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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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so i was searching for english translations of CNBLUE's songs. and i came across the translation of Y, Why? (Bluetory).




again humor me. i'm again relating 'unconnected' things. we saw on the latest episode preview that hyun also asked how many gogumas she has. and then yong gave her a cookie, only one cookie. hmmm.. and then here's the lyrics:




*Y, Why..*




I know I’ve fallen in love. The day you came to me




was like a dream painted in grey.




I wanna tell you some, what I say with my heart




Wanna love you I wanna hold you, only my drunken confession.




Hiding where you can't see me.




I only shout the words that you cannt hear. I love you.




This short phrase is too difficult for me. I can't even open my mouth.




'I love you' this short phrase is too much for me. I cannot breath.




(Rap) When you give me 1, Girl, I will give you 100.







When I see your red lips, my silent breath purrs with my innocence,




and my heartbeat that feels like its about to explode




strike a message to my ear. Baby I love you indeed.




I send you a message: I can’t see it any teardrop in on your face, girl




I love you, only this.




Fearing you'll know if our eyes meet,




I only look away at the sky. I love you.




This short phrase is too difficult for me. I can't even open my mouth.




'I love you' this short phrase is too much for me. I cannot breath.




Come to me. See my eyes. I want you too.




My eyes tell you truth I wanna live in your life




This short phrase is too precious to me.




If you tell me 'I love you,' this one phrase out of anything in the world,




I will be happy.




ROMANIZATION: Blue 923@Cnblue-sky.net




TRANSLATION: 1takeKK@Cnblue-sky.net




when i was done reading the translation of the song, i thought 'hmmm yong, what are you trying to do again?'




we all know that yong expresses what he feels through his music. i know that this song was composed and released before he met hyun, but STILL. i'm just relating unrelated things. :wacko:











and also.. this song just shouts out YONGSEO! ♥




*ohkay.. back to work.. i should stop stretching my allotted lunch break..





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yong on night after night
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr. klaritia from the cn blue thread
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yongseo needs to hug too :wub::wub: (but not in a motherly-son way, lol)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ringdingdong~ and i love his laughs! how he opens his mouth so WIDE :w00t::lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































too cute.

































































































































































































































































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Guest mrsjoker




This was my first 'Korea' question but it got replace in my blog by a <span> thing - don't know why -

Can anyone who understands Korea explain what a 'Busan style' of man is supposed to be? From what I understand they ar supposed to be manly, tough, plain talking kind of guys. I see yong saying it's a 'Busan style' a lot. Just what is a Busan guy supposed to be like, how are they supposedly to act? it seems like all the male MCs think a Busan guy is cool or manly, they seem to admire that type of man, but I don't get it!










Hi Luvtokki... I hope i can help explain a bit about a "busan style" of man... I've been a k-pop fan for 8 years now so hopefully what i understand is enough... ^_^

Busan (Kyung san area) is a province in south korea that is well known for having a "strong" character type of people. Like they speak in a more "harsh" tone without meaning to insult but it's just the way they speak their dialect. The boys and Girls from busan are well known for their"strong" personality/character.

Busan girls are known for their "direct" ways of speaking, like if they like someone/something they'll say it out loud...not so feminine like "Seoul" type of girl. While Busan boys are well known to be a more of a "traditional" kind of boy... raise to be a gentlemen, so that's why they're most likely to be the "ideal boyfriend/husband". The boys are well known for their cool and manly appearance. The closest authentic busan boy example actually can be found in Jonghyun (CN BLUE member... I think Yong had somewhat already had large influence from seoul). But you can find the typical example of Yong's Busan style is when he says that men should walk on the outside of the sidewalk and once he also says that men should hold the umbrella for the girl.

If i might describe it's more like ...Busan Boy is the tough gentlemen, like they can be a "champ" in the school but then change into this shy/reserve boy around girls they like. If they got caught in a fight, busan boy most likely use their fist rather than talking. Dependable kind of guy. and not that interested with men fashion, they wear whatever they feel comfortable with.

While Seoul boy is more like the Dandy type of boy, more flirtatious around girls, usually have high interest in men fashion, if they got into a fight most likely they'll talk they way out of it...




