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ever been molested and can't tell anyone?

Guest som3body_somewh3r3

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Guest xiaoyu

i went through the whole 29 pages...

and wow...

most of the posts in the forum are about family members doing these things ....

seriously our world is messed up

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Guest elperro

well i haven't been physically molested but i remember when i was in 7th grade, i was looking at books on a shelf in my local library. this guy with a moustache, well-dressed, passed by and he looked at me. i didn't think anything of it so i continued looking at the books. all of a sudden, i see a pair of eyes looking at me from the other side of the shelf. it was him and i know he was probably doing something to himself. i thought it was weird, so i went to my sister and he followed me. then we walked over to my mom and i guess he got scared at the sight of my mom and disappeared. i told me sister and she was like, omg okay let's go tell the librarian. so we find a librarian, but there was already another girl talking to her and telling her about that creeper with a moustache. so he was definitely a pedophile on the prowl. the thing that stood out to me now when i look back is how calculating he is. i mean, he purposely dressed nice in slacks and a button-downed shirt, targeting the library where little girls would be. i returned to the library shortly afterwards, and there were flyers with a sketch of him telling everyone to be careful. i still remember it clearly... and JUST recently, i had an encounter with a frat boy... ugh. basically he encouraged my intoxication, tried to "cuddle" with me, and jacked off next to me. i just think how amazing it is that these men think with their penises and not with their brains. it's like they don't have any sense of self-control.

even though i put myself in that situation, i was naive, and i will never blame myself or become angry with myself. these creepers target us when we are most vulnerable. it is seriously not our faults and so we have nothing to be ashamed of. i remember reading that every woman will be molested at least once in their lifetime. we have to rise above the filth and not let it get to us, and in turn we will become stronger to fend off future creepers. UGH I HATE CREEPERS!!!

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Guest cherries176

wow. you guys are really brave to live with these tramatic experiences. I was never raped for really molested. but anyways heres what happened.

Once when i wasd like 6 or seven i forget, my dad used to work at a flea market where he soldpaintings and like sculptures. My sister and i would follow my dad since we didn;t have a babysitter or anything so he took us to work with him. one day, i forget where my sister was at the time but this man, i think he was pretty old, but he came up to me and started to talk to me. I forget what we talked about but then he asked me if i wanted to go to a party with him. then he bought me a barret from one of the stores in the flea market telling me that i could wear it to the party. well i told him i wanted to but i would have to ask my dad first. i ran to my dad's shop thing and asked, and then he started saying who is this man and said no, and made me stay with him for the rest of the day. i don't really know if anything wouldhave happened, but now that i am older and i think back, that old man was a freak for even thinking that he could take some other person's kid to a "party".

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Guest freehugs

omg you poor people:(

well ive been molested before and i was so stupid,i didnt even realise it was wrong

basically,i was around 4,cousin 14,asked me to take shower with him,then i got like fingered and richard simmons

and i like faintly remember taking baths with him where he'd be naked..eww

i thought he was just being normal coz like at that age,like my sister,mother people used to like wash my hair and stuff

i just avoid him now...

i havnt told any1 so its like SERIOUSLY awkward,haha

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Guest ShadowMax76

a friend of mine can't believe people could tell their stories so easily,

that most of these are fake.

i don't know why someone would make up a story either..

how ..curious.

i don't think it would be possible if it was me. to say something even on the net.

does it lift a weight off your shoulders?

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Guest CutieGirl303

When I was in fourth grade, my grandpa used to like pinch me. At first he would just pinch my arms playfully and I didn't think much of it because he was a grandpa. Then he'd pinch my breasts and I got scared. Another time he grabbed my butt. Now I just avoid him. I don't walk by him or anything. Ughh...I can't wait until he dies.

thats a bit harsh aint it?? lol

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Guest heyitzthatfc

thats a bit harsh aint it?? lol

Man, after reading that, I have no idea.

But damn girls (some boys?) TELL SOMEBODY!

Never happened to me but my friend who got molested once went into robo-rage-destroyer-mode and after hitting the mini cooper out of him told the police. (and made me hold him down T_T)

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Guest Miss Vivienne

So much molesting...

Is this all real, or begging for attention? I can't believe you Soompiers.

I bet half of all of you are exaggerating your stories.

