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[Drama 2010] Coffee House 커피하우스

Guest simplycomplex18

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I am sorry for not providing the link before since I assume that most of you already new about it!!!!!!!!

I am glad that I can be of some help to the "Coffee House Crew" enjoy and it, has been a "pleasure; to be a part of such a "Cool" Bunch of people, "Coffee House Crew Fighting"!!!!!!!!!

Here is the link for TVUnetworks.


First install the player application other wise it wont work, after that close the application and input the next link into your browser

(http://www.tvunetwor...ex.html#c=81037, that link should be set to the SBS Live stream, in case it does not work just type SBS or SBS KOREA or SBS HD in the search box and should take you to more than one live stream, by the way the stream that I used has not given me any problems since I install the application around five months ago!!!!

is this channel always on?? or does it go offline?? and turn back on during the prime time episodes??

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Here are the links to 2 CH subbed by different subbers:



Slight differences in intepretations but i noted the translation of preview for 1st link is wrong.

Thanks so much bully14 for the links! I just watched it with subtitles and enjoy it much more than just watching it raw! The episode is both funny and sad. I wish for a happy ending for JS and EY, afterall, CH is suppose to be a romantic comedy.

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Guest xblueberryx


It would have been more consistent with EY's character to have stopped the wedding herself. Plus it's a matter of respecting the other person. Would you rather have the groom be told the truth by the bride? or the bride's lover? Her being passive doesn't really help the situation. It's once again a damsel in distress situation. Why wait for the guy to come rescue her? If she was feeling torn, why not just own up to it? She didn't ask for JS to come but I'm sure she was hoping he would.

I have nothing against a JS/EY ending, mainly because I've been expecting it all along but I also expected the writers to convince me that this would be the best option. Sadly they have failed to do so. I was expecting to see happier moments, and perhaps a backstory of how they fell in love. The story thus far is a hodge-podge of things..

Like I said, you really have to be a hardcore JS/EY shipper to appreciate the episode, cause otherwise it does nothing to convince you.

but saying that she would stop the wedding is saying for sure she was going to stop the wedding at the altar, which no one knows 100% for sure. looks to me like she wanted to be with JS in her heart but was trying hard to go with the path she had taken. and for when you said you needed to be convinced a JS/EY ending would be the best option, what do you mean by that? best option as in everyone ends up happy? a JS/EY ending obviously isn't the best option when it comes to how it will affect the people around them (ie JW's parents etc) but as a hopeless romantic i'd think that love conquers all

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Guest xblueberryx

by the by i'd absolutely LOVE to read what the baidu EunSoo-ers have to say. they seem hilarious and very passionate about EunSoo haha! too bad my mandarin is extremely shabby.

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Guest k-lover1

Thanks so much bully14 for the links! I just watched it with subtitles and enjoy it much more than just watching it raw! The episode is both funny and sad. I wish for a happy ending for JS and EY, afterall, CH is suppose to be a romantic comedy.

As far as I know it is always on I have seen programing in the morning in the afternoon and night and since they provide the same "Stream" but provided by different people is almost fair to say that it may always be available but do not quote me on it !!!!

Edit: @eylrx sorry wrong post!!!!!!

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Guest angelicaknows

but saying that she would stop the wedding is saying for sure she was going to stop the wedding at the altar, which no one knows 100% for sure. looks to me like she wanted to be with JS in her heart but was trying hard to go with the path she had taken. and for when you said you needed to be convinced a JS/EY ending would be the best option, what do you mean by that? best option as in everyone ends up happy? a JS/EY ending obviously isn't the best option when it comes to how it will affect the people around them (ie JW's parents etc) but as a hopeless romantic i'd think that love conquers all

I agree. Story wise, I think Jin Soo and Eun Young would be the best option, considering the core of the Coffee House story has been about them. Not much emotional groundwork for a romance with other characters have been paved because the writers and director decided not to move in that direction. As Eats had argued in one of her posts, the real source of angst between Jin Soo and Eun Young was that they couldn't be together, but once they get together, the angst is resolved. I can understand how others are disappointed with these two people's actions just so they can be together. People will be hurt, but at the same time, to have had all those struggles in the past and even now to me justify that they have to be together; otherwise, all those episodes of drama between them would have been pointless story wise. Why build up a case of so much emotional development between the two only to have them be separated in the end? They have tried just being friends, and that didn't work out quite so well. They've tried moving on with other people, and that was still a bust, as somehow their hearts kept finding their way towards each other--it was just that the timing was always off. All these have caused them problems because they kept denying themselves a chance of being together. It may be selfish of them because they will be hurting other people, but they've also been selfless long enough (12 years); more than anything, they've endured a lot more and longer than anybody by giving up on their own needs and desires. I think it's time they finally have their happiness as a couple. And if these two really weren't meant to be together, then, what was the point of episode 12? We really can't judge their being together or not just on this episode alone. I think we have to look at the story as a whole because just judging it on this episode alone won't justify Eun Young's loneliness and confusion and Jin Soo 3.0's actions. It would make their emotions now meaningless.

