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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Hi maybe07:lol:








Thanks again for your hard worked and I'm sure your post will keep this thread running again. :wub:  Luckily that your class didn't start last week, coz i'm sure you won't be able to concentrate after seeing our lovely couple's beautiful wedding photo.








Less than 100 and we will reach 2000 pages, that's amazing!!! Will it reach 2000 before tomorrow ep?!!:phew::D








and again thanks M3 and Dduk in advance for the translation :D





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Guest yonghyunforever


let our thread 2000 pages this weekend. i just read all goguma's post and i feel happy. all negative thought just gone away. all the photos and memories of yongseo just come back to me. feel touched, happy




i m the person dont like wedding photo from beginning, but now i have to say i love it:-) . try to finish work today and will start spam this thread with all gogumas. to make our thread 2000 pages. please, all gogumas, come out your luker mode and share our thought in this thread :wub:


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Guest dangshin

wah 1 day to go before the AWESOME DAEBAK YONGSEO WEDDING! YEY ! :-)

thanks evaryone for keeping the positive vibes on this thread.. i really cant help but to peek eventhough I have tons of Work to do.. kekeke

the wedding pix was sooo adorable.. and re-enacting yongseo moments as their theme.. that was Unique... waaaaahhh.. saturday paliiiii..

i have to go home now and Sleep coz when i wake up it's the wedding day already.... soooo Excited!

have a good night everyone... keep spazzing!

mwah... ♥♥♥

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Guest Fluorescent.Flower
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just to make this thread move faster - here's a little scoop. I read on YongSeo facebook that a Korean website conducted a survey in which 5000+ people voted for "Korea's Most Handsome Male Artist of 2011" and as you would expect, Yonghwa came in at no.14. He beat Taecyeon of 2PM, Rain, Won Bin, Lee Jun Ki and even So Ji Sub. They're all guys who've been voted before by many female celebrities as their ideal type. Seohyun should know how handsome her husband is. Lol. (I put the article in spoiler)
































































































































































































































































































































No. 14 - Jung Yonghwa































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Korea’s Most Handsome Men 2011!!
































































































































































































































































































































February 25, 2011 11:50 am  dkpopnews
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Recently, a Korean website held a poll for “2011 Korea’s Most Handsome Male Artist”, attracting over 5000 netizens to vote.
































































































































































































































































































































The top 25 most handsome South Korean male artists of 2011 are:
































































































































































































































































































































1. Hyunbin
































































































































































































































































































































2. Kim Hyun Joong
































































































































































































































































































































3. Song Seung Heon
































































































































































































































































































































4. Kim Jaejoong
































































































































































































































































































































5. Jung il-woo
































































































































































































































































































































6. Yoo Ah-In
































































































































































































































































































































7. Park Yoochun
































































































































































































































































































































8. Lee Seung Gi
































































































































































































































































































































9. Lee Min Ho
































































































































































































































































































































10. Jang Geun Suk
































































































































































































































































































































11. Kim Bum
































































































































































































































































































































12. Song Joongki
































































































































































































































































































































13. Nickhun
































































































































































































































































































































14. Jung Yonghwa
































































































































































































































































































































15. Lee Hongki
































































































































































































































































































































16. Rain
































































































































































































































































































































17. Taecyeon
































































































































































































































































































































18. Bae Yong Jun
































































































































































































































































































































19. Kwon Sang-woo
































































































































































































































































































































20. So Ji-sub
































































































































































































































































































































21. Won Bin
































































































































































































































































































































22. Yoo Seung Ho
































































































































































































































































































































23. No Min Woo
































































































































































































































































































































24. Lee Junki
































































































































































































































































































































25. Choung Kyung Ho
































































































































































































































































































































Source: [sohu.com]
































































































































































































































































































































Translation credits: Supernike911@tohosomnia.net
































































































































































































































































































































Shared by: tohosomnia.net
































































































































































































































































































































Do not remove/add on any credits































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The preview just made me more impatient. I can't take it anymore! By the way, thanks MountainMadman for the quick translation!

































































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i have wanted to stay away from this thread a while after reading so many posts

abt yong's rumoured new drama, because all i wanted was simply to read more on yongseo. :sweatingbullets:

because i am still living in go_chun, it is a good feeling up here btw, :rolleyes:

i just want to thank all for holding onto the positivity.

and to seychan, pen, maybe07, coolet (i hope i don't hurt someone's feeling for missing them out) i am going to save those daebak wallies. thank u! :D

and to aneng, (u always bring goodies) and M3, tks for the prev and translation.

if yongseo is having 'their history' as their wedding concept,

i shall expect an arm linking and the piggy back.. :phew:

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Guest yongseo_forever
































Alright, I shall come out of lurker mode and help to move the thread to 2000 pages hahaha.
















