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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


Recommended Posts

Guest blueshoes
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































snsd concert thailand 7-24-10
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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two pics from SMTOWN CONCERT IN BKK 7th Feb 2009 in GEE promotion period ... I was there too

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Thanks for all the pix of the goguma place and Hyun's finger tracking. hahahah. If I were them I will be so stress, I think I will wear it all the time too.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I just went to the Yongseo project blog. I must say I am very impressed with the site: design and content etc. Applause for the designers and owners.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I love Yongseo because































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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b.) they are courteous and graceful in manner which reflect their upbringing.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































c.) their love is very discreet and simmer slowly but surely in a very sincere and genuine way.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest bolmaejung
사장님께서 용화보고 서현씨 장화 신겨주시라고하셔서 용화가 신겨주엇다고^^

cr. dcinside

oh~ sweet boy!!!!!!!!!!

(sweet potato field) boss said  yonghwa put rubber boots on seohyun!!

is this correct? I can't english well.

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Guest SophiaPia




As far as i know nothing happen in this YongSeo thread. This YongSeo thread still loving YongSeo couple :) whether they are lovey dovey or having mis-understanding REAL RELATIONSHIP THAT IS. It happen to us :) All relationships has ups and down, but the good thing is WE SETTLED WHATEVER IT IS THEN WE MOVE ON START FRESH. It will be the same with YONGSEO couple. They will be lovely dovey again once they kiss and make up. 


Thanks d_????? for that lovely photos of SeoHyun w/ that amazing RING. I hope u can do the same w/ hubby Yong photos of him wearing his RING pls. :)


I'm really impress with all the YongSeo fans in Korea or maybe tourist coz all the places that YongSeo couple been filmed they go there and take photo. Wow! I think i will do the same once i visit Korea try to visit any of the places that YongSeo been filmed :) 




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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
















































































































I would like to comment on the recent events in this thread but most of you covered already what I wanted to say. so with that, Thank you. :)






























































































































































































































































this week's episode is a cliffhanger. it started with the angry Seohyun and a very playful Yong then ended with a somewhat still angry Seohyun and a very jealous, apologetic, and regretful Yong. at least we saw a side of Seohyun that has never been seen before in other variety shows. because other variety shows that she has been in is lacking one factor, YONG. Yonghwa is I think the first guy that she has been open with. because I think he treats her like no else has treated her. he treats her like a normal, ordinary girl. and being an idol, she sometimes wanted to be just a normal girl. she gets that with Yong. that's why when they are together, they can be themselves and laugh.
















































































I have been worrying about the couple because of the recent episode and the filming timeline. they were ok in the Chuseok special but they weren't ok in the preview. some said that previews are sometimes misleading. and that decreased my worry. We just have to be patient for Saturday to come.
















































































actually, I am waiting for 2 days every week. Saturday (WGM airing) and Wednesday (when MC Kim usually tweets about their WGM commentary filming)
















































































I hope I'm not late for the 300 days project.
















































































"I love YongSeo couple because they remind me a lot of my current relationship. its fun and nostalgic to see their development as a couple and as individuals."
















































































heartbreak_warfare, 24, Philippines

















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hi d_????, tks for all these pics! loving them! ^_^

if someone didn't alert us on the 8 mll views, i woundn't have known that!

or erm...maybe i've forgotten abt it!! :crazy::lol:


gogumas are jjang!!

d3, as always, daebak caps, chingu!!

u always spazz abt his lips, but i would die for those cheeks!!

*pinch pinch pinch*

u know what, dreamy and sophia, Korea Tourist Promotion Board should

get yongseo couple to be their embassador ;):P:lol:

cunna chingu, see u there!

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I was watching the Chuseok special again after watching last week's episode and I had a few thoughts. Mind you, this is 100% speculation and my opinion.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa is totally in the doghouse after what he did to poor Seohyun during the month of July. However you could see from last week's episode that even though Seohyun was mad at him, it doesn't mean she hasn't forgiven him. I feel that in her heart, by the second week when she went full on with her revenge, she's already made the decision that she's not going to stay mad at him forever (hence buying the Thailand gift). However just because she's ready to forgive him doesn't mean that she's going to let him out of the doghouse. No way! He has some lessons to learn and she's going to teach it to him, SNSD style! He has to earn his goguma points back as well as some of the trust he lost when he decided to play that game with her.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Every time I watched the Chuseok special I was a little curious as to why Yonghwa looked so....'guilty'? I'm not sure if that's the right word, but he looks a little funny when Ga-in mentions that they were still holding hands. The moment was a little awkward. I brushed it off as they were just embarrassed because they've never held hands before, but that's obviously not true because of what happened at the fishing trip. It's almost like because of the horror, they completely forgot that they're not 100% with each other therefore easily held hands, hugged, etc. But once they went back to the real world, they both looked a little funny? I don't know if that made sense...haha hope it does!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Also, Seohyun is an absolute professional and even if Yonghwa isn't in her good books at the moment, she's not the type to give him the cold shoulder in front of other couples. Its like when my boyfriend and I have an argument, if we have to go out that night, I'm not going to embarrass him in front of his peers by giving him the cold shoulder. Also Seohyun wasn't very confident in front of the other couples as well as being scared in the horror house, therefore she naturally relied on Yonghwa even though she was upset at him.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I guess what I'm trying to say is it makes sense that they are very comfortable with each other physically and emotionally because of what happened at the fishing trip during the Chuseok special. You could see even when she was playing around with him at the MBC studio that they are very comfortable with each other even with all the bickering. However this doesn't mean that Seohyun is happy with Yonghwa. In situations where you need to rely on each other you tend to forget you're upset at the other person. So I think that's what happened....which means the previews still makes sense.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I hope that helps people who were questioning as to why Seohyun was still mad at Yonghwa but they were so comfortable during the Chuseok special! I mean of course this is all speculation, but I guess this helped me a bit to understand why they were the way they were during the Chuseok special.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Long post, so I put in spoilers!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































