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[drama 2006] Queen Of The Game 게임의 여왕

Guest xosandy

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thanks for the explaining shirley, i thought it was real coz there is an author by that name.. :) so based from ur summary of ep12 ES didn't miscarry yet? or she already miscarried but she imagines not? when will SJ get into the accident thing later in the ep? sory im rushing ur summary ^_^ this will take a whole while to be resolved..

ahh ..

no the starting she was lying to him ..because she feel it will be such a burden for him if they are together ..if they abandon everything to be together ..they really wont be happy w.ith her father in hospital and her mother in asylum ..er that why she lied to him but then she still got the baby .but then something happen to her ..and she feel pains in her tummy ..i think she had already unstable condition and er .alot of things to shock her so ...but .........okie she went to hospital ..and then was on the drip ..and then shin jeong called her .but she passed to the phone to a ahjuma there and told her to tell him.that she had just had an abortion and is sleeping now ..and that make shinjeong rushed to the hospital and seeing her come out think the worst of her .that she had aborted the child

seriously now i see the scene ..hmmmmmmmmmmm i am really having doubts if the child is really gone ..i dun know i just have a werid feeling .but he did believd it to be so and slapped her ..and said he is mad to have fallen in love with a woman lik her .while she watch him leave ..and bade her love farewell and wish him to live on happily ..

but the curse of lee shin jeong .is he cant stop loving her ..and on the road .e rwhen he had decided to leave everything and go ...HE HAD to see her coming on the same road .as him .but in opp direction ......AIYOO! in true drama style ..the writer make him .turned back so suddenly to chase after her car ...and get into an accident AND SO YOU HAve it

she did not know about the accident .thinking he had given up on her ..

he disappaer without a trace ..since they cant find his body ...

so after 5 years...........suddenly this man appeared .....who dun know his own name

lol er wait 10 min or so i get back here

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sorri i try to want to keep it brief .but i seem to have er problem writing short summary so ended up it become something like this ..--l;

esp 12 - summary

eun seol went to prison to see lee shin jeong ..he told her not to speak the words he doesnt want to hear .but when he stand up to leave ..she speak .and told him just stand there and dun turn back to listen .

she told him that she cannot hold on to their love which is becoming so a torture and burden . he stunned to hear that and turned to say to her did she forget that they had promise each other never to be separated .as long as they think that way it will come true

..but she responded very coldly he is as more foolish then she imagined him to eb

just as he had make his decision ..she had made hers.if she had not pretend to love him .will he had let her father go .

he still refused to believe whatever she was saying ..and said they are all lies ..

and she again stabbed the knife further saying you had toyed with my feelings before ..so cant i do that too..

and he asked what about our baby ...and she again ..did the final blow and said there was never a baby ..she asked the obba to lie to him ...that how to get him coned ...

shin jeong keep screaming for her to come back and say those are all lies ..those are not truth ..while she wept outside ...talking to their baby saying is time to let your father go ..so in the prison those words she speak are all lies ..to make him let go of her ..

while in his cell .he still cant believe what he heard from her ..he keep saying those are lies ..lies ..

eun seol's father still in coma.and she asked her father to wake up .that once he wake up they can go back to how they live before and he will like her child .

shinjeong was let out of the jail because of not enough evidence .but for his inside trading i think there was some other conviction like two years probation or something

anyway ..eun seol read about his release from the news and was relieved .

the moment he come out .shinjeong drive madly to see her ..wanted to asked her really what is going on .this day also the day where eun seol and family shifting out and moving to her obba house to stay .

okay so.till now he still dun believed what she had cruelly thrown at him ..and keep asking her why is she this way and lying .that had she forgetten what they had promised each other ..but then she told him why cant he just wake up and get the situation clear ..what he is feeling now .denying it to be true is what she felt too before when she was cheated of her emotions by him ..and that .this is how a revenge is done ..he still refuse to believe and asked what her reason for doing this

since he so persisitent .she told him u can believe whatever you want to believe ..but she had said all she want to say

and that though

he was the one to start this ..

she was the one to finish it

.and started to leave .but he still hold on to her

the one standing before me

is the kang eun seol who love me ?

is it ?

seol ah ... really .... why must it be like this ?

but she told him to take his hands off and asked him to listen clearly

she never once did love him

sob .shinjeong still dun want to believe ...he begged her

dun be like this !

please ..dun be like this !

