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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest shenibabi














oh muy god thank MountainMadman so much










you're our angel










omo the preview make my day










i miss our lovely couple so much










but the preview just so interesting










i cant wait tomorwow










coming soon please



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Guest Crystal392

MountainMadman: thanks again :) that word (cheer) changes a bit the meaning I think. ^_^ It seems the MCs were ready to spazz!

Omg I am biting my pillow now! I'm so happy :D suddenly I don't feel tired anymore xD

I think Hyun will try to hold hands with Yong... Or maybe a hug? A goodnight kiss? :P

And what was Yong's curious reaction? :o

Always expect the unexpected from our YongSeo. Why hasn't MC Kim tweeted about this yet? I want to know how he felt when he saw it ^^

Happy 10mill views Goguma Planet! :)

YongSeo hwaiting ^^

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Guest lovekin


in celebration of the wonderful news, i wrote this up fairly quickly.  it's a rough draft, of course, and i'll probably go over it again sometime later before permanently uploading it to my journal.  for now, here you go!  (i don't think this is how the event will occur, but i couldn't think of anything else, haha.) ... and i know they're not in tokyo, but i just like the way the title sounds.  tongue.gif






T E E N A G E R S . I N . T O K Y O









Synchronized steps.  






That is the first thing she notices, but the very idea of it has never occurred to her until now.  It is never intentional, you see, for she possesses a natural poise – a grace typically unseen except in those individuals with training.  Seohyun cannot recall a time she's ever walked while looking at her feet. But today is different.  It's a comfortably warm night, and the air smells faintly of flowers and home.  There is a saying she often hears from Tiffany that she feels is happening now: 






  "Does your stomach turn when you see him?" 






  "Turning?  Are you asking if I feel nauseous?" 






  "No!"  she laughs.  "I mean, do you feel nervous?  Like you feel you can't breathe." 






  "Oh.  Well ... I'm not sure." 









She feels sick, but she knows she's well.  She recalls a moment at the fishing pond in June – after Yong Hwa had finished explaining the meaning behind the Love Light rap – where she felt at peace, happy, and almost like she could take on the world if necessary.  









This feeling – right now – is nothing like that.  Seohyun knows what she needs to do – what she wants to do – but she has her reservations.  Will he think of it as something she's doing for his benefit?  That she's not being genuine?  To be fair, half of her has planned this moment only recently, mainly to prove to him that she does feel closer to him than he realizes; the other half believes it's just, well, right.  Not that she knows how to start, and this is exactly her problem. 










She doesn't realize that she's stopped until Yong, who is but a few meters in front of her, turns around. 










He chuckles briefly, clearly amused.  "What are you doing?" 










"Nothing!"  she exclaims, and runs up quickly to catch up. 










As they walk, she momentarily allows her arm to brush against his.  They continue walking, and she wonders if he's noticed it at all, so she does it again, this time to adjust herself to the possibility of it – that she's actually doing this, and it's not as weird as it seems, that this has been a long time coming.  Her heart is in her throat, and she almost feels like choking on it. 










"Are you okay?  You're acting strangely."  Yong is smiling, but only slightly, as if he's worried there is something wrong with her. 









At first, the words come out in a rush, all jumbled together, before even she can make sense of what she said.  









He laughs heartily this time, and asks, "What?" 









"Hand," she repeats and then continues, "Can ... I ..." 









Instead of finishing, she points at his own and clasps her hands together, laughing nervously as she buries her face in her palms. 









"You want to hold hands?" 









"Ah, this is so embarrassing!" she exclaims.













And he shrugs and takes her hand in his, reminding her once again that she needs to learn to say what's on her mind.  









"You're not awkward this time," he observes with a grin.  









"Ah, you're really ...!"  









They continue walking, and even after she's purposely broken the timing of her steps, she is too distracted to realize that they've evened out again.