It is interesting that these later episodes are tying in even more with the director's interview statements about happiness and love.


Eat, what are you talking about? Your post is great. I'm sure people will read and have read it.


Eat, yes, in the next episode, I hope Eun Young does man up. Otherwise, her character would be such a disappointment, and it can't be defended anymore. I guess Jin Soo did buy her time to sort things out.

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BTW, just as much as I'm sad about EY, I'm happy about JS- no bride-snatching, macho antics, no pushing her to make a decision when he can see she's not ready to- no, he's more wonderful than that. He's there to support her and care for her and protect her happiness and buy her time, at any cost, until she's ready to decide for herself exactly the shape of her happiness.

What a man! :wub:

I agree with you here!!! Jin soo is the best!! haha.. I guess, all the hurt he's put Eun Young through, he is so worth it now.. I know someone will get hurt, aka JI WON.. but I guess when you truly love someone, you will accept what happened.. and if Ji won really wants EY's happiness, then he'll give her JUST that..

Eun young mentioned that she does not know what's "happiness" right? maybe because she's NOT with Jin soo yet..

I'm really anxious for tonight!! I hope I can join you this time around!! I was busy yesterday!! But since its the last page.. I'll join the ride tonight!! cheers to axe and yit, also to all who contributed last night.. hope to read from ALL of you again later!! hope all streams will cooperate!! ^_^

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Guest em.sie_1813

ok. pages flipped up since I left early last night.. 10 pages.. woo.... :sweatingbullets:

Sorry, but which channel did you watch? I found 3 (KTV, CTS & CBS) but they don't show the movie (or did I join to late that the show ended?)

I think leduytien you watch the 21:55 KRT timeslot?

its one hour early.

KBC,CJB are the other channels of SBS.

I think the one you mentioned was chinese channels though.

hahaha.....we get kung fu kick in reality. When he come to the wedding, I was unsure about that.

coz, he looks calm but suddenly....TATATATA.... :w00t:

EY really not a happy bride. It's so hard to make a step to JW.

And JW, he look get winning something.

I take my word, Jin Soo is nice coz he take care sick EY.

But, how come they can make something on EY's apartment. There is so many people. ;)

About the delivery man? hmmmm....It like everyone know him.

And we get the two flashback kiss, in the same phone booth. :P

roweina78 2nd demotion... TATTATATATATATATATATAATATA...... :D

hoping to have a skinship!! hahaha..

i just have a quick question..

who were the guys that he was beating up at the wedding???

d o l c e vita

that were the people JS has talked about changing his publishing company. But that was a scam. So he made an excuse to ruin the wedding that's why he beat those scammers.. Nice right??! ;)

Actually all of us admit it when we saw the BTS of the kungfu action of JS in the ceremony, he will get EY. The PD/writer is really great. They make us shocked ,confused all... :P

Scenes really unpredictable even the other episodes before.. CH is actually great. Even though I like k-dramas who has romance and more skinship. keke.. :D But as an exemption CH don't have totally. It has angst till the end. This was I saw it it until the very last.

You notice? the preview for epi 17 doesn't include the conversation of the scammers & JS?

And it was really not hard to understand?

that was the JUICE of epi last night. LOLss.

Thumbs up, & hi5!

Lets do our best later. How things will end up as the preview says to us!

Its confusing totally!

ajajajajajaja!!! :P

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It would be cute if they do a JS "that's how I married your mother" bedtime story.:phew: 

hahaha.....yes, it would be cute. :wub:

The story is interesting and JS can also add something. :lol:

Imagine that he will imitate/present the TATATTA thing & kung fu kick to their children.

It really more interesting, hehehehe....

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Eats- Hahaha... that's definitely cheating on the four bed scenes! Though you're right, JS spends a lot of time lounging on beds or chairs or couches with EY... too bad they're too DARNED STUBBORN to make the most of it! ;)))) Alas... plot is over-rated, we need more porn around here!

Eats/Clock I too was all squealing when Axe made the correct call that EY was going to head straight for THE phonebooth because I was sure JS would appear... even if not to kiss her tears away, at least watch over her.

Alas, but the writers are making a point- EY can do her own crying, and heart-ache without anyone watching or rescuing her... thank you very much! (Sob... when will we get our last kiss?!!)

Blueberry- I agree the baidu gals are crack! Awesomely passionate and unafraid to post just about anything (from lewd to ludicrous!) Do you know that Axe posts there as well as here?

Leila10 Let's face it, JS really did own this episode! Hot _and_ caring _and_ passionately in love _and_ willing to fight-and-stick-his-neck-out-while-still-protecting-EY's-choice-in-the-matter??!!! :wub:

This ostrich did good! Good boy! :)

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aren't they cute? ^_^

Yeah, they really look cute. :D Just give JS a butterly bow ties & change his shirt with white shirt. and tada....he will be a cute groom.

yit.....I thought JD would appear on the phonebooth too. But I knew that he wouldn't chased EY coz he think EY need more time. I really like EY's scene on phonebooth.