[omo and i think my heart hurts at this part i see how he glance down towards her tummy where their child is ..till now he still never think there was not a baby ..he does believed the baby there in her .] and then he say softly .

our child can hear .....

.[sobs isnt that very sad ]

then she asked him to wake up .how can she possibily be having his child .!!

as she walked .he screamed

why must it be like this !

why did you waver !

why did you not hold on !

[ but he never say why she never love him .i think till now he still think and know she was all lying to him about not loving him ]


later eunseol was speaking with her obba ..he asked her how is she able to endure missing shinjeong if they break up in such a way.....but she said that what else can she do ..her father is in hospital becaue of her and his mother is in aslyum .and ..that if they abandon all these and be together .,they wil never be truly happy they tried before but fail ..and she thinks is better she alone suffer all the sorrow ..the hurts and the pain .but stil she want to watch her child grow up and live on ..

her obba asked what sins did that child done to grow up without a father ..but she insisted she wil be both a father and mother to the child ..he keep saying she should have let her father go beg shinjeong mother ..but eun seol said there no way to resolve this ....she so tired and shinjeong will become more burdened by all these and shouted at her obba why is he doing this to her ..picking at her heart which is already so hurt from letting shin jeong go ..it was with her last strenght of will that she had let him go ...and now her obba is making it so difficult reminding her of all these !


the shin jeong mother was worried about her son being too obessed ..with that kang eun seol but lawyer park say he need time to adjust to all these so when they went to find him at the hotel ...he refused to do what the mother asked to go back to USA and said that he will never give up eun seol ..but his mother said she will never acknowlegded her ..but er ..shin jeong shouted to her mother very forcefully ...i will acknowlege her . i need her ..i LOVE HER ! . the mother was really upset and told him as long as they are alive .the mother and son shall never met ...


okie got to do this fast ..

lawyer park saw the pic of shin jeong and eun seol and written on it was ..our family of three .so she knows there is a baby ...and told the mother ..

.the mother was really shocked to hear this cant believe this ..and said this cannot happen even if the sky collapse

.she went to find eun seol .and told her straight away to abort the child ..say for her son ..she can do anything ..she keep begging eun seol to abort the child that the child cannot be born because then eun seol and shin jeong cannot be separated ..once the child is born ...even if eun seol is so sure it is over between them but for her son it is not ..

eun seol cant believe that she is asking her to end a new born life ..

she told eun seol ..she and her father was lover relationship in the past ..and how will she and her father think when they look at the child ..that it is not only between the two of them only [meaning shin jeong and eun seol ]

[okie i think is not so much that shinjeong and her is related more like since the two were lovers before .it is not right for the children to be er ..together and have a grandchild which will make alot of things complicated if the child grandparents were also like lovers .i think she is more against this in this way .surely cannot be they are related siblings ]

so eun seol asked her if shin jeong know this ...er ..the mother told her .like how her father abandon her ..this is also how shinjeong is abandoning eun seol ..[ is like implying shin jeong know fully the relationship between his mother and mr kang ..and that is also he is doing the same to eun seol what her father did to his mother ]

this was truly a blow to eun seol ..i think she really cant believe that was what shin jeong was doing to her .revenging becaue her father deserted his mother ..--;;


shin jeong went to see mr kang who still in coma and he told mr kang to wake up faster ..so that he can hear shinjeong words of apology and also that shin jeon can hear words of blessing from him and when that moment comes...it will also be the time he will call mr kang .=> .father meaning that he had forgiven everything and just want to be with kang eun seol and let mr kang be his father ....

he walk out of hospital and saw a couple there with a baby and he simled .i think he is even more determined to get eun seol back ..he went with flowers to her work place but she was not there


but ..eun seol was very shaken by what the mother told her and then she start to feel pains in her tummy .and she drove herself to the hospital but sweat was breaking out ..er .i really think she was going to suffer a miscarriage but then the next scene she was on the hospital bed with a drip .( seriously she dun look like er .miscarraige happen neither nor an abortion happen ]

shin jeong called her and she passes the phone to a ahjuma there and told her to tell the man that ..she just had an abortion and is sleeping now ..

