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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest d3j1k0


I think I said this before but I'll say it again........................




I LOVED the part where YongSeo finally talked about skinship. At first, I thought it was Yong who brought up the topic so I didn't find it so surprising to me. But as I watched it with the subs, thanks to sun_sun and j2dlee, I was so surprised that it was actually Hyun who opened up the topic.




Do you know what this means?!?!?!?! :wub::wub::wub:




Hyun has opened herself to skinship! At first, on either episode 9 or 10, it was Yong who brought up the topic by asking her how she'd like to hold hands. Regardless that the question was from the book, he could have chosen something else, but he asked her how she'd like to be held or to hold.




Now, it is Hyun who is initiating it. I really hope to see these two hold hands or even pinkies in the near future blush.gif


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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































d3j1k0: we have the same part that we love XD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































btw, Yonghwa said "Should we hold hands" but Seohyun replied with her "eh~"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but in the horror episode, Yonghwa brought up his "should we hold hands", right?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and they held hands through the mission :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































IMPROVEMENT, right there XD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































d3j1k0, did you get my mess?

































































































































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I think I said this before but I'll say it again........................
































































































I LOVED the part where YongSeo finally talked about skinship. At first, I thought it was Yong who brought up the topic so I didn't find it so surprising to me. But as I watched it with the subs, thanks to sun_sun and j2dlee, I was so surprised that it was actually Hyun who opened up the topic.
































































































Do you know what this means?!?!?!?! :wub::wub::wub:
































































































Hyun has opened herself to skinship! At first, on either episode 9 or 10, it was Yong who brought up the topic by asking her how she'd like to hold hands. Regardless that the question was from the book, he could have chosen something else, but he asked her how she'd like to be held or to hold.
































































































Now, it is Hyun who is initiating it. I really hope to see these two hold hands or even pinkies in the near future blush.gif































































































































































































waaahhh! you are so right! If you compare the last episode to the horror special... it's almost a complete 180 degrees. i can't wait to see the episodes in between so we can see their progression... at least, I think there are still unseen episodes.. oh, well... I'll still squeal at every skinship they have after the horror special and beyond...

















































































































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Guest vero_vero






hello goguma lovers *waves*,


my 2nd post here.kekeke. Maybe I'm crazy,but I always check this thread everyday even when I still in the middle of my class. Yeah I never like this before, goguma virus make me feel so addicted.XD


ok,Let's move on. What's your fav scene from this episode? Well,for me when yong told hyun that he's different and special from other namja.. I love the way he said that,it's like he make his terittory again.hahaha. And thank u so much guys for translation, video,screencaps. I can't wait for next episode,I'm pretty sure it'll be daebak!! Sorry for my bad english. >.<



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I love this couple, really. Every single episode keeps me waiting and wanting for more.


I love this thread, the SeoHwa thread. With due respect to others, I seldom go to other


couples' thread (not as regular as in this forum though^^), because I am more interested


with our couple. Although I know that they are into a reality show and with scripts to


follow, it's so fun dreaming with you guys of unrealistic things that may or may not


happen in the future.


Let's keep this thread enjoyable and fun. Let's respect each others' "fantasies" with


regard to this Goguma couple.


Good day, Peace and love to all!!!



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Guest .:love_ya:.







This is my favorite part ^^





Hy~un was happy





Yong~ was shy





All MCs died




















*look at him messing with the board hehe*






























Yong~ choding hahaha


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Edit: Btw, I not an AntiFan. Can't a fan brings something into question? Can't a fan be sceptical in some views? Can't a fan not believe in everything is said in the news? Can't a fan give his/her opinion in threads?































































































































































































