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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest DJHinata

Hello ! hinata here !

i don't know if this was sharing before but i was watching and this is so much fun !!

Part 1

Part 2

this is the show when yonghwa drawing a ideal type girl or something like that , it was a huge rumor because some fans saying the ideal type looks like Victoria from F (x) , obviously for me is totally seohyun



aaaw HOT YongHwa



a A.N JELL Yonghwa 

i really want that kind of pose for the wedding photoshoot


YongSeo Couple 


Fightiing ~~ 

Edit: magicaL.chubi3:DJHinata wah~yong really have talent in art. :D hehe~ thanks for sharing. For me, i don't know who it is. since there are a lot of girls looks like that. hehe~  OMG thankyou so much !!! >o< i'll make more in this week ! with the screenshoots blush.gif I LOVE YONGSEO COUPLE !!! 

Wellcome to GOGUMALAND !!! 

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can u imagine a guy shouting out to the window,



saying he's sorry and feeling guilty and all that...



in reality, it takes guts to do that kind of thing..






i can feel yong's sincerity and his feeling of regret somehow...






see them both wondering what happens to that precious messages, is kind of sad for me.



they set off on the wrong foot, whereas they should be enjoying themselves...






ah, what a climax!!!






one more week to go before we see a happy ending.... :wub:









magical, hugs to u.



lets rock, gogumas..yeah!









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Guest lexi_yOongSeeororo




YongSeo couple is getting better and better....sooo sweeet




them bickering is really daebak....signs that say they do care about each other


and what each one does....




aww soo Seohyun waited for yong's message...seems she really likes him


and yonghwa getting so guilty..can't even look at her


maybe he's thinking how to make it up to her better...




YongSeo Fighting!!!



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Guest magicaL.chubi3
























DJHinata wah~yong really have talent in art. :D hehe~ thanks for sharing. For me, i don't know who it is. since there are a lot of girls looks like that. hehe~
















I can't understand Yong anymore, choosing girls one to another. lolz. But i hope he will be loyal to hyun. :D
















MaeDang welcome to GOGUMA LAND!. :lol: hehe~
















lexi_yOongSeeororo it's daebak! :w00t:
















jnjhehe~ thanks. blush.gif





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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just read this ep's translations

PD: What does an ideal mean to you?

Y: It means just a type I like.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa's consistent statement: Ideal is just ideal ~

PD: And Buin(a wife) to you?

Y: A wife is someone I go on a journey with. Together... I know more about Seo Hyun, and I’m pretty confident that I know more about her than anybody else. So, needless to say, it’s Seo Hyun.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And a wife is some one you want to spend your life ( a journey) with you ... together
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just some lines, but YongSeo makes me high right now !!

































































































































































































































































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Guest toomuchsmiling
























Sorry,guys.I'm overly fascinated on the pics with their synchronized steps  than the sweet picture of them in japan,so  i had to add one more picture.Just play along with me and please bear  with my silliness,ok?hehe..



























i saw ur observations of their synched footsteps. i didn't even notice!! But it looks like time after time after time they walked in sync with each other a lot! i find that so cute. <3
























hope to see the japan ep soon.








the wedding phoot also.



























wait a sec, there hasn't been any news of them doing a photoshoot has there???? o_O did i miss it?








Or, mochiling- u just meant u can't wait to see it when it happens right? ^^
























I think we may be in for a great surprise next week. When my husband proposed to me, he had argued with me the whole freaking day...about this and that... I didn't even want to go out to the beach that night... he kinda bullied me into it... and then, BANG! He proposed...ring and all... some guys are nuts... I must admit though that it was a great tactic...








Can't wait until next saturday! Yong! You better have something up your sleeve... lol...








Yongseo FIGHTING!!



























prncsscharming- ooooooh, LOVE the insight!!!! :w00t: hope it happens with our lovely Yongseo :rolleyes: can't wait!!!!!
















ahh, when i was forwardtracking (not backtrack) today i was like so pissed, i thought WGM was ONLY gonna do the Horror Re-run. but THANKFULLY they showed the rest! i actually like how it was cut. Finish with Ueno Juri and then JUMP to June 28th! :lol: so really, i don't feel very behind now!! Now that i know the date. they are at the END of june (almost july) so technically we're only 2 and half months approx behind. This is good news. ^______^ I've been so happy, i got to see recent/NEW stuff and now i'm content to watch what happened before. <3~
















omg, today's ep!!!! O_O








1) Seohyun (despite what she said) looked kinda jealous (alert definitely) when Yong was all "Oppa~!" to Ueno Juri and Ueno repeated. i was like o_o;; (A FIRST!)








