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Teen Top **틴탑** [Official Thread]

Guest yoon_ji99

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TEENTOP will be part of the KPOP HEART CONCERT that will be held FEB 16th 2013
other special guest: Ailee, Brown Eyed Girls, Afterschool, Block B, Son dam Bi, Kim Tae Wo, Evol , Luna Fly, 100%

BUY your ticket at TICKETEK


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Niel - Dream Team 2 Filmingtumblr_mees2x_Yb_Pr1rqzcrdo1_1280.jpgtumblr_meffle_Sxm_E1rqzcrdo1_1280.jpg


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저는 오늘 녹음을 하고 왔습니다. 제 머리는 왜 길고 있을까요? - 캡
I came home from a recording today. Why do you think my hair is this long? -C.A.P

지금지금 눈이 내리고있어요!!!!!!!!!!이게 무슨 상황이죠!? 첫눈보는순간 엔젤생각했어요♥♥ -창조
It’s snowing now!!!!!!!!!! What is this!? The moment I saw the first snow fall, I thought of Angels♥♥- Changjo 
우리 사랑하게 해주세요ㅋㅋㅋㅋ”@with_JH_1116: @soddong01 니엘+쇼리 커플 탄생?!
Please let us loveㅋㅋㅋㅋ “@with_JH_1116: @soddong01 birth of Niel+Shorry J couple?!
trans.cr; fyteensontop

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[ENG SUB] Rising Brothers - Ep 1 - Part 1/3  [Part 2] [Part 3]
Twitter Update - L.Joe

춥죠? 흑흑.. 내일도 춥고 폭설 내리는 곳도 있다던데 ㅠㅠ우리 엔젤들 감기 걸리면 안되요♥ - 엘조
It’s cold huh? sob sob.. I heard it’s going to be cold and there will be heavy snow fall tomorrow ㅠㅠ Our Angels musn’t catch a cold♥ -L.Joe
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[ONEWS] Teen Top’s Changjo gets the first kiss of his life from none other than Niel2012.12.07  09:33:04[Lee Jeong for OBS Plus] Teen Top’s maknae Changjo got a shock when his first kiss was stolen mid-broadcast by his team-mate Niel.It happened on MBC Music’s real men’s verification program “Teen Top & 100% Rising Brothers.”Before beginning the men’s verification mission, Teen Top, led by Niel, played the “pass paper from mouth to mouth” game at the “Brothers House” temporary dorm.While the game in which they were showing off their ability to react quickly was in progress, Niel missed the paper and brushed (his lips) against Changjo’s mouth instead.Changjo proceeded to sink down in his seat, saying that Niel had stolen his first kiss and having a meltdown, to which Niel as well was unable to hide an embarrassed expression on his face.Besides Niel and Changjo, other members’ mouths met as well, making them about to start crying, and in this situation of indiscrimate kisses caused by excesses of passion, the Teen Top members’ power supply received a shock, causing them to be unable to continue filming for a while. (*)Meanwhile, you can see Changjo and Niel’s dizzying kiss and find out who else ended up kissing each other through the broadcast on the 7th (of December) at 6 p.m. of MBC Music’s “Teen Top & 100% Rising Brothers.”(Photo from MBC Music)Sourcce:http://www.obsnews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=672592[translation by babyspaceangels@tumblr/momoironiel.com]* I had trouble getting this sentence to sound like English, sorry ^^

[ONEWS] Teen Top’s Changjo gets the first kiss of his life from none other than Niel
2012.12.07  09:33:04

[Lee Jeong for OBS Plus] Teen Top’s maknae Changjo got a shock when his first kiss was stolen mid-broadcast by his team-mate Niel.

It happened on MBC Music’s real men’s verification program “Teen Top & 100% Rising Brothers.”

Before beginning the men’s verification mission, Teen Top, led by Niel, played the “pass paper from mouth to mouth” game at the “Brothers House” temporary dorm.

While the game in which they were showing off their ability to react quickly was in progress, Niel missed the paper and brushed (his lips) against Changjo’s mouth instead.

Changjo proceeded to sink down in his seat, saying that Niel had stolen his first kiss and having a meltdown, to which Niel as well was unable to hide an embarrassed expression on his face.

Besides Niel and Changjo, other members’ mouths met as well, making them about to start crying, and in this situation of indiscrimate kisses caused by excesses of passion, the Teen Top members’ power supply received a shock, causing them to be unable to continue filming for a while. 

Meanwhile, you can see Changjo and Niel’s dizzying kiss and find out who else ended up kissing each other through the broadcast on the 7th (of December) at 6 p.m. of MBC Music’s “Teen Top & 100% Rising Brothers.”

