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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I Love YongSeo because...




At the first time, I just only knew a little bit about Seohyun, because she was very rarely shows her personality and actions before she participate in this show, and I'm even don't know who the hell is that Yonghwa guy hehe. When the show started, I was pretty anxious because they're so embarrassed and their relationship progressed so slowly, and day by day I just want to see what will they do to improve it. But now, after than half a year, everything changed so fast. they're so close to each other and they already had a lot of sweet memories together. There are a lot of things that I like from them: the way they're looking at each other, some strange stuff which they were do that difficult to see on the other couples: such as donate blood, wore the school uniform and go out for a date at night, etc. Among them, the most thing that I like from YongSeo couple is eyeship, because I really like the way they're look at each other, sometimes I feel that their gaze can burning the forest haha.




Hope their relationship will be progress day by day, they're so sweet and happy. Although it makes me really jealous of their affection, I'm so happy to see them.







Leno, 18










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Guest wa2kingkong










suddenly remember the first meeting in cn blue's practice room..


once yong said 'let's go to the library next time!'..


and then hyun like :wub::wub::wub: ..


i think it's one of yong's presents..


maybe.. maybe..


(but i've no idea bout the school uniform.. heuheu..)


nothings impossible on yongseo's world, right.. :)



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Guest rjcm127






I Love YongSeo [project]





I Love YongSeo because of their strong will to succeed in love and life. From Asia to Europe to the Americas', these two are well known for being successful as singers. They both want to succeed and become a better person. As a maknae of SNSD or the leader of CNBlue no matter what task they are given they try their best. Together as a Goguma Couple and while being apart they have the drive to succeed. ♥ In the beginning some may have said that they are not compatible and some said that they are, I believe in the later. Yes, it seemed like Seohyun was more of the mature type while Yonghwa was the playful person in the relationship, but eventually little by little they showed us how their personalities bounced off each other. Growing together as one they've become more open, honest, caring and accepting each others ways thus allowing for their love to succeed. They are indeed an admirable couple that seems to show the real stages of a courtship and marriage. ♥ Hyun wanting to make a special tea for her sick husband or voicing out her dislike about having the wind/cold air directly on his face is not good for his throat, making his favorite fruit a night before they meet, taking interest in playing the guitar so she can sing him a song and being more playful toward her husband by serenading him for his birthday. Yong becoming more thoughtful of his wife by reading the books she suggested and even writing a book report, bringing back gifts from his out of the country concerts, making her comfortable and not rushing her for skinship, but instead allowing the trust in the marriage to grow or just how these two try to hid their jealous feelings from one another....These are just some examples of why I ♥ YongSeo. While leaning on one another they have made a path that is believable by many fans that these two are good for each other. They are each others Ying and Yang. We may not know the extent of their reel "real" relationship, but watching them on screen it's obvious that there is some kind of Chemistry there. Plain and simple they care for each other and there is no doubt that they are in each others thoughts even off camera. ♥ My wish for the two is they are healthy and may their days together be filled with lots of Gogumas', Happiness, Laughter and Love.


Rosellyn Joyce







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Guest anne0129




















Hello!!! Came out from my lurking mode to join the guessing game as to what Yong's surprise for Hyun is. One theory of mine since Yong said that he prepared something to encourage her. I'm thinking may be he will present her with his driver's license? Since we know that Hyun has just taken her driving exam recently and news came out that she has passed and not long after that Yong was seen driving the blue truck going to their goguma field. May be on Saturday he will present her with his driver's license and tell her to keep it until she passes hers and that he won't drive until she passes her exam. (I don't know I just find that sweet if he does). Another theory is promise to take her out when they are in Japan. Hence the date in Japan. As an incentive may be he tells her that after their concert in Japan if time permits they can spend their time together even if it's just for a day. But to be honest I like my first theory more than the Japan thing.....Sorry, just babbling since I have nothing to do right now. :wub:blush.gif:wub:





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are there any scenes in which you – or anyone! – can recall that seo is mesmerized by him?  to be honest, i can't think of any.  i mean, we know she likes him to an extent, but i can't pinpoint any specific moment that makes me starry-eyed of her feelings for him.  she has aegyo, for sure, and she teases him on some subconscious level, but there's nothing that really hits it home like yong and his bright eyes comment, you know?

