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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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goguma part already ended..i wonder what makes hyun angry with yonghwa..the whole ep mostly about hyun not satisfied with yonghwa..




they went to the same saloon and yonghwa washed hyun's hair without her knowing..sneaky Yong




Hyun n yonghwa practice their duet at MBC and Hyun show her wedding dress's pic with trax ..hahah he slightly jealous about it..




The mc kinda shocked but i wonder what they talked about..




waiting for translation ^^




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oh shucks, by the time I could get into the stream, I have missed them. ARRGH... what happen, dun understand, so did Yong contact her or not?

































































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Guest miel_1301
















































Again, this is another episode that needs translations for better understanding and appreciation.






























































j2dlee, will definitely show-up today. I shall wait patiently for you "Angel j2". And I am "Thanking You" in advance.
















One detail worth taking cognizance of in this episode...
















SeoHyun mentioned about the WEDDING Dress Concept and photoshoot with her TRAX Oppas and even showed Yong Hwa some stills from the photoshoot--- even before/ahead of the official release of the Album Cover, the photoshoot photos and the song, "Oh, My Goddess!" as well. Recall that TRAX New Single "Oh, My Goddess" was officially released in September, together with the MV and all the photos from the photoshoot, yet he made it known to YongHwa a month before. Even knowing that her MV appearance in TRAX new single is a legitimate work, with Seohyun mentioning such project [that would possibly cause even the slightest "stir"] to YongHwa, could still speak heaps.

















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Thanks for the translation! Ah.. so that's his reason.. Yo~ng is a deep thinker! Good thinking on his part! Making his woman miss him.. but, don't do that too much next time Yong!






Aigoo.. this episode felt so short! T.T But, every episode feels that way! I hope they show a preview for next week! To talk a little about todays episode.. my heart beat fast when he started washing her hair! :w00t: and so cute when he nudged his head against her shoulder! :wub: Like every episode, it was great! I can't wait for translations! ^^











i agree! the washing hair thing was so freaking cute. and when he nudged his head to her shoulder, i was like :wub: what are they saying?!?!??! hahaha. so cute. he must be apologizing or something, i dont know. but need to understand more... i seriously need to learn korean now. (sigh)






miel_1301 i have to say that she probably did that in respects to him, so he wouldnt be surprised and upset if he saw it out later that month. i'm glad she showed him, too. jealous yong, awww... poor guy. hahaha. i bet he seriously wanted to be the first.


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and i thought they're going to have a big fight like the one we saw in epi 26 :rolleyes:

maybe because i din't understand what they were saying, i can only depend on their

gestures.. so

yong came to the saloon while hyun was washing her hair

yong took over from the beauty asst and washed buin's her himself - i love this!

nudged her using his head - so lovey dovey

keep asking hyun abt 28/09, but hyun doesn't seem to rmbr what so special abt that date

hyun told him abt goddess mv and showed yong her pic - the wedding dress

she took one with jm oppa - yong looks jealous

okay, these are abt all i can rmbr.

not a bad epi after all...we worry for nothing

ah! yes! she mentioned panji and this time she refer to him as yong oppa,

not nampyeon.

but don't u guys think they look pretty / handsome today... :wub:

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Guest .:love_ya:.







lol what? that was literally 15 minutes! lolz





I stayed up all night for it PD-nim!! >.<





Lolz but it was cute tho lolz when yong and Hyun were sitting on the sofa hehe


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Guest DJHinata

was short because the last episode was of 30 minutes D_D !! but omg D_D !! this episode was goood 2 i cant wait for j2lee *w* !!  panGG i miss you !!!

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Guest ♥♥PowerOf9
































































































































Hello. first time round but im here to breifly tell u wahts going.
































































































Basically Yong has been contacting Hyun for a month since the fishing event. And Seo was worried about him and also a little pissed off, but Yong thought if he didnt contact her she would miss and think about him more. So he held back.































































































































































































Thank you! I atleast now understand why Yong didn't contact her. I knew that Hyun was upset over that he hadn't contacted her for over a month but not exactly why he didn't get in touch with her.
































































































I thought it was cute when Yong sneaked in and asked the stylist unnie to exchange with him and he washed hyun's hair without hyun even knowing it. i found it so cute! yong really looks alot better without the heavy make-up which just makes him pale. I didn't understand that much from todays episode :/ Yonghwa was so cute when he banged his head against Hyun's shoulder at the sofa lol. When they were in MBC building and rehearsing for their duet performance together they seemed to have fun. Looks like Hyun wanted Yong to get jealous so she teased him the pictures of her in a dress.. and in a dress making peace signs with Jung-mo oppa. Great! xD

































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Guest blackflower52




  Argh...the episode was so short. Not sure what they were talking about,  but I think they mentioned the ring. I'm guessing that Seohyun was also a  bit pissed that he didn't wear it.


