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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Found this at SNSD's thread. A snippet from Seohyun's part in YG Mag. A big part of it is related to YongSeo lol




















Successfully Enlightened members!




















The word “enlightened” can be in 2 forms/types. One is enlightened with a positive connotation attached to it, while the other form is a leaping type of change, but it can still be consider a type of enlightenment!That particular chosen member is actually… their dismay (?)!








































Being the Maknae of SNSD and the one who is always known as the ‘role model’ of SNSD by her onnies, it has been public’s knowledge that SeoHyun is the “prim and proper/serious” type! Prim and Proper/serious here refers to the fact that regardless of what she does, it will always be the right thing to do; for example she has never ruin her own image and always continues to do what she believes in. If she feels that she is not performing as well as her onnies, she will keep on practicing on her own until she meets her own expectations! SeoHyun also persisted in going to school without any complains that it is tiring to juggle work with school as she remains committed to her beliefs that “Being an idol doesn’t mean that the person has no substance/depth”. In order to prove this point, she persisted in continuing her studies! The “prim and proper” SeoHyun still remains, but just that after becoming the “sweet potato couple” in WGM2, we have to admit that the Maknae we know has really changed! Not only does she now know how to get along with boys, she even took the huge initiative to hold YongHwa’s hands~ Also, she no longer shuns away from having skinship with “Husband Yoong”. In contrast to the awkwardness between YongHwa and her and how she kept her distance in the beginning, the SeoHyun now is much more open and cheerful!




















credit: DarthVader@soshified for scan




















translation by bluedolphin30







































@Aurora82; I won't be assuming that's the case and just wait and see for next week, because you never really know what the PD's are really thinking. The poll might be for fun at the end of the year or something with a real motive that will eventually effect each couple's airtime. I really didn't like the way they handled this week, because I'd assume everyone (all fans) would be happy if each couple got equal airtime. Of course, there were complaints on the editing and the dividing of the respective events of each couple over the episodes, but it seemed to have ebbed away over time. Maybe they're trying out a new way of broadcasting; each couple would get more screentime depending on what their cut is all about.





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@Aurora82; I won't be assuming that's the case and just wait and see for next week, because you never really know what the PD's are really thinking. The poll might be for fun at the end of the year or something with a real motive that will eventually effect each couple's airtime. I really didn't like the way they handled this week, because I'd assume everyone (all fans) would be happy if each couple got equal airtime. Of course, there were complaints on the editing and the dividing of the respective events of each couple over the episodes, but it seemed to have ebbed away over time. Maybe they're trying out a new way of broadcasting; each couple would get more screentime depending on what their cut is all about.
































































































































































































The poll is being conducted in order to choose the Best Couple Award for the MBC Entertainment Awards. There are currently 6 couples competing and luckily all 3 WGM couples were nominated. This award does not affect broadcast time or if a couple will be cut or not. The last time a WGM couple won the award was in 2008 with the JoongBo Couple. So, even if our favourite people do not win this award, or any award for that matter, it does not mean they will be receiving their death sentence on WGM. This award is just to present an end-of-year award and it is not a WGM only thing but a studio wide MBC award. 
































































































































































































Regarding the lack of preview, I say we should be happy enough our couple was broadcasted together. Today, Adam couple fans were very much disappointed with the absence of Ga-In. At least, Yongseo's normal 20 min was aired. I'm crossing my fingers that Yongseo will be aired next week, we'll find out by maybe Tuesday with MC Kim's twitter update or Thursday/Friday when the written preview is released.
































































































































































































and to share something happier:
































































































































































































































































































































































































cr: dcmarried
































































































































































































I can't get over this scene even if it is 1 episode old!

































































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^ Thanks for clearing that up! I began to have my doubts about the actual motive of it since there were some posts implying there might be something going on lol




















And to not make my post entirely useless;








































I just really hate the fact that the camera just couldn't stay still at that moment - I can't even make a decent cap -.-




















But hey, look at how happy they are together! That should be enough for us.





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Guest aya otohata

I've been humming the banmal song to myself all day...even muttering "I'm starting to feel that you like me" lol. It's just so catchy and addicting. I love their song a lot. And, I'm really impressed with the both of them. They are both very talented people.

Yonghwa's right Seohyun is a genius. But, so is he.

Did you guys notice Jinwoon? He seems a bit down. hehehe Jealous? lol.

Seohyun did really change and in a good way. I bet the unnies cannot help but be surprised whenever they watch WGM. And, I bet Yonghwa's really proud.