shinjeong asked where the hospital and rushed there to see eun seol coming out [ hmm again ..i dun think u allow to walk so easily after miscarriage or abortion ? and er the amount of sorrow she feels after it dun seem abit right --;;

i think there no abortion i not sure if there is a miscarriage either but seem like we are led to believe somehow the baby not there anymore .. ]

she told him ..very calmly...she abort the baby ..and he slapped her

that he must be mad to have fallen in love with such a person like her !

this time ..his heart is really hurting ..that she did that to their child ..

and as she watched him leave ...she said in her heart

.that she will live on strongly

even when she misses him too much .she will continue to try to endure all these ..and live on

go well ..my love


shinjeong was really devasted by what he had believed she did ..and got himself drunk ..and wept in the room

seriously i think ..er he never stop loving her even what he think she did abort the child ? or did he .>

.and that why he is weeping because ..he loved her ..and for the child too .

..while she too was so drained by what she had let go ...the man she loved most ..


okie so

anyway ...this shinjeong was driving .and then in the tunnel .he saw her car and..it just his curse ..he cant let go of her .and wanted to turn his car aaround to chase after her .but unforunately ! ..he got into an accident


five years later ........eun seol was at the work site ..i think she beomce quite a career woman and .was incharge of some projects there ..and her obba was there too...the exwife called up .i dun know seeem they reconiled ? the wife got a hold over him though ...i think is the secret of shinjeong accident .i dun think they let eun seol know .so the wife sort of told her ex husband if he dun listen to her or whatever ..that she wil tell eun seol ..about the secret and then she will want to look high and low all over korea...

shinjeong;s mother and lawyer park and his hyung was there to celebrate bd for him but er ..this lee shinjoeng seem to have disppear since that accident 5 years ago they never found his body nor traces of him ...and he is still on the missing person list


eun seol was driving and on the radio their song come on .the midnight blues .and she uttered the name lee shin jeong .a name she had not spoken for a few years..yet saying it now .still make her heart so heavy ..


sooo this worker at the construction project eun seol is working on ..saw this young man walking on the edge of the building .[btw..he was whistling the midnight blue tune too as he walk on the edge ..well who can it be but the missing lee shinjeong but the thing is he doesnt know he is lee shin jeong .]

the worker .got this son who called him about his english homework [ okie i admit i was like saying nooo dun let that young man take over the phone ---;;] but .er ..surprisingly .lol lee shin jong who lost his memory .er english did sounds more clear then before .keke ..well since he helped the son with the homework...the man treated him to lunch ..and he asked this young man what does he work at ..and he said .he looking for work and then asked him what can he do ..he said bits of everything

asked if he can do carpentary work .[because eun seol project need one ] ...the young man answered seem interesting .lol ..

and then he asked what his name ...the young man never replied ......

.and just then eun seol called the worker ...this young man help picked up the phone . saw the name on the mobile as kang eun seol [ he did not register it .so i think he really lost his memory ]

.lol and the lady at the other side was sort of screaming into the phone ..and ..he was commenting she got a nice voice but a fiery temper ...

so ended up...this young man become the new worker for eun seol project ...but when they approaching eun seol .er the young man turned to go take his bag .so missed the first meeting

and ....

at the road ..she got problems with her car and was changing it tyre ..and it slip from her hand and roll ..

and it ended right into that young man ...........who when she saw him ..she was utterly speechless nor able to think apart from ......

... lee shin jeong .

.is infront of her right now

but he only simled at her .....and asked her need help ? and where the spanner > and then he saw how she keep staring at him and asked her ..why are you looking at me with such expression ..

PS : the day they met is christmas eve

PS btw the mr kang wake out of coma but turn into a man with IQ a child ..

that the end

i got two doubts "

a. somehow i have no idea where i got a werid feeling sudenly a five year old child might appear

b. hm.....he really lose his memory i assumed .but then ..there might be a chance he fake it ? and wanted to help her get back the hotel for her father -but pretend so she can let him come near ?

lol anyway those are my wild guessing

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Guest juju_amin84

sorri i try to want to keep it brief .but i seem to have er problem writing short summary so ended up it become something like this ..--l;

esp 12 - summary

eun seol went to prison to see lee shin jeong ..he told her not to speak the words he doesnt want to hear .but when he stand up to leave ..she speak .and told him just stand there and dun turn back to listen .

she told him that she cannot hold on to their love which is becoming so a torture and burden . he stunned to hear that and turned to say to her did she forget that they had promise each other never to be separated .as long as they think that way it will come true