EDIT:  also, i'm not actually sure if we're allowed to post this kind of stuff here.  i know that there's another thread for this, but i thought that was more subjective to specific threads.  if not, let me know (or neg me, if necessary), and i'll just post it directly to my journal.  thanks!



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Guest CallMeDayDreamer
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@MountainMadman, Thank you so much for the transations...




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Waaaaaaahhh! I can't wait for the next episode...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Saturday Paliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMG! will this episode going to be like the birthday episode???






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMO! i don't think my heart can't take it...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I nearly had a heart attack from that episode from spazzing so much...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If i remember it correctly, before the bday episode came out, there was a rumor that that episode was going to be daebak,






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and it was true... and it was wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more than daebak!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If this japan episode going to be another daebak epi,






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































then i think i really need to buy a new inhaler coz i don't want to collapse in my chair from spazzing and missed out the yongseo goodies!!!




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And congrats to us goguma villagers,  grouphugg.gif






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































our thread just reached 10,000,000+ views... hapydancsmil.gif






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Waaaahhhhh! That's the power of goguma...

































































































































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Guest ikekeyou








































omg i cant wait for WGM!!!
































thank you sooo much MountainMadman for translation the preview!
































wow seohyun's attempted skinship?!!? omgeee!!!
































i wonder what happened!!! please please please let it be holding hands or something!!! ahahahaah :)
































OR A HUG!!! ahahahah
































i cant wait to watch!!! im excited!!!
































for some reason i think it failed because mc didnt tweet anything about this episode
































but i could be wrong since they watched it a week earlier and he just posted up that there wasnt going to be wgm that week.





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Oh my gosh!! My fellow goguma villagers! I'm at work but I can't help but post quickly here cuz I'm totally spazzing like crazy deep inside and I can't hold it anymore!! Thanks mounntainmadman again for the translations:) Now im already imagining things in my spinning little head... I dunno why but something tells me they definitely did more than hand holding! Can it be a hug? Oh oil be happy with a sweet backhug, but I'll be ecstatic if it's a kiss!! OMG!



Ok gotta regain my composure and get back to serious work mode! Saturday is always my happiest day of the week, so pls come now!!


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Guest CallMeDayDreamer
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































in celebration of the wonderful news, i wrote this up fairly quickly.  it's a rough draft, of course, and i'll probably go over it again sometime later before permanently uploading it to my journal.  for now, here you go!  (i don't think this is how the event will occur, but i couldn't think of anything else, haha.) ... and i know they're not in tokyo, but i just like the way the title sounds.  tongue.gif





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT:  also, i'm not actually sure if we're allowed to post this kind of stuff here.  i know that there's another thread for this, but i thought that was more subjective to specific threads.  if not, let me know (or neg me, if necessary), and i'll just post it directly to my journal.  thanks!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMO! Lovekin,






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The fanfic you just wrote is exactly the one i'm picturing after i read MountainMadman's translations... :lol:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I hope, it does happen... loveshower.gif






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Wahhhh i can't wait for saturday already...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm feeling so giddy today... studsmatta.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I hope PD will show the whole thing and not cut it and leave us with cliffhanger again...

































































































































































































































































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Annyong all Goguma Village's,



After a long long time i just be a silent reader but now i just can't help but kept reading the translation with a smile pasted on my face and keep smile + laugh like crazy. The translation really make my day after almost dying like people in the lovesick condition because of 'no goguma' last week and now i can smile like other normal people.  crazy huh!! sweatingbullets.gif








I also would like to guess what hyun buin will do for skinship and I think HUG (include back hug) or holding hand is really possible...but maybe kiss on the cheek, even though sound its really not possible but that we do expect from our goguma couple aite? the thing we would think its not possible for us but for our goguma couple will be possible for them/us wub.gif





Yong & Hyun.. Hwaiting!!!!





