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[Official Thread] ♔ MinShin (Lee Min Ho & Park Shin Hye) ♔ - Thread 1

Guest pluie

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thank you, i can post now.. i tried how many times but my gadget didn't allow me.. :D it's so fast.. i can't even remember the name who reply of my comment... chingu..yah.. i just want to clarify about my post.. as what i have said, i read two different translations of the interview.. 1.) lmh said that he truly loved that person and he don't have a guts (i dont know the right term, my poor english) like kim tan ... the other one 2.) he didn't know how to stop since he haven't started yet.. that's why i am asking for the link.... ;)). by the way it was already his past.. past is just past but he is so hot (hehehehe.. lee bo na ) .... and i want to add also about the one who post about jgs, psh and jgs are just friends (.) maybe jgs mention her right now cause psh is you know (talk of the town) .. about jh ( i may say they have a m.u.) but it's changed now cause lmh love psh and psh love lmh (right?... hahahahah) ... about also ghs(jandi) she is also past of lmh.. okay, i will just share this, cause i can't help to keep it.. both of them denied, but i know someone (a friend) .. told me, they are in a relationship, but jandi break up with him, a long long time ago ( it means, past).. maybe those couple things.. they are already in the past.. what is important right now is the present.. who makes lmh happy, who makes him giggle everytime they talked or have an eye contact.. who makes him do things he didn't do from the past... his one and only juliet (park shin hye).. and all the changes of psh ( we all know, it's because of lmh) some of us are woman here, so we can read psh.. ;))) chingus, anyone here can post the previous pics of lmh wearing the lmh tshirt ( the one he used in his fm/ concert) black and white.. lets compare what's the difference now and before, because i saw from before, he didn't tucked-in his shirt into his pants, while in his concert now, he do that.. and i saw psh also having that kind of style.. i can't really post a pics here.. :( am so happy reading all the comments here, all the pictures and all the gif's... minshin fighting... hope the name of other shipper won't appear here anymore.. :D love love... you all chingus :x >:/

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@gingerpeach  yes I agree with you, I think that picture was taken while she and her group were still vacationing and only posted once they left out of courtesy probably per her manager/staffs request so as not to disturbed PHS must needed rest. I applaud those people for respecting and guarding PHS privacy.  ^:)^ :x I'm also delighted that PHS was able to rest and enjoy her vacation and away from all the commotions that happened during her hiatus.  :-bd

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minshinie said:
During filming break, someone(LMH) holding on to his phone & ask PSH:(about his dressing that yesterday)Is it too bold? Someone said looks like bridegroom, I also think it is overboard.PSH laugh out loud: You guys wore too formal, if it's not for the press conference, I would think all of you are there for election, but right now you are popular, red is your main colour。 Since red colour is 'big hit'? & is a good sign.
credit to the owner.

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Guest tropicalgirl

@LaDadaista OMG HAHHAHAHAHA. Just realize that i invented a new facial reaction after read your post  =)) It's a mix between blushing, laughing and burning sensation (ups so sorrry for minors, can't help it) Oh my....

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Guest gingerpeach

@NoeL Chingu why post that video saying you're scared/afraid? :P May lead to others misunderstanding/panicking about the videos content lol!

Anyway I just watched that video frm beginning till end. Only part that may jump out to minshin shippers:

Minho once again mentioned how he has a new vision of love through The Heirs. Using your true heart and feelings towards loving someone takes a lot of courage, and if someone he wants to cherish ever appears by his side, he will focus on that love, he wants to love like Kim Tan did.

I can't get over how Minho keeps reiterating that, how many times has he said that now? Haha I'll never get tired of it. KIM TAN, KIM TAN EVERYWHERE. And LOVE everywhere too. :))

@MMEDH It meant Minho was looking at the pics frm the previous day's press conference on his phone, which sparked him to ask Shinhye (who was on-set with him) if what he was wearing might have been too much haha.

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Guest rjuliet

so minho seems to have past histories with either ghs or pmy...and now uri baby girl? does it mean baby boy is easily to fall in love with almost all of his co stars? thats why the other shippers are also have similar evidences...as baby boy tends to be romantic and always showing hints about who is the girl in his heart...aigoo, my poor shipper heart cant take it...baby girl must seriously thinking about this then, so that what they feel right now is not just because they get too carried away with the characters they play in heirs...and I really hope their love now would be the last love for them and an everlasting one...

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Guest rjuliet

miane chingus if the color thingy seems to make few members here upset...I cant help noticing it always maybe because its got something to do with my own fascination with colors...and in my real life, I really love it when my loved ones wearing purple, which is my fave color, either family or best friends or my special someone, whenever they have something purple or hints of that color on them I always feel cherished :) ...well of course its different for every person...maybe to others, color is not something important and just small things to be ignored...but for me its always one of the reasons I get attracted to someone or something...like in heirs, the purple dreamcatcher is also one of the reasons I love heirs apart from my dream otp minshin...so yeah I wont go overboard with the color thingy anymore if its getting too much for other members...miane...lets keep on sailing this ship smoothly...love u all minshiners...

