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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Which careermen would be most suitable as husbands for SNSD?



A recent poll held by wedding information company, Docs Club, revealed some interesting results for the SNSD members.











They asked 71 “couple managers” from various wedding planning companies about which careers would best fit the future husbands of the SNSD ladies. The top four results were: legal, financial, politician, and someone working in the management field].











74% picked member Seohyun as someone would be most compatible with a busy legal professional, because she portrays an image of the ‘classic dutiful wife’.







from allkpop:






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oh my god.. i almost died after seeing the translation of the text preview.. oh my god..







i can't concentrate on my work after reading it! waaah..







the things that the yongseo couple do to me!! waaah!! i can't do my work properly.. O_O




























*needs to work badly.. i didn't do anything for the first half of the day!





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Waaahhh.... I love the preview!!! What do I think she'll do? Hmm... I don't know but I know what I want her to do...
































































































































































I want her to come up behind Yong and wrap her arms around his waist, at the same time hiding her face on his back. Then we'll see Yong's shocked expression turn into a happy, silly grin. He'll hold her hands against his waist so she can't let go. They'll turn in circles because Yong is trying to look at her face but Hyun will continue to hide against his back... lol...
































































































































































*sigh* That would be so cute...

































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hello my goguma villagers....








i've been away for two days and this thread just give me a shock news when i open it again.. seriously...























mountainmadman.. dear.. thanks for the translation... hug u tightly...








hug u too for all the goguma....























You know, I'm shock and happy when I read the preview. I even want to cry from happiness and now i'm trembling... 








Even though no yongseo last week but seriously this week is daebak. With Yong 'confession' at NAN and now the preview. I'm really happy....biggrin.gif. I'm really miss yongseo now, but tomorrow night I can't watch it... maybe i'm able to watch it at mondaytears.gif .






































My guess is maybe Hyun will holding Yong hand, or maybe she will hug his arm when they walk (do you know what i mean? arm link? ). Or maybe hyun give him a back hug. always expected the unexpected right?























You know dear, i suddenly remember a while back heartbrake_warfare? ask us about how yongseo change your life? And now i really feel how deep yongseo change my life n how this thread change my life. I never join any forum before, i never use photobucket, i never open the same site everyday, i never adore a person or couple before. 
































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Wah! I dunno how to keep my sanity until tomorrow...this is such a great news ^^
































































































































































































































































Thanks to MountainMadman for translating the preview.. and also for the new chapter of Love Story :)
































































































































































































































































and to everyone else who bring all the news & share all your interesting views..
































































































































































































































































Really so many things came across my minds on what skinship initiated by Hyun..
































































































































































































































































A kiss on cheek? I think it's a little bit daring for Hyun, but u never never know when it comes to Yongseo couple
































































































































































































































































They always surpassed my expectations hehe..
































































































































































































































































But.. I'll be more than happy if it's only for a simple holding hand..
































































































































































































































































because it shows how Hyun has grown a great deal from this WGM experience with that simple yet a big step for her,
































































































































































































































































she showed Yong that he's not the only one who wants to move their relationship to the next step
































































































































































































































































and for Yong, your patience has finally paid off, whatever it is, after that attempt of skinship, he'll be a happy guy :)
































































































































































































































































and anticipating a sweet love song written by Yong on CNBLUE's next album :wub::P
































































































































































































































































I don't think I'll be able to stream live tomorrow, but I'm sure many goguma villagers will be here to share :lol:

































































































































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Guest tinybeatingheart

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun wife’s first attempt at skinship, how will it turn out?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Why am I like this? Oh my gosh, oh my gosh. wub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gif Love is exploooodingggg~ By the way, thanks for thy translations MountainMadman. Tomorrow, full happiness. Why? Exams just ended today and tomorrow is Saturday. Just now, I read the text preview. WHYYYY ARE THEY LIKE THAAAAT wub.gifwub.gif Saturday bballiiiiii. Pleaaase. Haha. Okaaay, made my First FMV for Yongseo. Actually, not only first for them but first FMV, as in first. Used Love Melody for the song, because it somehow suits them.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[Eng] SNSD - Love Melody:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Love you
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I love you You're my shining star
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And I love you forever
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Not once, not even once have you held me before
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Even though I don't try to hide it, you don't know my love
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm still so shy, I can only look to the sky
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The snow falls upon us like stars for me
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































When that white snow falls upon the whole world like my heart
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'll give you my love that's sweeter than the beautiful snow like cotton candy
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Love you
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You've come to find me You're my shooting star
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And I love you for forever
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's as if I get caught at your questions, I can't say anything at all
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Your warm smile melted my heart
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh baby when this winter leaves
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You might just forget about me
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I will tell you all of this love that I've confessed
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