Not as if my one post can help much .. ;D
































Anyway, it's tomorrow !
















The wedding photo shoot is finally coming !!
















I'm so excited !
















Even though I had been busy at school for the past week, the preview still managed to somehow creep into my mind and play back once again during some parts of the day haha :P Especially when I listen to sweet holiday during the trip to school. ^^
















I can't wait to see Yonghwa looking hot in a tux and Seohyun goddess-like in a wedding dress ^^ (They always say ladies look prettiest in a wedding gown)
















Whether they kiss or not , I'm sure it will be a sweet and unforgettable experience for them <3 Although I cannot deny I have been picturing how it will be like if they kissed HAHA --> I believe it will be the sweetest thing ever .
















































I can't imagine life without them .. not that I will die or something , but there will certainly be this element of emptiness on saturdays , like something's missing in your life.
















I always feel that way when I finished watching a drama I loved a lot .
















However, I know wgm will end someday , like all the dramas I've been watching all along and we'll all feel lost during saturdays for a period of time but I seriously hope that their relationship will not end with the show , and that they will continue to work hard to overcome the challenges ahead of them which comes with dating (whether openly or discreetly) in the idol world.
















I also hope that all the great people here will not stop posting at this forum when wgm for yongseo really ends , because firstly, i will miss reading your comments and secondly I still harbor the hope that someday I will come here and discover the awesome news of our dear couple getting married for real smile.gif















































Alright, to end off , infinite thanks to the translators and subbers in advance who will be assuming the great responsibility of helping us understand the awesome episode airing in less than 24hours time :D
































Sry for the not so perfect english for as I've said at the beginning , school has been hectic and I'm too tired to think properly now hehe.
































P.S. TGIF ! hahaha , and the upcoming sat (yongseo's wedding epi) is making this friday an even better one for me =DDDDD
































Edit: Think I shall put some of my thoughts in spoiler just in case it's conflicting with the spazzings :P

















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Hello Goguma's!!!































































There's only 1 official wedding photo for this couple, but we already mesmerize with it....































































Same goes with the news.































































What will happen tomorrow once the real action is capture by camera??? Digital and the shows???































































Will the cyberspace going crazy for 1 whole week again?































































For sure this will not just stop for 1 week, it will continue to next week also. Or will it continue to the 3rd week, just like Adam couple...































































Really hope we can see/watch/get all the wedding picture.































































Really..really hope MBC will release YongSeo Wedding Picture Book for their fans to see.































































It's an idea. Right?































































Just like other picture book.































































And somebody already mention bout Yongseo in DVD, and why don't MBC produce it???































































This couple already get a worldwide fans right now.































































It's 1 of the idea to go to international market for this show...































































Can anyone mention it to their sales department or promoting department???































































Just an idea...


































































































So, let gather here again tomorrow in less than 24 hours....Or in fanclub for M3 live translation...


































































































Some quote really suitable for our groom tomorrow...



































































There's a smile in my heart, that I've waited my whole life for. :wub:


































































































An additional news for tomorrow episode; cr : DKPopNews































































[News] CN Blue’s Jung Yonghwa: ”You Look Like An Angel”




























Posted by :Vannie on 6:55 PM
































































On Last Week’s ”We Got Married” Preview aired on the 26th Of February, Something appeared which aroused everyone’s curiosity, The Contents Of YongSeo Couple’s Wedding Photoshoot. Fans have created photoshopped pictures of the couple in their Wedding suit and dress in the past which became a famous topic. From this, We can see that everyone is anticipating this episode. Also, it’s also rumored that after seeing Seohyun in her white and beautiful wedding dress, Yonghwa said ”You Look Like Angel”.
































How did Seohyun looked like when it caused Yonghwa’s soul to ”come out of his body”? How would the couple’s Wedding Photoshoot Story be like? ”YongSeo Couple Wedding Photoshoot” shall be revealed to everyone to the 26th Of Febuary, 5.10PM.
































Source: NAC Media.
