Dear,one can have their own opinions on anything..there's nothing wrong with it..
































































































but look at things positively,it's hard if we need to be skeptic on everything that the Goguma couple do..all the news reported is not 100% true but we the goguma shipper choose to believe..
































































































i learn that each news reported contained truth..how much, i dunno..
































































































i said this based on my own experiences..i shipped this used to be celebrity couple in my own country..there'll always be news about him attending the girls shows/events unnoticed to everyone else(like a ninja..LOL) or they went out for a date secretly..
































































































when i managed to get close to them,and asked them about this
































































































they just laughed and said that all of this news are actually the truth..the guy said to me 'there's truth in every news reported about us, it actually happened, but the reporter love to exaggerate things to make the story fancier'
































































































he said that reporter and fans are the best when it's come to investigating rumours and celebrities relationship..whatever that they imagined might be absurd, but it's actually true..don't ever underestimate their power..
































































































it's good that we have reality check once in a while, WGM is indeed a show..
































































































but i believe that even they're in a make believe marriage,it's always involved feelings..
































































































you can't possibly feels nothing if you get close and attached with a person for months..
































































































it might be reel but the feelings are REAL
































































































i don't hope for much, i just want Yong and Hyun have a good relationship make it even just as friends..

































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I think to get the best progress of their relatinship, you would have to watch the episodes in the order of when they were filmed. All of this jumping back and forth in fiming dates vs airing order has my mind all jumbled up.








































Do any of you sweet gogumas have a good idea of the proper order of events? *its kind of like how the chronicles of narnia were published in a certain order but to fully understnad the events, some readers recommended reading it in chronological order of the plot...so to apply this situation with yongseo episodes









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The fact which I wanted to point out is it that to me this thread seems to became a place only for Goguma Lovers with positive attitudes.








































































Dear th.








































































First of all, thank you for your post.








































































Second, let me say my point of view of what has transpired in this thread since xiams' post. For me, I don't mind reading critical analysis based on FACTS and written in a polite and respectful manner. What I cannot condone is when a poster would come into this thread, which by the way is a SEOHWA thread, and say something disrespectful to either Yong or Hyun. Reading from all posts from lurkers who came out to "defend" Yong, I don't see or read anyone who was disrespectful to counter xiams' post or even you. If a poster comes in with CONSTRUCTIVE criticism of either Yong and Hyun based on FACTS, then I'm very sure that I will read and consider that poster's point of view. Constructive criticism is totally different from a NEGATIVE post. Constructive criticism is done with a POSITIVE attitude, whereas xiams' post was written with a NEGATIVE attitude. I hope you can differentiate the two.








































































As for your post, th. I understand where you are coming from, except that you have a tendency to write in a straightforward manner which can sound a bit harsh in writing. I can sense that you are a YongSeo lover and you are but only seeking to question some of the attitudes of some posters here. I would suggest that you address your questions to the respective individual(s) who can then answer you.








































































Best Regards
















































































































































This is addressed to every Goguma lover: I see a silver lining in having a negative post.








































































No. 1, it makes the thread move many pages due to counteractions :)








































































No. 2, it brought out a lot of lurkers to post their thoughts








































































No. 3, Yong is so loved :wub:








































































No. 4, I've discovered that this thread is overflowing with mature individuals








































































No. 5, I'm enjoying myself tremendously with reading all subsequent posts :lol: (Don't kill me!)
























































































































































































































Luvtokki, thank you so much for your post, which made me cry! It's such a touching and moving post. You really love Yong and Hyun! Thanks for writing from a male point of view as well as a father's point of view!









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Guest Kerube-Chan
































































































































Quote from Sally7 There are very beautiful calendars with Yongseo is timeline, you can find it in the next quote (There are the links to the images).
















































































































Yong 1st appear in Running man ep.7 and he is MVP of episode so he was invite back in ep.11
























































WGM editing make confuse sometime I need to go back and check calendar before consider they reaction from each episode
























































here calendar from feb to sep
















































































































here ahn_annann separate by month
















































































































thanks a lot sun_sun for sub I love every Yong's joke and the fact that Seohyun have CNblue on her player cute!! supportive buin.















































































































You can also follow the blog Sweet Potato Days they keep a detailed track of Yongseo in the calendar section. The Link: http://sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com/p/calendar.html
























































@love_ya I really liked the MC is reactions too, and I loved how SH was all happy with the letter...