Don't kid around with these type of incidents, sheesh.

Sometimes in Asian culture, relatives happen to be really touchy.

It doesn't mean they're pedophiles or molesters. Who wants their relatives to be one?

And yet all of you guys are spouting out stuff on the internet for the world to see. >_>

I've read all the stories... and it's almost as if you want to make these small incidents big.

(I'm not calling out on all the stories... just the ones I find suspicious. Some of guys suffered for real.)

"Oh... my uncle onced slapped my butt. HE'S A FREAK. I HATE HIM."

Blahblahblah... You're a little kid. I doubt every uncle who slapped a butt is pedophile.

There are certain incidents that may make one suspicious, but just because they

touched it does not automatically make it that he's lusting after you. D:


It can be "Hey kid hurry up! -slap butt-"


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Well, when I was 13 my uncle-in-law harassed me.

It happened on several occasions. Basically when I was alone or "asleep",

he'd crawl on the bed I was on and stupidly I just froze.

He'd put his face against my private area and take a really big sniff.

It was so disgusting so I didn't say anything until he tried to do it again when I was 15.

He'd also stare at me like he was "hungry"... it was creepy.

Honestly he's one of those guys who'd probably buy used Japanese girls' underwear from those vending machines.

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Guest mochi567

hm..... When i was little around 8 years old, I was playing around with a bunch of guys who were 10. And one of the guy jumped on me and pulled down my zipper (which was in the back) of my dress. I started to cry because everyone can see my back, and I ran to my mom. She zipped up my dress, and told me to not worry about it. But i begged my mom to leave the party and she was nice enough to leave with me....

And another time was when I was walking of the stairs to my apartment and this guy was holding my arm and was like really close to me. He was around 50 and was one of my mom's workers. He was really close that he started to touch my richard simmons and my body.... (it was a really long stairs) I was like WTF and i phone called my mom and told her about it... She told the guy about the incident and told him to keep his hands to himself.... and so he stop. I see him around till this day.. and even tho i have a smile on my face when meet him.... I secretly want to make him regret what he did to me.


I hope you guys can heal the pain...

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no hasn't happend to me BUT

like 2 days ago

i was on the train with a group of friends

this guy he was like half drunk / on pills yeah

he friends and i were all wearing dresses/skirt etc

and yeah he came by and was like

" nice legs "

and then his like " wanna buy soem drugs "

and like he was showing us all these drugs and marijuana and stuff

omg we got so freaked out

luckily my guy friends were there, made me feel ebtter but stil we were SO freaked out ><"

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I got molested by my stupid UNCLE when I was little well acutally not little

since I was going through puberty. I have never told anybody because I don't

want to talk about subjects like this face to face.

One time, I slept over at his house

because my grandma lives with him...he would crawl up the bed hug me, kiss me, and touch

my chest area with a horny face on him. Another time, nobody was home asides from my grandma/sister

but they were in another room. I was washing the dishes and he just came

into my house and groped me. I yelled out STOP IT! OR ELSE IM GOING TO CALL THE POLICE ON YOU!

then he left. I broke down crying. Horrible memories. More incidents happen after that. Why is he so godman horny?

Shouldnt his wife be satisfying him. It feels good to let it out and read other peoples story

who i can relate too. Nowadays I dont see him anymore and IM GLAD.

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Guest JoycexGuo

I'm not sure if this is molestation, but..

When I was maybe 8 or 9 years old, 7 or 8 years back... I used to live next door to a family friend. I used to go over to our neighbors house to play with the kid there, who was only a year older than me and he used to come to my house too. Then one day, when my cousin, him and I were playing cards, he told me he'd give me his pokemon game if I'd go to the bathroom with him. So I did, and my cousin was outside, and the kid locked me and him up inside the bathroom. Then he told me to take of all my clothes, but I said I wasn't going to do that. He was bigger than me, so he forcibly took off all my clothes and touched me (we were both completely naked) on my hips and my private parts and kept rubbing his hands against my body parts. When my cousin would knock on the door to see what was going on, he'd just tell him to go away (he was bigger than my cousin too).

I know, I'm stupid and shouldn't have done what I did just for a pokemon game. But I wasn't even 10 years old, so I had no idea.

