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AHHH. lol

i loved the always mv!

thanks for all the news/clips/pics/translations.

this thread moves soooo fast


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I JSUT WANTED TO SAY THANK YOU TO EVEYRONE! the gifs, pics, and links are OUTRAGEOUSly TERRIFIC! ima be back to describeee my feeligns ofthe mv in words. but dannng, i heckka wanted tos ee it when it aired. annnnnnnnd doe anyonehave links to starking eppi?

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woooo!!!!! i'm freakin love it. NEW MV 'Always'

they're so cool and cuteeeee<33 . and ohhh GD very cute.

i like when they play haha they made me funny



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Guest VietChicck

HAPPPY BIRTHDAY TOPPPPP! <3333333333333333333 i need to know how to send the card to top !!!! i was so mad when i didnt find it :angry: so cool and hot !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

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Guest splendidlure

aww. thanks for the translation. wow. i'm even more in love with g-dragon. ahhhhh x] his cute high voice. swoons.

haha. top is so cute. I REALLY WANNA DRIVE. haha.

that was a good rendition of wild wild west. haha. i'm loving this. big bang+my favorite music station=perfection. :blush:


i love the boat. haha. all of them look so hot. but i'm so biased towards g-dragon. haha. that boy is so *ahhhh*. him+fedora hat is perfection.

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