(Photo from MBC Music)


[translation by babyspaceangels@tumblr/momoironiel.com]

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[121208] Twitter L.Joe
I miss u Vietnam! 그리고 우리엔젤들.. 밖에추우니까 어서 들어가요! 내가기다리고있을수도…^^ㅋㅋㅋㅋ_L.Joe
I miss u Vietnam! And our Angels.. Its cold outside so hurry and come inside! I might be waiting there…^^ㅋㅋㅋㅋ_L.Joe
[121210] Me2Day Update - Ricky
엔젤들도 시험기간이죠?! 시험만 끝나면 즐거운 방학이 기다리니까 모두모두 시험 잘~~봐요 ♥ -리키
It’s Angels’ exams too, right?! A fun holiday is waiting after you finish your exams so everyone good~~ luck ♥ -Ricky
[121213] Me2Day Update - Chunji
엔젤2기 소식에 콩닥콩닥ㅋ 저는 오늘 엔젤 생각하며 설레는 마음으로 녹음을 하고 왔답니다! 두근두근 >_< - 천지
My heart is pounding after hearing the news about 2nd Angelㅋ Thinking of the Angels with a fluttering heart, I came for a song recording! Badump badump >_< -Chunji
trans.cr; fyteensontop

aRtisT Special DVD Preview

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[ENG SUB] Rising Brothers - Ep 2

C.A.P on the way to Immortal Song
Me2day Update 121214
우리… 왜 이러고 있는걸까요? 오늘은 무슨데이?!! 오해는 말아요ㅋㅋ-엘조,천지
Why… do you think are we standing like this? What day is it today?!! Please don’t misunderstand ㅋㅋ- L.Joe, Chunji
trans.cr; fyteensontop

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aRtisT Special DVD [Cuts]



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추운 아침부터 어머니와 투표 ~♥ 모두 투표 화이팅!!!!!
Voting with mom on a cold morning ~♥ Everyone vote, fighting!!!!!
떨리는 첫 대통령 선거 투표! 나도나도 인증 쾅쾅~!!!!가족과 함께 투표하고 돌아가는 길이랍니다~여러분 우리 투표합시다!!- 천지
A nerve wrecking first presidential vote! I am officially trembling~!!!! Voting with my family and heading back~ Everyone we must vote!! -Chunji
투표하니까 진짜 어른이된거같아요 시간이얼마안남았어요!! - 엘조
Because I voted, I think I am now a real adult. There isn’t much time (to vote) left!! -L.Joe
trans. cr; fyteensontop

121218 Rising Brothers Filming


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Teen Top to Go on a European Tour in 2013!
Teen Top will be leaving for a 5 city tour in Europe!

On December 20, according to their agency, TOP Media, Teen Top will throwing a “Teen Top Show! Live Tour In Europe 2013” and will start off the tour in Munich, Germany on February 2. From then until February 10, Teen Top will be traveling to Dortmund, England, France and Spain to meet their European fans.

Last February, Teen Top appeared on a famous French TV show called “Le Grand Journal” and was introduced and praised as “a talented and young Korean group, who has prospects of success in France.” Due to the many requests and love calls from fans for Teen Top to come and perform, the group will be performing on a famous stage where other worldwide pop stars, such as Rihanna, have performed.

Teen Top’s agency spoke, “Teen Top has a wide fandom due to their skilled choreography, addicting songs and flashy performances. We hope that the overseas love for K-Pop will grow with Teen Top’s official overseas tour.”

Meanwhile, Teen Top is preparing their first full length album and will be releasing it early next year. After the album release, they are planning a stand alone concert in Korea.
source: soompi (jnkm)

Looks like 2013 will be a big year for them! it's been exciting watching them progress to this point :)

Twitter Updates
suprise 빠밤!! Maybe good new~~s??^^ -Niel
유럽팬들 놀랄 준비 하세요. - CAP
Europe fans, be prepared to be surprised. -CAP
하하~ 제가 제안 하나 할께요!^^ 우리 엔젤 2기 만명 넘으면 팬미팅 때 복근을!!!! 공개 하겠습니다!! - 창조
Haha~ I’ll make a proposition!^^ If our Angel 2nd reaches over 10, 000, I am going to reveal!!!! My abs!! - Changjo
trans.cr; fyteensontop

[121220] Fancafe Update - Changjo: “Changjo’s pledge”

We’re in the midst of recruiting for 2nd Angel!! ㅋㅋ
So I am making a pledge~~ ㅋㅋ
I’ll reveal my abs at the fanmeeting if we reach over 10,000!!!!! How’s that!! ㅋㅋ

Post a selca????????????????
I took a picture of my naked body with only a hood over it before exercising!!! (referring to the selca he posted earlier)

Slightly ~ I blurred some part of it! ㅋㅋ You’re anticipating it right! Giggles~
Quickly quickly immediately gather~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Until here ~ Super Changjo came for his lovely ladies~
trans.cr; fyteensontop