I Hope that help... ;)


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Guest is2kwharss501
Keep Voting Guys <http://isplus.joinsm.../goldendisk/en/>

Welcome, 2010 GOLDEN DISK AWARDisplus.joinsmsn.com

we can only vote one time? or one vote per day? SNSD is 2nd! but most likely super junior is gonna win.

im so so so happy after watching this recent ep of yongseo. hyun look so hesitant before she walked in the store/7-11, she's probably planning how to link arms without being awkward. after they left in her mind shes probably thinking "should i do it? should i, ahhh *links arm*" yonghwa tries to be cool but hyun doesnt let go! when yong said "what are you doing" and sorta like flinch(?) seobaby just holds on to him. ♥ that is love (: dont let go of him seobaby! sigh seobaby shes growing up! her 8 unnies must be proud of her. we gogumas are proud of her. its funny how im younger than her and im so proud of her!♥

i love yong choding! he was playing 009 in 7-11 is just plain ADORABLE.he do anything just to make her laugh ♥, its embarrassing but its cute.

i like how yong is not LOVEY DOVEY, cuz it can be overwhelming when someone is too sweet/lovey dovey. personally, i dont like overloads of lovey dovey/ cheesy/sweetness things. for me yong's sweetness is just right or for seobaby is just right because shes inexperience.khuntoria couple is sweet, nickhun is the sweetest guy for victoria, but i prefer yonghwa's sweetness. he does these little sweet things for seobaby, little by little. for example, i love this little guide book in japan for seohyun.

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annyeong gogumas~!

ichigo-chan~!!! thanks so much for posting the lovely daebak MV~! i've yet to comment on it in YT ;)

panGG~!!!! yes!!! i caught on ya! haha HELLO!! yahhh i also luv to see yong smiling or laughing... that's his most attractive attribute IMO! :wub: no wonder hyun got smitten by him instantly! dang... if i could meet him once in my lifetime, i'd like to have that hug! w00t.gifbtw, i've made a new fmv... not sure if u saw it though blush.gif

goguma1207, yahhh what an info!! ahahah since most of the facts regarding body language point to them being a couple, i really hope they WILL BECOME ONE! :wub: uhmm hey... who knows they already are a pair by now... after hyun's daebak action! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

luvtokki, beside seohwa thread being the most happening thread... beside MC Kim & MC Park go all gaga over them, i've a feeling... NO, it should be i'm confident that uri yongseo is WGM's most fav couple kekekeek

mrsjoker, *waves* how i wish my bf has a busan namja style xD


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Guest MountainMadman

Hey everyone, I realize this has nothing to do with YongSeo, but...



I have many family members and friends there and am praying for their safety. Hopefully this doesn't evolve into a full-scale conflict. 

SEOUL—North Korea fired artillery at South Korea's Yeonpyeong island in the Yellow Sea off the countries' west coast Tuesday afternoon, setting houses on fire. South Korea returned fire, according to residents on the island speaking on South Korea's YTN television network.

Several North Korean artillery shells landed on a South Korean border island on November 23, 2010 damaging homes and causing injuries, YTN television reported.

A spokesman for South Korea's joint chief of staff confirmed the exchange but didn't have details except to say "scores of rounds" were fired by the North.

The artillery—more than 50 rounds, according to island residents speaking on YTN—was fired from positions south of the North Korean city of Haeju.

Korean Tensions

The attack started at 2:34 p.m. local time, according to residents who were speaking on the TV network. There were no immediate reports of injuries.

About 1,200 people live on the island, which is 10 kilometers south of the tip of North Korea's south coast.

The attack is the second by North Korea this year against South Korea in the maritime border area of the Yellow Sea. In March, a North Korean submarine torpedoed and sank a South Korean warship near an island about 40 miles west of the island that was hit Tuesday.

It would be great if everyone could take a few minutes out of their day to pray for the safety of everyone involved.

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Guest ricevol





goguma1207 thanks for the information. Not only their steps are in synchronized but their clothes are always somehow similar, for instant, same color tone, same style



mrsjoker Thank you so much for the meaning of "Busan Style". Busan boy style is so my ideal BF style haha Yong is my ideal too since I love his childish action sometimes. He imitated an action scenes at the inn or hilariously taking picture with hyun when eating or pretend to be some kind of FBI with guns at the convenient store, etc., I really like that! Do that sometimes, of course not always, gives me a big grind on my face since I don't like things that is too serious.



I've known WGM not for long, and just go through 1 or 2 previous couples and just watch for fun. Yongseo is the first couple that I've monitor since the first episode and get crazy over them each episode. Replay billions of time each episode. I choose to watch our couple only every Saturday. I've tried to watch adam & Vic-khun couple for 1 or 2 episodes but I never get the feeling I get with Yongseo. They have such magical attraction that keep my eyes sticking on them. I believe they are real. Though I don't watch other WGM's couple, as dreamyboo said : WGM's most fav couple. For me they are the best of the best






MountainMadman I'm praying for them now, hope nobody get hurt...


