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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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anyways this is what i made for them wub.gif






Together THEY ARE 


















forgot where i took the original photo 






don mind me vicx.gif






last but not least 









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hahhaa, in the jonghyun fancam, watch at 0:53, Hyun is at the bottom right corner of the video and then you can see Junsu or someone pushing Yong closer to her and he got shy and resisted then the three guys bursted out laughing. HAHA. 

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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hahhaa, in the jonghyun fancam, watch at 0:53, Hyun is at the bottom right corner of the video and then you can see Junsu or someone pushing Yong closer to her and he got shy and resisted then the three guys bursted out laughing. HAHA. 

you mean

this video? >> JongHyun Fancam

I see them. Yong looked so happy.

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Guest closetfanboy








Happy New Year 2011 Gogumas






Don't say good bye






Lyrics by Yong Hwa/ Composed by Yong Hwa, RYO/ Arranged by youwhich






I don't know how to live without you.






너님 없이 내가 어케 현실입갤 해야 할지 모르겠긔.






I don't know how to breath in life.






레알월드에서 어케 숨쉬어야 할지 모르겠다고ㅜㅜ  






tell myself I'd stop everyday knowing that I won't Because of you Because of you.






너님 때문에 나님이 안 그럴 거란 걸 알아도 나능 매일 내 자신한테 gg치자고 한다






It's the truth I don't know how to sleep without you.






는게 정트루? TAT






너님 없이 나능 어케 즐쿰 해야할지도 모르겠긔.






I don't know how to fix my heart.






어케 나님 슴가를 고쳐야할지도 모르겠다고ㅜㅜ






tell myself I'd stop everyday knowing that I won't






안 그럴 거란 걸 알면서도 난 매일 gg치자고 스스로한테 말한다긔. TAT






even if I did I don't know, If I'd try






비록 내가 과거에 그랬어도, 난 모ㅋ르ㅋ쇠ㅋ로 생까면 그만 ㅇㅇ






나님이 용썼으면






Do I wanna believe you think the same.






내가 너님이랑 같은 생각한다고 믿을라고 ㅇㅇ






I am missing you.






손나 보고싶긔. ㅜ    






And I want you believe same love as me.






그리고 난 너님이 나만한 잉여였다고 믿을라고..






I am missing you You've given me your one last Adios, but why do I still wanna believe.






너님이 난 그립긔 ;_;  






너님은 내한테 퇴갤신고를 했지만, 난 왜 아직도 믿을라고 이 ㅈㄹ인걸까. TAT






I don't know I'm missing you in good time, Don't say good bye.






리즈 시절의 너님을 내가 그리워하는 지도 모르겠긔. 걍 퇴갤이라고 말하진 말긔 ;_;






I don't know how to smile without you.






너님 없이 난 어케 실실 쪼개야 할지도 모르겠고






I don't know how to wait for you.






너님과 동접하려고 얼마나 대기타고 있어야 될지도 난 모르겠긔 ㅜ






tell myself I'd stop everyday knowing that I won't.






못 그럴거란걸 알면서도 매일 나 자신한테 (갤질) gg 치고 싶다고 말한다.






Even if all the things were true, If I'd try.






비록 그게 모두 레알일 지라도, 똥줄탔으면..






Do I wanna believe you think the same.






내가 너님이랑 같은 씽크빅을 한다고 믿을라고 ㅇㅇ ㅜ  






I am missing you.






떼이쉬, 보고싶다 ㅜ






And I want you believe same love as me.






그리고 난 너님이 나님 만한 잉여였다고 믿을란다.






I am missing You you've given me your one last Adios, but why do I still wanna believe.






보고싶긔. 너님은 내게 마지막 퇴갤 인사를 건넸지만, 왜 난 아직도 믿고 싶어서 이 ㅈㄹ인걸까. TAT






I don't know I'm missing you in good time, Don't say good bye.






