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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest fabiistar07



_hachimitsu thank you for answering ^_^

awh, it's sad I missed the project

I guess it was the time when I was so lost at Soompi :sweatingbullets: but now I'm getting the hang of it hehe

Anyways, I enjoyed reading them, that wouldve deffinitely put a big smile on uri YongSeo's face :D


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Guest bittersweet_




























OMG. What on earth has happened in this thread? LOL I am seriously laughing out loud at every comment about the nagging, especially the ones that seem to put a slight blame on uri Yong. I mean seriously...gahhh it is so stifling even in the online community as I can't quite say things that I really want to say. Because I have so much love for YongSeo couple, and this thread, I would refrain from what's called bashing. But people, chill, just chill and drink your Coke. I will drink my wine. ^_^




















It was just a comment from a happy husband to a happy wife. I think YongSeo thread experienced a little cyclone of netizenship. Glad that phase is over. It just makes me feel sad for YongHwa and SeoHyun because like I said before, every little thing they do and say are being scrutinized by some people who have nothing better to do.




















Gahhh sad face...




















But anyways, Thank MountainMadMan for your translation. You are seriously superb!




















I enjoyed this episode as much as I do every single YongSeo episode. The massage parts were hilarious. I loved the part YongHwa pulls Seohyun's leg to the water. So cute and playful. I loved the "We should die together~" comment by uri Hyun. All in all, it was a well balanced episode.




















I can't wait to see the next episode. The preview looks so adorable. Hyun walking away saying that "she is busy" in the middle of a snow. Hahahahaha I wonder what's YongHwa's teaching method is.




















Ohhh and RING ding dong (lmao) on Inkigayo. how sweet..... ^_^





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It's so boyfriend-ish of Yonghwa to feel more nervous when it was Seohyun's turn for that blood sample. He kept on pacing around as if he doesn't know how it would turn out. And this was just right after his turn. I bet he was surprised by his action too.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Jung Yonghwa is born to be a prankster and a naughty boy. I swear. It's like the day won't end if he can't 'bully' someone. And he was so nonchalant about it!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Don't tell me you didn't feel the couple-y aura in these scenes.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This make me love Yonghwa more. The adoration and amusement are so obvious in this scene. The happiness is so tangible, Jung Yonghwa.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This is beyond lovely and definitely my imagination. It's still scares me how the fan fiction I am reading is slowly turning into reality.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: gogumalove@tumblr
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And also, this is their anniversary week. Should we make the Banmal Song UCC reach its 3 million views?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Banmal Song for 3 million views

















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Guest SophiaPia
































































anyong gu-chun, anyong chingus :)
































Once again thanks for all the translations thanks M3, and to all raw videos, thanks videos w/ sub. Thanks for sharing all your screen caps. Thanks for that article about wife SeoHyun. Yes! she really grown up and she really changed to be a better wife/gf everyday. What a lovely lovely wife SeoHyun she is.
































5 days more to go before YongSeo 1st year anniversary. And wish them all the love in this world. I hope they always inlove w/ each other. YONGSEO love love love.















































































Hubby Yong is the 1st man in wife Seobaby lovelife. And hubby Yong is the 1st man who grab or touch Seobaby's leg kekeke! I'm really wish YongSeo will hug and kiss w00t.gifwub.gifw00t.gif Cheers
































luvtokki ur right this is what i'm saying as well LOL
































And about the 'nagging'.   Yeah, men don't like it.  But there's something worse.  Silence.  When your significant other stops nagging, it also means she's stopped caring































































Cheers to YongSeo
































Cheers to all here 

















































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Guest Soshimunky
















































































































































I'm happy to come back to see more gogumas posting ^^ Keep it up. More! Hehe :)
















































































































Here's the last batch. Doing this is fun. Well, when has Yongseo not been fun, anyway?































































































































































































































































































































































The completed version (6 images) is in spoiler below.
























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Will be looking forward to your posts, goguma :)

















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Guest mischa317



somebody posted this comment in allkpop on the massage session our yongseo couple had. this was from a scene in 'Gilmore Girls', a defunt tv show is the US:

Lorelai: Mom, you signed us up for a couple's massage.

Emily: So?

Lorelai: A couple's massage is for a couple – not a couple of people.