..but she responded very coldly he is as more foolish then she imagined him to eb

just as he had make his decision ..she had made hers.if she had not pretend to love him .will he had let her father go .

he still refused to believe whatever she was saying ..and said they are all lies ..

and she again stabbed the knife further saying you had toyed with my feelings before ..so cant i do that too..

and he asked what about our baby ...and she again ..did the final blow and said there was never a baby ..she asked the obba to lie to him ...that how to get him coned ...

shin jeong keep screaming for her to come back and say those are all lies ..those are not truth ..while she wept outside ...talking to their baby saying is time to let your father go ..so in the prison those words she speak are all lies ..to make him let go of her ..

while in his cell .he still cant believe what he heard from her ..he keep saying those are lies ..lies ..

eun seol's father still in coma.and she asked her father to wake up .that once he wake up they can go back to how they live before and he will like her child .

shinjeong was let out of the jail because of not enough evidence .but for his inside trading i think there was some other conviction like two years probation or something

anyway ..eun seol read about his release from the news and was relieved .

the moment he come out .shinjeong drive madly to see her ..wanted to asked her really what is going on .this day also the day where eun seol and family shifting out and moving to her obba house to stay .

okay so.till now he still dun believed what she had cruelly thrown at him ..and keep asking her why is she this way and lying .that had she forgetten what they had promised each other ..but then she told him why cant he just wake up and get the situation clear ..what he is feeling now .denying it to be true is what she felt too before when she was cheated of her emotions by him ..and that .this is how a revenge is done ..he still refuse to believe and asked what her reason for doing this

since he so persisitent .she told him u can believe whatever you want to believe ..but she had said all she want to say

and that though

he was the one to start this ..

she was the one to finish it

.and started to leave .but he still hold on to her

the one standing before me

is the kang eun seol who love me ?

is it ?

seol ah ... really .... why must it be like this ?

but she told him to take his hands off and asked him to listen clearly

she never once did love him

sob .shinjeong still dun want to believe ...he begged her

dun be like this !

please ..dun be like this !

[omo and i think my heart hurts at this part i see how he glance down towards her tummy where their child is ..till now he still never think there was not a baby ..he does believed the baby there in her .] and then he say softly .

our child can hear .....

.[sobs isnt that very sad ]

then she asked him to wake up .how can she possibily be having his child .!!

as she walked .he screamed

why must it be like this !

why did you waver !

why did you not hold on !

[ but he never say why she never love him .i think till now he still think and know she was all lying to him about not loving him ]


later eunseol was speaking with her obba ..he asked her how is she able to endure missing shinjeong if they break up in such a way.....but she said that what else can she do ..her father is in hospital becaue of her and his mother is in aslyum .and ..that if they abandon all these and be together .,they wil never be truly happy they tried before but fail ..and she thinks is better she alone suffer all the sorrow ..the hurts and the pain .but stil she want to watch her child grow up and live on ..

her obba asked what sins did that child done to grow up without a father ..but she insisted she wil be both a father and mother to the child ..he keep saying she should have let her father go beg shinjeong mother ..but eun seol said there no way to resolve this ....she so tired and shinjeong will become more burdened by all these and shouted at her obba why is he doing this to her ..picking at her heart which is already so hurt from letting shin jeong go ..it was with her last strenght of will that she had let him go ...and now her obba is making it so difficult reminding her of all these !


the shin jeong mother was worried about her son being too obessed ..with that kang eun seol but lawyer park say he need time to adjust to all these so when they went to find him at the hotel ...he refused to do what the mother asked to go back to USA and said that he will never give up eun seol ..but his mother said she will never acknowlegded her ..but er ..shin jeong shouted to her mother very forcefully ...i will acknowlege her . i need her ..i LOVE HER ! . the mother was really upset and told him as long as they are alive .the mother and son shall never met ...


okie got to do this fast ..

lawyer park saw the pic of shin jeong and eun seol and written on it was ..our family of three .so she knows there is a baby ...and told the mother ..

