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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest bonbon31




constantia11: this picture was taken when Yong in Thailand, right? Sometime he didn't wear the ring in Thai ( fan meeting) but when he performed in stage the ring appeared again. And in this pic, i think he wore in his right hand.



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Blueswimboo, well said! Bravo! These kids YongSeo are still young, and they still have a long way to go in self discovery. You seem to know the inner Hyun. Falling in love, getting your heart broken, one-sided love... those are all emotions and feelings each individual have to go through in their course of life. Some people may fall in love once, while others many times. But ah, the process of falling in love is beautiful to watch. Are we watching that with YongSeo? Beats me! I'm watching because of the thought that they may fall in love with each other... and also Yong's style of wooing Hyun leaves a lot to the imagination.








































































So... yes, let's not worry about whether Yong and Hyun will be hurt or get their hearts broken during or after their stint in WGM. Those emotions are life lessons, and each will deal with it in their own way. It is a privilege for me that I'm watching YongSeo participating in a part of their life journey.









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Ah I saw the latest episode, lol the couple fighting over birthday texts, I wonder who's telling the truth!




/edit: ok I have no idea why I'm being thumbs-downed for this >_>



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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































constantia11: this picture was taken when Yong in Thailand, right? Sometime he didn't wear the ring in Thai ( fan meeting) but when he performed in stage the ring appeared again. And in this pic, i think he wore in his right hand.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yes! constantia11, bonbon31 is right he didn't wear it in the left had it's in the right side :) then the next day their mini concert he wear the ring this is in Thailand. He must wear it coz someone might scolded him kekeke!

































































































































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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































blueswim_boo and winnieho, that's right there's a saying that people make even stronger when they get hurt. They will learn from their experience in life. They will learn from their mistakes. Definitely when it's comes to "fall in love" w/ someone esp for the 1st time. it's a nice feeling. But we never know also if our 1st love will be our last. There's a lot of cases that we don't end up w/ our 1st love, we don't end up w/ our ideal type. Maybe there is, it happen they end up w/ their 1st love or ideal but we can only count on our fingers :). I myself experience broken relationship. Yes! ur hurting, u will cry and u will ask ur self what went wrong since u give everything in that relationship. But the answer is He IS NOT THAT IN TO U SO MOVE ON. :) He or she is not for u. yes! u love each other but if u will not end up w/ him/her meaning someone out there who might be better than the 1st, 2nd o 3rd relationship u had. Only God knows. Like the song say's Heaven knows but for sure everybody will have their match. I know YongSeo will not hurt each other. Jealousy YES! they have that kekeke
































































































































































































































































































































































































It's nice if YongSeo will end up together,as a fan it's normal to wish that for their idols, if not now maybe in the future after SeoHyun finish school and get want she likes in her life, same w/ Yong achieve his dream to be successful maybe they will meet again who knows. But right now, i can say it's ok to be like "reel couple" enjoy it and experience what is like to fall in love. esp to SeoHyun who haven't had 1st love. It's ok for me to see SeoHyun to feel the love even if it's make believe marriage only. Like she said she want to experience this to prepare her for the future. And Yes! SeoHyun has big dreams so i guess to get married early is not her. Unless she will really fall in love w/ someone sometimes when u fall in love big time u will set aside ur plans and choose the 1 u love, then put ur plans for urself 2nd place there's a case like that. But for me i love myself 1st kekeke! if u love ur self u will know how to love others :) Who ever YongSeo end up w/ wish them the best but i guess it will not happen soon kekeke! BUT I LUV YONGSEO TO END UP W/ kekeke! 
































































































































































































































































































































































































anyway, sorry for the long post. We have to enjoy the YongSeo couple because they might become real (or not) but as long as both of them are happy and only them knows what they feel for each other. Just watch their eyes and actions :) Remember for Yong this is his 1st time also to meet someone like Hyun.
































































































































































































































































































































































































to all of you who love YongSeo couple, love love love, we should stay happy and inlove all the time whether we are young or old. life is beautiful :) YongSeo fighting wub.gifwub.gif

































































































































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K-pop Dream Concert in Japan - both CNBLUE and SNSD are there!!!!



















AWESOME!!!! more time together for our couple! =)




















ok.... haeAnNatweeted that it's just gna be on theaters no actual perfs????










Aigoooo...... hehe.



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K-pop Dream Concert in Japan - both CNBLUE and SNSD are there!!!!







AWESOME!!!! more time together for our couple! =)








ok.... haeAnNatweeted that it's just gna be on theaters no actual perfs????




