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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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i think yongseo has a new couple hand shake 'the bump"



i also loved the skinship before


and everybody was surprised hyun won (somehow i knew she would she beat sooyoung in a pillow fight)

okay so i official love you! lol. i was about to come ask someone to make a gif on it and you already did. how amazing you are!!! thanks so much. and i'm loving all the screen caps. (runs off to watch the rest of the horror ep!)

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One more funny point is their relationship with other couples




Vic & HYun - HYun is senior




Khun& Yong - Khun is senior




Vic bowed lower to Hyun and Yong bowed lower to Khun




Kwon & Khun - Kwon is senior




Overall the rank is Ga-in senior follow by Hyun,Kwon,Khun,Vic and Yong...


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Today's episode was just amazing!




- When Yonghwa beat Khun & Seohyun beat Victoria at wrestling




- When they held hands ^^




- I totally expected Yonghwa to be scared, but he was so brave!




- When the hand didn't come out of the wall during the phototaking




- When they chestbumped each other xD (American style~)




This episode is a must-watch! Skinship~ <3



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Guest monkie2804

I'm rewatching the ep. It's so awesome even without understanding anything they're saying. All of the couples are just so cute. Beside the freaking wonderful overloaded skinship of Yongseo, I also love the interactions among the couples. I can see that Victoria is a really nice and caring unnie to Seobaby. They held hands running after changing clothes, and Vic helped Seobaby tie that string before wrestling match. And not sure if i heard wrong, during Vic vs Hyun match, Nichkhun sang "Victoria~ Victoria~" like how Yong sings "Wetoria~wetoria" in Loner. They are all so cute.

Btw, Jungshin chingu did a good job as an MC haha

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Guest dreamgazer1985
































































First of all, the WGM PD is a GENIUS! for coming up with this concept. I totally would chest bump with her too, Goguma style!
















































And now my favorite parts about this ep:
















































1. Of course, the hand holding ( finally, yay!)
















































2. The tight hugging for picture (double yay!)
















































3. In the corridor in the beginning, how YH switched hand behind his back so he could hold SH's hand better.
















































4. When he barricaded themselves with tables so his wife could do her smart thing of solving equations.
















































5. When he blocked her from the ghost that they walked past...then peek back at the ghost. Boy, why are you so adorable?!
















































6. YH's needs to investigate all the noises to assuage his own fear. I looly at him
















































7. When YH walked around to make sure no more strange noises happen while SH cook. Look at him all trying to brave. <3
























































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Guest chikaaaaa
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hello all!!! long time no see!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































WOOTT!!!! SO IN LOVE WITH THE NEW EPISODE!!!! YAYY!!!! *jumping around my room
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































see?? always EXPECT the UNEXPECTED from YONGSEO.....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































who would've thought YONG will HELD HYUN'S HAND ALL THE TIME through the mission????
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i'm sooo HAPPY TODAY!!!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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plus, Seohyun & Yonghwa's end photo was the best! Flawless & perfect ^^




I hope you guys loved the episode! I hope there will be the same one for Halloween~



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another side of yong today...

a brave yong is also a violent yong!! :lol:

poor rusty cabinets got kicked for scaring buin....hahaha


imagine what he'll do if buin got bullied in school!!! hehe


ah..their pic turned out nice...amazing!! :wub:


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Guest mandyemily

this episode is so funny.

i love yongseo new hip hop style chestbump (is that how to describe it?) <_<

in the beginning, when jungshin appear looking out at the sea, i was laughing, that was such a old style haha. :phew:

the entire episode was so cute.

my guesses are correct (yay) :w00t:

hyun is more scared and they are the bodyguard/protector type.

will go and watch some more. :lol:

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Guest _hachimitsu



no artworks from me today, but some quick yongseo daebak moments from today's ep! *spoiler*

for those who missed today's awesome episode or cant stream YT *hint* for crystal_malfoy & others. Sorry for the bad quality, i forgot to change my dslr's setting, used it for work yesterday aishh. i didnt take some pics because TVU was lagging earlier. Some treats while waiting for HQ caps, vids, translations etc from our cool gogumas! Enjoy!

I just need to say this out loud.... OMG THEIR HANDS! *dies*

P/s: I know gogumas are very excited about this epi. however please remember to follow the soompi rules, NO PICTURE QUOTING & NO ONE LINERS. mods are watching us. you dont want them to close our lovely yongseo thread, no? write more! spazz your heart out! ok? ok? :D


2nd game. See those eyes!