리즈 시절의 너님을 내가 그리워하는 지도 모르겠다. 걍 탈갤이라고 말하진 말긔. ㅠ






I don't wanna say good bye I don't wanna say good bye I don't wanna tell a lie for love I'll be your love.






난 퇴갤이라고 하고 싶지 않아. 탈갤 인사도 하고 싶지 않다고!!






난 잉여질로 구라안치긔 T_T  난 너님의 병신동지가 될거라니깐? ;_;






Now I wanna believe you think the same.






지금 난 너님이 나랑 같은 생각을 한다고 믿을거긔 ㅜㅜ  






I'm missing you.






너님이 그립긔 T_T






And I want you to come and give me your love.






글고 난 너님이 다시 입갤해서 너님의 잉여력을 나님에게 보여주길 원한다긔. ;3;  






I'm missing you You've given me your one last Adios, but now I believe your true mind.






손나 보구싶당께 ㅠ 너님은 내게 마지막 퇴갤 인사를 건넸지만, 지금 난 너님의 진실된 잉심을 믿어의심치 않긔. TAT






Now I know I'm missing you whole time, Don't say good bye






지금 내가 너님을 주구장창 보고싶어 할거란 걸 난 알거든!  






그러니 부디 탈갤이란 말은 하지 말아죠. 뿌잉 ;_;






source : http://gall.dcinside...109&page=1&bbs=











Ehh, is that a new song? Where did you hear it? It sounds so sad hmm!






Btw happy new year everyone! Let's all have a great 2011 yeah? :D



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I was catching up on the previous posts and someone (sorry I forgot who) suggested that we should change the thread name from "Official SeoHwa Sweet Potato Couple Thread" to something with Yongseo/용서커플 (so Korean fans can find it easier as well). I agree and maybe it's about time we change it with the start of the new year? Yongseo is the official name for the couple and it's weird to see Seohwa when no one really acknowledges that name. If we all agree to it, maybe someone can PM the moderator or the topic starter to change it?
































































































































































































Anyways, happy near years everyone! :)

















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This is the video capture from JongHyun Fancam. There, it has YongSeo Couple :D


Yong's really wanna get close to Hy~un.

Lovely Real Couple XD

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Taeyeon say: CNBLUE?

Youtube link: CLICK (Start... 2:14)

Happy New Year for you and yours, Gogumas!! :w00t:

Someone.. live updates in twitter TOMORROW??:phew:

Can't wait the episode: Yong jealous!! O_o

OMG!! This week...

- Monday: Yongseo Banmal MV in Youtube

- Tuesday: Yongseo Wedding Photoshot

- Wednesday:  Banmal has +1.000.000 views and GODNESS Seohyun

- Thursday: YongHwa, THE BOSS!!

- Friday: FNC (owned xD) put the dates WGM Recording in January

- Saturday: New Yongseo Episode


She spoke really fast. I'm not korean but i felt like she said so.

This week is really awesome to start the bunny year.

Hope you guys have a good time all this year and hope YongSeo happy too.

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Guest fabiistar07












anyways this is what i made for them *quoted image*




Together THEY ARE 








*quoted image*




forgot where i took the original photo 




don mind me *quoted image*




last but not least 











waah~! hyun's picture fits this so well :D




you could've also put 'genius' instead of 'special' since yong hubby always calls her that keke ^_^




thanks for sharing :)




edit: Hesperide i think i heard cn blue as well, it was really fast thou





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Guest faithEEE
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello goguma villagers :D Long time no see.
































































































































































































































































































































































































I was just wondering if anyone posted this already and I didn't see anyone post it, so here's some YongSeo support for you.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Taeyeon's words in an interview!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































"I hope our youngest, Seohyun, would really date Jung Yonghwa. Is that really abrupt? YongSeo couple looks good together. I have no worries about Seohyun dating since she's really thorough in her work, so she'll have no problem with our activities." (Taeyeon)
































































































































































































































































































































































































cr: soshified
































































































































































































































































































































































































Yay even SNSD wants YongSeo hahahahahahaha.

































































































































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waah~! hyun's picture fits this so well :D






you could've also put 'genius' instead of 'special' since yong hubby always calls her that keke  ^_^






thanks for sharing :)











haha thanks for the comment.






