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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest OhGeezeAnhthu
























































I just watched the Chuseok special episode today. And wowww. Despite it being a "horror special" I was so happy about it. LOL. They are SO much closer than they were before and it really shows. They're so adorable. I love how strong Yonghwa was as well. CUTE CUTE.









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redtulip, jnj, d3: thanks for acknowledging my MV :D am very touched~!!!

LOL jnj~! no wonder didn't see ya around in "TWEETY WORLD"... u sneaked in GOGUMA WORLD without us knowing eh! LOL~ deng, u're one humorous girl! kakaakkaakakkaka xD well, i sneaked after ya actually :phew::P oh about u... requesting me to do an MV outta I Don't Know Why song... i'll try but if it's not to ur liking pls don't bash me up yah :P but for now, can i rest for a few more days? and is there any deadline LOL

goguma1207 @ soeulmate1001... i saved ur MV & i watched it for quite a number of times! LOL~ xD my tummy always have this butterfly feeling whenever it reaches the ending & my heart just melts instantaneously when i see yong waiting & hyun getting ready to meet him. KYAAAAAAAAAAA~! hopefully those scenes will come to live one day! :wub: oh, and thanks so much for making such beautiful MV yah~!

erxmeeza, i LOLed hard at this sentence of urs --> Keep on going yong the last step is what you waiting for "the hug" ...there is no rush ok..let's practice with " hip hop greeting" first..cuz it is almost a hug xD come to think of it, u may be right... since they've started to hold hands already he must've started to yearn for more kekeekke! yong might not have hugged hyun properly yet. and thus, gives birth to the idea of another unique hi-5 eh ROFL!!! sly yong!!!! erxmeeza, u're a genius! and if anyone notice, they still walk in sync at the beginning of ep1. i wonder if it's just natural or yong trying to walk at the same pace as hyun? nonetheless, it's KYAAAA-worthy to me! :wub:

im not sure if someone already posted about this http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/1595/63964336.pngthis is after they play the game in the bus... and all couples enjoying their time on their own talking..i just love yong's reacting to hyun here..dont know what hyun said... wish we could here them~ kekek

haha he sure looks funny in that pic! LOL xD thanks for sharing~!

Thank you to all Potatoes who helped us with the tweeting. Quite the rowdy bunch there! And I'm sorry for the last minute call about it. Which is why,I'm going to give you a heads ups now: the next trending project will be for YongSeo 300-Day Anniversary on December 7. We're going to go big and call in all the troops, So please mark your calendars yah? MUAHAHAH

sorry to cut ur post, genxv~! that sounds like a great idea! count me in plsss~!!! but ahhh since i'm pretty forgetful by nature... if u don't mind, pls make a reminder for all the forgetful gogumas (or maybe the only forgetful goguma is me :P LOL)... kamsahamnida in advance. btw, where did u learn korean language? did u learn how to read??? i think i'm gonna fail in reading... can't seem to remember their chinese characters >.<

uwahhh miel_1301~!!! that's so sweet of u to repost the MVs... *hugs* :wub:

I so so so second your suggestion. And if there's anything I can help with, let me know. Sometimes I forget the links of some fics I happen to stumble upon. Most of the time I do just some random LJ surfing.And we have to start compiling FMVs too. There are really precious ones out there in youtube. There is also some serious lack of Yongseo art. I found some really good ones a few pages back, but now that the thread is 1000+ pages long, I can't imagine how I could find that page again. Heh.

oh! that sounds like a veryyy good idea! genius~!!! maybe we could compile it & put them in genxv's goguma site like how we compiled the subbed vids! yay... then, i can have more collections of fan arts muhahahahaha xP genxv, waddya think of this idea???? xD

Sorry to cut your post. I agree that the darkness and no crew in the school probably gave them a courage to show their  closeness to each other (maybe they usually did like that but not in filming, who know?  :P) I wonder if Hyun realised the cameras captured them in several angles, especially in the last room where they gotta take their own picture. Its funny the cameras didn't miss the perfect shots , especially their backs when they were sitting on the couch and  her wrapping her arm on yong's waist. The cameras could capture both their fronts and backs. I also doubt hyun was encouraged to do so (Show her affection to her hubby) becoz she didn't expect the hiding camera and the self cam in the room could see her arm on his back. In fact, she could just let yong embrace her alone when taking a picture. When they sat on the couch , I noticed hyun put her hand on the couch behind him , not on his back. She could just pose like that to take a pic, couldn't she? But no, she chose to put her hand on his waist. I think she bagan to like skinship and had  learned to express her affection to her hubby same as him treating her. U know, when u ever start the skinship, even a bit , it wont stop just once. U will be addicted to it  and want it more and in higher levels.   

wahahaha... very well said, noo~! and very true... especially when u're new to it! :w00t:

hi Hannahpham~! pls remove ur "%7Boption%7D" tag in ur quote. tq~!