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said: @NoeL Chingu why post that video saying you're scared/afraid?


May lead to others misunderstanding/panicking about the videos content lol! Anyway I just watched that video frm beginning till end. Only part that may jump out to minshin shippers: Minho once again mentioned

how he has a new vision of love through The Heirs. Using your true heart and feelings towards loving someone takes a lot of courage, and if someone he wants to cherish ever appears by his side, he will focus on that love, he wants to love like Kim Tan did.

I can't get over how Minho keeps reiterating that, how many times has he said that now? Haha I'll never get tired of it. KIM TAN, KIM TAN EVERYWHERE. And LOVE everywhere too.


) @MMEDH It meant Minho was looking at the pics frm the previous day's press conference on his phone, which sparked him to ask Shinhye (who was on-set with him) if what he was wearing might have been too much haha.

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Guest branwen

rjuliet said: so minho seems to have past histories with either ghs or pmy...and now uri baby girl? does it mean baby boy is easily to fall in love with almost all of his co stars? thats why the other shippers are also have similar evidences...as baby boy tends to be romantic and always showing hints about who is the girl in his heart...aigoo, my poor shipper heart cant take it...baby girl must seriously thinking about this then, so that what they feel right now is not just because they get too carried away with the characters they play in heirs...and I really hope their love now would be the last love for them and an everlasting one...

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@mi7chimes, i already read it chingu, but i don't know how .. (this ipad made it hard for me) .. thank you for that.. can i send it again in your inbox, so that you will ph it here?? kamsameda.. :-*

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Guest Alina Lacramioara Condrat

Oh come on girls,don't start again with this!!! The only thing we know for sure is that he did date PMY,that's all . Nobody knows why they broke up!!! But that doesn't give us the right to make assumptions about his character.many of you are his fans since Heirs,so you don't know too many things about him. and is like PMY wasn't enough,now you started to bring GHS into discussion too :-w .

Luckily his co-stars from PT and Faith are married( well actually I don't know about his co-star from PT to be honest),otherwise you probably would have say that he was in love with them too!!!

I said this before,but I see that I have to repeat myself: please STOP with this,you make him look like a man who falls IN/OUT of love on daily basis!!!

I know I sound harsh,but honestly,I can't say that I'm sorry !!!

Should we start to say that PSH seems to fall in love easily with her co-star,just because some people have nothing better to do then spreading rumours about her and her past co-stars???

Seriously,this will not bring anything good to us or to this thread.I thought all of us are here because we believe that there is something special between them,because we like and RESPECT BOTH of them EQUALLY,but I guess I was wrong.many of you are ready to believe all the rumours you hear or read in other shippers threads.

So disappointing :(

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Guest branwen

Maybe we need a beating. Like this:

credit to gifwarehouse

credit to gifs for the masses

Truthfully, this is my first ship. And it kinda feels like the first time I got a bf. I was ecstatic, I was excited, I was in love. I was also easily nervous, jealous, and insecure, especially cause the guy was more experienced and had previous relationships. It's a whole new learning experience and required a lot of effort and of course a lot of trust. In the end we parted because we're still young and lacked the courage to go on. So there's my love story. Hope you like it.

But wait, LMH has found a new meaning of love because of The Heirs. He has a new found courage and a more mature perspective about love and relationship. He's a new person after The Heirs.

credit to hippie gifs tumblr

I'm a bipolar shipper so don't mind me.

ETA: There's a hidden force in soompi. I swear. Why is this on top of the thread?

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Guest lightforyou

hi everyone to the new ones WELCOME :-h I MISS THIS THREAD SO MUCH :(( I ONLY CAN COME HERE ON WEEKENDS  8-| anyway i notice that everyone turned to detectives keep the hard work for me i don't mind psh not appering just like in my country they say that saying nothing is a sign of acceptance and i belive that no news means good news so let her rest! she will come when she comes ;))and about the bracelet i don't want to be delusional so NO COMMENT :| AND TO LIVEN UP THE MOOD:
park shin hye is ABOUT TO FLY WITH THE WIND: :bz photo 73db72ffgw1e8zmdn953bj20k90r0jx4_zps93f7237b.jpg
lee min ho what are you DOING? :-/ photo 73db72ffgw1e8zmc5vzyzj20r00k9wl0_zps3525172c.jpg
IF ONLY MINSHIN is driving together in malaysia right now "delulu on" 8-> photo 349ccc7025ce11e38e3c22000a1f9d44_7_zpse225ad3f.jpg
finally i have a question :-B why is everyone looking behind and laughing here? :-/ as far as i remember park shin hye was behind lmh in the airport right?!  #-o photo 528e00ec267c11e3951b22000ae9142b_7_zpsb388718d.jpg did she trip or what? :P

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