I remember Seohyun saying in the Japan episode that she never had any guy friends before Yonghwa...how about Super Juniors? Is she not close with them?


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Guest teoki61
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I really liked today's episode:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Writing the lyrics of the song, talk with Minhyuk (haha idk why but it was so funny, "Baenmal" xD), holding hands naturally,playing basketball (even though I think it was a bit short), PIGGYBACK <3,the mission...all in all I loved it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But to be honest I was disappointed with the PD-nim. Because:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1. Today is Christmas and I expected a special with more screentime for all the couples..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































   And no offense to Khuntoria fans but 44 minutes for their 200th day? I think it is a bit unfair because Yongseo didn't have so much screentime for their 200th day (don't know about Adam Couple)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2. No preview for Yongseo couple? Wth seriously...On the one hand I think maybe the next episode is so daebak that they want to surprise us but on the other hand I think maybe because Adam Couple had no parts today one couple (Yongseo (?)) has to skip one week...I really hope it is not my second thought :S Have to wait until Wednesday when McKim tweets again.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Nevertheless I can't wait for the MV!! Finally not a fanvideo but a real MV starring Yong & Hyun (whoaaaaaaa) =) Gogumas we have to use all our power and give the mv lots of comments and spread it so it can have millions of views <3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  About the poll..does anyone know the current situation ? Hope our couple is doing well^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ps. Very random but there is something that I couldn't get out of my head. The episode in the salon where they had the mission to prepare a performance for the duet..the same day yongseo couple was with the brother in laws right (they took a picture together) but why was this not shown on wgm? was this after recording or did they think the part is not that important and it is better to reduce the time gap?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ahh and something else haha I was reading the mangas of Dragon Ball and there was a sound word which was :"Hyuun" and I smiled like a fool thinking of Seohyun haha






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Merry Christmas to everyone ^_^

































































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Guest full-of-love

first of all i just wanted to say YongSeo ep was awesome love their piggyback ride and holding hands moment. Also the jealous Yong Seobang appeared again which was epic.

here's a question i wanted to ask kinda off topic anybody could please kindly reply to me...

There's been a rumor circulating around that there's not going to be YongSeo cut next week...Is this true?? and from what i heard/read they said that YongSeo couple will be cut, because Adam's couple did not have air time this week so they will use YongSeo time next week to fill up for the missing time of Adam's couple this week. If this is true, isn't it too unfair for our couple? i mean Khuntoria had like 40 mins of air time this week.. isn't it enough already? Why can't they be cut next week instead of our couple since they were the one taking up the Adam's couple time? why must it be our YongSeo since they were the one following the 20 min standard time. I find it very unfair and i blame the WGM PD for all this. It's starting a fan war and all complicate things will happen.

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Guest hihi_hehe
























Hahahah It seems like everybody is scared of what happened to Adam couple today, we probably don't want YongSeo to fall into the same situation as Adam's (I'm a bit bitter, really, imagining that YongSeo has just 5 minutes , driving me nuts
















But let's not judge everything too early.
















Get it frank. I don't like the idea giving a couple too much airtime and other too little. It may cause "fan war", literally. That's not a couple's faults but nevertheless <_<
















I think everything happens for a reason. The Pds must have planned something, c'mon, they're a head of us. They known what to arrange, if not they're not PD LOL
















Let's rest people, enjoy yesterday's ep, and do stalk MBC's official site if there is Banmal's MV :wub:
















if next week no yongseo, I hope nobody is gonna hate and vent your anger on other couples, even though I will be uneasy about that




























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Guest gogumaforever
































































































































































































im so happy with this week's episode- my bet was close to their mission- making a music video of the banmal song yipee!!! (they will just have to upload it- much better!!!)wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif































































































































































































did we have a great Christmas yesterday? the episode and music core performance were daebakk!!! they're both wearing the ring- im always happy every time i got a glimpse that they had it on.































































































































































































its ok if there's no preview for next week- i hope they will still have an airtime though- hope they will win the best couple- they are the only reason why i watch WGM, some told me that i should watch the other couple but i still prefer our yongseo.they are so refreshing to look at.































































































































































































and this thread is the fastest and the greatest thread i've ever joined!!!! to all uploaders, translators and goguma villagers- kamsahamnida!!!!
































































wub.gifspread the love- the YongSeo way!wub.gif

































































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Guest fabiistar07












I totally loved today's episode! :D




I'm looking foward to seeing it with English subs soon ^_^




I've been humming the song ALL day! .. && I can't wait to see their video (maybe they'll film it in Busan?)