2) After Ueno left. Yonghwa (after seohyun asked the ideal type issue xD) was all *knudge knudge* "You aren't jealous are you?" but she was quick to say "of course not"








I didn't understand until one of our translators here posted it she said "i'm not like SOMEONE" WOOOOOOOOO, i didn't even know she said that until i read the trans. :w00t: so she IS aware of his jealousy now. i like their exchanged looks after she said that. B)








3) Seohyun DIDN'T hold it in and she DIDN'T say "it's ok" right after Yong said sorry she said "it's not ok" GO SEOHYUN!!!! omg, their FIRST LOVER'S SPAT! :wub: bwahahaha!!!MC Park, dunno whether to call her mean but i definitely laffed wen she was all "oh, our couple is fun today~" when they were fighting. LOL.








AND OMG SEOHYUN!!! she called Yong a LIAR and MEAN and she wouldn't text him anymore!!! :w00t: well, not exactly a great thing, but i mean she's showing her power woo!!
















but ya know guys, i think when seohyun first demanded in the beginning his reason (btw, i liked how she said "i'll give u a chance to explain urself" LOL) when he said "Honestly...no sorry" i have a FEELING he was gonna say "honestly i was planning everything that's going to happen today for you, specially for your birthday~" but he didn't. and i am GLAD.








kinda reminds me of what Nick did with Vic wen they went camping. he made her mad ALL day but in the end, it was just a lie to cover what Vic had wanted (diary) if any has seen khuntoria~
















ok so THAT IS THE END of my analyzing/mostly SPAZZ. :lol: omg, this is one of the more longer posts i have ever done...anyway, i'll probably re-watch the ep some more times and read other ppl's spazzes. xD
















heartbreak_warfare22- love what u said, i agree! XD









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Guest digidigibob

Hello Gogumas! I was so bored last night I came up with this. I'm so sorry if someone already did something like this before. :sweatingbullets:

Signs You're Obsessed With YongSeo :wub:

- You wish it's Saturday everyday.

- You won't go out every Saturday. You won't accept appointments. You won't even go out with your friends.

- You watch their vids without subs. You can't understand anything yet you still smile and laugh like a fool while watching.

- You watch WGM (or other shows where they appear) on livestreaming sites even though it lags so much.

- You want to go to Korea and to MBC to steal their unedited YongSeo vids.

- You sign up on Twitter (or other social networking sites) so you can help on trending #YongSeo and also to spazz with other Goguma fans.

-Everytime you eat/see/hear "goguma" or "sweet potato" you think of them.

- You're obsessed with THE RING. Whenever you'll see a pic or performance of them, it's the first thing you'll search for.

- You analyze all of their actions and statements and try to connect it to their relationship or to WGM.

- You visit this thread at every chance you get.

HAHA! That was all I managed to think about last night. Feel free to add if you have something in mind!

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(backroom interview)





PD: What does an ideal mean to you?





Y: It means just a type I like.





PD: And Buin(a wife) to you?





Y: A wife is someone I go on a journey with. Together... I know more about Seo Hyun, and I’m pretty confident that I know more about her than anybody else. So, needless to say, it’s Seo Hyun.









thank you so much j2dlee you're rescuer of the thread





this back room interview realy interesting





PD-nim ask about what is meaning of Buin but Yong answer it's Seohyun!!


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hi, good afternoon (my time). my first time being here.

it's nice to finally read the "list of promises" of yongseo. it's really touching when it goes to no. 6 "support each other's dreams". it's the greatest thing in the world that you know you are "being loved and cared of". i don't want to guess whether they are being loved by each other. but very sure, they are being cared of each other, especially when they are on their way to make their dreams. hyun went to yong's concert. that's a very supportive action she made to yong. imagining yong meeting her or knowing her to support him in such a way, if i were yong, i would be happy.

i remember yong's dream is his song goes to billboard, even being no.1 (can't remember clearly). he added that it's an unrealistic dream. sure his target is doing well in music. that's why in the interview in taipei, he revealed that his ideal type is someone who supports him in his music. hyun admires his music talent, respects his beloved guitar playing her first song requested by yong and they performed together in music program. their another promise is to compose their own song which i am looking forward to. it's beautiful to read anything about this little couple. they are so supportive to each other and care of each other anytime. see what yong did even when he was meeting with his ideal. he did not leave his buin alone and talked with his ideal, but rather asked about his buin's ideal. how lovely he is.

i did think that they are too young to meet each other. but now i changed my mind. it's nice that they have met each other at the moment they started their career. it's difficult for the little ones like them to start their career given the keen competition. it's nice that they are with each other in the start. i truely believe that their relationship, their friendship will be very strong, just like best friends are always friends from your junior school.