I really want for both to talk about wedding Photoshoot after yong nampeong saw his wife already wearing wedding dress with jummo oppa and raise a baby sweatingbullets.gif  Aigo.. my imagination became wild again. 



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Oh my butterflies!!!  *dies, Thank you shml and Mountainmadman!!! I´m so spazzing right now!!!
















































Can´t wait for this Saturday, I´m too curious about Yong´s reaction to skinship :wub:. Like another goguma above, I think Hyun and her unnies have been talking more than once about holding hands!!! I think they were preparing fans for this episode!! hahaha
















































Pali Sat Pali!!! I can´t wait!!!!!
















































thanks a lot  gogumas :wub:

















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Guest likelove8993
































































































































































































































































thanks to montainmadman for your kind trans :wub::wub::wub:
































































































































im really super happy now,, last week i`ve been depressed cuz there s no new episode bout goguma :sweatingbullets:
































































































































but this week the new episode will airing, and it said this episode will be the turning point of their relationship, right.. :wub:
































































































































well i wonder if it will be :
































































































































1. holding hand /
































































































































2. hug (or piggy ride by yo~ng)
































































































































3. hyun massaging yong with tiger balm
































































































































4. kiss :wub::wub::wub:
































































































































oh my god, i need to prefer myself too to watch this episode
































































































































back to lurker mode :ph34r:

































































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Thank you MountainMadman for the translation...i just wondered maybe the rumors about a kiss on the cheek is true blush.gif








I can't wait till tomorrow...i want to see Yonghwa puppy eyes and Seohyun sparkling eyes :wub:








Thank you so much to everyone in this thread for giving a lot of information about YongSeo couple...i'm sorry, i can't contribute anything :sweatingbullets:that's way i become silent reader :ph34r:



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Guest chilipadi_22



One last post before school!

After reading the translation for the preview, I cannot help but spazz.

What would Hyun do to Yong??

I personally think she would most probably hold his hand because a hug or kiss would be too much for Hyun to handle!

And since her unnies keep asking her to hold his hand, it's most probably that she will hold his hand during their date rather than a hug or kiss.

But this is just what I think! Uri yongseo always surprises us. So let's wait patiently for tomorrow to come. Although I think most gogumas can't wait patiently after this volcano erupting preview is releases!!

Saturday palli come~


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The couple goes on a late-night walk to celebrate (?) their last night of the vacation. Hyun attempts skinship for the first time. Apparently Yong shows a very curious reaction to her unexpected advances. There is a rumor that watching the (We got Married) MC's cheer, as they were recording, were like watching a volcano explode.














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 Thanks to yslovelightys and shml for the original links! :D































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OH MY GOD lol. I'm glad I took a break from work during lunch to peek here even though I'm terribly busy today! It's making me fidget in excitement....We know that when the MCs start spazzing.....it's a VERY GOOD SIGN for us XD!!!

















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omigoshhh shml & mountainmadman! :w00t: thanks so much for such wonderful preview!

now i realllly can't wait for saturday to come! i'm guessing that everything must've gone pretty well THAT NITE considering uri yongseo have the tendency to always be EXTRAordinary xD

haha! lovekin, what an imagination!!! :w00t: omoooo... >.< but i can't help to wonder about the rumored kiss... c-could it be a peck on the cheek ON THAT NITE? kyaaaaaaaaaa but like u, my gut feeling is telling me that hyun was tempted to hold yong's hand :wub: and the end result is...? holding hands all the way to the resort? xD

LOL about yong's curious reaction... i wonder what kinda reaction was that?! gahhh! i can't think of any. TGIF! but one thing is for sure... it must've been a tremendously great nite for the both of them. just look at their actions on other shows recently & also after THAT NITE! KYAAAAAAAAAAAA... :wub:



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AWWW I'm so excited for this episode!! If Hyun does initiate skinship, I think I'll die squealing... My guess is holding hands or hugging? I've been waiting forever for them to hug. And we all know that Yonghwa's piggyback ride was partially to hug her (LOL, he always hints for piggyback rides and always wants Hyun to dance) . My guess is he'll freak out and then be really into it, kind of like the Avatar tail thing in the 200 day episode.
































