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------------* Bio Oil :: The Stuff Miracles are Made of!

Guest anjelique

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Guest joolee.

im starting to think that bio-oil doesnt reallly work for all skin types ><"

it's made me break-out and i have combination skin.

for those soompiers with combination skin, has bio-oil made you breakout or have you seen improvements in your skin?

Yes, it made me break out more. :( I don't really see much improvements as of now but my scars are fading a little.

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Guest babyN_xxs

no scars disappearing for me.... and i already expected for my stretch marks to stay

=/ ohh welll

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Guest reminiscence<3

whee just bought mine a few days ago.

and its showing great result ! (;

its only the second day since i started using and i notice it did fix some uneven skin tone

and my pimple scar is fading.

so far no breakout. hopefully not

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Guest ok momo

i bought bio-oil yesterday, as i have really really red blotchy skin and it's evened out my skin tone already. i used it in the morning, in the middle of the day and before i went to bed. its made my skin feel so soft and nice! blotchiness is already starting to disappear. i really hope i dont break out though.. !!

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Guest tomatomato

been using for a week now and nothing happened -__- no break outs, no even skin tone..just the same thing...moisturizes but i used better moisturizers -__-

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Guest cerys

I stopped using it for like 2 weeks and replaced it with normal cream moisturiser and I've noticed my skin has become dryer around the cheeks and a little..... unlively and uneven >___>;;;; (or maybe its just my speculation lol)

I think I'll go buy a new bottle of it since mine is just about to run out. It lasts for ages and is quite a good moisturised.

I guess the effects of it really does depend on your skin tone/type. BTW, I wouldn't use it over pimples (unless they are the scars)!

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Guest hwangb0<3

ladies, CVS is having a good deal on this products. They offer 2 dollars off on Bio oil, so the price end up being 9.99. Start to stock up quickly :w00t:

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Guest xkrankydankyx

i started using this a little less than a month ago when my friend got it for my birthday, and so far, it's been working

i actually used another acne-scar-fading cream before i started using bio-oil, so i don't think the results were as drastic as others'

my scars have been fading away (although it's taking quite some time to do so) and i'm quite happy with the results :]

i don't like how it's so greasy when i apply it though~~

i like leaning my face into a pillow or a teddy bear when i'm sleeping and i can't do that anymore since i'm worried that the bio-oil will get all over my pillow :(

other than that, i recommend it :)

i haven't had any special break-outs as a result of using this product

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Guest joolee.

Hmm... I have some blotchy skin and over half a bottle of this left. I may start mixing this in with a regular moisturizer and see how it fares out. Has anyone tried that? Mixing it with another moisturizer, I mean...?

Yep, I've tried that and I think it works better.

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Guest <3DBSK

Yep, I've tried that and I think it works better.

how much of this do you mix into your moisturizer?

so each time you put on moisturizer you mix in a drop or two before you put it on your face?

has it given you better results than jus using the bio-oil?

my scars dont seem to be fading at all =(

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I've been using this for 3 months now, and it really has evened out my skintone

and some scars have faded. I don't have blackheads -- but I don't even know if I had any before

since my sister says my pores are nice and small.

Anyways, my skin is dry and especially area between my nose and lips,

and it helped moisturize the area.

When I first bought it, I went straight away to the bathroom and washed my face.

the next morning it was so soft :]

For the first week, I would do it twice once in the morning and night,

but I would forget to do it in the morning.

So since then I have just been putting it on nightly.

And just use a daily moisturizer with spf in the day.

Since I have sensitive skin, I use Aveeno products as my

cleanser and moisturizer.

But again each person skin differs and react differently

to products, find what works best for you. :)

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Guest hanilemon

I got bio oil a few days ago! At walgreens for 9.99, hee. I put some on a few minutes ago. :P

I have dry and reallllly sensitive skin, so I'm iffy about which products I use on my face. I'm scared my skin would react badly to it.

But so far bio oil is perfect<3 it moisturizes well and my skin loves it.

I got a really bad tan/sunburn a few years ago in the Philippines (I was stupid and young then and didn't care for sunscreen T_T, yeah stupid mistake.) and my skintone is still kind of uneven now. (not noticeably, but you can definately see it.) Sooo I hope it'll clear up with bio-oil in a few months<3

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Guest charmaine (:

i bought my bio oil a couple weeks ago, but i forgot all about it, haha.

i'm going to start using it tonight though! i'll update on my progress. [:

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