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Guest lovekin






I have no intention whatsoever to offend anybody here and mentioned it before, too. Even if I gave responses to particular comments, it doesn’t mean that they only relevant to those writers. And you are right if someone is an Asian it doesn’t mean that he/she lives with its norms and values. But the majority take the lifestyle of their origins. In my opinion you can’t compare the strictness of Asian and Western upbringing. They are two totally different kinds (for example associate with each other). I also noticed that you put me in charge of a few things. Well I accepted it since it is your opinion, but to be honest I don’t really care about it and don’t want to go more into it, because somewhere I have a division of opinion also I think you know what respect and politeness is since you told about it. You also refer to real life, well, our society (this thread is included) consists of umpteen classes, cultures, opinions and personalities. For example on the one hand there are some who just accepts everything what happens and just gets along with it. But on the other one there are some who brings things into question, for those people argumentations are produced automatically. To argue doesn’t mean to have conflict with someone. It is rather an exchange of point of views, whereby you might like the opposite view or not, you might want to hear it or not, but argumentations are methods to broaden one’s mind after all. So what is the purpose of avoiding it?




@ lovekin & crystal_malfoy


Well, Xiam9’s post doesn’t seem like an offense to me at all, even though I am a Goguma Lover, too. But it seems like I am the minority that isn’t sensitive about that kind of matters. It isn’t like he/she is an AntiFan (was written that he/she used to be like YongSeo couple a lot), it is just a different feeling he/she got from the recently episodes. Well I recognize that her/his expression was really rough but it is his/her opinion after all. Still the fact is it that it seems like this kind of opinion isn’t desirable in this thread and that is why I don’t get the point. Even if you don’t like to read such of things or don’t agree with it but is it really necessary to corrupt a post? Can’t an indication of one’s expression given in a kinder way? Can't someone gives he/she opposite opinion to the majority without any comments like someone feel offended?








putting my thoughts behind a spoiler this time because i'm really aggravated.  talking to you is like talking around in circles.  this is no longer about yongseo but about how this forum upholds itself and differences you obviously refuse to see.




1. yes, that's why cultural differences exist.  but as i said, sweeping statements are awfully ignorant, and i only brought it up in the first place to correct you because it's annoying.




2. "i don't really care about it and i don't want to go more into it"?  for someone who doesn't care, you take a lot of time in forming replies that do nothing but provoke others.




3. speaking of replies, not all posts that have potential to start debates have to be addressed.  just because people don't reply to you doesn't mean they can't accept differing opinions.




4. arguing produces conflict.  arguing has a negative connotation.  arguing is not allowed here.  debates, on the other hand, you can have, but you have to approach it with tact.  and it has to be something that sparks conversation instead of offense.  i don't know if this is a matter of words lost in translation, but arguing is not good.




5. this forum is supposed to be about yongseo, nothing else.  if you have to express your opinions that, once again, vary from the majority, put them behind a cut.  it's not rocket science, and it's not a means of avoidance.  it's called consideration.




6. xiam9's post was not a matter of sensitivity; it was a matter of insensitivity.  by all means, (s)he is welcome to have his/her opinions, but they need to realize that a pro-yong/seo forum is not conducive to comments like so-and-so deserves better.  that's just tacky.





Even if you don’t like to read such of things or don’t agree with it but is it really necessary to corrupt a post? Can’t an indication of one’s expression given in a kinder way? Can't someone gives he/she opposite opinion to the majority without any comments like someone feel offended?




to be frank, if i were you i'd ask yourself those questions.  the only person who's getting all up in arms about "not being heard" is you.  we've already established that you're welcome to your expressions; we're not preventing you from saying what you want to say.  the point is, put your thoughts that are not relevant to the forum topic behind a cut.  that includes thoughts that might destabilize what people come here for – to support yongseo.





to the goguma thread:




i apologize.  i really dislike arguments as much as anyone else, and i know we tire of it.  really, you guys are awesome for having to put up with it. wub.gif




th.: after reading my response, if you really feel like you need to discuss it again (which i think is a dead end and unnecessary at this point), i'd rather you reply to me directly in a private message.  it's unfair to everyone else here to keep going off-topic.  otherwise, thanks for all your input, but in the future?  if you're not saying anything positive or contributing to the overall  atmosphere of this forum, for pete's sake put it behind a cut.