[MuBank Special] 
이런 비주얼 신인 그룹이?! 오늘 저녁 6시 뮤직뱅크에서 만나보세요! 과연 어떤 노래를 불렀을지…. 힌트: 리허설때 씨스타가 매의 눈으로 지켜봤다는 후문이!!
A new visual group like this?! Meet them on Music Bank today at 6PM! The song they are performing is called…. Hint: It is said Sistar was watching them closely during rehearsals!!
trans.cr; fyteensontop   source; @KBSMusicBank
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Twitter Updates 121221
틴탑오랜만에뮤뱅나온다! 우리모두 기합을!!!! 오늘 뮤뱅 본방사수!!! -엘조
It’s been a while since Teen Top appeared on Music Bank! We’re high in spirits!!!! Catch today’s Music Bank!!! -L.Joe
오늘 니엘선배님과 저 주니엘의 나랑사귈래 무대보셨어요^^? 조금 어색한 느낌이었지만 투니엘의 무대 정말 재밌었어요! 다음에 엘시리즈 무대 또 한 번 갑시다!! Did you see Niel sunbaenim and me, Juniel’s ‘Will You Go Out With Me’ stage today? It felt a little awkward but 2Niel’s stage was fun! Let’s do another stage for the L series next time!!
오늘 오랜만에 우리 엔젤들 봐서 기분짱!!!!!!! 잘자요♥_엘조
Felt great seeing Angels today after a while!!!!!!! Good night♥ _L.Joe

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내일은 크리스마스~ 내일 좋은시간들 보내세요! 트리앞에서 단체샷! -리키 우리엔젤들 메리크리스마스 사랑합니다 우리 내년 크리스마스도 함께해요♥-엘조
It’s Christmas tomorrow~ Have a great time! Group picture in front of the Christmas tree! -Ricky ; Merry Christmas our Angels. I love you. Let’s be together for next Christmas as well♥ -L.Joe
trans. cr; fyteensontop

MuBank Year End Special Pt2


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Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas :) 

121228 KBS Gayo Daechukje

Loved all the remixes and dance routines! they always bring their best for these special stages :x
Arriving for Gayo Rehearsal 


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저희 틴탑의 데뷔 900일을 축하해주셔서 진심으로 감사합니다!! 영원히 함께해주세요!!!!!♥ -TEEN TOP
Thank you very much for celebrating Teen Top’s 900th day!! Please be with us forever!!!!!♥ -TEEN TOP
엔젤여러분 오늘저녁 9시부터 본방사수해주세요- 엘조
Angels, watch tonight’s broadcast starting at 9PM -L.Joe
빠밤! 오늘은 가요대축제 ~~ 준비되셨나요 엔젤!? 천지창조도 준비완료!!
Bbabam! Today is Gayo Daechukje~~ Are our Angels ready!? Chunji and Changjo are all set!!
오랫만에 뽀그리머리했어요 짧은상태의뽀그리머리어울리나요?2012kbs 가요대축제 준비열심히했으니깐많이응원해주세요 -니엘
Been a while since I permed my hair. Did it turn out well with short hair? We’re preparing a lot for 2012 KBS Gayo Daechukje so we hope you show lots of support -Niel
뽀그리니엘이와 카리스마 캡형 어때요~?? 기대해주세요!
How do permed Niel and Charisma C.A.P hyung look~?? Please look forward!
오늘도 내일도 그리고마지막날도쭈욱 응원해주실거라고믿을게요 
I believe you’ll support us today, tomorrow, until the last day
trans.cr; fyteensontop

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121229 SBS Gayo Daejun
The Color of Kpop
   Dramatic Blue Stage -  


Twitter & Me2day Updates 

다이나믹 블랙! 엄~청난 무대 기대하세요!! -엘조
Dynamic Black! Look forward to our awe~some stage!! -L.Joe
드라마틱한 다섯명의 감미로운 목소리ㅋㅋ 자신있어요!!-니엘
Dramatic five’s sweet voicesㅋㅋ We’re confident!!-Niel
이렇게 멋진 의상으로 레드카펫 짜잔하려 했는데 바로 본방준비하게 되서 안타까워요…그래서 캡형이랑 대기실에서 찍었어요_니엘
Wanted to show off these cool outfits at the red carpet but unfortunately, we were preparing for broadcast…. So C.A.P hyung and I took a photo at the waiting room _Niel
한장 더 추가_캡
One more photo _C.A.P
가요대전 Start!! 엔젤들 응원 많이해주세요♥
Gayo Daejun Start!! Angels, please cheer a lot♥
공연 시작 전! 오랜만에 제가 올립니다~ 오늘 무대 화이팅! 굳굳굳!b -리키
Before our performance starts! I’m posting after a long while~ Hwaiting for today’s stage! Good good good!b -Ricky
trans.cr; fyteensontop
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