.the mother was really shocked to hear this cant believe this ..and said this cannot happen even if the sky collapse

.she went to find eun seol .and told her straight away to abort the child ..say for her son ..she can do anything ..she keep begging eun seol to abort the child that the child cannot be born because then eun seol and shin jeong cannot be separated ..once the child is born ...even if eun seol is so sure it is over between them but for her son it is not ..

eun seol cant believe that she is asking her to end a new born life ..

she told eun seol ..she and her father was lover relationship in the past ..and how will she and her father think when they look at the child ..that it is not only between the two of them only [meaning shin jeong and eun seol ]

[okie i think is not so much that shinjeong and her is related more like since the two were lovers before .it is not right for the children to be er ..together and have a grandchild which will make alot of things complicated if the child grandparents were also like lovers .i think she is more against this in this way .surely cannot be they are related siblings ]

so eun seol asked her if shin jeong know this ...er ..the mother told her .like how her father abandon her ..this is also how shinjeong is abandoning eun seol ..[ is like implying shin jeong know fully the relationship between his mother and mr kang ..and that is also he is doing the same to eun seol what her father did to his mother ]

this was truly a blow to eun seol ..i think she really cant believe that was what shin jeong was doing to her .revenging becaue her father deserted his mother ..--;;


shin jeong went to see mr kang who still in coma and he told mr kang to wake up faster ..so that he can hear shinjeong words of apology and also that shin jeon can hear words of blessing from him and when that moment comes...it will also be the time he will call mr kang .=> .father meaning that he had forgiven everything and just want to be with kang eun seol and let mr kang be his father ....

he walk out of hospital and saw a couple there with a baby and he simled .i think he is even more determined to get eun seol back ..he went with flowers to her work place but she was not there


but ..eun seol was very shaken by what the mother told her and then she start to feel pains in her tummy .and she drove herself to the hospital but sweat was breaking out ..er .i really think she was going to suffer a miscarriage but then the next scene she was on the hospital bed with a drip .( seriously she dun look like er .miscarraige happen neither nor an abortion happen ]

shin jeong called her and she passes the phone to a ahjuma there and told her to tell the man that ..she just had an abortion and is sleeping now ..

shinjeong asked where the hospital and rushed there to see eun seol coming out [ hmm again ..i dun think u allow to walk so easily after miscarriage or abortion ? and er the amount of sorrow she feels after it dun seem abit right --;;

i think there no abortion i not sure if there is a miscarriage either but seem like we are led to believe somehow the baby not there anymore .. ]

she told him ..very calmly...she abort the baby ..and he slapped her

that he must be mad to have fallen in love with such a person like her !

this time ..his heart is really hurting ..that she did that to their child ..

and as she watched him leave ...she said in her heart

.that she will live on strongly

even when she misses him too much .she will continue to try to endure all these ..and live on

go well ..my love


shinjeong was really devasted by what he had believed she did ..and got himself drunk ..and wept in the room

seriously i think ..er he never stop loving her even what he think she did .and that why he is weeping because ..he loved her ..and for the child too .

..while she too was so drained by what she had let go ...the man she loved most ..


okie so

anyway ...this shinjeong was driving .and then in the tunnel .he saw her car and..it just his curse ..he cant let go of her .and wanted to turn his car aaround to chase after her .but unforunately ! ..he got into an accident


five years later ........eun seol was at the work site ..i think she beomce quite a career woman and .was incharge of some projects there ..and her obba was there too...the exwife called up .i dun know seeem they reconiled ? the wife got a hold over him though ...i think is the secret of shinjeong accident .i dun think they let eun seol know .so the wife sort of told her ex husband if he dun listen to her or whatever ..that she wil tell eun seol ..about the secret and then she will want to look high and low all over korea...

shinjeong;s mother and lawyer park and his hyung was there to celebrate bd for him but er ..this lee shinjoeng seem to have disppear since that accident 5 years ago they never found his body nor traces of him ...and he is still on the missing person list


eun seol was driving and on the radio their song come on .the midnight blues .and she uttered the name lee shin jeong .a name she had not spoken for a few years..yet saying it now .still make her heart so heavy ..


sooo this worker at the construction project eun seol is working on ..saw this young man walking on the edge of the building .[btw..he was whistling the midnight blue tune too as he walk on the edge ..well who can it be but the missing lee shinjeong but the thing is he doesnt know he is lee shin jeong .]

the worker .got this son who called him about his english homework [ okie i admit i was like saying nooo dun let that young man take over the phone ---;;] but .er ..surprisingly .lol lee shin jong who lost his memory .er english did sounds more clear then before .keke ..well since he helped the son with the homework...the man treated him to lunch ..and he asked this young man what does he work at ..and he said .he looking for work and then asked him what can he do ..he said bits of everything

asked if he can do carpentary work .[because eun seol project need one ] ...the young man answered seem interesting .lol ..

and then he asked what his name ...the young man never replied ......

