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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest AngelVillian

Usually, when i watch We Got Married. I'll read it parts by parts.

Now, i'll just skip to the next week's preview.


Duh! I wanna see if the next week's episode is the Wedding Photoshoot Episode.

Man i'm freaking excited about it.

Seohyun in a long white wedding dress.

Yonghwa in a formal shirt with nice long pants. 


For Episode 8 -> "Dreams" -> Click Here 

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Guest ahn_annann








ahn_annann and to any curious gogumas, in episode 41 (Busan), when Yonghwa was putting on the butterfly necklace for Seohyun, the song he sang was this: *points hand the the caps!* (the episode translation was by M3)






note: I don't just collect BGMs, but also whatever they sang, or their ringtone (like jonghyun's waiting ringtone back then) Just for the fun of it~






It was a 70/80's song. There are many cover version of this song. I can't find the original version in Youtube (except LIVE ones. well, most non-idol songs are rare in there anyways) but if you wanna listen to how it sounds like, i like Jo Kwan Woo's version over here . Or You can try one of Korean's earliest girl group, FIN.K.L's version. Orrrrr you can head to Melon and listen to other samples *ok will stop with my music spazzing. heh.*






I am not sure if I should type this, it is rather a 'tiny' piece of detail. I enjoy appreciating little details without over reacting about it. Well, something interesting about the lyrics of this song. It could be a sad + romantic or one sided love song etc (it all depends on how you see it)






The part i'd like to point out, Yonghwa sang it as this:






"당신은 모~르실꺼야아 나비목걸이를 했는지" (You probably wouldn't know, if you had the butterfly necklace on~)






This, is NOT the real lyrics. He changed middle part into the butterfly necklace part. It was not supposed to be there. The real one (unless there are such version, sorry not that familiar with old songs^^ someone might want to correct me? tq in advance!) should be this:






"당신은 모르실 거야 얼마나 사랑했는지" (You probably wouldn't know how much I love you~)






kyahhh~! WAIT. STOP RIGHT THERE. Please atleast read the full lyrics and also consider the real situation^^ I'll put FIN.K.L's lyrics under the cut. I dont know if the lyrics differ for all the versions, though the original part Yonghwa sang should be the same.












FIN.K.L's Version (might differ from other versions)






당신은 모르실 거야 (You will never know)






얼마나 사랑했는지  (How much I loved you)






세월이 흘러가면은  (After time passes)






그때서 뉘우칠 거야 (You will regret then)












마음이 서글플 때나 (When you feel blue)






초라해보일때에는   (When you feel small)






이름을 불러주세요  (Say my name)






나 여기 서있을께요 (I will be standing here)












두 눈에 멈춰 흐르는 (Flowing from eyes)






뜨거운 나의 눈물로  (With my warm tears)






당신의 아픈 마음을  (Your broken heart)






깨끗이 씻어드릴게   (I will cleanse it)












당신은 모르실 거야  (You will never know)






얼마나 사랑했는지   (How much I loved you)






뒤돌아 봐주세요     (Please look back on me)






당신의 사랑은 나요  (Your love is me)












When a think about feel






about Him I'm not really sure






If I want to give my heart away






If it's love or just a game (핑클)






두 눈에 넘쳐흐르는






뜨거운 나의 눈물로






당신의 아픈 마음을






깨끗이 씻어드릴게 (주현)






당신은 모르실 거야 (You will never know)






얼마나 사랑했는지 (How much I loved you)






뒤돌아 봐주세요 (Please look back on me)






당신의 사랑은 나요 (효리) (Your love is me)






당신의 사랑은 나요 (주현)






cr: rainywidow@yt
















I am sort-of a realistic person so I don't really spazz but because I often changed the lyrics of the song I am singing to fit the situation I was currently facing. Normally comical situation. So I find this interesting. I think some of us do this... you know, like singing Michael Jackson's Black & White into "It doesn't matter coke or sprite~~" instead of "It doesn't matter black or white~" (More like I randomly blurted out instead of answering the question properly, lol!)






Have a nice day^^






_hachimitsu Thank you so much.. you are super DAEBAK ..






Yonghwa oftens sang any song on anywhere , hahhaa






only hyun for me









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Guest LiyLiy14























Anyohaseyo GOGUMA VILLAGERS.... For the latest episode, re-watching it for several times without fail and tired. Love the skin-ship between Yong and Hyun.
























First of all,  BIG APPLAUSE to DDUK for the translation and CREDIT to subbing teams for the subbing. Good jobs guys. 























Favorite moments in this episode,
























Seo Hyun, how can you let guy holding your leg if he is not close to you? Showing that you appreciate Yong as your  NAMPYEON.
















