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Wasians/Wannabe Asians.

Guest harako

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Guest Deziel

Wasians get on my nerves.

My friend, who's white, wanted an Asian girlfriend so he could have half-Asian kids.

Situations with him.

- OMG INTRODUCE ME TO SOME ASIAN GIRLS! I'd tell him to go find them yourself. >.>

- "Hey, __________, what are you doing this weekend?"

"Karaoke with friends."

"I'm so going!"


- Me: "You are so a wannabe asian."

Him: "No screw you."

- Me (to other friends): "I met this really cute japanese girl yesterday. ^^"

Him: "I wanna meet her!"

Me: "She only dates Japanese guys."

Him: "Geez, I wish I was Asian..."

Me: "I thought you weren't a wannabe Asian."

Him: "I'm not, I just like Asian women..."

Me: "..."

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Guest 90th.degree

I personally don't mind Wasians, their choice. But it gets to me when they take it to a whole 'nother level. Te ones that do anything to be "kawaii" or try SO hard to be like anime people, or this one guy I know who ONLY hangs out with Asians, "He's that white guy in that group of asians"- my rugby teammate as we were leaving for a game with my coach wondering where he was.

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Guest Deziel

omgz everyone needs to just shush!

white ppl who speak random words in teh asianlanguage, SPECIFICALLY kawaii, konnichiwa, arigatou or sumfink korean like oppa, are LAME and rather infelicitous

everyone knows it ppl are just too politically correct to say it

... Asian Language. Are you sure your Asian yourself, because last I heard, the whole Asian Continent never spoke a language called 'Asian Language.

white ppl who eat poky are stupid

there are better things out there den pocky!!

Asian people who eat McDonalds are stupid. How stupid can you get?

wasians are so lame and there are heaps of this forum

if you cant speak korean why listen to korean music you dun even know what theyre saying it could be burn all white ppl and you just think you look cool

If you haven't noticed, Soompi, while dedicated to Korean Entertainment, is not purely Korean, there is stuff for a lot of people here.

n dun be all like "well i get translations off the internets" because thats still lame you still dont understand what words theyre speaking and alot of asian languages dont translate well into english

Lyrics aren't everything. Most of the times, I listen for the the background music. I could care less what the song says.

no im not racist i just hate wannabes and freaks who are obsessed with our culture

No, you're are not racist, you are just ignorant and blunt.

.. *rolls eyez* get ova it! you cant be as cute and sexy as us lil asians so beat it!

How cocky can you get? Sure, Asians look cute and sexy, but so do other racist. That comment was not necessary. In fact this whole post was worthless.

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Guest jennita995

sometimes when I'm speaking english, I throw in some french & korean words.I guess that makes me a french/korean wannabe....

In my head it's not like I'm thinking " I HAVE TO SAY AHNYONG HASEYO BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT THE KOREANS SAY & I WANT TO BE JUST LIKE THEM." I just say things in different languages simply because it's fun :) and because I'm studying these languages, it helps me learn and memorize words . same goes for dramas and music ...I watch and listen to them not only because I enjoy them, but to expand my korean/french vocabulary and to help my pronunciation.

it seems as though it is acceptable for asians to speak european languages, watch western movies and tv shows, and eat italian & american cusine....

but when it comes to the non-asians speaking asian languages, watching asian movies & dramas, and eating korean & japanese food, they are seen as a weird wannabe-asian.

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omgsh .. I just call those people T.B's ( Teenyboppers ) =)

These girls at school are like


I don't really mind it .. TO AN EXTENT , It does get annoying --;

I mean , Asia is influenced by Western Countries .. And you don't see them looking at us calling us "European Wannabes" .

And to <b>Milkylee</b> , How dare you go around saying such things .

And bringing disgrace among the Asian race .

Do you know how rude you are ?

I think you should just go back to school and learn how to spell properly =)

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People feel turned off by these wannabes because it's phony. You can't just become "more" korean or japanese by dressing and speaking like them.

It's okay to like the culture, the language, the fashion, their idols and their dramas. I do too. I take japanese classes, save pictures of cute japanese/korean idols, watch the dramas and listen to their music. But I DO NOT dress like them or imitate their mannerisms. In fact, I learn to appreciate the differences between me and them. I'm Chinese, by the way. (And I know many taiwanese, hongkongers and chinese who are wannabe korean/japanese too... not just white people. It's disturbing really.)

It's strange to force these things. It's like a non-african american imitating the slang speak of the hood and pretending to be "gangsta"... just because they admire the hiphop culture.

Thing is, if you admire their culture... you can immerse yourself in it. (study the language, go on exchange trips, or jus watch their dramas and listen to their music.) But don't lose your own identity. Why must you alter yourself?

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Guest c0lap1nada

Wasians get on my nerves.

My friend, who's white, wanted an Asian girlfriend so he could have half-Asian kids.

Situations with him.

- OMG INTRODUCE ME TO SOME ASIAN GIRLS! I'd tell him to go find them yourself. >.>

- "Hey, __________, what are you doing this weekend?"

"Karaoke with friends."

"I'm so going!"


- Me: "You are so a wannabe asian."

Him: "No screw you."

- Me (to other friends): "I met this really cute japanese girl yesterday. ^^"

Him: "I wanna meet her!"

Me: "She only dates Japanese guys."

Him: "Geez, I wish I was Asian..."

Me: "I thought you weren't a wannabe Asian."

Him: "I'm not, I just like Asian women..."

Me: "..."