sorry to cut off your post lovekin, and i believe this is the first time

i'm replying to u...

u write so well, so i'm a bit conscious, u know.. blush.gif^_^

so your Q is..

are there any scenes that hyun is mesmerized by yong?

i say plenty!

but the most vivid one in my mind right now, has got to be the one in the unseen

footage of MuCore.

see how she was staring at the monitor when hubby was performing Love.

that look, those eyes just screaming love to me..

not a care in the world if there are cameras and fans and even her yuri unnie ^_^

know what? everyone should answer lovekin Q.

then we, gogumas, can compare notes, and start recalling some scenes


maybe i did not express myself correctly.

i meant to say that while waiting for MC kim's tweet tml...

can the one who gave me a - PM me pls

did i say something wrong here?

hmm..maybe i use the wrong word

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Guest Crystal392






Lenovo: some people like me think it was just a wrong translation, he kind of appeared on the latest WGM ep because Hyun and Yong mentioned him and yesterday I checked dcmarried and: didn't see a post about it. ^_^


DJHinata: your artworks are amazing!


About Yong being paired with another girl like Hyo (who I think is amazing and dances soo well) I think it would have been funny and cute but it would have been similar to the other two couples that are now in the show. Thats what I like about our couple, they are unique and even if their journey has been slower than the others it has been full with meaningful moments... It's more 'realistic'. Hehehehehe I remember after the first ep lots of Gogumas wondered if it would work because they seemed so different. But somehow it did :)


To me Yong is like the sun, so bright and warm, who loves to see people happy and smiling. :D


And Hyun is like the moon, so pure and calm, who is surrounded by lots of stars but manages to remain unique.


I really love this two <3


YongSeo jjang!



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Guest mandyemily


I Love Yongseo couple because




seeing them together brings a big smile to my face.


Seeing them together makes me realise that in this fast-paced world, how wonderful it will be to take the time to enjoy the company of people around you and to just take things slow and enjoy the process and not only think of the outcome.




Mei Lian 28




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DJHinata, your artwork is amazing! You are very talented ;)








Crystal-Malfoy, what you said about the sun and the moon is so true! It's the exact feeling! <3















I love Yongseo because... [PROJECT]








I love Yongseo because they remind me of what is "first love". We know that Yong had girlfriends before, but by teaching how to love to Seohyun, he looks like he's rediscovering that himself. Slowly becoming closer, feeling your heat beat when you see the other person, blushing when you look into his eyes. Even though it's a TV-show, we can feel the beautiful innocence of their story. Let's not forget that the two of them are amazing people. They're young and talented, and their greatest wish is to share their passion for music with people all around the world. Thanks to WGM, they found a way to support each other when times become harder, they found a precious relationship. Is it love or a strong friendship? It doesn't really matter, as long as they care for each other. It helped them extend their "family": Seohyun knows she has 3 lovely brothers to take care of her, and Yonghwa has 8 strong sisters ready to support him. Following their evolution, and having the same age as Hyun, I feel really close to them, as if they were some of my friends. Their "family" is not only CNBlue and SNSD, but it's also US, their gogumas which follow their adventures. Days after days, we show them our support, we send them all of our love. Yongseo is not a lonely couple, they have one big family with people all over the world wishing them a healthy and beautiful life, full of love, music, and happy times. From now on, I think I will call MC Kim "Father" lol








Anyway, I hope our beloved Yongseo couple will remain as pure and beautiful forever. Please, keep making our hearts flutter. We will be there to support you whatever happens! Let's all spread the sweet potato love all around the world.

