I like how PSY cry.


nomany.....I think his arm are behind PSY's waist, hehehe....so that make her smile like that, :P

axe......thanks for the info. It's too bad there is no BTS.

It's the same KJH did with Sung Yu Ri on Hong Gil Dong.

He really helpfull to make the actress make a good acting.

em.sie.....I hope the skinship too. :P

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News for the day...


박시연, 강지환 때문에 흔들리는 '여심' 표현

Park Shi Yeon, because of Kang Ji Hwan, displayed a 'woman's shakened expression' (can't find the proper way to express this!!)


박시연, 강지환으로 인해 흔들리는 마음 잘 표현..'커피하우스'

Park Shi Yeon, because of Kang Ji Hwan, portrayed her 'feelings of her shakened heart' well.

(will only translate some parts..both news are the same)

The first few paragraphs describe what had happened in the closet, that JS told EY her happiness is the most impt to him so he wanted to ask her one more time.

이날 방송에서 서은영은 복잡한 감정을 연기로 표현했다. 결혼을 앞둔 사랑스러운 예비신부의 모습 뿐만 아니라, 이진수 때문에 마음이 흔들렸던 모습과 눈물을 글썽거렸던 모습까지 모두 보여줬다.

This episode showed Park Shi Yeon portraying the conflicted expression. Not only the image of a beautiful bride-to-be was shown, because of LJS, EY's shakened expression and tears were also shown.

'커피하우스'에서는 두 인물을 한 화면에 잡는 기법으로 인물들의 심리적 상태나 감정을 비교할 수 있도록 했다. 이진수 서은영의 대화 혹은 한지원 서은영의 대화에서 두 사람의 모습을 비춰, 시청자들이 감정의 이해를 빠르도록 했다.

In CH, particular scenes between the leads were being compared in terms of their state of mind. LJS and SEY's conversation and the expression of JW after taking to EY. Audiences are able to comprehend the feelings involved quickly from these scenes.

또한, 책 속의 이야기와 현실을 절묘하게 버무려 소설책을 보는 듯한 착각을 들게 만들었다.

Also, stories in book and the actuality are delicately being mixed together, making an illusion that one is reading a novel. (dun really get this).

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Guest kalchi

I'm glad everything will come to an end today lol but I'm going to miss this show :tears: Hope all the characters will get their happy endings (well except for JW I guess sweatingbullets.gif but I'm not worried. He would be able to recover soon, and find his soulmate someday).

I was bored, so I made a picspam of EunSoo from last night's episode. Contains all my 3 favorite scenes. I loveeeed when he wipes her tears gently :wub: and I loved the scene where they come across each other..the look on JS's face when she turns back and walks away :tears: I hope I won't spoil anybody with these pics.




Pray for one more kiss for tonight! :P And a hug :\ We didn't get any hug at all. Ok nevermind if I get a kiss it would be more than enough lol.

choinyen, actually I'm all prepared for an open ending lol. In fact most tv series and movies nowadays have open endings. I'm not saying I won't be dissapointed at all (well after all the angst and obstacles lol I really really want to see EunSoo end up happily together) but I'm ready for all the possibilities :lol:

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i was reading from posts in other forums and how they say CH is a bad drama, and it was a waste of time watching it...blah, blah, blah.

i really enjoyed CH so far, and if JS will not end with EY? i would not say the drama is entirely bad, although i will be very disappointed. I am still entertained by this drama up to epi17...it's gone crazy, but i don't want to analyze anymore. i'll just sit back and enjoy what the PD and the writers have for us. ;)

i'm just wondering if this ended with SY - JS, would it have been good? :mellow:

my fellow EunSoo-ers, would this be a bad drama if our main couple will not end together? [just in case the PD makes an unexpected twist tonight, hehehe] :D

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Guest blackjackVip


They look so lovely together!

i'm getting a little teary eyed, i'm going to miss them!

oh, and KJH and PSY looks good together here too, it's like a real wedding...hehe :wub:

i haven't watch ep. 17 yet, still downloading...

on episode 18, i'm hoping to see a sweet/slow/romantic kiss between them, not forceful like on the train scene, and not only one person initiating it like on the phonebooth scene....

but both of them engaged in that kiss scene, slow but sure, captivating, heart-melting kiss scene... blush.gif(and maybe it could lead to some other things.... :rolleyes:lol jk)

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Guest surfbabe

By the way just thought JW called off the wedding with EY first or was it engagement? So now it is EY's turn to cancel. Love how JS has become so mature now and is thinking about what's best for EY over and above himself, even damaging his reputation... but then he wants to win the girl too!

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Guest nana544

I haven't seen episode 17 yet and I'm so anticipating to watch it, and I will support SY/JS couple till the very end...I just hope the ending ends on a good-happy note :).

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