Well i was only thinking about using words that start with S






so that it will fit into the "NEW"  band <CN-BLUES> instead of the original <CN-BLUE>






























yeah that was my initial thoughts rolleyes.gif






in the end i went with the last option laugh.gif



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There are many things I can't get over with. But let me trim them down to a few. I was rereading SNSD's Hopes and Wishes for 2011 article and like everyone of us, I LOVE TAEYON's COMMENT. I'm quoting akp's version.

"I want maknae Seohyun to date ‘We Got Married’ ‘husband’, Yong Hwa, in real life. Is this too random? I think they’re a really pretty couple and suit each other well. Since Seohyun has always been a thorough child, even if she dates, I don’t think it would affect her activities as SNSD too much. (Taeyeon)"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And also, YURI's comment on their possible EUROPE tour suddenly reminded me of The Duomo in Florence, Italy. Why not??? Aigooo!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































A great 2011 for our budding REAL-LIFE Couple!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yongseo is the real "WE ARE DATING" pair!!! lol

































































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happy new year everyone w00t.gif




it's still 22:00 here but i wanted to wish you a happy new year cause i know it's past midnight where almost of you are laugh.gif




so i hope that this year will be full of many goguma moments and that we will continue spazzing forever rolleyes.gif




sorry for my bad english wub.gif love you all and happy new year for our dear yong <3 hyun biggrin.gif





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Guest uh-ohxev
































Taeyeon say: CNBLUE?































Youtube link: CLICK (Start... 2:14)





























































































Happy New Year for you and yours, Gogumas!! :w00t:































Someone.. live updates in twitter TOMORROW??:phew:
















Can't wait the episode: Yong jealous!! O_o
















OMG!! This week...
















- Monday: Yongseo Banmal MV in Youtube































- Tuesday: Yongseo Wedding Photoshot































- Wednesday:  Banmal has +1.000.000 views and GODNESS Seohyun































- Thursday: YongHwa, THE BOSS!!































- Friday: FNC (owned xD) put the dates WGM Recording in January
















- Saturday: New Yongseo Episode






























































Sorry to disappoint you gogumas but Taeyeon is saying "saehae bok mani badeuseyo" which is Happy New Year in Korean!
















Just don't want anyone to get their hopes up...
















On the plus side, our week was filled with YongSeo and Taeyeon let the world know her wishes for YongSeo. If Seohyun didn't like Yonghwa, Taeyeon would never mention for them to date. I'm sure Seohyun tells them so much about Yonghwa, they can't help but ship them! ^^ We mustn't forget Hyoyeon revealing how Seohyun comes home from filming, and tells her about her entire day with Yo~ng! :wub:

















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Guest lunasol


Hello Goguma villagers!!




HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Where I am from is still 7:00 pm but I know a lot of you are already in 2011 so I wish for everyone Health and Happiness for next year!! biggrin.gif




I am kinda sorry that I have been so busy during Christmas time when there are so many Yongseo goodies so I have only been able to be in silent lurker mode.






I was watching the Jonghyun fancam and although there was not a direct Yongseo moment, they were so near each other and so happy :-D The same happened in MBC Gayo!!