Yong was tring his best for this challenge while Hyun-buin was very supportive of yong~


Wrestling? Yong vs Nichkhun and he won! 


I loled so hard at this.. Hyun vs Victoria and she won! 


In the 2nd pic, yong was next to jungshin. I wonder why eh?  :phew:


Yongseo was the first couple to enter the "horror" building. See their expression~




I like the way yong was leading hyun~ They said annyeong to ghosts LOL epic failed!


Hyun had to cook something while yong checked the surrounding *who's scaring my hyun buin!?*


LOL hyun~


I was surpised with the zero awkwardness 




*came alive* *dies again*


The MCs in the studio was LOLing so hard at the failed attempt to scare yongseo couple from behind


Hi5 yongseo style!

their picture was the nicest~ LOL so hard because the ghost totally failed! *points hand below* (credits to panGG)


@jnj lol! it seems like hyun was more scared than yong (for our little game list earlier). ahhh this two, I want to turn them into chibis and keep them in my pocket! hahaha   ^_^

me thinks yongseo will gain more fans after this epic episode~~ who's with me?

I love the interaction between all couples, its like real life how you chit chat with your friends and their other half, just enjoying the moment. and ofcourse, thumbs up jungshin chingoo~ 

P/S: I saw more people commenting about my artwork on page 1004, cant recall the names but thank you everyone, i'll work harder!   :wub:

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Just want to share this moment after Hyun won the wrestling..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Look at how supportive & loving Yonghwa is towards Hyun..Sorry for the low quality..




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I really..really LOVE YongSeo!!

































































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Guest Crystal392






Awww I'm so envious of all of you who were able to watch the ep.


Thanks for all your amazing posts and screencaps (thanks for not forgetting me). I just woke up but from what I've read it was an amazing episode.


Always expect the unexpected from our Goguma couple :)


Keep spazzing Gogumas ^_^


Also happy 6 mill views SeoHwa thread!! *throw lots of confetti*



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there's nothing that i don't love abt todays episode.

while i was still in cloud 9 or 10 for all the hand holding parts,

here comes hatchi with more scaps!!

love love the sit-up parts too.

that should be the most intimate a girl and guy can get.

their position? shoo shoo pervy thoughts ... :P


and even at the end of it, hyun and yong legs still entangle..

sorry for my inappropriate use of words...


shoo shoo pervy thoughts ... :P


also love how all the 3 couples calling their wives to hurry up.

Adam with the loud speaker, khun with the chinese gong and yong with the drum!!


crystal, i thought your compi is okay now?

sorry gogumas, can't seem to stop spazzing..


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Ok, we can never have enough caps right? Hahah.. thank you to everyone for posting the pictures and spazzing! I'm still trying to let it all sink in. I need to rewatch a few times I think.. kekeke
































hachimitsu thanks for the recap! Hahaha.. loving the whole episode. And, woah the skinship *faints*.
































crystal hope ur computer is ok now. Lets rewatch and spaz!! ^^
































Edit:[/b[ Oh thank you redtulip for the translations!!! KYAAAAAA
































More screen caps credit to 완소용서@DCInside

































































































































































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Translation from Baidu from Chinese.


Seohyun complained that it was hot and the rest were not here yet. Yonghwa commented that they were on punture, hence the high five and the bump. Jk asked when Gain wore a dress and shld be wearing pants in view that it was a sport event. They all felt uneasy meeting as couple for the first timeand Jk said it was the second time they participated in the sports event. Gain shared that they were the youngest then.


Edit: Accidently clicked the post button. will follow with the rest later.



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Guest Crystal392






OMG those screencaps!!! Girl you are killing me slowly!!! :P


Aaahhh I really can't wait until I watch the episode! Hehehehe they look funny 'blond' (because of the camera).


Their picture holding some food is reall pretty. Both look tired but happy hehehehe




luckily my comp was fixed yesterday

:) but I'm going on a trip for a week so I have lots of things to do. Thankfully right now I have mh iTouch so I can get my goguma dose :)



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when they play the game inside the moving bus, we see all 6 of them wearing

helmets, but we only saw hubbies playing the game..

another edited scene?

would love to see how hyun stood up balancing on a moving bus..

err..was loling the moment adam fell on khun's lap!!!

love the SM family



i just notice that their T shirts are actually half of hearts joined together

aww... :wub:

sweetKY, no one-liner post pls sweetie.

do share more of your thoughts.. ^_^

b]shane, awaits for your gifs... ;):phew:


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