This summer, I was volunteering in the city and I met this girl who goes to the same school as him. She said he'd asked her out and she unknowingly rejected him (I was so happy to hear this). I told her to not bother with him because he'd tried to touch a friend of mine. I couldn't tell her the whole story, because I wouldn't know if she'd believe me or just think I was crazy.

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Guest 小甜密

I can't believe there's a thread like this one. It is traumatizing, even if it happened like 15 years ago. Lol, old guys that are not attractive or sleezy looking should never be left alone with little girls. AKA MICHAEL JACKSON.

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Guest litoaznbbumbl

this is so tragic for all you victims :'[

although i cannot relate, and i cannot say that i understand the situation (I don't think i have the right to say that) i hope you girls know that my heart is out for you guys.





although i do believe that some of these girls are overreacting, exaggerating, "OMG HE TOUCHED MY BUTT. PEDOOOOO", like most of you soompiers out there full of skepticism, some of the real ones with the real pain share their stories here online because they can be anybody they want here. they can share their stories because they don't have to face those doubtful and shameful looks they get if people knew. they tell us because they feel solace in knowing that there are others like them in the world, and they aren't alone. they tell us because we are strangers, and even though you act like you care now which i am sure you do, their stories are not going to affect your life. we won't look at them and think "she was raped" because we don't know who she is. they tell us strangers because there is no one else they can tell.

but all seriousness, you guys should report it and fight all you can to win the case and put them behind bars, because if you don't then that man is going to keep doing it to other poor little girls out there you aren't the only ones that are in danger of this predator's eyes!

Paedophiles and rapists should be tied up, then have their penis cut off and force fed to them. Then die the most horribly painful death ever.

they will, once they're discovered and punished for their sins, in life and the afterlife. no one will help you unless you help yourself first and tell someone about it. if they don't believe you, tell them again, because something like this cannot be hidden forever. something like this should not be stayed silent.

the strongest person, IMO, is one who can face their fears head on instead of shrinking away.

think of the other girls who can fall victim and protect them, please.

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Guest ShadowMax76

^ i don't understand a sex criminal's logic , but i reckon there should be a chain mail to raise awareness

once a guy HATES sex criminals, he most likely won't become one.

i think.

pedophiles, by definition, just love kids. the ones who do things to kids, are mostly sex criminals. x_x'

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest ShadowMax76






they go on about child-on-child abuse . rather than the typical 'pedobear'.

Some interesting links... worth a read if you feel like you can't do anything about it. didn't exactly make me feel a hell lot better about this stuff but.. there's some reassurance that it has been looked into by the higher powers .

i regret bumping this thread but.. at least we know there's some hope, just at the level of it being known and worked on

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I only told my story to my two best friends I've known for 7 years. I think they believed me, but they just couldn't comprehend what I told them.. because they probably couldn't believe my father did that to me.

I really couldn't rmb when this sexual abuse thing started, but all I know is that my father was the abuser.. and he stole my first kiss. haha.. I won't go into detail on what happened bcos there were lots of physical thing that happened. the one thing I still vividly rmb is looking into his hungry eyes and hearing him say "Don't tell anyone."

I didn't want to tell my mom or my family members about whatever he did bcos I don't want my family to fall apart. I just don't want my family to hate each other. I hated my dad for what he did to me, but I forgive him if he ever needs my forgiveness. I couldn't hate him too much now, because he has serious chest problems. Karma, I guess? I don't know if he ever regretted what he did, but it hurts that the person who brought harm to me was my father, when his duty was to protect me.

many of you might ask us victims why we didn't stand up against them, because to tell you the truth, it's hard when we're the one going through the pain.. we're basically traumatized, and there are scars left behind that cannot be erased easily. As for me, I've got a family to save. If my family is happy, so am I.

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Guest sh1neweare

commenting like everyone else.. i can't really relate to what you guys are feeling or what you went through but it must've been so bad. and i wish you all happiness. i can understand how some of you couldn't speak up at that time because you were young. i don't think i could've spoken up at that age either because ages 12 and under i was really shy and didn't speak up when one of my cousins asked me to put on lingerei for him .. which i did. but i had no idea it was awkward or anything because i trusted him so much. but now that i'm older i teach my younger sister to speak up no matter what :) that's waht we should all do. teach the younger children

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