Emily: It's more efficient this way. We'll both be finished at the same time.

Lorelai: Mom, do you know what most people who get these massages do about five minutes after it's over?

found myself grinning, so i just had to share it with you guys. ;)


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Guest quisty86












Can i add another wish?




- BACKHUG PLEASE! I'll cry if that happens. 




Oh another one.




- I know uri Yongseo have built a foundation of trust already. Hold on to that especially when the rest of the world feels crazy. Trust and communication. Always be honest with each other. Take care of the relationship. What you have is precious. 




Thank you Soshimunky for the caps. Actually, I've always thought that Seohyun "grew up" during the Mildang period. And if you observe the blackroom interviews, you'll see it. Before she's this kid... doe-eyed, looks curious and innocent. But starting from the mildang interviews, she really changed. She became a woman. There's something in her eyes. 




I just need to share this video. I know a lot of you have seen it already but aaahhh.... it's the WGM staff story vid. Someone shared it in spd box yesterday I forgot who. I got super sentimental when the casting part came. YongSeo WGM Staff Story by Orihararan. 




I don't like using this word but it's the closest to what I can feel after watching the video - fate. Wahhhh Rouenna unni I used the word eeek! 





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Guest blueshoes








@ the foot shop








where is Seohyun? fury.gif
























credit DCwgm





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Guest monkie2804

I spazzed before about the dying together part, now it's the nagging part's turn :P I actually like that scene when Yong told Hyun to cut it out with the nagging and "You're worse than my mother". I'm not sure if it's a bad thing that I like it though :P One thing for sure is if my bf says that to me, I'll be SLIGHTLY upset, but since it's Yongseo who are in this situation, I find it pretty cute. It makes their relationship seem a little more realistic because you can't be 100% satisfied with everything the other person do or say EVERYTIME when you're in a REAL relationship, so Yong voicing out his opinion is quite interesting for me :P

I'd love to see them have an argument [like a real quarrel, not some little things that the media exaggerate to make it sound like arguing]. I know i sound crazy, Sorry everyone! but if they really argue, they would look more like a couple to me [that's why Ant couple was my favorite in WGM :P]. But now they're still in the lovey-dovey stage of the relationship, and SH is so calm while Yong would almost do everything she wants, I guess my wish won't become true anytime soon.

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YEIIIIII! The best week of the year is already here. Lets celebrate!!
































































































































































































































































































Just my quick wish n_n































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YONGSEO, I wish you the BEST love story of this world. Keep walking together forever! And always be happy!
































































































































































































































































































Hope this week great news arrived!
































































































































































































































































































Even though, the year anniversary is already a great new!
































































































































































































































































































WOWWW one year...its really a lot of time, fulfilled with great memories!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































PS: Does anyone know about the projects we made for them?

































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Guest street.k2































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong Seo 43 WGM Eng Subs






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  Yong Seo 43 WGM 1-2 eng sub
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  Yong Seo 43 WGM 2-2 eng sub
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  Preview Ep - 44
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Seychan
































































































































































































































































Thank u aneng & hihi_hehe for your post.  This article make my day <3 Love it. Thank soshimunky for your pics, so cute. *quickly save them* After see ur pics of interview, I realize Yong & Huyn look more and more similar after every episode, u guys can check but I really feel it.
































































































































I'm in memories of YongSeo during the past year. And when I review many news about Yong & Huyn have been cast in MBC’s We Got Married as the show’s newest virtually married couple. I'm so moved. Time is so fast. The first time when they meet just like yesterday. Eyes-ship, smiles, feeling, mildang, 22days, japan trips, hold hands,..... pass like yesterday when they happen... *I'm so easy to cry*






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































I love them because they are true, they do not act just to attract viewers, they have not been together as their obligations. Early days, they are embarrassed & shy... but gradually they're comfortable and happy together. They're really want to be together now. It deserves both of them after their long journey and not easy for both sides. <3 Have many reasons coz we love them, can't say all in short post :)
































































































































My wish for YongSeoYong seobang, let's give flowers for Huyn and hug her. I think when you guys hug each other. The whole world will be upside down because of happiness & sweet. Hold her gently & tender like your sweet. At this time, if u hug Huyn, she'll be so happy...  Remember, Huyn's just a little girl, changed herself into funny, active baby for you, for your patient and sweet. She'll be happy when have a hug from u <3