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I have nothing to share in this thread but my FanFic..


So here's another update of it. I hope you'll like it




Thank you gogumas!!!


edit: I don't have the liberty to read all your posts here but I saw red colors in ratings. More or less i know what can garner negative responses.


All I can say is: call me whatever you like but I CHOSE TO BELIEVE just how I believe in Joongbo.


edit: I'm glad I'm not the only Filipino here in this thread! hello para sa mga kababayan ko! Taga Negros ako. From the City of Smiles!!!LOL


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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ha ha !!! the storm has passed, hasn't it?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































well comeback ! Goguma lover !! if you have something for your direct someone, just pm him/her private, ok ? :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































come to think of it ... let's move on by guessing what Yonghwa will give to Seohyun and vice versa ?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































what would it be?? I think Yonghwa will give a necklace to Seohyun and Seohyun will give him a brand new couple ring !!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































share your thoughts ...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































kinda lame but I try to lift up the atmosphere here, please, we are for Seohwa, let's us be happy, and we choose to be happy, right? :wub:

































































































































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Wow this thread is moving at lightening speed!






























Thanks so much to all the posters who are keeping this thread positive and giving us some fantastic insight to this couple.






























th. There are only two things I really want to comment on and one is about Seohyun being at the CN Blue concert. There was a news report on the same night about some SNSD members being at the 2pm concert but no pictures were taken of them. There were reports on CN Blue's parents being there to support CN Blue but also, no pictures were taken of them. I don't know the reason why there were no pictures taken of them, but I know that forums like Soshified doesn't translate anything that is as good as confirmed. So I trust that the news reports are true, if you choose to be skeptical about it that is completely your choice.














































Its a really good idea to put some of your thoughts on spoilers just because like I said in one of my posts, a lot of people come here after a really tiring day and look for positivity. To see negativity and skepticism isn't bad at all, its just unfair to them that they have to read things they don't want to read. In life, I know for myself I would rather hear positivity rather than skepticism from my friends, but that might just be me. Its not about not being able to say what you want to say, its about being considerate towards other people. Its like when I was a child, I wanted to believe in Santa Clause but someone came in and burst my bubble. I was so sad afterwards! So many Goguma lovers understand that this is just a show, but we really just want to be positive and create a happy environment in this thread. So if you want to post something that you feel will offend, hurt or might be too skeptic for other people, just put your posts on spoilers. Most people will read it, just a few who will make a choice not to. Hope that's ok! I don't want you to feel unwelcomed, but hopefully you can understand where a lot of us are coming from.






























d3j1k0 THANK YOU! You took the words out of my mouth (or keyboard)....






























To all the old spazzers:
















I feel sad that some of the old posters are silently lurking because of the massive drama that has been created in the past few days...come back! We need you lots! Come spazz with us here again!!







































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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
















@th: as I said in my previous post its not like what I said are all facts and all of my opinions is based on what I read from different news about the couple that I find here in this thread. I did not mention that the accounts that I read are saying that they are 100% that Seohyun attended the concert. also Seohyun nor SM entertainment did not deny the news that she attended th concert. it is news to us. I do not intended to make a believer out of you but people here believe such accounts. and people here are believers. and every news contains truth in them. you said so in your post that your questions are a little exaggerated. I will not go into more of this. I do not want to affect the thread by answering your skeptical points and you always with the what ifs. you have your opinion. respect the opinion of others. and just a reminder. this is YongSeo thread. people here talk about news about the couple. we don't need to be informed about negative things that are not related to YongSeo such as suicide rates of the Korean entertainment industry and whatnot. we are well informed about it. we are not blind and we are not stupid.





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Guest d3j1k0


To quote YongSeo's couple shirt:






Make Love NOT War


















EDIT: Kidding kidding.




I have to say when I read winnieho's post about th being straightforward and may not be as cautious as most of us are when we post, I will apologize for claiming that you are not a fan of the goguma. I might have said that at an impulse and I admit that whether you describe yourself as a fan or not is up to you.