In Asia, especially in my country Malaysia, usually gal won't let guy to touch their leg except those who are close to the gal such as father, brothers or husbands. 








































Such a sweet couple. Keep replaying this part several times. I wish MBC will release unreleased screen for this sweet moment.
















HAPPY 1ST ANNIVERSARY IN ADVANCE TO YONG ANS HYUN THIS COMING 11 FEBRUARY 2011 as I will be in other country on 11 February for my Lunar holiday. 








I'm so sad because i could not join all the GOGUMA VILLAGERS to celebrate our couple 1st anniversary this Friday as there will be no internet access that time. Although, we still have 3 more days before 11 February I already changed my twitter avatar to this image















As for twitting #YongSeo1stAnniv on 11 February, 11pm , i will try to tweet using my hand phone. Even though it will be costly, to me worthwhile for my GOGUMA COUPLE.
















Twitter Avatar: 








































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Guest Faith_memory









waaaaaahhh im too excited... lol, i already made a graphic for our day haha!! seriously, our day is getting closer and closer! LOL just wanna share my amateur-ish graphic. kekeke~














btw, i changed my twitter pic unto the 1styearanniversary avatar.. yeah im that excited.







see you guys around.


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Guest wannabanana






Uri Go-chun! Annyeong! :D


Hee. I'm coming out of my (forever) lurking mode! Keke.


The 1st anniversary is already SOOOO near! I can't believe they're already together for a year! And I also can't believe that I've been following them for that long too! Aigoo, time really flies so fast!


I'm so excited for the big day! I know all Gogumas out there are too, right? ;)


Hope everything will go well for everyone in Go-chun and specially to YongSeo! :D



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blueshoes, tks for the pics of yong at the foot shop.

and just like u, i also <_< when i don't see hyun in the 1st pic.

and why stand so close, yong?

aigoo...i think i've become overly possesive of yongseo.. :sweatingbullets:

hachi...are u sure u are a student and not a part-time dj?

u have a vast knowledge of music...

tks for the yongseo songs compilation girl! hugs!

nvr knew yongseo has soo many bgm

and i think i'm going to follow that coke & sprite thingy...it looks fun! :)

soshimunky..those darkroom interviews are hilarious. so witty! :lol:

i know some gogumas are not posting because they are busy creating something

awesome to be shared on 11th Feb.. ;)

but i don't have the skill/talent for anything.. -_-

something random

my collegue is a newly certified boice! for the past few weeks, she has been doing her own

'research' on cn blue and watches a lot of their clips/interviews from youtube.

today, she showed me an interview of yong where he said that he is married and that

he likes his partner (this was when yongseo just started wgm)

my collegue has not seen wgm BUT she said that yong is being 'brave' for

admitting all these on national tv. she is convinced that yong actually falls in love

with his 'wife' on set.

i hope to turn this boice into a yongseo shipper soon...kekeke

and this is for j2, since PMs dont work anymore

j2 dear, i miss u. we miss u. u have been missing for too long.

i worry abt u, and so are others.

and for whatever reason, u decide to turn into a lurker,

just know that i forever will be grateful to u and u are deep in my heart & thoughts.

since we are going to celebrate yongseo's 1st anniversary & this thread

will be moving to its second home..

u should be here with us to celebrate this joyful day.

even for a moment, j2, even for a moment

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Guest emmanuellee
















hello gogumas,
















i just want to share a lyrics of a song that (i feel) really fits uri yongseo.  it was composed by mr. jose marie chan, a filipino composer, singer and businessman. he sang it together with ms. regine velasquez.  it was revived by christian bautista, he also sang it in bahasa with Bunga Citra Lestari. I hope our indonesian gogumas can relate to it, especially filipino gogumas. christian bautista also had a duet with Tay Kewei, she sang it in chinese while he sang it in english. it's original title is PLEASE BE CAREFUL OF MY HEART. But in bahasa it's, Tetaplah Dihatiku. You can watch it in youtube, sorry i don't know how to post the webpage of the videos. I want to put it in spoiler, but don't know how so I'll just post the lyrics here. i hope you enjoy it. :)






























Verse 1 (GIRL):








If you love me like you tell me








Please be careful with my heart








You can take it just don’t break it








Or my world will fall apart
























You are my first romance








And I’m willing to take a chance








That ’till life is through








I’ll still be loving you
















I will be true to you








Just a promise from you will do








From the very start








Please be careful with my heart
















Verse II (BOY):








I love you and you know I do








There’ll be no one else for me








Promise I’ll be always true








For the world and all to see
















Love has heard some lies softly spoken








And I have had my heart badly broken








I’ve been burned and I’ve been hurt before
















Verse III (BOY):