I also notice something not exactly Yongseo related...or may be?smile.gif... I am not sure how to put it... I prefer for you to watch the video carefully from 3:14-3:50 and then have your own interpretation of what was happening there with Yong. After you watch it, then read what I put in my spoiler because I don't want to prejudice your opinion. So please watch Yong conversation carefully from 3:14-3:50. (fancam: Jonghyun (CNBLUE) dancing / ending with other KPOP Stars)






I noticed that the girl with the hair in a top knot (can't detect from which group) talks to Yonghwa and he is talking to her in a  firm awkward serious manner  and he seems like he doesn't want to look at her directly. Then for a second he looks very serious (slightly angry?) and then he walks away like he doesn't want to be there. Obviously, the part of my brain that is a Goguma fan is thinking the possibility that the girl is trying to grab his attention, and he gets slightly annoyed and walks away. Was that also your opinion? Obviously what I wrote is my own subjective interpretation after being in a Gochun high this week. Heck, she can also be a Yongseo fan and was trying to get information from him or saying good job in your performance. Still, I detect that Yong is not feeling comfortable talking to her and is evasive towards her, while his brothers seem very interested in her hahaha. Also if you notice he typically smiles to everyone (the guys), but while talking to her he is not smiling.





Anyways, the happy thing is that while Hyun always maintains herself with her unnies, Yong, although he moves around a lot and he seems friends with everyone, his typical behavior is to maintain himself near guys unless he is gravitating towards his buin. After Inkigayo and other shows you definitely know that he is very aware of her, even though he is not watching at her directly biggrin.gifwub.gif


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Guest dbskisluv2
































































































I want to wish everybody a Happy New years!
































when i heard that yongseo was having a wedding photo shoot  i kept replaying this song
































by bruno mars
































Everyday I Wake Up Next To A Angel
































More Beautiful Than Words Could Say
































They Said It Wouldnt Work But What Do They Know?
































Cause Years Passed And We’re Still Here Today
































Never In My Dreams Did I Think That This Would Happen To Me
































As I Stand Before My Woman































































I Cant Fight Back The Tears In My Eyes































































Oh How Could I Be So Lucky































































I Mustve Done Something Right































































And I Promise To Love Her For The Rest Of My Life
































Seems Like Yesterday When She Said Hello































































Funny How Time Flys By When You’re In Love
































It Took Us A Lifetime To Find Each Other
































It Was Worth The Wait Cause I Finally Found The One
































Never In My Dreams Did I Think That This Would Happen To Me

































































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Guest lovekin




I was watching the Jonghyun fancam and although there was not a direct Yongseo moment, they were so near each other and so happy :-D The same happened in MBC Gayo!!


I also notice something not exactly Yongseo related...or may be?*quoted image*... I am not sure how to put it... I prefer for you to watch the video carefully from 3:14-3:50 and then have your own interpretation of what was happening there with Yong. After you watch it, then read what I put in my spoiler because I don't want to prejudice your opinion. So please watch Yong conversation carefully from 3:14-3:50. (fancam: Jonghyun (CNBLUE) dancing / ending with other KPOP Stars)






I noticed that the girl with the hair in a top knot (can't detect from which group) talks to Yonghwa and he is talking to her in a  firm awkward serious manner  and he seems like he doesn't want to look at her directly. Then for a second he looks very serious (slightly angry?) and then he walks away like he doesn't want to be there. Obviously, the part of my brain that is a Goguma fan is thinking the possibility that the girl is trying to grab his attention, and he gets slightly annoyed and walks away. Was that also your opinion? Obviously what I wrote is my own subjective interpretation after being in a Gochun high this week. Heck, she can also be a Yongseo fan and was trying to get information from him or saying good job in your performance. Still, I detect that Yong is not feeling comfortable talking to her and is evasive towards her, while his brothers seem very interested in her hahaha. Also if you notice he typically smiles to everyone (the guys), but while talking to her he is not smiling.