On another note, Seohyun is getting prettier and prettier! Yonghwa is also getting more and more handsome! They make such a good looking couple!!

































































































































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Guest animoni
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"I Love YongSeo because they inspire me to work hard and love music and books."
































































































































































































































































animoni, 30, Philippines
































































































































































































































































Sorry guys. I'm a lurker forever but i just have to put something here for the 300th day anniversary of my fave couple after the dog-poop couple.

































































































































































































































































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Guest raindrops_919
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































annyong GOGUMA  :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i've made a few avatar and signature of yongseo, hope you'll like it, feel free to use it if you want to..no need to ask me  :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































to see all of it here's the link http://s628.photobucket.com/albums/uu6/raindrops919/yongseo%20thumb%20banner/

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest josielai
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































First of all...thank you for all the juicy info and POVs for the past 2 days ^ ^ I just want to say... lets all cool down and wait for the next episode before we say/do something irrational? it dosen't help the couple at all, not in WGM, not in their individual group... so PEACE!! ^ ^ I am really looking forward to the next episode and see how Yonghwa get out of all this and get his buin to forgive him :) we all know he's diligently wearing his ring now :D it even appears on the album jacket of their new album!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I have to say thank you for all the goguma detectives, it was really fun tracking the rings and even the fishing trip place really fun! kumawo~~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Lastly... Hyun is comming to Singapore this weekend..I wonder if any goguma villagers are going to give support??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Goguma Couple Fighting!! Goguma Villagers Fighting!! ^ ^

































































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Guest SophiaPia



hi d_????, tks for all these pics! loving them! ^_^







if someone didn't alert us on the 8 mll views, i woundn't have known that!



or erm...maybe i've forgotten abt it!!  :crazy:   :lol:






gogumas are jjang!!


d3, as always, daebak caps, chingu!!


u always spazz abt his lips, but i would die for those cheeks!!


*pinch pinch pinch*


u know what, dreamy and sophia, Korea Tourist Promotion Board should


get yongseo couple to be their embassador    ;)  :P  :lol:


cunna chingu, see u there!



yes! "jnj" ur right YongSeo could be Korea's representatives on tourism coz all the places they go to people from walks of life want's to be there. They will eat what YongSeo eat, they will sit where the sat, they go to all the places that our couple visit kekeke! 


So to Korea Tourism, YongSeo couple showing how lovely Korea is to us :)


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Guest raindrops_919
















i made this too, hope you'll like it.. HAPPY GOGUMA  :wub:

























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Guest Rouenna
































































































cr. dcinside
















































































oh~ sweet boy!!!!!!!!!!
















































































(sweet potato field) boss said  yonghwa put rubber boots on seohyun!!
















































































is this correct? I can't english well.































































































































































Cheongmal yo?! :lol:
















































































This couple really is unique. Cinderella gets to wear a small and dainty glass slipper put on by a prince. Hyun? She gets to wear big, pink knee-high cute farmer boots! :w00t:
















































































Quite symbolic, don't you think? Big (implies generosity) and durable, can withstand all weather, haha!

















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raindrops, thanks for the avatar dear. *save save*

i especially love this one..


it reminds me of ONJ song

hyun: lay your troubles on my shoulder....

geez! josielai! i forgot that buin is coming to town this week!

ack!!! *excited excited* :w00t:

bolmaejung! is this true! how romantic! :wub:

rouenna! hi 5 yongseo style..aaah...i'm feeling giddy already.. :w00t:

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rdr subs are out!!!








check out their blog for vid links!























wow thanks so much! been waiting for this^^








and i wanna join too! Why i love yongseo couple?because they looks good each other,yong handsome guy,hyun pretty lady, they act so natural...lack skinship but much deep meaningful and sweet eye contacs n smile hehehe(not that i don't want more skinship but i'm happy that they're not enforced to it) and this couple make me smilling so much and made my day every weeks :wub:
















i'm phan,19,Indonesia



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2 row of yongseo couple
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cre dc married
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































reuploaded by jaslovesYG@iloveyongseo

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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i just had to bring this post here again.



this has got to be the happiest news of the day!!!






tks for telling me abt this, cunna!






and tks pollykpy for sharing it here with us



cr baidu









Yesterday before the last SNSD concert there was a brief press con, according to the press SMT do now allow non-concert related questions



but the Taiwan reporters still asking our maknae regarding her RINGS,



which she politely answered.






She first show the friendship ring with her unnies, then show her left finger ring



and said 'this is the ring in WGM with MY HUSBAND',



she didn't mention Yonghwa's name which made her unnies laugh at her.


hohoho hyun buin...i love your answer.




tks for the pic, geumjandi.



looking forward to the day we see yong help buin putting on pink boots,



getting ready to harvest their gogumas..



aahh...lovely :wub:



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hello gogumas...heres my reason why i luv yongseo couple...








I LUV YONGSEO COUPLE...because they are a good couple example who are funny, exciting, respectable and loving that will help me, to guide my two boys whos now in the age to go in a relationship as well..YONGSEO fighting...









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Departure from Taiwan
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits as tagged
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seriously, her gorgeousness is scaring me already. She's literally becoming more and more gorgeous and beautiful. WHY. XD

































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i do hope that guy on the 2nd pic who stares at wifey is one of the managers



or else..."dude,she's taken!"


like blueswim said, she is one foxy lady!


sorry for spamming this thread gogumas, i am in a hyper mode!


but with no one to spazz with... :sweatingbullets::lol:




kubih, care to share the other pic?


i'm curious now...



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