So I know just how you feel








Trust my love is real for you








I’ll be gentle with your heart








I’ll caress it like the morning dew
















I’ll be right beside you forever








I won’t let our world fall apart








From the very start








I’ll be careful with your heart
















Chorus II (GIRL AND( BOY)):








You are my first (and you are my last) romance








And I’m willing to take a chance








(I’ve learned from the past)








That ’till life is through








I’ll still be loving you
















I will be true (I will be true) to you








Just a promise from you will do (only to you)








From the very start (from the very start)








From the very start (from the very start)








From the very start








Please be careful with (I’ll be careful with) my heart (your heart)









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Guest SophiaPia
































































still re-watching the legshipsssssss kekeke! Hubby Yong really confident he can touch his wife now freely LOL and wife SeoHyun will not say No. She will allow her hubby Yong to touch her yeah baby. YongSeo are now really comfortable w/ each other and they are really like real couple now wub.gifwub.gif
































I really wish YongSeo the best in everything from their relationships, to their individual work. I really wish they will HUG & KISS SOON :)















































































Cheers to YongSeo for their coming 1st year anniversary.















































































Anyong to all






























































































































































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hello gogumas..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































5 days more and its our anniverssary.. we have to put our official avatar , right?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































oh ya lets try to make it 3 million for our couple song in youtube....sweetpotato 4339..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and also find some time for our couple bts..imbc.com/broad/tv/ent/wedding/svod
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































fighting gogumas...

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest emmanuellee
























hello gogumas..
















5 days more and its our anniverssary.. we have to put our official avatar , right?
















oh ya lets try to make it  3 million for our couple song in youtube....sweetpotato 4339..
















and also find some time for our couple bts..imbc.com/broad/tv/ent/wedding/svod
















fighting gogumas...



































hi tecle,
















oh my, i forgot about it. can you post again the official avatar that we have to use? coz i forgot to save it.

















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hi pia!

i love legship too!

in fact i love any kind of ships that yongseo 'invent' :w00t:

i know i already wish for yongseo to hug..

but there must be some sort of an ice breaker for them to do that.

and the best thing is for them to go bungyjumping..

i think someone already wish for that..but if more gogumas wish for the

same thing..maybe PD will hear us from here and grant us this wish.

i have this crazy thought that since soompi has been acknowledged by the k media,

maybe someone from wgm productions is also lurking here too.. :phew:

okay..scrap that thought..i'm being plain :crazy:

we have high anticipation on their wedding photoshoot,

god knows what we will be getting this time.. :wub:

and yongseo...since its your wedding photoshoot..

show us the 'wild' side of u ;):phew::w00t:

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Guest SophiaPia
















































hi pia!































































i love legship too!































































in fact i love any kind of ships that yongseo 'invent'  :w00t:














































































































i know i already wish for yongseo to hug..































































but there must be some sort of an ice breaker for them to do that.































































and the best thing is for them to go bungyjumping..































































i think someone already wish for that..but if more gogumas wish for the































































same thing..maybe PD will hear us from here and grant us this wish.














































































































i have this crazy thought that since soompi has been acknowledged by the k media,































































maybe someone from wgm productions is also lurking here too..  :phew:































































okay..scrap that thought..i'm being plain  :crazy:














































































































we have high anticipation on their wedding photoshoot,































































god knows what we will be getting this time.. :wub:














































































































and yongseo...since its your wedding photoshoot..































































show us the 'wild' side of u    ;)  :phew:  :w00t:














































































































yes jnj what ever shipsss YongSeo have we love it. w00t.gif 
































funny coz i was thinking also Yongseo will do bunjijumping kekeke!
































i had a dream that they had a mission of doing bunjijumping from adam couple kekeke!
































now what i'm thinking too much :) about the preview, coz seobaby walk away from hubby Yong LOL
































is it wife Seo are frustrated coz she can't do the snowboarding and she's thinking her
































hubby yong cannot enjoy his favorite snowboarding if he keeps teaching her so she decided to 
































walk away LOL but she turn around again. Is she going to run and jump w/hubby LOL
































aishhh why only Tuesday tomorrow saturday pali kekeke!















































































































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friday should come first before sat, pia.

and i want all the old spazzers to come back on that special day.

i am soo excited since we will get a full 30 mins (1 hope)

of yongseo skiing. first time we will get to see yong 'flying' down the slope.

and i think hyun will aced in this too, since she is a fast learner.

she'll fall and hubby will be there to catch her!

woah...more skinships.. :w00t:

chingu, lets go to spd

dont want to spam this thread now.

kaja! ;)

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i dont know it is possible or not, but i want our couple share their first kiss on 1 year anniversair. kekkeke, if they too shy, that is their mission. because we all know they want to do that by seeing them staring at their lips.( but the chance they all ready share their first kiss off-screen is also possible. :w00t: )
































































































































almost 1 year, for me is 8 months crazy with yongseo and i want they last forever. why i more excited 1 year yongseo than valentine day with my husband :vicx:

and i really miss old gogumas too, sun-sun, jd2lee... hope everything still ok with you:-)

































































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What's happening on February 11, 2011???