Aigoooo...... hehe.







Kpop dreamconcert is actually not an actual concert. Ive read it will be shown as a movie.




They will be showing dream concerr footagea from 2007-2010.





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Guest mrsjoker


Hello to all the lovely gogumaland citizen.^_^ new gogumaland citizen here... :P


I've been a silent reader for quite some time... i really enjoy reading all of the discussion that's been going on in this thread. the gif sharing, translations, interpretation and all round "spazzing" routine every time the new goguma couple episode comes out.




I've been wanting to join you guys for sometime but work is killing me, so i kept on being a silent reader. But after watching the horror episode, the UJ episode and the last "bus ride" scene, i just can't take it anymore. I HAVE TO JOIN this happy wagon...!! so here i am...




I wanted to share some thoughts... sorry if it's long...




I've been watching our goguma couple since day 1 and got instantly hooked by their portrayal of a relationship. It's amazingly simple, slow and sweet. It reminds me of that "giddy" feeling you have on your crush. watching them is just like watching my best friend or little brother/sister starting of a lovey dovey relationship. I remember being eager to cheer yong at the early stage of their relationship, at that time i felt that both have interest on each other ( at least the physical attraction is there) but to me it looks like Yong was the one that have more deep interest on hyun, but it's understandable because hyun is a girl who isn't interested in boys (at that time) and well Yong is...Yong ^^ and hyun is one pretty lady so of course... normal boy instinct kick in.




What caught me by surprise is how "preserving" Yong is... and how Hyun finally warmed up to yong's charm. I mean that boy is a special boy, he bought her a guitar (in cash) on their 2nd date and always able to made Hyun laughing and gigling over his yong choding-ness. I can sense hyun "security fence" is on in the first few episodes, while yong is so open since day 1 to this whole "reel' relationship. (partly because i think he finds hyun is such an interesting lady, that young lady is not your average 'pretty" girl next door). and so in the first few episodes I am under the impression that the one that most likely will have a "real" feeling into this "reel" relationship is Yong with all of his adoring gaze to Hyun, his "testing the water" kind of skinship, his jealousy, and many more of his little warm gesture towards hyun. at that time i felt sorry for him, because although the relationship was meant to be "reel" the feelings may just be "real" without him able to hold it up.




Then I watched the episode when they had the "house warming" with the SNSD unnies, and one of the unnies (i think it's fany) told Yong that hyun was wearing face mask the night before and that she sings "weotorieya" in the shower... at that episode i began to think that this "reel" relationship might end up with a "real" feeling from both sides. The next episodes gave me more reasons to believe that hyun finally have this 'real" feeling towards yong (be it only a crush), i notice she starts speaking in aegyo voice, just like when she said "gidariyo (wait for me)" to yong when she visited CN blue's dorm, and junshin chinggu also notice the same thing as i do, I was thinking "gosh...you two are so lovey dovey", and then her stare to yong is soooo....dare i say...adoring?.




and when i watch the UJ episode, i was thinking "how did these two got so comfy with each other, teasing each other, hyun talking with aegyo in the restaurant, then her glare when yong wanted to teach UJ to call him oppa, her confronting yong about him meeting his ideal, her statement of "i'm not like SOMEONE", her stare to him, yong pouting and his stare at her...all of this just screams....


OH MY GOD YOU TWO...THIS IS REAL ISN'T IT??!! at least to me . :wub:




So after that UJ episode i was wondering from WHERE or WHEN exactly does this happens, I know the horror episode was a "mind-blowing" episode for all goguma shippers but i don't think THAT episode was the start of this whole "real" feel to me.


By the looks of the latest episode, the fishing trip started this whole thing, or even...before that. The "birthday" issues perhaps?!.


It's like they text each other outside WGM but it's on the "safe" level, like they don't text each other everyday and on a "coincidence" basis, but enough to know how each other are doing. Then the Birthday happens, i can understand the reaction from yong side but what surprise me was Hyun, she was like an ordinary girl nagging to his boyfriend to be, i mean that's an AMAZING thing coming from a girl who is not interested in boys before and always have her emotion on check while filming. oh and that new ring definitely mean something more than just a replacement for the old broken ring!! just not so sure what... a start of a "real" relationship, perhaps?




Oh and although i am completely aware that some people might say i'm over analyzing and obviously addictive to Yongseo couple cuteness, therefore making me super biased and irrational. all i have to say in my defense is that...aside from seeing that this two are grown up idol who are completely aware that they were filming a reality show and that maybe this whole thing was in fact just a show, I choose to see it with the view of WHAT IF.