Translated By: Tiffany@iloveyongseo.































































Have a nice weekend & let's spazzing,





































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i hope this wedding epi will drag for at least 2 or 3 episodes,

(okay..3 is being too greedy)

because i want to see every single process that yongseo went thru.

will we get to see the playful yong choose 'the one' for buin,

etc etc..

and just like 1TTNE & d3 posted, we WILL get to see yong's opened mouth in awe for

his angelic bride.. :lol:

and isn't it so obvious that Jungshin chingu is the best man?

unless..unless they bring one of hyun's fanboys to give her away! :lol:

zealous, tks for the add news.

some of us did leave a message at the official website mnths ago, requesting for an

Unedited Yongseo DVD, but PDnim obviously doesn't pay attention -_-

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Guest yonghyunforever


cant wait for tommorow, anybody here know how to make the capture from video. i want to learn about that  so i can contribute better in this thread. :wub:




why my heart is so excited for tomorrow. i dont know but i feel more excited than the day i wear wedding dress, seriously. may be this is the feeling seeing your sisters getting marry or your daughter:-)




To Mountainmadmain


because your photo ofyour  headphone and your compliment about that. you made me want to spend money again even i just bought a new headphone:-).


i want to ask you  whether you know the differences between   Beats Dr.Dre Solo HD  and Beats Dr.Dre pro? because i want to buy the SoloHD because of their design and colour, but a little afraid that the sound quality is not good the Pro one. ( there are no store for this headphone nearby me so that i have to buy via internet)


if you know, please let me know. thanks in advance:-)


and really thanks for all the translations







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Guest kasia3goguma
















































































Counting hours till this episode!!! excl.gif
















































Thank You a lot for translations, pictures (aneng, wow!), previews....! You've all made my morning !
















































This pic from the preview is just beautiful so I have even higher expactations! :D
















































I think just like JNJ, the wedding photoshoot - 2 episodes for sure! I didn't expect it, but they are doing it just like in 1st season - before the photoshoot they are looking for a dress...:wub: I remember that back then I was trully amazed and even couple like HwangBo/HyunJoong become closer after this...
















































Gosh, I can't wait! I've never expect to see THAT kind of episode... I think those episodes will be as important as Birthday episodes, because of the progress. Yong can't be indifferent, when he'll see Hyun like this.
















































I like the fact that Brothers-in-law will be there, Yong's gonna be even more proud etc.. Maybe Sisters-in-law will just come for a moment?
















































I still wish that our couple will have this special time just for them ;)
















































You know Gogumas, that after this episode we will be even more impatient, because we will have to wait another WEEK!















































































































from dc :lol::
































































































Have a Good Day ! :)

















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Regarding their Best Man, I have guess Jinwoon than on they wedding , they playing ... ask Seohyun to chose which of this guy she want married too... Yonghwa , jungsin chinggu , jinwoon .. like on the first time they meet with cn blue brth . Each guy hold flower ... than yoong call hyunn ... ( hyunn come here .... ) than she walk to yonghwa....kyaaaaaaaaaaaa.... i think that will be sweet....































































































































































































































































I wiill DIE for SURE....































































































































































































































































I need to clear my brain from those bad rumoor thing our couple































































































































































































































































My BF ready call me mad girl...over this couple... can't wait 2moro
































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest thisismariel








Just my daily dose of our one and only YongSeo~♥:wub:

OK, I think I'm seriously gonna die if tomorrow won't come any sooner...:tears:



Picture edited by me :sweatingbullets:..Hope you guys like it!..:D


PS. Im new here so please tell me if I'm doing anything wrong. I've been following this thread for quite some time now and I can't hold it in any longer and tomorrow being the wedding photoshoot day is not helping at all!


I swear I've gone crazy because of them.