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Guest nadihee












aaaa there's war on korea!! let us pray for them!! let us pray for all whole korean people. i dont want war! i hate war. god, please there's no more something like this. please god!!
























goguma please pray for yongseo too. please pray for korea



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Hello villagers!
































































































































































































































































I hope for the best, I hope our YongSeo couple and the people all over Korea would be safe..
































































































































































































































































Here's my update for my fic, hope you'll like it as well: CUPID (Finale)

































































































































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Nadihee and all - Calm down and not worried yourself sick to this latest piece of artillery fire news.








































My view of the latest incident:








































I dont consider it a war unless the south side retaliate. EDIT: I realise the south have fired back. Arrgh.. In anycase back in May - there was the other Cheonan submarine incident too. The North and South tension thing has been going on for years. Seriously I dun know how the south side lead their daily lives with this daily threat but they have.








































I am not being cold hearted or anything, but since the 50s when North and South split up, they have been living with these kind of things. Its rather sad that things have to be this way. By the way Seoul where all the TV stations are and so many celebrities live is really very close to the North unlike Busan or Jeju which is further south. So far the North has not dare to hit Seoul, if they do, they know will be in big trouble. They just keep doing all these petty attacks.















































































Luvtokki - Yeah recently korea has started discussing a law to protect young performers. I think its time that they do that.








































As for the Busan guy thing - my undertanding is Seoul guys are metrosexual and Busan guys are still a man's man. :)








































Regarding the timing split between the couples - yeah I think they really waste the couples time by making them film all day and only take 1 hour out (20mins spread over 3 eps). But well thats the way filming is. Even on drama sets, there is alot of waiting. I think the 20min split is the fairest they can go, if they increase on any couple, some fans will scream anyway.








































What I will really like is for them to release bts or extra footage on their website. but maybe that is additional work for them. :huh:





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just read & heard no a good news...
































bout south & north korea.
































be safe to all goguma in korea..
































just heard that Incheon airport is closed right now.
































hope it just a rumors...
































and maybe.. just may...
































it's only in my mind..
































the schedule for broadcast maybe change.. with this current situation..
































let's pray for South Korea...
































let's tweet #prayforkorea everyone....

















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Hi fellow gogumas,



Amidst all the spazzing over the latest episode, let us not forget the impending terror of potential war b/w North and South Korea... I hope it won't progress to something worse... let's keep our fingers crossed and pray for our couple and all those in the countries. Actually I'm heading to Seoul in 2 days but I don't know if it's gonna affect my trip. I really hope it doesn't!


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Good evening, night, morning, afternoon everyone... 





This thread is run so fast  sweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gif





Finally I can watch the last episode.... w00t.gif





I just want to share my favorit moment ... 





When Yong can't stop eating the food







When Yong say "You should walk to the side of the road". Oh, he's a true man. wub.gif







When Yong ask 300 yen for a piece of tissue







When Yong save his buin's image







When Hyun untie her hair immediately







Yong look shy when he explained it







When Yong unconsciously bowing to the lady and Hyun too







When Yong ask Hyun to not maintain her image infront of him







When they take a 'hot dog?' picture and the MCs feel dissapointed







When Yong suggest to have a drink with Hyun and She said 'Let's go'












When Yong choding attack the convenient store







And of course when Hyun grab Yong's arm, look at her smile wub.gif







And I like the MCs reaction







But Yong,,, why is your arm like that??? He is so stiff. The MCs are really happy. I heard someone (MC Kim) said 'Jashik...?'. I think all of the MCs adore our couple now.





PS : I want that CN Blue's fan phew.gif







Jjango is shinchan right?







I hope there will be no war between North and South Korea... "Make love Not War" wub.gif





Sorry for poor caps and a long post full of caps..





Bye bye now... 





bee_ichigo wub.gif



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Guest YukiAgne






Want to share this link...




Where Seohyun was dancing and her voice is reaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy coooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




------Off Topic------




I heard the news about north and south korea war thing... Wish that it would'nt lead to a real war where the two countries bombing or killing each other...


For sure, WE GOT MARRIED will be cancelled!!!!!




 AH YongSeo fans out there.. Let's pray for peace!  