What if they did start this "reel" relationship without any thoughts of actually fall for each other and that as time goes by this "reel' now becomes "real". That WGM is no longer a show but instead it becomes their reality. with WGM as their "covers" to freely fall for each other and experience a "real" relationship under thousands of eye watching them, thinking "ah...it's just a show..it can't be real", with their idol status to be able to have a "real" relationship and being watched by thousand is a complete luxury. oh..am i making sense?




oh my... did i just wrote an essay?? so sorry guys... first post and already so long... i'll stop here.... for now.:sweatingbullets:


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Guest blueshoes
































































































































































































































































LOVE this Fanart :wub: both beautiful eyes yongseo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun Oh! My Goddess shooting
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credit DC wgm gall
































































































































do not hot link

































































































































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Hello MrsJoker! Thank you for your post. Well read, indeed! I know how you feel, because that was/is also my reaction towards YongSeo. What you've described was spot on in how I felt/feel. I'm still giddy with their "story", but I've made a decision to put some brakes on myself (reality checks) once in a while. I guess it's my self-protect mechanism kicking in... B) I don't really analyse YongSeo's interactions in detail because I'm not very good with it, but there are a lot of Gogumas here who write very good detailed interpretations of their interactions. Frankly speaking, I don't know whether my obsession is with the YongSeo couple or reading the regulars' posts! :D








































































Fellow Gogumas, I'm sorry I don't have anything to contribute to this thread, except writing my own viewpoints... but thank you for reading me.

















































































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winnieho... omigoshhh!!! we're from the same place! LOL!!! what coincidence! wahahahah yay~! next time i've someone to accompany me to the cnblue concert kekekeke xD

blueswimBOO kekekeke yo another species of mine LOL :P i admire ur optimistic post a lot! thanks so much for sharing ur thoughts outloud :D ur post sure pulled me back to reality... although we gogumas obviously hope for yongseo to become an official pair one day, but u're right. things happen. we humans have the utmost advantage of being able to choose. as per sophiapia, we may think something's ideal but in fact, it's not at all. but i know for sure, yong is aware that he's gonna be on the losing side if he lets go of hyun...keekeke~

What if they did start this "reel" relationship without any thoughts of actually fall for each other and that as time goes by this "reel' now becomes "real". That WGM is no longer a show but instead it becomes their reality. with WGM as their "covers" to freely fall for each other and experience a "real" relationship under thousands of eye watching them, thinking "ah...it's just a show..it can't be real", with their idol status to be able to have a "real" relationship and being watched by thousand is a complete luxury. oh..am i making sense?

dear mrsjoker... I LOVE UR POST! glad u came out from hiding! xD i'm quoting ur post that kinda clicked instantly with my thoughts. i also believe that's what is happening to our goguma couple right now. *kyaaaaaaa* of the thoughts! uber romantic!!! :wub:

hmmm lenovo-cuz~! :D so are we gonna have them both in dream concert or not? am confused now @_@

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Guest little_usagi

hello! this is first time that i post I just see this clip and want to share with you guys

I've just found fan cam video of SBS Yong Mc for last week

this clip is from fancam stand in backstage, Now we can see that how reactive of yong when he saw his wife on stage . The song of Trax around 2.35 min that have hyun buin in Bg of stage

My link

Notice when this song start i think he has more vivid ^^ from first time:wub:

sorry if it already posted.>,<

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Seohyun Oh My Goodness MV Shooting
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cre bestiz via petesamchon































































































































































































































































































































































































































































just a teaser pic,maybe later the actual size is added.

































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Guest desirenhope



I found this in Facebook. Even the news writer has got the same thinking as us!

On MBC’s “We Got Married” aired on September 26th, Seohyun put on a smiling face during the meet-up with Juri Ueno but she might be feeling otherwise inside. After Ueno left, the ‘mildang (a push-pull/’playing games’ situation for two persons interested in each other)’ started.

Yonghwa committed a serious mistake when she taught Ueno the word “Oppa”. Although Yonghwa did it jokingly, Seohyun gave him a cold stare. However, she still put on a smiling face. The couple and Juri Ueno then had a nice conversation while enjoying the meals prepared by Seohyun. Yonghwa taught Ueno some Korean greetings and words such as “daebak”, “massisseoyo”, etc.

The ‘cold’ atmosphere subsided. Yonghwa then suggested that Ueno and him should take a photo for remembrance and he asked Seohyun to take the photos of them together. There was awkwardness in Seohyun’s expressions but still, she did not show any sign of anger. The photos taken by Seohyun were blurry. The MCs thought that Seohyun must have done it on purpose because of her jealousy towards Yonghwa and Ueno.