Hopefully no more bantering after this. If we have disagreements of how something and are out of topic, then let's PM each other.










We are lively Gogumas! To the sky, high \(^o^)/


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Guest MrsAthenaG




Hello Goguma Planet! Elder Goguma back to spazz with all. Now that my son's wedding is over, I get to enjoy this thread. But what is this, I sense turmoil in our happy goguma planet! Let's not spoil this thread's happy mood by entertaining the negatives. If you comment they will keep coming, but if you ignore, they will eventually stop. Just as I always say, let's enjoy what our YongSeo shows us each week. But mind you, I am a mother who is very protective of her children and I do consider YongSeo as my children. Anything said against them will hurt me, anything they do makes me proud but attack any of my children, I will protect them. We all live in reality but we also know that there are times when reality sucks big time. We come to this thread to read the different spazzes of YongSeo lovers, for me, this thread is my escape from the rigors of real life, trying to run a multi-million dollar corporation with hundreds of employees under you, I hear all the problems, it's expanded. Yet I come here to put a smile on my very tiresome life, read everyone's opinions, frown at the negative posts and smile at the pictures and "spazz-worthy" posts of everyone. I do believe that's why we promote positive and happiness in this thread. This is our escape and if we veer left to sound crazy at times, so be it, but we never waver our focus on our YongSeo couple. Isn't that right, my dear Goguma citizens?




I'm sorry if I offend anyone but I sense too much bickering in this thread and it has to stop somehow. I am one of the more mature members of this thread and I self-appointed myself as the Elder Goguma as I am in my 50's and I know a number of those here who are in their 30's and 40's. And even more so, there are those who are in their teens and 20's who sound very mature and appreciative of this couple and the posters of this thread. I've read some posts from teens and single ladies who use this couple as a basis for learning about male-female relationships, which they haven't experience in life, and read about others' experience to use as good examples in the future. And I especially appreciate the points of view of the male members of this thread as they share the insights of the male persona.




That being said, I would like to move on with A Wedding Photo Shoot. With my son's wedding preparation, call me crazy but I was also preparing YongSeo's wedding in my mind. I recently attended a wonderful sunset wedding at Hotel Del Coronado in San Diego and it was the most romantic wedding I've attended, besides my own, of course. So I would really want this couple to have a Beach Wedding concept added to their photo shoot, with the sunset as a backdrop, wouldn't it be just appropriate for this couple? I don't think this has been done on the show, has it? They started their "married life" at the beach, missing the sunrise due to rain, but it should be included in the wedding photos as a symbol of their beginning, wouldn't you guys think? So those who have MBC memberships and can post at their website, please add this concept to our YongSeo wedding photos.




With this episode, what a turnaround of events. Last week, people were disappointed that Yong didn't text Hyun, and then, surprise, surprise, he gives her a "sweet potato field". No matter whether he gave her 1 acre or 2 plots, it was a very unique thought. Even if he came up with a barrel of dirt with gogumas planted, it was still going to be unique as he thought of her and not just giving any gift just for the sake of her birthday. That's why even the MCs were quite surprised with his gift, what a smart man! I'm going back in my mind to think of all the birthdays and anniversaries I celebrated with my husband when he was alive and I don't remember any unique gifts that he gave me other than our first house we bought on our 5th anniversary. He was never a "Bells and Whistles" kind of guy and yet I still loved him because we complemented each other, we were 2 halves making a whole. So for Yong to do what he did for Hyun's birthday, my hat's off to him!




Oh wow, another long post from the Elder Goguma, sorry if I got carried away too much but this couple just brings it out in me. Let's just continue to support them in all their endeavors and stay positive and be good examples to other people in this thread, OK!



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Guest Kerube-Chan








































































MrsAthenaG I loved your post but I want to dream with you in this part...