I must say I love piggyback rides




Their faces have never been as close as then w00t.gifAnd Yong~ said "hold on tighter" to Hyun~ so that he'll recieve the hug he (and us) want to see someday [awhh! they look so cute like that blush.gif ]But even though he said she was heavy, he was totally enjoying it ;)




I'm really angry that (apparently) there's no YongSeo next week




I'm not going to blame it on other couples, but so far the Adam couple and Khuntoria (today) have gotten more air time




So MBC better make it up by giving us a whole hour full of Go-Chun :D




[it's bad enough i have to wait a week for YongSeo, now i have to wait more..! :tears: ]




One extra cap that i completely fell in love with :wub: lol





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            Wishing Everyone A























Joyous Christmas and a Bountiful New Year























  Most Specially to our Lovely Couple





































































  To all dedicated Go-Chun Shippers





















































































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Guest niiychan
































































aaaaaa i love everyone caps..
















































love their piggyback and holding hands alo their happy face. :)
















































please MBC keep them together in this show... They are my energy pils :)
















































can't wait for hard english sub..
















































gomawo for subber :D
















































lets spread goguma love !!
















































yongseo hwaitiingggg !!!
















































yongseo is real !









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Guest ichigo_kawai








Anyeong My Family... ^_^







Thanks everyone..for all lovely caps, gifs, link, translation, fanfic...^_^




Here is I jut wanna share this FMV  "Yongseo Duet Banmal Song... with their banmal memories...."













And here is one of my favorite moments...


















And I just remember pepero discussion last week...I can't imagine if hyun asking yong like this....ottokeeee.....





























And I just remember when Hyun was wearing pajamas @ photo.







Maybe Yong really want to see her buin with pajamas







And from this photo....yes she was really beautifull and lovely....






















Happy NICE day everyone...



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Guest maybelove








banmal song DAEBAK DAEBAK!! :wub::wub:




I just love Hy~un and Yo~ng voice when they sing, they are really good singers!!




the chemistry in Yo~ng's room, teasing Hy~un with her laughter, Yo~ng's jealousy towards Minhyuk closeness with Hy~un, taking a cruise along han river, betting on who's giving the sweet piggyback ride, the ?cloud cafe? date, and the opening of the new mission. WOAH.. this episode is just another awwwesome one!




at first i was like OMG did i heard Yo~ng mention Youtube??! w00t.gifw00t.gif Someone posted that UCC means user created content(sorry i can't remember who blush.gif) which mean they might upload on websites like youtube yeah? Since Yo~ng already mention Youtube in the episode, I hope that it will be the place where they release the full song and MV. I think it will DEFINITELY be a successful hit on youtube! Just wait and see how many supporters are gonna watch them on Youtube.




I REALLY HOPE THEY POST IT UP ON YOUTUBE instead of any other site! since it's like the closest place we, the international shippers, can get to watch them. :)




I'm already counting down the day for the full song to be release now~ Can't wait to hear the complete song! :wub: YongSeo fighting!!!




Thank you for the swift upload of translations gogumas!!! let's keep spazzing




i shall get back to lurker mode now... :ph34r:



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Guest fabiistar07












ichigo_kawai..i loved ur pic, i really can't image seohyun asking that, it gives me goosebumps (of course not the bad kind keke) blush.gif




I have a question (BANMAL SONG) !




About an article that allkpop posted it gave the lyrics to the banmal song:




Through Yonghwa’s inspiration, Seohyun was able to come up with the lyrics: “Phrases such as ‘thank you’ and ‘hello’ are still so difficult for me to say. Thank you, thank you, this is all I can say. It’s the first time for me for everything, I’m still not good at this. How can I say this? I’m not as experienced, but my heart flutters again today.




I've read the translations of the song here, but i don't recall reading a part like that cuz i deffinitely would've remembered




So does Hyun's part actually translate to that? or is it just a mistake in the translation?