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wallpaperfood Yes, exactly! It seems so weird, because I used to watch WGM with thoughts like 'I wonder in what way JoongBo can make me laugh today' or 'What surprise does Nichkhun have for Victoria next week?' (Love them both btw). Without realizing, while watching YongSeo it has become a natural thing to me to not ask myself what to expect. I just watch and it feels almost odd to enjoy it without having any 'expectations'.




















mrsjoker Well... you know. My mom's pretty cute in real life :lol:




















Alshin couple came over as real to me during their later episodes. I do understand where you're coming from though. Especially Shin Ae has kept a good distance emotionally from Alex for quite a while, but I felt that during the tougher times (her best friend's suicide etc.) she learned to depend on him and I think I fell in love with the progress of her slowly coming out of her shell and be herself. Kind of like Seohyun, just that it's a bit different? Solbi was indeed very much into Andy and I did feel kind of sorry for her at some point when he didn't return those feelings as obvious as she did). They were acting all real as well, from kissing to patting butts lol Solbi probably invested a whole lot more than he did, but that's a good thing if you compare it to YongSeo. Where as I believe neither of them like the other person more. Though I think it's more likely that Yonghwa eventually would turn to like Seohyun slightly more. I heard it's a good thing when the guy likes the girl more lol (I used the word 'more' too much T.T) As for the other old couples, I didn't feel as if they were real as they all managed to become close yet keep that distance. Joongbo and 'Mania'! were hilarious though.




















constantia11 You showed your sister? How cute ^^ my mom actually didn't know who Seohyun was and as she's a pile of goo for Yonghwa, she picked Lee Min Jung when I asked her whom he should be married with. HELLO. Lee Min Jung is so abnormally beautiful that I'm not even jealous anymore; it's admiration :lol: That just shows how my mom has high standards for 'her' Yonghwa :P After I showed her all couples, she said she felt like our YongSeo were the most suited for each other. I don't know how much of that is biased though!




















Lovekin That's a good question. I don't think there was any specific moment that really stood out to me that showed Seohyun really mesmerized by him. Just a scene that comes up in my mind was when he did his performance before they went out to do their duet. It was just a moment that I felt like she was really proud and impressed by her husband. That expression on her face was priceless to me. Here are a few caps:













































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Guest uh-ohxev
































































































































































































I been thinking about this monitoring for a long time since it was mentioned by Yonghwa that he received Seohyun's text about the Kyuhyun handholding in Singapore. I did some search and here goes.
































































































































21 August 2010
































































































































CNBlue concert started at 3pm and ended at 4.30pm Singapore time, about 3.30pm  5.30pm Korea time.
































































































































SM Town concert started at 5pm Korea time. Seohyun's performance with Kyuhyun was the 27th songs so given about 3-5 mins per song, it will be about 7pm KST when she was done with the performance.
































































































































CNBlue went for their chilly crabs dinner and proceed to the airport for their departure at 10.50pm Singapore time, about 10.50pm  11.50pm Korea Time
































































































































Yonghwa mentioned that he already knew about it when he received the text from Seohyun in Singapore in the lastest wgm episode. Hence, I think that he was looking for her news to be able to know that the hand holding happened before she texted him after the performance, 7pm to maybe around 9pm 11pm KST before he reached the airport. There could be a possibility that somebody or fans updated him through twitter or sms etc.
































































































































So it all happened within a few hours and not days. Mmm???
































































































































Edit: Sorry was a bit confused over the timing. Singapore is one hour earlier than Korea
































































































































"I Love Yongseo because" project update.
































































































































Thanks for everybody's participation. We need about 20 more submission to reach our 300 target. Please send in yours soon. In the event that we received more than the required 300 postings, the crew will have the discretion to give priority to people with name, age and country submitted and dropped those wth incomplete information. So PM me with your information if it was not provided earlier.
































































































































































































































































As the thread do fly some times, please check that your name is captured below to ensure that I do not miss your posting.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi! Just wanted to post this again since my name wasn't listed there! ^^
































































































































I love YongSeo because they always put a smile on my face! They are 2 totally different people... one is known as the innocent, pure maknae of Korea's most popular girl group and the other is the leader of a rock band who has more of an outgoing personality. Though the 2 are so different, they match perfectly together. What one lacks, the other has. YongSeo couple refreshens the memory of older fans who can relive their first love by watching them and for the younger fans, they can show them what first love is like. The way they look at each other gives me goosebumps! I can see love written all over their sparkling eyes! :wub: Of all couples I've ever seen on WGM, YongSeo has the most relatable, realistic relationship. They quarrel, they get jealous, they laugh together, etc. but at the end of the day, they still depend on each other like any other couple. This YongSeo fan is a fan for life! :)































































































































































































































































-Ev, 16, United States































































































































































































































































































































Thank you gogumas for all your insights and posts.. this thread always holds me over until Saturday! :wub: Keep posting! ^^

































































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Guest bluekngiht_princess
















































Hello everyone..been lurking around for months now..and i just feel like writing and posting here..
