That being said, I would like to move on with A Wedding Photo Shoot. With my son's wedding preparation, call me crazy but I was also preparing YongSeo's wedding in my mind. I recently attended a wonderful sunset wedding at Hotel Del Coronado in San Diego and it was the most romantic wedding I've attended, besides my own, of course. So I would really want this couple to have a Beach Wedding concept added to their photo shoot, with the sunset as a backdrop, wouldn't it be just appropriate for this couple? I don't think this has been done on the show, has it? They started their "married life" at the beach, missing the sunrise due to rain, but it should be included in the wedding photos as a symbol of their beginning, wouldn't you guys think? So those who have MBC memberships and can post at their website, please add this concept to our YongSeo wedding photos.
























































Wedding Photoshoot just thinking about this make me squeal, in my crazy goguma mind I have imagined them doing the regular photos (Weeding dress, altar, etc. Maybe the beach photos as you said MrsAG), but in the concept photos (in the past WGM season they make them do a concept always), well I think they should have a Angel vs Rock Star concept.
























































This is me been crazy but in the Angel concept, we can have them in a flower field on in a house been all coozy with each other, but in the Rock Star Concept, man I just imagine SH wearing leather and making some stricking poses beside her husband, sex appeal uzzing from them kekeke ... My imaginaning is running wild, maybe a Lee Hyori type of shoot when she was doing the jeans ad. See Photos. Just the two of them... kekekeke
























































Love you all my fellow gogumas, have a nice day!!!
















































































































QUESTION: What if we post our prefered concept for their wedding photo shoot? So people what you have in mind, I know some have dreamed of it (I count myself in). :)
























































Maybe later we can flood MBC with all our crazy ideas!!!
























































Edit 2: I do think that the PD havent make them do the Weeding Photoshoot because she want them to get closer, In the early stage of their Relationship it will have been plain weird for them (SH would have been really uncomfortable), but now I think they are really close and now the PD can make them do it! Well that is my opinion.
























































I have posted to much today, that is what happen when you get sick on sunday... Sorry.









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Guest vero_vero



<br />ha ha !!! the storm has passed, hasn't it?<br /><br />well comeback ! Goguma lover !! if you have something for your direct someone, just pm him/her private, ok ?  <img src='http://cdn.vanillaforums.com/soompi.vanillaforums.com/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='<img src='http://cdn.vanillaforums.com/soompi.vanillaforums.com/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':rolleyes:' />' /> <br /><br />come to think of it ... let's move on by guessing what Yonghwa will give to Seohyun and vice versa ?<br /><br />what would it be?? I think Yonghwa will give a necklace to Seohyun and Seohyun will give him a brand new couple ring !!!<br /><br />share your thoughts ... <br /><br /><font color="#F5DEB3">kinda lame but I try to lift up the atmosphere here, please,  we are for Seohwa, let's us be happy, and we choose to be happy, right?  <img src='http://cdn.vanillaforums.com/soompi.vanillaforums.com/style_emoticons/default/wub.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='<img src='http://cdn.vanillaforums.com/soompi.vanillaforums.com/style_emoticons/default/wub.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':wub:' />' /> </font><br />
<br /><br /><br /> <br />yea,I agree with u hihi_hehe. Let's be happy!! I think yong will give hyun necklace too. Hyun also wear the same necklace in the backroom interview. But,I don't think hyun will give new couple ring.*i hope i'm wrong* i mean if that day hyun really give new ring why yong doesn't wear it the next day after filming. He wear new ring in the middle of july i think. Or he just did that to make yongseo fans curious?hehehe. It make me really wanna know what happened in the next episode. Saturday come faster,please!!<br />:-D
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Guest .:love_ya:.












sorry I have nothing to do today, so I keep coming back to this threat to bug u guys hehehe





(or maybe I just cant get enuff of our couple hahaha)





But ok, I just went to Yonghwa's threat on soompi (I saw crystal_malfoy there hehe ^^) and they said Jung Kyung Ho is Yong's brother. Is this true? Jung Kyung Ho was born on 1983 though. Yong said his brother is 4 years older than him. hmm





Okay that was off topic hehe sorry :D This is my other favorite scene from the latest episode ^^ sorry it's a little blurry (___")










ah guma ah guma lol so cute ^^


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