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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































































arrgh, the war news is making worried about their safety............... I hope the government will not declare a state emergency because if they do, all activities such as TV broadcastings will be halted.






























































qwenli.... about the incident I agree with you































































I also don't think the north will dare to attack the south. I think the attack on south is just merely a show-off of power since they have already disclosed the information regarding the modern nuclear facilities where they suspectedly are making nuclear bombs..............






























































besides, the US will definitely retaliate because S. korea is one of their important ally in the asia region....




























































































































I better stop talking about this. once I talk about military/political issues I can never stop sweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gif






























































anyway, so about the next episode, after the japan date is the one where they harvest the gogumas right?? it'll be super duper sweet................ although I don't want the japanese date to end so fast, coz i personally think there were many sweet moments but the PDs might do some editing
































































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hmmm....wonder if WGM will be cancelled tis wk due to tis tension? gahhh..another delay...more footage delay..




by the way guys...i just realised smth...wen yongseo argue abt who sms who on both incident (on the bus and on the couch before their 200 days concert)...both of them were bringing their respective handphone rite??


so basically...if they want to chk if seohyun really sent him sms on his bday...they can just take a peek into the sent items folder...she was holding it the whole journey for goodnessake!




same goes for wat sms exactly seohyun sent to yong regarding her holding hand with kyuhun....seohyun said...'i will chk later'.. she can just chk it right there and then...




so my conclusion is..those handphone they brought was purely for WGM....and THEY ARE USING THEIR OWN PERSONAL(other) HANDPHONE TO MSG EACH OTHER...which they never brought with them during WGM filming...




if u also noticed....the handphone yong used in the car towards the concert( and also to call the goguma field ahjussi) compare to the handphone he used at yoshinoya japan were also diff...meaning there is a big possibility that yong has his own personal handphone now to sms/call hyun...




thk abt...he claimed CN BLUE has only 1 handphone to use by all of them...i am sure it will be super uncomfortable for yong to sms hyun...since the brothers can see watever in the inbox and sent item...


on the couch...yong also claimed he called seohyun wen he was overseas...it is expansive long distance call... the brothers will also be implicated for the expensive bill in the end...which i dont thk yong will be so irresponsible to do




i might be living in my own world....ut thinking abt it make me warm and fuzzy inside...cos now they can call and sms each other freely without any restriction....and private ofcourse...




one can only dream rite?? nothing's wrong with that...




side note:

i am almost sure that posting link for voting...and urging people to vote is not allowed in soompi forum... so u guys might want to stop doing that...or if you still insist...maybe u can write another paragraph related to yongseo...not just say ' keep voting '


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dreamyboo :o really?! :w00t:i didnt know. and no i havent seen it! where, oh where?! hahaha. must go look on my subs @ youtube now. is it yongseo? :) oh and i'm working on a few videos too! but like i've mentioned, life took a crazy turn on me so i'm trying to smooth things out right now! but when i finish, i will let you know!
































































































Caliope oh wow! thanks for sharing that picture. i've always thought those signing things were so cool and cute :) i want to visit and try and find yongseo's, just to see it!!!!! hahaha. and think "yongseo touched this and wrote to let their love last forever!" hahaha.
































































































bee_ichigo cute caps! :wub:
































































































YukiAgne OMG!!!!!! you are a life saver! i have been looking for that performance but i could not, for the life of me, figure out what show or what song it was that hyun and her unnies performed. thanks for sharing! :D
































































































l1nn3 lol i completely understand your phone theory! and also to add to it, if they only had 1, and it wasnt used very much. how is it that his so phone savy? like in the scene where his calling her from the car, touch screen phones are very techie and sometimes if you dont know where to look its got many different ways to navigate. i have a touch screen myself and sometimes its still complicated to figure out some things, and i've had my phone for almost 6 months. lol. yong must either be 1--super tech savy or 2--texting/calling his buin a lot ;):wub:
































































































i feel sad because i never have my OWN pictures to share anymore. i always just share others. but i promise i will try and share more of my own... later. lol
































































































































































































yong eating ice cream. how can you look so good eating ice cream?!
































































































cr. klaritia
































































































































































































inki with yongseo love <33333
































































































everyone mentioned that yong didnt want to leave the stage.
































































































looks like hyun didnt want him too either :wub:
































































































and i just realized...
































































































that sulli kind of matches hyun and her snsd unnies. lol with the read jacket and skirt. random? yes.
































































































cr. as marked
































































































































































































yong and his fail dancing lol how can you not love this guy?!
































































































hyun must love watching his fail dancing.
































































































especially after teaching him Oh! and Tell me your wish lol
































































































cr. as marked
































































































and bonus:
































































































































































































smexy yong, oh yea. hyun likes this too ;)
































































































cr. omonajungyonghwa@tumblr

















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Guest angg_jagiya


Hello everyone :)




just want share my imaginer what hyun think when she linking arm at yong. :wub::wub:












I Don't Know Why





Let's Go Crazy





Our Sweet Holiday




Just Please





There’s no reason for my love you know




you’re more beautiful than the stars above in the night sky, the shining thing deep inside my heart, you’re my love light






About war between KS n NS is so complicated~~ sad because it never end


I hope everyone is safe




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