Looks like some of you are doubting yongseo nowadays..well..let me share my thoughts.hmm
















last night, I've read the previous posts here..(the first posts)..before yongseo couple actually appeared on the show and everything was just a rumor. Some had doubted them being paired with one another. Some of the posts are;















































how the heck did they get seohyun to go on We Got Married?































Shes the girl that likes sweet potatoes more than boys.































I've never even seen her engaged in a conversation with a guy.































Seriously, I am so shocked at this news.































Has this been confirmed?"






























































"Aww man. I wish this was with Kyuhyun instead.































But Seohyun's like the last girl I expected...































I would have been less surprised if she got married to sweet potatoes. "






























































"wow when i first saw this thread all i saw was "Jung Yonghwa & SNSD Seohyun" so i'm all like oh did Yonghwa choose Seohyun as his ideal girl or something? then i read carefully, and saw WGM, and my mouth literally dropped.






























































i'm so shocked! OF ALL THE GIRLS, they got Seohyun, i never thought i'd see her on this show @_@ "






























































"wgm couples are getting younger and younger....






























































i have mixed feelings about this one. i think mainly it's cuz i've never been really interested in either of them. but probably they'll be pretty awkward. i think they'll be the next romantic couple like alshin. or kinda dorky. b/c seohyun has her own 4d-ness to her. as for yonghwa. the only image i really have of him is from you're beautiful but that doens't really say anything about himself so iono.






























































if it was from snsd though, i would have preferred. yuri,sunny or fany. taeyeon would have been on the list but she was already on wgm before.. (although she deserved a much better partner!!!) "















































(i'm sorry i still don't know how to quote your name)
















Although, negative reactions were there, many were anticipated to see them in the show. No one can imagine what would happen between the two of them since both are worlds apart. despite having different personalities, a popular girl who barely talks and who likes sweet potatoes more than men..and a "soon-to-be-idol" guy who is a rocker and had been dated several girls before. , they do share one common thing--they are both musically inclined.






























































That one common thing they have became their foundation. He thought her how to play guitar which made them much closer. She made him dance.






























































Some also said that they would only last for a month because of awkwardness. BUT LOOK AT THEM NOW..It's been what?..almost 7 months since their first date was aired on wgm.Who would've thought?!






























































This couple is different from the other. You cannot actually tell what they will do next. People here are only posting about their fantasies, day-dreams, and wishes for this couple..and it is so amazing how YO~NG and HY~UN can give us a much sweeter REAL version of the FanFics and posts here.






























































They say that there are a lot of idols out there who would fit better to yonghwa or seohyun..But can't they see their eyes?..How they look at one another?.Their smiles?.. :wub::wub:






























































Along their marriage, Seohyun grew into a lady. She learned how to look at guys without thinking of them as a bunch of hamburgers. and Yonghwa found someone whom he must give his best in order to win her heart..because surely, seohyun is no ordinary girl..






























































Aisht!..ahahha..being mushy now..but hope this makes sense..forgive my long post but i think it's okay since i don't usually post here.. :wub::wub:

















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Greetings Fellow Gogumas....

I’m feeling a little bored (though work is piling up... Idon’t really care at d moment) so I took d time 2 rewatch Yongseo’s earlier videos(Ep 1 – 5) and decided 2 share some of my  favourite moments...

Episode 1 :

The part where Yong taught Hyun 2 play d guitar 4 d 1st time was so... sweet. He went behind sitting Hyun & hold the cord with his left hand. I was expecting him 2 strum d guitar (I think he almost did that but stopped himself) but told Hyun 2 strum it instead. Aww... it would b like a sweet back hug if he just strum d guitar with her positioned in the circle ofhis arms argh.... I’m dying imagining it here.wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif Oh.. somehow I find the time when they spoke at d same time 2 break d silence was sweet. It was just spontanous. U could have never done it so perfectly even if u rehearsed it manytime...