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Guest dingdang








OMG!! This is my first time posting in dis forum~~i love dis forum so much~my fav past time~haha~cant stand it anymore~after i saw ep 24, they r holding hands throughout so naturally n sweetly, like real couple omg~~ i'm dying of euphoria!!! i can juz imagine dem progressing more n more..oops..i haf a wild imagination~they made my day~pls~ get together n date for real~~hope they already dating~n get married for real in time to come~~haha~~then i tink the whole korea plus all goguma fans will gooooooo crazy~anyway i enjoy so much watching dem n reading dis forum!! aja aja fighting!! ^^






p.s. btw..i did not buy the tickets for the oct 23 concert where snsd will be coming too..kind of regret.. i went to the cnblue concert though..but dis..the prices are too steep...am i making the wrong choice? i wan to c seohyun but..






haiz..sadded.. anyway..yongseo fighting!!!


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Guest bonbon31




                                                               OhGeezeAnhthu: where do you watch? 

Can you give us the link? I also want to watch the preview! heh.

Ah, I understand your sentences. you mean you watched the horror ep today not today ep,hehe! sorry its my mistake. :tears:


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You got a nice MV  goguma1207 (hope i mentioned it right), thanks for the wonderful job. 






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































After watching Yongseo MV, I want to watch the Yongseo cut all over again starting from first ep. It made me really happy seeing the improvent with their relatioship from day 1 up to present..... Huge improvement. Thanks to Yong, Seohyun starting to open up herself and realized how life is good when you have someone making you smile all the time and thanks to Hyun for teaching Yong how to be patient and learn simple things that he couldnt imagine that will brought happiness to his heart.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Im so in love with this couple. My day is not complete without coming here, reading eveyones post, checking MV and fanfic. I may not spazzing all the time but I am here everyday (actually may times in a day,) MY day is incomplete without coming here... thanks everyone in "gugoma land". Being connected to all of you because of our Yongseo couple makes me feel i have a one big happy family....






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Kamsahamnida to all....
































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Crystal392






genxv: *hugs*


I will be back on Saturday.

:( I want to go home already







OhGeezeAnhthu: :o Was the Chuseok Special already aired? O_o






Welcome new spazzers!! :) Hi dingdang!!






Btw, don't forget it's against soompi rules to post one lines (less than 20 words) or quote pictures ^^



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wanna ask all goguma sumting...
































































































did anyone got to see what is the equation the all the couple got...
































































































wanna try if can solve it in 1 min.....
































































































tq in advance

































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If I'm not mistake the equation is
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm so happy watching Seohyun can finished the equation within one minute.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































She just remained calm while calculating it. I love that kind of personality XD

































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Guest monie1909

crystal the special start at 4.40pm korean time.hmm,so we are still not sure if it reruns ep or new special ep? guess,we have to wait for it,then.hope it is new episode..

btw..did anyone else come to read about this?

did anyone heard rumours about hyun and yong were shooting in japan today?found this post from dc.if i understand my google translate correctly,they were spazzing about yongseo shooting in japan today,right?


and this http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=married&no=484532&page=1&bbs=

Edit: Shared Vid of JungMo oppa talk about Hyun in sukira radio.wonder what they talk about her?


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is there anyway to stream wgm? or where can i stream it? ^^























































































































































































































here the link....in 10 minutesss









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Guest monkie2804

Thank you maretta for the link :D I was looking for it too. I read in other couple's thread that it'll show the unseen footage of all 3 couples. I wonder if it's true since when I read it, they haven't confirmed the info yet.

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so they had showed a preview of the horror special on mbc... i hope its not a rerun. maybe the missing scenes and the back room interviews! how great would it be to see yong asked about the hand holding?! :wub:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































must be something unseen (currently showing an clip of adam so not sure what the "special" is for)
































































































































































































rerun of the returning from thailand episode... but it started at a different spot... is there suppose to be something different maybe...? :(

































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i guess today's episode is a replay..
































































































































omg...nice one..wgm seo hyun & yong hwa in japan... :wub:

































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