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Wasians/Wannabe Asians.

Guest harako

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Guest cheezmonkee

to the people that do not understand why many asians think asian wannabes are annoying please watch this video

and holy hell

the caption doesn't even make sense

she's just using a free translator


all shock aside, ok I understand that wannabe Asians may upset u. It kinda freaks me out too when some Asians want to mimic Caribbean Culture with dance hall music n all that. BUT THEY ARE DAMN GOOD AT IT!!! lol. it's fun though. I feel pretty honored. But then again I will have my limits (that crap scared me dude!!). These things may be offensive. Sure that's tru. But who can help it. The culture is totally wicked!!!

Caribbean= cultures from all over from as close as the US to as far as Japan. :lol:

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Guest Angxizzle

it's annoying when people wanna be like you..your like wtf they cant do they own thing?

but then again you should be flattured it isnt any different as an asian person wanting to be black,white,etc.

im not saying you should be wannables because that's not cool but aye sum people are like that so deal with it right? lol

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Guest IlikeChicken

I just have a question

people get upset when non asians can't tell asians apart (I'd be a lil upset too)

but can asian people really tell the difference between an african american and a jamaican?

or a dominican and a puerto rican?? or an australian and a german?

On soompi I always hear asian people calling all latinos mexicans and all people with brown skin african american when all of us are not african american, sometimes they are jamaican, or haitan, even puerto rican.

So sometimes I feel like the people on soompi are a lil hypocritcal.

But how come people can't shout out "Kawaii!!" if they wanted too?

I always hear japanese people saying "Good Morning!!!" or "So cool!"

randomly but no one gets upset over that.

I agree though, asians can be so goddam self centered sometimes...

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Guest jaeisDBSKlove

mmmm... i don't really understand the whole point of this board.

I never knew there were such things as "wasians"

I'm caucasian. But i personally just like the asian culture better than mine.

does that make me wasian?

and why would it annoy you if people want to be like you, and respect your culture even more than their own??

there isn't a fault in not taking pride in your own country. Just because I was born American doesn't mean I have to like everything about it.


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Guest coucou22

A lot of asians are american wannabe so why can the non asian be asian wannabe? lol

yes the wasians are annoying... but wannabe american too

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Guest silver_

@_@ wasians? i think they're okay,

just funny sometimes^^

I don't think we should hate them...they ARE trying to be like YOU,

just take it as they are envying your culture


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mmmm... i don't really understand the whole point of this board.

I never knew there were such things as "wasians"

I'm caucasian. But i personally just like the asian culture better than mine.

does that make me wasian?

and why would it annoy you if people want to be like you, and respect your culture even more than their own??

there isn't a fault in not taking pride in your own country. Just because I was born American doesn't mean I have to like everything about it.


I kind of agree with what you've said.

I grew up surrounded by Asian culture and have always had a lot of respect for it, but I also haven't attempted to "become Asian" to any extent. It's not a crime to like or want to learn about different cultures and their languages regardless of what your own background is.

But after rereading the first post, I guess I understand that people who truly feel they were born the wrong race and act out because of it can be rather annoying. :/ Especially to those people of that culture. Personally I'd just roll my eyes and not even bother myself with it.

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Guest cynthiAAx_

there's this girl in my class

and she's caucasian

by the way she dresses and the way she talks and acts etc..

id say she's a real wannabe :|

there's a point where you are facinated

and you like the culture or things that ethnic presents or make but yea,

no need to act o__O

she dresses like those super hongkong fobs with alots of pink and strawberries

buys alot of asian products like pocky, buys like asian pencil cases with bunnies and hello kitty

when she talks, she'll insert some japanese here and there

she will draw anime 24/7 (nothing wrong with that)

she will do the peacesign and blowfish face, as well as the wink o__o

and she has this weird passion for digimon and jrockers

i was surfing on her myspace, since she was on my list

and nearly (like half) of her page was full of japanese (not the characters)

all her pictures were based on rainie yang, jrockers, myavi? and etc etc

it's scaryyy :S

flattering/supportive of the asian cultures in some ways but scary

then again sounds like im sterotyping :S

but whatever floats her boat

my POV anyways

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Guest hammy_chan

yea there's this kid in my journalism class...and he is a TOTAL WASIAN...he admits it too...also my journalism teacher can speak Japanese fluently and he's always bugging our teacher...i HATE the way he always says asians are so this and that...my reaction is that...i rather him be RACIST!!!kids like taht get me frustrated..and when we brainstorm, they always bring up things about Japanese stuff...its annoying really...T^T