Episode 2: 

The time Hyun said ‘goguma’ was adorable. She was actually a bit shy 2 say that she indeed likes him..biggrin.gifwub.gif

Episode 3:

The part where Hyun gave her phone number 2 Yong. She is indeed unique. Normally the guys would give his number or asked 4 a girl number 1st. Yet, Hyun directly told Yong that she wanted him 2 listen 2 her ringtone thus gave her number 2 him freely. As she said she would only give her number to those she is comfortable with, meaning she was already feeling comfortable around Yonghwa after a few meetings.biggrin.gif

Episode 4:

The part Hyun kept on staring at Yong while trying out the guitars. It was as if she was getting some sort of assurance & comfort from her Yong hubby 2 strum d guitar confidently...

Episode 5:

The drinking contest between Yong & Hyun. It seemed like Yong was being played by Hyun indierctly. Somehow Hyun has this ability 2 manipulate d situation & Yong in a very subtle way...laugh.gifwink.gif

Well... enough bout the older episodes.  Sorry 4 d long walk down memory lane Gogumas.I’m just refreshing my memory of how these 2 lovely people started their journey from being awkward strangers to playful and ‘lovey-dovey’ couple.wub.gif

After their birthday incident... these 2 are blossoming liked flowers. They are getting more beautiful, colourful and are filled with happy scents. It’s like the change from cold winter 2 warm spring days. They are like newborn butterflies who are leaving their cacoon into new world (at least I think it applies to Seo Hyun. She is becoming prettier nowadays & learning meaningful lessons about LOVE from Yonghwa). The aegyos and sweet moments Yongseo are showing towards each other (esp cheeky Yong) are getting more and more interesting to us GOGUMAs...

I’m really looking forward 2 more sweet moments & positive changes in their realationship... LET’S MAKE LOVE NOT WAR

Dear blueknight_princes I do agree with u. This couple is indeed different from the other. You are always full of anticipation for the next episode as you cannot actually tell what they will do next. Yes...They keep on saying that there are a lot of idols out there who would fit better to yonghwa or seohyun..But just look at their eyes.. the way they look at one another...Their smiles... :wub: :wub: even d subtle skinship... Just looking at them make your heart melts & happy smiles just creep up on your face unknowingly. smile.gif

P/S : The scene where they met 4 d 1st time at MBC lobby reminds me of d time when Hyun went 2 CN BLUE dorm.  During the first meeting, Jungshin was pretending 2 b d husband while Yong, Jong Hyun & Min Hyuk were hiding behind d counter. Then they came out and congratulated d ‘would be couple’. The boys were hiding behind the kitchen counter when Hyun came over 2 d dorm with her ‘real’ Yong hubby. The adorable BLUE boys sprang out behind the kitchen counter  awkwardly & welcome them laugh.gif

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Guest angeldevil1119




hello everyone...wanna share something important...I don know whether this has been shared...




I just came from baidu...I will just roughly translate the post...




According to the post, it stated that the every day 'We Got Married' staff will calculate the statistics of the MC Highlights cut (unseen broadcast) hits and combined with the ratings to adjust the playback component/delivery volume. So the Korean fans said if we really like the Yongseo couple, please go to the "We Got Married' official website to load the video to increase the hit. The goal is one hundred and fifty thousand hit.




Btw the other couple already reach 262138 hit.




The link:





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Guest pandasoori




freakkingly boring rite now .


freakkingly miss yongseo rite now.


freakkingly cant wait for mc jake tweet tomorrow.


freakkingly cant wait this saturday. ( 3 things yong prepared ) <== he is so sweet actually :)


btw lets all congrats to snsd because they get 1st in oricon chart . soshi daebakk <3


 *for sure hyun call yong and tell him about this good news " haha , my mind "