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong & Huyn, be happy together. Love you <3
































































































































My heart have many emotions at this time... My bad Eng can't express all. I'll come back  PTS to design some artworks for YongSeo's anniversary. My small gift for you guys, YS & YS shippers. :) Countdown for YS 1st anniversary and Valentine day. YongSeo, let's happy together at Valentine's day. Maybe you guys still not ready for sentence "I love u" but say "I like you", now it's time for this































































































































































































































































Love isn't a big thing, it's a millions of small things
































































































































With love,





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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i really need them hug each other. yeah, 1 year hug and kiss. that must be. YOng never give flower to Hyun. i hope this time he will remeber to give her flower. girls always love flowers.
































































































































one year almost pass, how i wish they confess their feeling on that day. cheesy is no problem.kekke. like, Hyun you are mine now ok, and yong, you also mine. tengnteng...then kiss. :w00t:
































































































































and hyun make ma for yong, and back hug :rolleyes:
































































































































i am not not right state now. im a litte unpatient today with our couple. waiting is killing me :wub:

































































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Guest xxraqSTAR

*quoted image*

I have read a post here before  that talks about Hyun's feet. It was said that Hyun doesn't shows his feet in a variety show because of some reasons Maybe she was shy about it, i don't know*quoted image*. But after this episode when I saw her feet for the first time I said to myself "Is that she was embarrassed about?!" *quoted image*To tell the truth she had really nice feet. No varicose veins or large veins whatsoever...They said that SNSD has ugly feet for wearing high heels while dancing but HELLO!! I think they got it all wrong!! hehe!! Hyun really knows how to take good care of her body..At first when I saw Hyun I'm not attracted to her face but what I love about her is her legs. Even if they say that Sooyoung posseses slim and long legs but when I saw Hyun's legs I immediately became her fan. And also Tiffany because she has beautiful legs. The two of them posses nice shape of legs. I'm a girl but I admired girls with beautiful legs..hehehe!*quoted image**quoted image*

about this, yeah me too, i actually thought about it when i saw her feet--for the first time--on the latest episode, and now i think she doesn't show her feet because she is ticklish, she even said that she is ticklish that's why she doesn't really go to a massage spa, and i think it's not that she is embarrassed about her feet so she always wore socks, it's just it makes her comfortable, i mean, even me is used to wear socks even inside our house especially when the weather is cold because it gives me extra warmth.. 


i'm having a CAN'T-GET-ENOUGH-OF-THE-LAST-EPISODE SYNDROME! is there any medicine to make it stop? because it will definitely continue until saturday and after the next episode i will definitely have the same syndrome and it will continue FOREVER.. omg, i'm so addicted to them, i think i need to go to the rehabilitation, goguma rehabilitation center ^_^ where they won't help you get off your yongseo addiction but makes you even more addicted to them.. LOL now i'm talking nonsense :wacko:

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Guest The Hamzter
















































Wow, I feel like I'm speaking with only pre-schoolers telling me































































that their drawing of a horse is a horse, not a unicorn.































































Wow, okay. You girls win, geez. What's the big deal?














































































































Not typing in here, again. Something's seriously messed up in here.































































Eric! you just got pwwwndd! LOL! i bet that mark is gonna HIT -50 never tell the Sonez what Seoh can or cant do she can nag all she wants and shell still be an angel in our eyes! better tone it down fanboy or the soshis will eat you alive! hahahahha.

















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Guest mrs.Chunina




i had a dream last night about yong hwa...




in that dream.. i ask for his autograph.. and he nicely gave me one.. :)




then  i ask him.. whether he's in kind of relationship with seohyun and HE NOD!! kekekekekekeke ^.^



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Guest emmanuellee


i only have one wish for them: TO BE REAL!!!!!!!!!! i'm dreading the day they will say goodbye to each other and to us. my gohs, they are giving away their true feelings. yong writing 2 songs for seohyun and 1 of them is a serenade song also known as a song for first time lovers. and hyun really worries about yong, 1st when he was hospitalized, she wanted to see him but he stopped her fearing the fans who are vigiling in front of the hospital. instead she gave him some herbs for his throat. awww... and now, she worries on his health especially his abdomen. yonghwa, please be careful of her heart!!!!!!!!!