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Guest Y0UNGiE☆★〃─。

YES. they are EXTREMELY annoying.

especially when others who aren't Korean act like they're Korean, lie they're part Korean or Korean, act like they know all about Korean & Korea, and say random words in Korean without actual knowledge of what it means. <_<

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Guest shockingstar

More than half the members on this board fall under this category, I guarantee it.

It's annoying but what can you do. Let them have their interests for christ's sake.

Agreed. ><

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Guest Maia-X3

Do you know why it's annoying?


The people who usually are Wasians are also ELITEST.


Their main belief is:

Asian > All Other Races...

"Therefore if I act more Asian I'm part of the elite... and the more asian I act the more I am better than other people/the more I am accepted by my anime/gaming online community of friends."

They think Asians are cool, and they wanna be part of the cool group, because everyone else in their online Anime-loving community thinks Asians are cool. They think it's cool way to be DIFFERENT, to be another race. They think they are being crazy, unique, random. They look down on their normal non-asian peers and think... "ahh.. they're so stupid. I'm so awesome cause I know lots about Asian culture... like anime, pocky and DDR. Things these common folks no nothing about." *ROLL EYES*

Quite a lot of Wasians are stuck up thinking they're so cool just because of they act so Asian. EVEN TOWARDS ASIANS THEMSELVES.

We're not disliking them because they appreciate/are facinated by our culture.

We're disliking them because they're doing it SIMPLY to be COOL and ELITIST...

These are the TYPE of wasians that richard simmons us off, and I'm sure it's the wasians most of us are talking about in this thread.

[EDIT] And you know what? That goes for all the other wannabes out there. Wannabe blacks, wannabe whites. They're wannabes cause they wannabe cool and accepted and elite. Wannabes are annoying, no matter what race/stereotype they try to be.

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Guest jjocelynnnn

i've been called wannabe korean before,

but whatever. i'm still asian. haha.

some of them are annoying as hell, you know, the ones that seriously THINK they're asian? the ones that are just fans of the culture are fine.


lol yes, i knoww.

They are quite annoying.

Me: yeah I'm chinese yo. :P

Them: Gearh, "lei gung hai m hai" *cue crappy chinese accent*

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Guest Malice_Kaiser

Has anyone on this thread even brought up the fact that many Koreans (and others) randomly stick English words into their songs? It happens so damn often, and no one cares, yet when a random non-asian says a word in Korean it's "OMG wasian, let's point fingers."

Just some food for thought... :ph34r:

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I kinda agree with Malice Kaiser :)

I am asian, and although I am not chinese, japanese or korean, I do insert some words sometimes, cuz I think their languages are also beautiful like my own language, that's all, and I love their music , I don't think there's anything wrong with that. And it's true that asians artists use some english lines in almost every single one of their songs, so why only point fingers to normal people? I used to find it annoying when non-japanese uses kawaii, but then again I come to realise people do it because they like it most of the time, not because they wanna be cool or anything :)

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Guest YamaSushi7

I know this one white girl who thinks she's an asian jrock girl -_____-''

She told me she was going to eat EVERYTHING with chopsticks in the summer and I'm like.."Why..? Thats kinda..."

Yea and other nonasians in my japanese class think their so good in Japanese..

Always bragging how they think they're wayy ahead of the class...pshh..w/e.


I TOTALLY agree with you!

Its their attitudes that really tick me off <_<

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