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Guest laila-chan
































































































hi.. anyeong goguma villagers ^_^
































this is my first time posting in here, though i've been lurking for long..
































regarding the "another mission", if i'm not mistaken from translation i read in here, in the end yong said "we must make a mv". and you know what, my first thought is maybe they recording in on 9 nov. (you know it's when hyun captured in a salon doing make-up). idkw but it's just my first thought. because snsd have a fan sighning that day and she didn't show up. and then there's a picture of her in a salon..
































well maybe it's just my imagination  :lol:.. but who knows..  :phew:
































just want to share my opinition
































p.s : btw i can't stop spazzing and smiling alone like crazy because of uri yongseo.. hehe. and just for information this is my first time join in a forum and make a post!! usually i just lurking, never make an account or even posting  :P. this is just show how much i adore this couple  ^_^

































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Guest yslovelightys




























Hello Everyone!!!




















I don't really want to be sad at a time like this but I can't seem to help it. sad.gifmad.gif




















I saw a news on allkpop about a Khuntoria Couple's preview for MBC gayo daejun. My link




















And I think they're going to have a special stage.




















I'm not usually bothered by these issues buuuut this time around...




















I can't help but feel like MBC PDs are favoring Khuntoria Couple nowadays.




















Ugh, I guess I have to watch uri Yongseo's latest episode to get my mind off things. 




















I need to go back to my spazzing mood. haha. 




















I'm sorry if I ruined anyone's spazzing because of my post. sweatingbullets.gif




















Just need to share what I feel about these. 





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Guest gembul10


This is Goguma Omma again.

I wish everyone have a good festive and holiday season and I wish you all have the best year in 2011.

It's been a long time since my last post here. I see a lot of people join the Goguma village. This thread is really an enjoyable thread. I really appreciate and thankful to everyone who shared the thoughts, analysis, links and screencaps. Most importantly, my deepest thank to all the people who provide raw videos, translators and subs, without them we can only wait, especially if the streaming is lagging.

As I was predicted earlier, YongSeo couple is just like a real couple, so their development in terms of relationship, understanding each other is just like a real couple. No push or script from PDnim (in my opinion). If we go back to the time they started the relationship, February or March 2010, and up to November 2010, it's just so natural that they are in this stage of relationship. Being comfortable around each other, play games and throw jokes to each other, want to keep a close distance when they are together. I bet, if they were no cameramen around, they will have more skinship and Seohyun will be more relax to Yong.

I don't think that Yong would still a hug or kiss like Alex did to Shinae in WGM season 1 though. I think Yong is more aware that Hyun never experienced any relationship before, thus he will guide her and ask permission before he pursue that action. Just like holding hand, which came naturally.

After I watched the Japan episode, as an older person, I would really like them to meet Seohyun parents. I think as her parents, they should at least thanks Yong since he change and give good influence to Seohyun, so she becomes a better person. But then again it really depend on Seohyun parents, whether they would agree or not to come up on TV, and also the readiness of YongSeo couple to meet each other's parents.

I was amazed how much Yong really put himself into the show/relationship. No one would expect him to make a song about Banmal. I was so surprise, when he revealed it the first time in the seafood restaurant. Never I knew before that an unfinished song could become so popular, that even fans already played a piano version in youtube!

Yong! You are amazing!

I do hope that the song will be uploaded in Youtube, and YongSeo couple created an account themselves, so that they can read all of our comments there and feel the support from all the international fans.

Lastly, I don't think the result of the poll will do any harm to YongSeo couple. It's just for the Year-End Award. What matters is actually if we could wish their relationship will be meaningful to both of them, and if they can continue to stay in this show a lot longer...longer than Adam couple. If they can do this, I think I will set my new record to be hooked on a certain show for a long long time.

So... enjoy your holiday now! :wub::D:wub:

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Yes I had the same opinion when I first read the article.
































































































































































































































































Anyway, let's just hope that there'll be a Yongseo stage & Adam Couple stage too, to be fair to the WGM fans
































































































































































































































































because all three couples have a huge fanbase
































































































































































































































































But I can't help thinking, maybe it's partly coz Yonghwa & JoKwon are the main MC for SBS Gayo Daejun,
































































































































































































































































you know how small things like that could build up to something big
































































































































































































































































Anyway, I'm hoping for the best, I hope we get to see our couple perform too, hopefully, their banmal song &
































































































































































































































































their MV shown in the background :)

































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just a heads up
































































































































































































according to MBC TV schedule
































































































































































































next week's WGM episode will begin at an earlier time at 5:00 pm KST
































































































































































































see here:
































































































































































































































































































































































































(google translated webpage)

































































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the ratings of We Got Married Season 2 on December 25th 2010
















source: TNmS
































the MBC schedule on January 1st 2011
















source: imbc
































Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!




















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