YONGSEO INTERNATIONAL have prepared a lot of things for IN-GO-PAEM and URI YONGSEO. I hope you'll all participate on the activities that the team have prepared for all of us.

First of all, make sure that you'll tune in at our YouTube channel because we'll be releasing videos there throughout the day. For those who don't know it yet, here's our account YONGSEO INTERNATIONAL

Second, Soompi has been our home base since YongSeo started WGM. Our thread have created history in terms of fanbase strength and influence. To show our unity here at soompi, we will do a massive change of avatar/ display picture on February 11,2011. We'll all use the same image for our avatars. Let's show some GOGUMA POWER on that day.

Third, Twitter has also been a special place for In-Go-Paem. We have updated ourselves on each other's whereabouts and condition through our tweets. We had a stronger bond thanks to twitter and all the chatboxes available. Just like what we will do here at Soompi, I'm also asking Gogumas at tweetville to change their DPs/Avatars to this image. Aside from that, we will also have a trending activity. May the Goguma Gods and Goddesses be with us on this attempt to trend. We will trend #YongSeo1stAnniv at 11PM KST on February 11, 2011. You might be wondering why at this time, but YongSeo met at exactly 11:50PM February 11,2010. To bring back the memories of their first meeting, I have decide to set the trending time at this hour of the day. For those who still don't have their accounts at twitter, please take this opportunity to show your support not only for YongSeo but for In-Go-Paem as well.

Here's the guide for creating a Twitter Account:

1. Go to The Twitter homepage and scroll all the way to the bottom. Click on the "Get Started" button.

2. Create a username and password. Twitter will automatically check the availability of your username. Once you find one that is unique, enter your email address and continue.

3. After you create your account, you can manually see if any of your e-mail contacts are on Twitter. Just enter your e-mail username and password, and twitter will automatically import anyone it recognizes.

4. Invite friends. Any emails Twitter didn't recognize, it will display on the next page. You will be able to check different email addresses to send invites to.

5. Search for friends. Chances are good that your friends have multiple email addresses, so it is a good idea to enter their name in the search bar and double check.

cr:YongSeo Fanclub Spazzbox or SPD Cbox.

I'm expecting your 200% support on the activities prepared by YongSeo International for February 11, 2011. Let's all show our love for YongSeo!!! In-Go-Paem Fighting!!!!


i hope the avatar is ready now.

and no one is allowed to lurk on that special day.. :lol:^_^


too many things happening this fri.

lets celebrate this grandly!!..

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Guest SophiaPia
































































so next episode in ski, is hubby Yong will be good in teaching wife Seobaby ? Looks like wife Seobaby walk away LOL. I wonder what is the reason is?
































1 ) wife Seobaby might be frustrated coz she can't do the snowboarding and she feels hubby Yong cannot enjoy his favorite snowboarding if he teaching wife seobaby then seobaby can't do it.
































2) + hubby Yong said that he stop teaching his friends already, it could be hubby Yong no patience in teaching LOL and it's in wife seo babys mind















































































aishhhhh expect the unexpected w/YongSeo















































































But for sure we will see any kind of skinshipsssssss again LOL















































































YongSeo 1st year anniversary is coming w00t.gif 




























































































































































































































































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Guest Sagua85
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Lol, haven't been posting since I really don't have much to say except my appreciation for all the gogumas here for their hard work in supporting our Yongseo couple with translations, image caps, galleries, creative writing, and even just enthusiastic posts on the thread.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Yongseo, 1st anniversary of many more to come!

































































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GOGUMAS, post some pictures, reviews, POVs, wishes, FBI evidences, or anything... Their first anniversary is coming really soon...We should all start to be active in preparation for February 11, 2011




























































































































































































































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Hello Gogumas !!!

I always read the thread, but this is my second post.

Well, We'll be ready on 11th February, we will show the gogumas power ^^

I miss the time when we had news about yongseo, when they were spotted in the ski resort or in Busan, I'm really looking forward for such news ^^

The weeding pictures are clooooooose !!!!!!!!! aigooooooooo !!!! Ottogee !!!!!!!

The next episode seems to be Deabak !!!

Fighting !!!!  

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