about hyun, she is a girl after all. yong may be her first little "boy" friend who she is close to. i understand how she felt when she did not receive his birthday message, waiting a whole day, looking at her own mobile phone all day to ensure won't miss any message, checking if her mobile phone is working well, signals are being detected well. that's what i did when my boyfriend did not give me a call on my birthday. let her be angry as it is the right thing she is doing. but yong, you are really bad (naughty). you did it purposedly, i am sure. hyun really cares about you. next time, at least give her a "cool" message showing up on her birthday no matter how big surprise you will give her after all.

one more thing to share. remember the quiz hyun did on the train about holding hands. the analysis is ".....if you want to hold hands, you would ask for permission first..." then you see, yong asked for hyun's permission before he held her hands in last week ep. they are two of a kind. i thought yong also chose no.2 in the train quiz if he wasa asked. both are "A" blood type, birthday in June (cancer), music talented, knowing english and japanese (not either one).

if i go on, i think i can't stop and send out this post. can't wait for next week ep.

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digidigibob i want to add one!
































































































































































































Signs You're Obsessed With YongSeo
































































































































































































-You have a WGM marathon of your favorite scenes/episodes before Saturday's new episode

































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Thank you never enough for >>> j2dlee's Translation ^^


When I'm doing sub in Part 2 ,I dont know why I smile all their conversation even that suppose to upset or something 555 ...Hyun's upset really cute I think...They made me feel like I'm watching real couple's argrument. And I really wanna know what will happening in next Ep. ...If Yong already prepare something for surprise to Hyun...and how react of Hyun for that....Jinwoon's face was so surprise when he heard Hyun said she feel so sad because Yong didnt reply message to her. ...and surprise me also. I'm so happy to hear that 555. Finally ^^


here Eng. Ep.25  >>>  


Part 1

Part 2 ..... this part is still being in processed. Quality will be better after it finished.





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@digidigibob: Oh my God!!! i was laughing at your post because they are all true, especially the RING watch!!! that's all i'm looking for when i see new pics or videos of both of them, especially yong hwa. it makes me happy if i see them wearing the couple ring, and was i happy when yong kept of flashing the ring recently... it's as if he wants to let the whole wide world know that he's very proud to be married to hyun... i love this couple to death!!!

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Ok I went on to YT to watch CN Blue past performances during Yongseo's birthdays that week, well, just cos I like doing this kind of things hahahaha...








Yonghwa's birthday 22 June








Seohyun's birthday 28 June








Special stage on music bank- 'my life will suck without u' 25 June








U mean they didn't talk to each other abt the failed text? OMG pls communicate and talk it out u both blood type A!!!! The basis of a good relationship is communication (as someone else also pointed out in this forum)!








But regardless, Seohyun at backstage that day still supported her hubby 110% + with love rival Jinwoon, annoucing CN blue's Love as next song. Awww.... She is a good wifey....









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More Signs You're Obsessed With YongSeo  :D































































































































































































































































































































































































































-Everytime you see any products (food and drinks ) made of "goguma" or "sweet potato", it remind u of the couple and you decide to buy them. 
































































































































































































After tasting it , u would wonder why hyun luv gogumas that much. (I tried sweet potato bread and its....errrrrrrr  tasteless lol )































































































































































































































































































































































































































- U download the favourite fanmade MVs of the goguma couple into your comp and even in your cellphone.   































































































































































































































































































































































































- U have Yongseo wallpaper on your comp screen. Keep changing when u find new favourite ones. Thanks to all talented goguma shippers!  
























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest magicaL.chubi3
















Signs You're Obsessed With YongSeo












- You watch their vids without subs. You can't understand anything yet you still smile and laugh like a fool while watching.
















- You watch WGM (or other shows where they appear) on livestreaming sites even though it lags so much.
















- You sign up on Twitter (or other social networking sites) so you can help on trending #YongSeo and also to spazz with other Goguma fans.
















-Everytime you eat/see/hear "goguma" or "sweet potato" you think of them.
















- You're obsessed with THE RING. Whenever you'll see a pic or performance of them, it's the first thing you'll search for.
















- You analyze all of their actions and statements and try to connect it to their relationship or to WGM.
















- You visit this thread at every chance you get.































digidigibob lolz. i think i am obsessed with yongseo couple. lolz. nice one though.. :w00t:





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I noticed shes holding in her anger. She kept flaring her nostrils when argueing with yong.  
































































































































































































































































































































































All SNSD members know well about that habit  haha so cute.  Like a smoking bull before running to hit the target.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































lol just like this
































































































































































































































































































































































from hello baby eps 3 & 4
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































seo hyun smiles when she mad its like fake smilling :D
































































































































































































































































































































































just like this gif

































































































































































































































































































































































































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cnblue in japan 09 26 2010

































































































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