IDK, I kind of think it's wierd. I hug really freely. Maybe it's a cultural/girl thing. I feel like I'm much more likely to hug a guy than hold hands. Then again, hugging is a really intimate thing, just because of the proximity of it. At this point, they've been progressing at a slow rate: the high-fives, Yonghwa asking permission to hold her hand (birthday ep and the horror ep), and then just going for it during the Lovelight practice. She never really opposes the idea, in fact, the Birthday ep she talked about skinship on the bus therefore (in my opinion) putting it out there. I feel like they're getting closer and closer and they have these amazing moments. I didn't want them to rush, but it seems like the timing is really natural so it's not rushed. It makes sense to take it a step further, I think we've seen Hyun be more expressive and flirty with him. In the last episode and in the previews they look really cute and happy and so very couple-y.
































And as we wait for the next episode (SO CLOSE!!!!) some cuteness:wub::

































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Guest Yamapi77
















Anyong everyone!








I know this is totally irrelevant but I found this MV where Yong raps for G.NA. I absolutely fell in love with him again!! He's so seductive! To make it more Yongseo related. It makes me happy that he's Seohyuns haha I wouldn't want Yong to be with anyone else. :sweatingbullets:








Sorry if its already been shared...
















I'm also excited about the latest news! :w00t:





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laugh.gifThank you for the translation. Can't wait for tomorrow. My heartbeatis going up at full speed and about to burst. 


How many gogumas will Yong get? What isHyun going to do? Hopefully tomorrow will be another beautiful episode whichwill make all gogumas fly high and spazz for the whole week. Hyun initiates skinship???? w00t.gif Interesting...


Perhaps they always think of each other....



Somehow Yong and Hyun are always walking, sitting or standing close to each other, yet skinship between them is always minimal. That make them different from the others. Their closeness is sweet & make us gogumas go crazy...


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okay so its been forever since i've been in here. gosh life is so hard lately!
































































































































































































but i'm so happy i came by tonight! the preview sounds exquisite!!! i cannot wait. and i will finally get to stream the episode this weekend! i can't wait. thanks so much for the translations moutainmadman you are amazing. and lovekin OMG! i loved your fanfic there! do you have more? i'm in the mood for a good story :)
































































































































































































oh i miss everyone so much!
































































































































































































































































































































































































i hope its hand holding :) that would be really sweet :)
































































































































































































but a hug would be daebak! (however hopeful i want it to be a kiss (because of the whole night after night with the mcees hounding yong about his last kiss) i really doubt hyun is THAT daring, lol) oh i miss our yongseo so much. as much as i miss all my fellow goguma family here. i'm glad its the weekend :)

































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Guest MountainMadman

Hello again! Lovekin, I love that story! It really does fit perfectly into what I imagined when I first heard the news! ^^

Anyways, I just thought I'd let everyone know that a new episode of Love Story has been posted to Gogumafics! :)

Click Here!

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GOGUMAS!! What do you think she attempted to do?

I think its holding his hand. But if it is a kiss on his cheek I will faint, and if it is a kiss on the lips (yeah, too much dreaming hahah) I think we will die! wub.gif

** Lunasol - me too...i think either holding hand or hand around his waist since i read the skipship happen duriing they walk during the night?...kiss on his cheek....i lost my breathe...kiss on the lips?? aigoooo im dying already....hahhahahahhaha

**shml and Mountainmadman - thank for the preview news and the subs.....you are my saviour.....

wow....Saturday is just around the corner...some of us here already been crazy waiting.....i know...me too......but i need to wait for Saturday late night or Sunday morning since i cant watched it live ( problem with internet connection)....im counting on kindness goguma for the latest news tomorrow......

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