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Guest anne0129
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm on the fence about the PSH-Yonghwa thing. (See if you can name them all - God, I need a hobby):
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































First of all, it was weird to see her "You're beautiful partner" Jang Geun Suk suddenly romance someone else on Moon Geun Young on "Mary Stayed Out All Night", while Park Shin Hye suddenly appeared on "Cyrano Dating Agency" and romanced the Doctor-House-dude from "Doctor Champ", who in turn was madly deeply, desperately in love with an Olympic Swim Coach Cha Ye Ryun (whose rival turned out to be a North Korean spy AND a Prosecutor Princess? WTH??) who previously romanced the reincarnation-Rain-look-a-like Fool Ondal. To make things worse, I watched pretty much post-"You're Beautiful" UEE on WGM being paired with Park Jaejung, shortly after UEE not only got her hamburger stolen by a gumiho who is somebody's girlfriend, while Park Jaejung should have been married to Im Yoona (who was heartily flirting with Taecyeon who in turn seems to have a crush on Suzy (y'know, the one from Miss A?)) And just generally, considering that school make up of Dream High: Ya, Lee Yoonji!!! You are married to Kangin and should remain faithful to him until he returns from the army!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(Which reminds me: Does anyone watch "My Princess"? It is the funniest show. EVER. Everytime I see Yejin acting all high and mighty I remember her giggling, chicken-catching antics on Family Outing while hanging onto Lee Hyori of all persons, while the Princess' last job was that of a Korean Secreat Agent. And don't get me started on the mother! That's the second princess that woman places onto the Korean Throne and I think she should have kept her crazy husband from that time!)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Which tells us the following: I'm just generally not able to distinguish between drama-reality, variety-reality and reality-reality (and I always get quickly comfortable with a couple and afterwards find it difficult to see these people romance OTHER people - killed anything for me that had Rain and Song Hye Kyo in it). Seriously. Those two were among my first k-drama couples and Song Hye Kyo is just so beautiful. <- Just realized this isn't part of the point I was trying to make, sorry.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































No, seriously. For me, if you have a really great couple, it's difficult to see them with anyone else. They are actors and it's not real, I understand that very well - and I like to play with their different roles (see above), but the special thing about WGM is: We don't know what's real and what's not. Junjin and Siyoung started dating. Crown J and Inyoung didn't, Alex was present at Shinae's wedding, Jokwon likes Gain very much. I'll probably watch Shinhye's "Hayate the Combat Butler", because I like her and George Hu and he didn't get the girl in ToGetHer and was really adorable, but it's still strange. Where's Jang Geuk Suk?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And I know if Yonghwa and Shinhye were to make a drama, I'll be happy for them individually, but as a couple, I will always think: What would it have been like if her role would have been played by Seohyun? And you, Park Shin Hye, just hit on the Korean Doctor House who opened a Dating Agency!! What about Geuk Suk!!! Raaaaawrrr!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Best regards,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































PS. I just realized ... whenever there's something about WGM alumnis on Allkpop or on youtube, I check the comments section and make a bet with myself: I bet there will be a WGM reference among the first ten replies and there always is one: Ssangchu Couple! Alshin! A! I may be a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ROLF!!! As I was reading your post....I can honestly say I don't understand what you are trying to convey....the only thing that kept screaming at me was WHERE IS JANG GEUN SUK? lol. Funny, funny, so funny indeed. Thank you for the laugh.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For me, I was actually happy that when I read the news that PSH and JYH will be in a drama again. I am a big YAB fan. First drama that I watched online immediately after the subs come out. I usually like to watched a finished drama cause I don't like waiting but with YAB, I got hooked and was in the whole ride.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyway, can't wait for tomorrow's episode. I want to see who the best man is. Would it be JH or JS or is it his dog Jjing....(since there were rumors that his parents dropped by during the photoshoot) may be they dropped by to drop off his dog. That would be so cute.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Again sorry for the rambling....like lovekin, just treat this as an addition to keep the thread moving so that we can transfer to out new home asap.

































































































































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Guest yongseomania


NoooooooOOoOoOO!!! Tomorrow I have to do some painting at my new house.....I cant online to watch the wedding ep ...... Sob~ Sob~....I also cant view the post here and see the 1st hand reaction of our dearest gogumas here..... Can everyone watch it wit mi on 27/2 instead???? :) LOL


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lovekin, winbros, i'm so glad that u posted that 'cause that was what i wanted to say too but am unable to express myself as good as u. for that, i thank u so much for posting ur thoughts. they really help me in my english vocabs too kekeke :lol:

yasihsn, haha it would be great to have seolong or jinwoon! but i think i saw JS there... so he'll prolly be the most likely candidate? whoaaa... i'm sooo excited for tomsoorrow! :w00t:

maybe07, good job! keep them coming! this will surely make our hearts warm while reminiscing all the scaps of each memorable ep.

zealous, thanks for the info~! aigooo i bet tomorrow's ep is gonna be the best with yong's most epic reaction in the history of mankind hahaha :w00t: be ready to die a gazillion times tomorrow gogumas! LOL

seychan, I LOVE THAT PIC OF URS!!!! so beautiful! do u have a bigger version?

thisismariel, i love ur pic too~! ;) glad u came out from lurking.