Hehe. So cute when he washed her hair.:wub:


Looking forward to the translations.


Wow so many people reading this thread:




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Guest rjcm127






What was unexpected turn of events on this last episode? Yong got a hamburger pink slip because he didn't contact her for about a month? I did however like how Seo was singing rdr lyrics and gave him a look at "Bad Boy" part. Then her teasing him about the wedding dress photo shoot with Trax MV, seemed like Yong was jealous. hehehe



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Guest thenatstory
































Updated the gist of the episode a page back so you guys can check it out :) It wasnt streaming very well so I can't translate the whole episode.

















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Guest mandyemily

i was so surprised and happy that the Trax mv was brought up. :rolleyes:

that means yong knew about the concept before the others. <_<

is he the first to know outside the SM family. :phew:

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was short because the last episode was of 30 minutes D_D !! but omg D_D !! this episode was goood 2 i cant wait for j2lee *w* !!  panGG i miss you !!!






i agree, short, short short short! and i miss you too. i havent had the chance to get on, and i might not get to spazz much in the next few weeks :( because my sister is going to use my laptop.

Argh...the episode was so short. Not sure what they were talking about, but I think they mentioned the ring. I'm guessing that Seohyun was also a bit pissed that he didn't wear it.Hehe. So cute when he washed her hair.:wub:Looking forward to the translations.






i thought it was about the ring too, but then you see him wearing it when their on the sofa...? i wonder, i wonder...


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A rough trans about what Seohyun and Yonghwa's conversation shared by @twistedhearts21 "seo said i finally wore a wedding dress but then yong was like let me see. and he's sad because he wanted to know about it before and he didn't get to see it."
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cre iloveyongseo

































































































































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but why didn't yong contact her for a mnth?

a mnth, yong? thats TORTURE!!

hi panGG, i see u here! rise up early, didn't u?

abt the ring thing, maybe she's angry because he didn't wear it sometimes.

gosh! he didn't call her, sometimes yong was seen w/out the ring..

so how can buin not feeling anxiety?

did yong forget that hyun monitors him too? :sweatingbullets:

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short episode and I don't get what they're talking about but look like it's not good :crazy:










































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Hello. first time round but im here to breifly tell u whats going on.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Basically Yong has been contacting Hyun for a month since the fishing event. And Seo was worried about him and also a little pissed off, but Yong thought if he didnt contact her she would miss and think about him more. So he held back. At last he told her why he cut off contacts, and Hyun was so shocked that he would think that way because all she did was worry as to what might have happened to him































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thenatstory - thks for the gist, but did you miss out the word "Not" in the first line? Else it doesnt make sense that Hyun is angry with him??

































































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but why didn't yong contact her for a mnth?











a mnth, yong? thats TORTURE!!

















hi panGG, i see u here! rise up early, didn't u?











abt the ring thing, maybe she's angry because he didn't wear it sometimes.











gosh! he didn't call her, sometimes yong was seen w/out the ring..











so how can buin not feeling anxiety?

















did yong forget that hyun monitors him too? :sweatingbullets:























hello jnj i'm actually not up early, i havent been to bed yet! i was so tired but i wanted to see what today was going to be all about. and i agree, a whole month is torture. and i'm sure especially after spending such a sweet birthday together?! i suppose i can understand yong, but then he's thinking like a "guy" when he thinks that he should contact her because she'd miss him more. but then i feel BAD about saying that about yong too, because i know his so caring out hyun too. ahh! so torn between the two right now. lol.






but i NEED to get off hahaha. see you guys later!






sally7 OMG!!! you got caps already?! amazing, thanks for those. i was looking for the "head nudge" and you almost had it! hahaha. but thanks for sharing... awww. i kind of miss them just talking like that in a studio. they should go back and spend some time at yong's practice room again!






okay really leaving now... lol.


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Guest thenatstory






Thenatstory - thks for the gist, but did you miss out the word "Not" in the first line? Else it doesnt make sense that Hyun is angry with him??








Haha you're right. I missed out ;) Edited it. Thanks! If not the gogumas here would have been scratching their heads.



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