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wow, so i came on the thread to just look around before i have to head off to work but then i got into reading all of these LONG LONG post and i just couldnt help but comment. hahaha, you guys know me.
































































lunasol when i read your post, it was mainly because of the "POPULAR" and i was like, what is she up to?! hahaha. and as i was reading it, about your sort of indirect reply to the mods i was like "HECK YES!!" when i had read the post from the mod about how this thread should only be about WGM i was like, uh...? how do you honestly expect us to leave their own separate lives out of this when it plays such a big part in their marriage. their not just married inside of WGM. they are married PERIOD! but great post. i hope the mods dont get mad either... hahaha.
































































dreamyboo your "how could it be coincidence that they..." compilation is AWESOME! must find more to add to it. hahaha.
































































around the.alley i love your 'ding-dong' moment. your mother really struck a cord. and i do admit that the fact that we're all avid watchers of yongseo and active readers and writings in this thread, that we sort of... not forget, but we dont really apply the word "fake" into their marriage status. its more so considered "virtual" i suppose. but i agree, in the end, the reality of it, is that its "fake". however that doesnt mean that the feelings are fake. i'm sure that most couples probably do end up caring for each other a lot or become good friends later on. but right now. i feel that yongseo are growing so much together because they are both still so young. and growing together, yongseo, is building a stronger bond. but i'm scared to think of what will happen.. later. hahaha.
































































wallpaperfood i agree that hyun does care. a lot, too. hyun can be very direct, mostly we've seen it with her more... negative comments. hahaha. but she her caring side is more subtle compared to yong's more noticeable gestures. for example the billiards episode. in the beginning hyun decides to make the papaya tea for him, which everyone notices and comments on, but the "caring-ness" is sort of taken out because its almost like its assumed because its more a 'wifely duty'. does that make sense? hahaha. but i think the fact that the actual papaya tea is sitting in the fridge is because of hyun. she was the one that made it possible for her to make the tea for him when they were together. this verses yong's gesture at the pool hall where he tells her that she needs to wear a jacket when playing billiards and does the zipping himself. this is noticed because most guys for 1, wouldnt tell you to put on a jacket, and 2, they wouldnt zip it up for you. and of course this plays for the skinship part of yongseo's relationship. but i'm not comparing these two situations to say that yong this, hyun that; or that yong doesnt have any subtle gestures to hyun or anything. but like you've mentioned that people say that hyun isnt giving back to yong. she is, just... more subtly. hahaha. okay that was a lame finish, sorry. :lol:
































































raindrops_919 before i get into responding to your post i just wanted to say HI! lol. but when i read your post i was like OH! about the part where you mentioned the masks!! so i went back to watch that scene and indeed, i totally forgot about the hyun mask, there the two were. maybe yong does sing with the mask on. BECAUSE!!! he has a guitar there at their house too. i mean, i understand that he would have a guitar there just because its yongseo's house, and since he plays it and whatever, but, the fact that he brings it out to show ueno juri then he shows her the mask, its like... ????!!!!??!?!?!?! hahaha. and so i made a cap, of hyun looking and smiling at yong, because i missed it the first time around because its so fast and shoots right to ueno. its kind of blurry thou. but it seems like yong must be looking at hyun too because her eyes are sort of... sparkling?? :wub: i wonder if what you said will come true because then it would be so... MEANINGFUL! awww... lol.
































































b] awww fever?!  take care of yourself.
































































lenovo you are a HOOT! hahaha. cant wait for hyun and the snsd unnies comeback either.
































































redtulip so i'm not sure if i've mentioned this before, but i love how i'm going to get to be apart of this yongseo project. :)
































































DJHinata love love love! thanks for sharing those goodies.
































































hm... i feel like i've been cheating on yongseo thou at the moment. after reading everyones post, i feel bad because i havent been participating lately. just so busy with life and lately i've been watching a drama. lol. i want saturday to hurry up and come, but i'm not sure if i'll get to spazz much because i'll be going on a trip with my family for halloween. but i think i'm going to make time just so i can stream and spazz a little.
































































oh saturday, saturday, please hurry and come
































































































































so i topped with nothing to share, but i found a few links.
































































here is a remix by alikstae@youtube. he shared a remixed demo of snsd's "HOOT". its really good. this seriously is getting me excited for their comebacks and then on sunday we, gogumas, might be lucky and get to see an interview with hyun and the snsd unnies and yong together! so excited!!! {click the picture}
































