Trent, wow... u're really very knowledgeable in the KDRAMA department! and i didn't know that PSH starred in HAYATE THe COMBAT BUTLER? issit good to watch? i'm watching PARADISE RANCH now... (keke yong's ex-ideal girl is starring in it xD)

btw, in this tweet pic of yong, is that PRECIOUS? it's too blur to see... can someone confirm that if PRECIOUS IS IN THE PIC? thanks in advance.


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Guest soshisoshisoshi








hi all! just dropping by to check whether everyone is still conscious or not :P........... but seems like most of IN-GO-PAEM are in their dreams, dreaming about YongSeo's REAL wedding :wub: :wub::wub:






ok, I don't want to blabber much, anticipate for the wedding episode!!






one more video from DC, SERIOUSLY BEAUTIFUL! even though it's just a few seconds, it made me CRY






YHSH|YongSeo - wedding [fanvid]






cr:changyenlin000 for reuploading on YouTube









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soshi thank you so much for sharing the fanvid.. its so beautiful.. it made me cry.. later we'll cry buckets because of so much happiness..i just can't get over yo~ng's expression while looking at his buin.. :wub::wub::wub:































































































































































waaa can't wait for the wedding photoshoot! :wub:






























































































































































































































































please get married for real :wub:
















































































































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Guest cavapanga








































Hello everybody
























this is my first post
























I have watched many many WGM videos subbed from your guys esspecially goguma couple.
























i really like them.
























and I just want to say thank you so much for subbing.
























(soryy for my English) 









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Guest digidigibob

Hello everyone! I was inspired by some posts days ago about their stories on how they came to know, like and love YongSeo and now, I wanna share mine, too! I'm afraid this might be boring. Sorry. :(

Like others, I started with You're Beautiful. Actually, Lee Hong Ki was the reason why I watched that show. I never liked Yong Hwa or his character, Shin Woo. Because of my addiction to that drama, I joined forums. YB was the reason why I registered here in Soompi and posted in a local forum. In that local forum's YB thread, there was a time when the posters flooded pictures of Yong Hwa and talked about WGM (yes, that forum isn't really strict, LOL) Because of the 'flood' of Yong pics, I realized that he was handsome and because of their posts about WGM, I became curious about it. I was starting to like Yong Hwa so I decided to gave it a try. Even though I didn't have any idea what it was 'cause I hadn't watch any Korean reality show then and I didn't know who Seo Hyun was (but I knew SNSD 'cause my sister liked them but I didn't know its members).

I can say that I was hooked after seeing the first episode. But it was just because of Yong Hwa. I discovered that his personality was so different from Shin Woo's and I loved it! And because I was starting to love Yong Hwa, I became jealous at Seo Hyun. Yong Hwa was so funny and sweet so I was envious of Seo Hyun. I even said that I hated her. But honestly, while watching them I was like 'Wow, they're so cute and sweet, they look good together!' deep inside and I was really loving them. My 'hatred' for Seo Hyun didn't last long. How could you hate someone sweet and adorable like her? But still, the jealousy was there so it took me quite some time to admit that I'm totally addicted to them. But because I saw that Yong Hwa was happy with her and I was starting to love her, too, that jealousy vanished eventually. I was finally able to accept that I was addicted to them. Unfortunately, there was a strike during that time so all I could do was watch their first six episodes repeatedly. But those six episodes made me so addicted to them that everywhere I went, I thought of them. My goguma heart was so fragile then that I couldn't accept seeing Yong with other girls and Hyun with other guys. During times that they didn't film, rumors would circulate that they were ending and when I heard those, I felt like the world's gonna end soon. LOL. But as time passed by, I became used to issues and rumors (though not really, there are still times that I'm shaken by them)

This story is just about my first few weeks as a Goguma but I need to end this post now 'cause I'm sleepy already. I want to share more about my journey with YongSeo but I'll just save that for my future post. I'm so sorry for this long (and boring?) post.

Lastly, I want to say that I'm really proud to have witnessed their beautiful journey. And I'm thankful to Gogumas for making this journey more memorable! 

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