No offense to your friend or anything... but he's annoying. xD Reading that post was driving me crazy. O__o

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Guest ~neh~long~

i admit, i went back and read a lot of the convos that went on in this topic.

A. I'm really bored.

and B. there were some really interesting/good points brought up... i don't really think much about "wasians" unless they directly bother me/richard simmons me off.

so just to clarify, by "wasian" you don't mean just "white" people who want to be asian? you mean ANYONE who wants to be asian... beacuse i know a few asians who want to be part of another asian culture (mostly the japanese culture). personally, i love japanese culture (especially the music and entertainment industry... the food's not bad either, yum :] but argh, the language is so difficult for me) but i'm not overly OBSESSED... i'm proud to be korean, and would never actually want to be japanese... but there are so many asian people i know who just find it SO necessary to include japanese into the convo at random times. they spout out random japanese words and seem to boast "yeah, i'm learning japanese. cool huh~" they constantly bring up their love for japan and always say "i want to go to japan so bad". i get it, but there really is a limit to the japanese love... goodness.

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Guest KiBUm_Love

personally, i dont care for the most part

but once they start forgetting their own race and go to the extremes like trying to speak it 24/7 and getting asian clothes and liking the celebrities up to the point where it gets scary, then they seriously need help.

i think its the most pathetic thing to see some wannabe try to speak in an asian language. their accent is never right, but they think they're speaking it perfectly -_-

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Guest Deziel

No offense to your friend or anything... but he's annoying. xD Reading that post was driving me crazy. O__o

He drives me crazy too. >.> But he's a nice guy overall.

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Guest Koala Kate

More than half the members on this board fall under this category, I guarantee it.

It's annoying but what can you do. Let them have their interests for christ's sake.

On the contrary, plenty of Asians have great interest in western culture.....we're all speaking English aren't we?

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ok, i'm sorry, but does it really matter that much?? okay, yes i get annoyed at people who are overly agressive and show-off-y about wanting to be asians, but doesn't it just mean that they really admire and want to be part of that culture? whether they actually get accepted or not is a different story.

people across the globe are a lot closer now than in the old days due to technology. what with globalization and all, isn't pretty shallow and ignorant to want to "protect" one's culture from "outsiders" who supposively "don't understand it"? i mean who's to say they themselves understand their own culture perfectly? heck, i have a friend who, fyi is a mix of English, French, Hungarian, and Irish, knows so much about the japanese culture that i always tease her for being more asian than i am, and i'm chinese!

if you're really gonna get down to it, there are wanna-be's everywhere! asians wanna be black cuz they're so "gansta", americans who wanna be french cuz they're so "en vogue", latinos who wanna be italians.. the list goes on!! just because you don't know anyone like that, it doesn't mean that they don't exist.

as for music.. why is this even part of the argument?? isn't music a universal language anyways?? you don't have to understand the lyrics to understand what emotion the song is conveying. you either like the music or you don't, it's that simple.

all in all, people who want to learn about other cultures because they're actually interested and want to know more about them: i give props to you. those who are only interested in a culture so that they could show off: that's fine too, just don't go too overboard or too crazy if you don't get the recognition/admiration/acceptance you think you deserve. as for those who wanna be "asian" so that they can meet a s/o who's also asian: here's a tip for you, more often than not, that whole poser thing is just irritating if you go about it the wrong way.

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Guest Rabens

^All black people aren't "gangstas", alot of them aren't actualy. Including myself. :/

I know you didn't say ALL but that was a false generalization.

People think I'm a Wannabe Asian but I am asian, well I'm Black, Puerto Rican, Filipino and I consider that asian.

I guess I just don't look too asian. They even get me to the point where I feel like a poser if I do anything asian related.

I don't end every sentence with Japanese though... I don't try to be Japanese, I don't even know Japanese, I know Spanish! :crazy:

But for the true wannabe asian people they do bother me quite a bit.

Sorry if this post seems a little unpleaseant, I'm kind of poed right now.

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Guest xdeathberry

I think for me, an Asian wannabe is really someone, anyone, who takes Asian-isms [does that make sense? lol] too far.

Like. Saying "kawaii, hontou, desuyo" etc in every freakin' sentence.

UGH. I know someone like that.

She drives me crazy. haha

And then she tries to say stuff in Korean/Japanese and it doesn't make sense -_-;


But whatever. It just annoys me. That's all.

Now this one kid I know, MAKES UP lies. Like.

"I am master in kendo. I have a Japanese fiancee whom I've never met. It was an arranged marriage."

When we all very know well that he's lying.

Now THAT, is a wannabe.

And he carries a stack of manga/manhwa to every single class. Hahaha

And then all the kids borrow them from him and read them during class. lol

Heh. I even borrow them.. XD

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^All black people aren't "gangstas", alot of them aren't actualy. Including myself. :/

I know you didn't say ALL but that was a false generalization.

yah i know, i was being sarcastic; didn't mean to offend you. sorry if i did! :sweatingbullets:

i think kakari89's thread more or less sums up what i said

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Guest chernobiyl

i eat with chopsticks all the time and llove asian culture.

most of my friends are asian

but i would never wanna be asian.

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Guest Rabens

yah i know, i was being sarcastic; didn't mean to offend you. sorry if i did! :sweatingbullets:

i think kakari89's thread more or less sums up what i said

I realized that after I calmed down.

Sorry, I was having a bad day. :sweatingbullets:

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Guest PetitePrincesseMai

I don't mind wannabes! As long as they don't try TOO HARD! Like denying their own culture and such to be in anotehr one >< that I think is a bit off the line ><

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