Anyways, the happy thing is that while Hyun always maintains herself with her unnies, Yong, although he moves around a lot and he seems friends with everyone, his typical behavior is to maintain himself near guys unless he is gravitating towards his buin. After Inkigayo and other shows you definitely know that he is very aware of her, even though he is not watching at her directly *quoted image**quoted image*






ah, i don't know what conversation transpired between them, but the girl he's talking to is goo hara, and they're friends.  another user on YT commented that he looked annoyed with what she said, as if she was reprimanding him about something, but i don't know.  i'm sure they're on good terms.  i'm just surprised nicole didn't try to interact with him, considering she's friends with seohyun.  no idea!




i wouldn't read too much into it, though.




aisuo - thank you for recommending my fic!  haha, that was so unexpected, but that you felt you needed to draw attention to it was extremely flattering!  wub.gif




anyway, happy new year from the states!  i wanted to write something, but i have to work and i'm going to enjoy tonight.  hopefully, there'll be tons of things to spaz about in this upcoming episode when i return~ although, really, the preview makes it sound like we're supposed to be surprised that yong is the jealous type.  i think it's been established that he gets like that from time to time, lmao.  i wouldn't say it's a good trait to have, but i'll assume it's indicative that he cares a lot for seo.  laugh.gif


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credit: emotional. dc gallery




















Happy new year gogumas :)





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Guest fabiistar07








haha thanks for the comment.




Well i was only thinking about using words that start with S




so that it will fit into the "NEW"  band <CN-BLUES> instead of the original <CN-BLUE>




















yeah that was my initial thoughts *quoted image*




in the end i went with the last option *quoted image*







ohh woahh~ i didn't even notice that pattern xD







then of course special fits perfectly ^_^




i hope everyone enjoys their new year!! :)




the best goguma episodes are yet to come, what a great way to start the new year :D





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 although, really, the preview makes it sound like we're supposed to be surprised that yong is the jealous type.  i think it's been established that he gets like that from time to time, lmao.  i wouldn't say it's a good trait to have, but i'll assume it's indicative that he cares a lot for seo.  *quoted image*








lol sorry i'm cutting your post but I just wanna say that in my opinion, yong's kind jealousy is good in their/a relationship. It's not going overboard nor is it like an overwhelming sort of sense kind of  jealousy ;D  it's an action that displays the fact that Hyun means a lot to him in order for him to feel that way (like you said, cares for hyun), moreover, (i think) it'll make Hyun feel that she's wanted/liked, if that makes sense ^^;;.








Haha, sorry, this will by my first time posting in the thread although I'm a long ~~ time lurker of the thread.. just felt shy to post when we already have so many friendly gochun commentors >___<








since it's new years, i'll just make this my Happy New Years post to fellow goguma fans here and around the world and wish every one of you a wonderful and happy 2011 ^__^ <3 long live Yongseo couple!





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Wishing Each and Every Gogumas, A Very Happy and Blessed 2011.

my wish to Yongseo is for them To Stay Sweet Together and date already! ;):phew:

from this fancam, starting from @1.00, we can see Yuri, Sooyoung and Tae

checking out the 'commotion' behind them, but Hyun didn't

even looked back, not even once..

well, she doesn't have to because she can 'feel' him near her... :w00t::wub:

"]KBS ending

i know i am not the only one who thinks MBC was being biased last night,

but thinking back..

yongseo already had their share in the limelight during

the Incheon Music Festival..so cheers gogumas! ^_^


here's the trans prev again, cr to wishwash

Yonghwa <3 Seohyun: Hopefully we can have a Banmal relationship

The day for the Goguma couple to release their Banmal song on Youtube has finally come!

An experienced UCC user (?), Yong tries to teach Hyun about the rules in the UCC world (?) that he learnt in the past.

The two of them spent lots of effort in taking care of the lighting, props and positioning of the camera.

The Goguma couple is totally focused at filming a UCC that is 100% real and self-created.

Rocker Yong-nampyeon who is strong at freestyle VS Hyun-buin who is not as strong at improvisation!

But what’s the reason for Yong-nampyeon becoming increasingly upset?

The Banmal UCC that Goguma couple successfully uploaded after much trouble!

Yonghwa <3 Seohyun’s surprise friends who are helping to pass the word around are?

And the surprising insider information that they will be revealing bit by bit, Yong is a man filled with jealousy?

The production process of Goguma Couple’s Banmal song that nobody knows about! Please stay tuned~! Coming soon!

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