%7Boption%7Dhttp://img197.imageshack.us/img197/1635/tumblrlav946smti1qb40na.jpg' alt='tumblrlav946smti1qb40na.jpg'>
































































there is also a instrumental on his website:

fancam 1

fancam 2
































































fancam 3
















































































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Guest ilovesnowwhite
















































oo wow. seems our topic here is about realness, i just got to share my insights about this
































ive been stalking this thread during i have free time. and i there was a time where the topic of this thread was about were they dating in real life?
































we've been discussing with my friendabout this and lol, we have the same insights surprisingly.
































although gogumas wanted them to date for real.although i dont know but tell you, one thing for sure is that they are real.
































i think they have like thisset-up(between the two)  of






































































































































undoubtedly. everything is real. :) nowadays, still im surprised that some people have doubts between the two. seeing them, seems like love is floating somewhere in their hearts already. and i think they know it themselves.. and i think both of them are investing with their relationships. its just that yong just love to spill almost ever move he makes. hyun is like the secretive type. sometimes she even initiates the skinship already(the practice, where she placed his arm on yong's shoulders)for example, who would have thought that hyun actually is the one wh bought the rings? if she is not interested or not investing between the two she would not care if the ring are going to rust, or something like that, plus who wouldve thought that she actually serenaded yong with love light. those lyrics were totally perfect for them and i think, as a girl she realizes it. "Love has come to me". well let us not forget that this is hyun's first relationship, so i think she is adjusting to it, and i think is still learning from it.
































and to be honest at first, when this show started i really doubted Yong (for some reasons) and is afraid for hyun(that yong might broke her heart)but then as episodes passess by i even forgot that i doubted him. lol. all my doubts just fade away. haha. and now i think, yong cant even afford himself to break hyun's heart. if ever he'll break his own too. (nah, im getting cheesy, but really)
































and about the mask raindrops_919 you make me giggle!! :) i like the idea of yong singing to seohyun while wearing the seohyun mask. aah. i hope its real!
































DEAR GOGUMAS, you guys are like hyun, you guys are genius! there were some things that you've figured out already before it actually aired. pure genius!









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hi gogumas...glad this thread has back to normal....




just would like to share a bit of the timeline...


1. bday eps


2. salon ep


3. rehearsal at studio


4. horror eps


5. ueno




after watching the episode in proper sequence...i notice smth different w/ hyun....just would like to share about hyun's banmal....




for some reason....after the 1 mth no contact thing.... i see hyun as the one taking charge in the relationship...like she suddenly become so mature and her attitude towards yong is very different....




at the salon..she demanded to yong to PALLI...tell me wat is ur reason for ignoring me for 1 mth...




at rehearsal....she insist on yong singing the uncomfortable lines...




at home before concert... the way hyun argued definitely was not someone arguing towards people older than her...can you even imagine hyun argue that way towards her unnies....not in a million years i say...




ueno episode...the bulging eyes she shot yong wen yong asked ueno to call him oppa...def posessive..




my point is...subsconciously...hyun attitudes towards yong has changed after the b'day episode...now she act just like same age people towards yong....or maybe she even looks more matured since yong has become more and more choding lately....hahaha...which force hyun to grow up faster...




but on the concious level...she just cant let go w/ banmal...cos she is still thiking those 2 yrs gap they have....ahhhhh...so frustrating!!....




anyone agree w/ me on this....


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dunno what to share,but i found these pic,goddess seohyun in ITNW Taiwan presscon
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cre as tagged

































































































































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Guest ocha noona~
































































































































































































































































































































































































Just something I wanted to share with you guys. I don't know if it's been posted b4 but it seems to be bts of YongSeo as a co-host on MC with Yuri...
































































































































































































































































They look soo cute together (sigh of happiness)....Can anyone help and translate?
































































































































































































































































imbc WGM-MC co-host































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thank you for the link, dear :)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but somehow i couldn't play it. dunno why.. really wanna see it :(































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but thanks for sharing :wub:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































anyway, our yong seobang is really smexy.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































he's just doing a sponsor shot, but... *faints*































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credit: omonajungyonghwa tumblr

































































































































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