After Ueno left, Seohyun said, “She’s your ideal woman. It was great, right?” Yonghwa replied calmly, “Yes, she’s my ideal type. It was just perfect. Are you jealous?” Seohyun replied, “No. I’m not. I’m not like SOMEONE.” So, the ‘mildang’ between the couple started.

Yonghwa launched a counter-attack by saying, “I’m sorry, Seohyun. You must be missing Tamaki Hiroshi (her ideal man).” Seohyun replied, “So….” and then requested to meet up with him. Yonghwa then added, “Meet Johnny Depp (another ideal man of hers) and cook some steaks together.”

On the show, the couple also talked about their birthdays which are only 6 days apart (Seohyun’s is on June 28th while Yonghwa’s is on June 22nd). To commemorate their birthdays, Yonghwa suggested that they should go for an outing.

Is Seohyun starting to feel something for Yonghwa? Make sure you catch the upcoming episodes of “We Got Married”

Credit: Newsen.com

Why do I feel so "shy" reading this article?

actual link in FB: http://www.facebook.com/notes/yongseo-couple/seohyun-is-jealous-of-yonghwa-and-ueno/133784576669097


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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































































I suddenly remembered a part is episode 25. remember when Yong is feeling uncomfortable when Taeyeon, Hyoyeon, and Fany visited their house. he tries to sit down but eventually ending up following behind Seohyun. this happened again in the first part of the Ueno Juri episode (episode 23). when Hyun was preparing something, he was following her again. but in the second part (episode 25) a similar thing happened. when Yong was looking for a kitchen utensil, Ueno Juri stood up and helped Yong. then suddenly Seohyun stood up and checked what was going on. guess Seohyun was feeling uncomfortable when Ueno Juri is near Yong, even if she is a big fan of hers. (^^,)

































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Guest Single_lady_YongSeo








Nothing to say only......







YongSeo~~~ it's real












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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Nothing to say only......
































































































































































































































































































































































































YongSeo~~~ it's real































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































kekeke! i luv this YongSeo IT'S REAL DAEBAK hehehe! i luv it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































can't wait for saturday. Wgm should be Monday to saturday :) not enough if it's only saturday 20mins sometimes less :( 
































































































































































































































































































































































































YongSeo It's real Daebak wub.gifwub.gif

































































































































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Hi, I am a new fan of Goguma couple.












I would like to highlight two of my findings. Please forgive me if someone else has already talked about this.












- in the 100625 KBS music bank show, Yonghwa has a duet with another SNSD member with Hyun as a background keyboard player. What I noticed is that thru out the whole song, Yonghwa never really look at his partner. You would think that they are all singing their own songs and not a duet. I think maybe Hyun is behind so he doesnt want to appear too friendly with the other girl.












- in another video about May, when Yonghwa was a cohost in the SBS music program (if I remember correctly), his two other cohost were Wondergirls. One of them claims from the start that she like Yonghwa. And then I cannot help but noticed that Yonghwa didnt really dare look at her thru out the whole show.












Now, I find that these are stronger evidence that Yonghwa already has someone special in his heart - Hyun! He doesnt take special interest in other ladies! :)


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Guest mrsjoker


@winnieho Hello~~~ reality check is good to prevent from any unwanted "heartbreak", WGM can do "mean" things to a fragile heart. I've been there... ^_^ . But in yongseo's case i deliberately sabotaging my "reality" brake, because they are too sweet like a cotton candy or a warm cooked sweet potato that i can't help to let go of myself.... aaaakkkk eotteohge.... :sweatingbullets:




@dreamyboo Glad i'm not the only one feeling that... *high 5 yongseo style* :lol:




Because the thread is afterall a picture thread, i wanted to share this cool pic of yonghwa and junshin chinggu at their concert in shibuya (sorry if it's been posted here)



credits to : omonajungyonghwa

A really cool pic... boys with guitar is sooo cool.  Adorable, gorgeous, hot boys on guitar is :wub: :wub: pure L.O.V.E.

aigoo Hyun you have one gorgeous adorable boy all tangled up in your pretty little fingers. don't let go dear. ^_^


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Hi...I want to share something in my mind. I just watched again the last episode & i want to ask whether the necklace that SH worn on the bus same as those used in the picture with YH????








Can someone help me with that?????because i think the necklace are different. Or it just only my imagination :sweatingbullets:








Sorry for my bad english blush.gif



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