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The last episode was DAEBAK!

I hope I'm not too late to share my favourite parts for this episode.

Hyun was so worried for yonghwa and it shows when she constantly look at him during their health check up. HAHA!

One of my favourite parts was when she said something like, "There's alot more that I need to take care of now."

I have a feeling she means business as in she really IS going to take care of Yong. Aww...

The other sentence from her that I like was how she replied to Yong when Yong said he can't look at her properly without coffee. It made me think that she cares SO MUCH about him that she doesn't care if he doesn't look at him (but we all know Yong can't resist not looking at her ;))

I don't know why but the whole check up part make me feel mushy inside. It shows their level of comfort with one another. Some people can get really uncomfortable with sharing their medical report with another person and here they are bearing every info with one another.

Haha. My favourite sentence from him was when she was testing for stress level and he said, "there aren't any jolts of electricity or anything like that, right?" and when he turned away when they too her blood. haha. Uri Yong seobang is protective of his wife!


As for the part when they were at the spa.. I went, "OMO!" when i hear her call him. Maybe someday, she'll learn how to call him, "Yonghwa ah."

EPIC moment for me and everyone here I guess was when she said, "we need to die together." then get all shy about it. Yong was all smiley about the idea. Haha.:wub:

It was funny when Yong and Hyun were engaging in pinyky-ship and the Mc said, "what are you two doing?!" haha.

So much to spazz.. I'll stop here for now.


To M3, thanks for the translations. Soshimunky, for the interview photos and caps. I had fun reading them. To All goguma for your posts that never failed to make my day!


4 more days to their anniversary!

Time for all gogumas to come out of lurker mode!


My wish for uri Yongseo couple..

true feelings comes from the heart and expressed through actions.

A year of watching you have made me see that. Thank you for never failing to put smiles on our faces every Saturday. Thank You for all the joy and different meanings that you've brought to all of us. I hope the best for your relationship and with honesty that's as clear as yours, I am sure, that you can make it to real marriage and fulfil Hyun's wish of dying to together. (I doubt she wants to live without Yong). More importantly, I hope both of you can continue your journey side by side. Who knows someday, we'll be seeing both of your careers shining and best of all, married to one another. & all of us will definitely be there for you! YongSeo Fighting! :)


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Guest gogumaforever
































































































































does anybody share this??? but will post it anyway, kekeke































































































































[spoiler: We Got Married] Seohyun and Yonghwa finally go to the clinic































































































































by ramham424 on February 6, 2011 at 4:13 am110205_yongseowgm2.jpg
































































Seohyun’s been nagging at her husband Yonghwa for a while now to go to the clinic for his stomach pains. Finally, after two episodes, the CNBLUE star threw up his hands and agreed to go.
































































After enduring various physical examinations, it was revealed that both Seohyun and Yonghwa had average physical conditions, much to their relief. However, it was said that Seohyun lacked much
































































































































































































































































mag-glass_10x10.gif. She was told to increase 9kgs (20lbs) in muscle.
































































Meanwhile, the doctor reported that Yonghwa’s fat mass and weight were all average. However since his fat mass was a little too high, he was told to lose 1.3 kgs (3lbs) of fat. She also mentioned that his white blood cell count was higher than normal, but it was probably due to the steroids he received as treatment for his vocal cord nodules.
































































As for the good news, both Yonghwa and Seohyun’s lung capacities were well above average. Yonghwa’s was 115.8% of the average capacity, while Seohyun’s was 121%.
































































It’s nice to see that the two idols’ are healthy, despite their stressful schedules!































































































































fr: allkpop
































































hope there will be filming on their anniversary. they are the best couple i must say!!!

































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Guest mach8infinity


kekeke i can't wait to see the next episode after seeing the preview... i wonder why yonghwa looked so surprised/stunned at the end...? it's the first time i see him giving such an expression...




hmmm... anyway, does anyone know which are the taeyeon-hyungdon couple episodes seohyun made her appearances in? and where can i watch them? i wonder if there is a youtube compilation of her appearances?




well, thank you in advance for any replies and hope everyone have a good week ahead! kekeke 5 days to the one year anniversary! :wub: hope they are able to meet up then!


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