When that white snow falls upon the whole world like my heart
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'll give you my love that's sweeter than the beautiful snow like cotton candy
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This isn't a dream, the whole world is covered
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Like this snow that is falling, I'm gonna fall in love
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Look at me, can you hear me? This love melody that came down from the skies
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































When the whole world is covered in white, that's when I can give you my heart
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Like the white snow, I love you
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































When I look upon your eyes like this
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I will gain strength and say
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I love you
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Love you
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Our love that will start now
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And I love you forever































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I wil post the link later and please watch it okay? rolleyes.gif

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi






























































































































OMOMOMOMOMO!!! I feel like i'm going to die now.................... saturday, PALLI!!!






























































AARGH, I'm out of words, my heart is already DUGEUN DUEGUN....






























































what's wrong with me now??
































































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Guest K1L1On1Mr4








Just because of the preview translation we're just going fast in this thread :D




Thank you for MountainMadman for your translation. I'm fully excited to see what will happen tomorrow, just like everyone else in this thread i do really hope we can just skip the time to airing time of WGM rolleyes.gif



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Saw this at DC Married:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Will our reactions be like an erupting volcano? While we anxiously, yes, anxiously, with our Yongseo couple we shouldn't be expecting since they ALWAYS do the unexpected ones. It seems like after twenty days of not seeing each other, the unnies finally convinced their baby to do skinship since they know (we know) how Yonghwa takes care of her preciously that he wouldn't start a major skinship.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Instead of thinking of what skinship Seohyun will do, I'll be looking forward to see an overjoyed(?) Yonghwa tomorrow.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































We all noticed how they were during their backroom interview. Even Seohyun couldn't hide her excitement and happiness talking about their Japan trip.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I can forever read the preview. Thank MountainMadMan for translating!

































































































































































































































































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Guest SophiaPia




















OMG! w00t.gif























Thanks mountainmadman the volcano reaction might be because wife SeoHyun is the one who initiated the skinship. Daebak! It could be holding hands, or HUG or KISS geeeee! 





















































@NAN that night























PSY: (asking hubby Yong) when is ur last kissssssssss?























hubby Yong: (pause) i don't remember kekeke! 























PSY: when u will kiss her























hubby Yong: ??





















































Is my imagination too much w00t.gif





















































Holding hands is fine, hug is fine, kiss is much much fine w/ me. But the DAEBAK and volcano reaction might be because wife SeoHyun do the 1st move kekeke! and hubby Yong reaction is?????? I don't know why i love u baby kekeke!





















































Let's all wait and see. No wonder SeoHyun unnies feels happy on what happen on that night in Japan.wub.gif























Saturday paliiiiiiiiiiiii 





















































Cheers to all





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awwww. our hyun buin is initiating skinship?? i think i will squeal in happiness if she were to hold hands with yo~ng and make it look like they are a pair of REAL couple :)
































































cant wait for the subs now :D:D:D

















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Guest karrymiss
































i just visited the khuntoria and adam soompi and got to say the yongseo soompi is moving at the speed of light. i am so loving it right now come on people make our yongseo couple NO.1.
































































YES WE CANhappy.gifhappy.gifhappy.gifhappy.gifhappy.gifhappy.gif

















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It's 10 in the morning and I just had to check this thread before leaving for Uni in an hour or so and OMG! I'm so glad I did, but at the same this will keep me from doing any decent work for the rest of the day!
































































































































































































































































































































Skinship, skinship, skinship.. It's all that's running through my mind right now and I can't help but smile like a stupid idiot through out writing this post and probably all the way in the train during classes as well later on today.
































































































































































































































































































































I was wondering, when did Yonghwa record NAN? Was that just recently or did they record it earlier on and broadcasted it somewhat later?
































































































































































































































































































































It's so funny, yesterday I spent an hour refreshing to once in a while find a new post but then suddenly our thread has jumped PAGES.
































































































































































































































































































































Could it be that it's MORE than simply holding hands?! Why would the reactions be like volcano's exploding if they held hands before several times? I secretly hope it's a backhug, the way someone described it so perfectly a page or two ago with Hyun hiding her face in his back. Just my wishful thinking lol

































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Guest Faith_memory
















YES! Finally something to whet our appetites! :D




























Yonghwa <3 Seohyun: Goguma Land's YongSeo Couple <3














Enjoying their trip to Gawagoe, Goguma Heaven!














They don't notice the time passing amid the goguma snacks~














What did they write to each other on the "relationship-strengthening" wall?














The sun has set, the couple goes to their traditional Japanese inn to spend the night!














Their reaction to the traditional Japanese dinner, gaiseke?














Seeking some alone time, they go for a night walk to the grocery store!














Hyun wife's first attempt at skinship, how will it turn out?














I've quoted what it says in Korean below:














The couple goes on a late-night walk to celebrate (?) their last night of the vacation. Hyun attempts skinship for the first time. Apparently Yong shows a very curious reaction to her unexpected advances. There is a rumor that watching the (We got Married) MC's cheer, as they were recording, were like watching a volcano explode.
























































 Thanks to yslovelightys and shml for the original links! :D









































i just got home from school and this thing here was just waiting for me!! i can't believe this!! omg!!!!














im so excited for wgm tomorrow... hmmm... will she hold yonghwa's hand?? or.... kyaaaa~!! this news, where have this been all my life!!! hahaha!!! ♥ im so spazzing right now! ♥














omg~!! dunno but, im expecting something really great!! kekeke~!!! ♥ and it says, that the MC's reactions were like watching a volcano explode??? mygawd!! what the heck!!!!!! ♥♥♥ Come on WGM, BRING IT On!!!!!!!!!!!!














♥ ♥ ♥ ♥



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Hey guys!
























JOSSA is in need of a BLOG DESIGNER for Soju Heaven. (http://shippingheart.blogspot.com/)








If you're interested to help her out please PM me.
















Katsy Lenovo








~~~ Aren't we all exited for tomorrow??? WOOOO!!!!















Thanks everyone for opening up that Jessica message. My mind went wild there!















The Unnies really are amazing sources of YongSeo tidbits!
























Today, SEOHYUN OVERLOAD on MUBANK, cam shots, solos and all! hehehe.








MuBank HOOT perf








SNSD MuBank backstage
































































GOGUMAS: Watch SEOHYUN on today's Hoot perf from the POV of her conveying a message to YONGHWA thru the cameras!!!
























haha! TRY IT!!! FUN!!!



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Guest starfish_29






I was like having my daily dose of GOGUMA vitamins (videos) when I saw the message that said that Hyun will try to initiate skinship with yong seobang. I was so literally SMILING WIDE like an emoticon that made me happy so much. You know, I broke up with my boyfriend a few days back and so I love seeing people holding hands, clinging closely to each other, or hugging. I envy those people but to see Yong and Hyun holding hands will be really meaningful to me just like the ultimate deabak episode which they had. :)) I was smiling so widely that I even forgot the ongoing video that I was watching! omona! :) hahaha. 





Anyway, have a great day everyone and let us all shall SPAZZ tomorrow! :) 



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Guest chilipadi_22



uri hyun singing Tiffany's part was so sexy!!

especially the oooooo... at the beginning! yong should see his sexy buin on inki this sunday!!

less than 24 hours to tomorrow's episode of uri goguma. just cant wait after reading the translations for tomorrow.

hold hands???

a big hug???

or even a kissssssssssss?? muacks!

OMG~ saturday u just have to come faster. and PD-nim, please dun cut off the episode at somewhere interesting. dun leave a cliffhanger for the gogumas to guess. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE....^^

oops! i topped the page! :)


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Finally, Korean articles/news about Yongseo episode tomorrow. Click
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And 'Jung Yonghwa Seohyun' became sixth on Daum real-time search.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I used Google to see the articles, it struck me that I get 'unusual response from Yonghwa' and Yonghwa tried talking about skinship (eventually Seohyun initiated it). I'm not sure though. The articles made it sound like it's holding hands or something related to it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I hope somebody can collect the articles and see some new news from it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Unusual response sounds weird though. What was that unusual response Yonghwa-ssi?

































































































































































































































































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Guest fifth84200
































































Hello Gogumas!
















































I've been backtracking the pages and saw that WGM is airing tomorrow, I am quite surprised because I thought it is going to be cancelled based on what SNSDSeoHyunForever on facebook informed me earlier this week due to Asian Games. 
















































If the latter is true, then it will be the second week without WGM. 
















































I think i'm suffering from withdrawal symptoms of not getting the new episodes of WGM.
















































Oh, by the way, how do you cure this symptom? I have been re-watching the previous episodes like crazy. 
















































I even watched WGM season 1 for the hundredth times! Hehehe, well, what to do, let's wait and see.
















































My link
















































Missing the Goguma Couple badly...
















































Edit: oh, it's actually We Got Married (http://www.facebook.com/pages/We-Got-Married/297062698508) on facebook who informed about the cancellation.









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Guest rainie029


guys do you knowwhat channel of MBC and SBS on tvu networks...


kyaa..i can't wait for tom.. hyun initiating the skinship...this is deabak... :)




pali!!! :)


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