.and just then eun seol called the worker ...this young man help picked up the phone . saw the name on the mobile as kang eun seol [ he did not register it .so i think he really lost his memory ]

.lol and the lady at the other side was sort of screaming into the phone ..and ..he was commenting she got a nice voice but a fiery temper ...

so ended up...this young man become the new worker for eun seol project ...but when they approaching eun seol .er the young man turned to go take his bag .so missed the first meeting

and ....

at the road ..she got problems with her car and was changing it tyre ..and it slip from her hand and roll ..

and it ended right into that young man ...........who when she saw him ..she was utterly speechless nor able to think apart from ......

... lee shin jeong .

.is infront of her right now

but he only simled at her .....and asked her need help ? and where the spanner > and then he saw how she keep staring at him and asked her ..why are you looking at me with such expression ..

PS : the day they met is christmas eve

PS btw the mr kang wake out of coma but turn into a man with IQ a child ..

that the end

tq for the summary.........hope to see both of them back together....

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Guest gloryjc

Anyone noticed the car that crashed with SJ's in Ep 12. is ES's oppa car.

I can't helped to recall SJ's assistant once commented that he could one " Who set the fire and rescued the victim".

Afterall, he still love ES very much in his heart.

Who knows, the oppa might be cooking up something once he recognised

SJ's presence in the construction project.

I am not surprised to see a 5-year old girl pops up in the next few episodes too... hehehehe..

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Guest babymarzy07

shirley, thanks for the very detailed summary :) i do think a child might appear if she didnt miscarry.. just want to clear up what ES told SJ.. in prison she said there was no baby? but when SJ came out prison he still thinks there is a baby? and that's when he went to the hospital and saw her come out saying she aborted the baby? is that right?

gerryg, nice to see u here.. :) did u like TOE? never watched it.. how is the pregnanacy similar?

gloryjc, yes i noticed that the car was the same as the oppa's car.. it makes me wonder.. i think he's up to something..

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Guest flounder

I noticed that for these recent episodes, the preview to the upcoming episodes are not usually shown. Is this intentional or the crews did not have enough time to film the previews?

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i'm on ep 5. and skipped ep. 4 could someone clarify how shinjeon can "help" pres. kang by resigning as vision pres.? I'm all confused abt what's going on...

hm :ph34r: i skip a few esp too ke so er ..i cant really explain what happen compeletly abuot his plot to take over the hotel

but i thought he was going to be the CEO in mr kang place ..

Thank you shirley for the summary :) I think her pregnancy might be like Terms of Endearment.

yes~ precisely .that was what i was thinking too .so Terms of enderment ! what that miss han did to Song Il Kook .. i still rem that part in Terms of Endearment ..i was like :blink: miscarriage ..how can it be ?..she just come out the same day but she does look abit weak but i was having doubts and sure enough one or two esp later i still see the growing tummy she was hiding it all along --;; she lie to him

er ..i am just saying out my speculation about the baby thing because it just feel abit werid to me ...so dun come after me if er ..really the baby is gone .which might be the case too ..maybe the writer had not make up her mind yet ..

btw the father of eun seol here ..hah isnt he the same father in terms of endearment .~!

Anyone noticed the car that crashed with SJ's in Ep 12. is ES's oppa car.

I can't helped to recall SJ's assistant once commented that he could one " Who set the fire and rescued the victim".

Afterall, he still love ES very much in his heart.

Who knows, the oppa might be cooking up something once he recognised

SJ's presence in the construction project.

I am not surprised to see a 5-year old girl pops up in the next few episodes too... hehehehe..

lol ya i wont be surprised at all .if a 5 year old suddenly come along and call him ahjussi

oh was the car the obba's car ...hm..... :unsure: lol he seem like kinda of nice guy to me ..i even thought he might help shin jeong recover his memory somehow ..that is if he really lost it ...

shirley, thanks for the very detailed summary :) i do think a child might appear if she didnt miscarry.. just want to clear up what ES told SJ.. in prison she said there was no baby? but when SJ came out prison he still thinks there is a baby? and that's when he went to the hospital and saw her come out saying she aborted the baby? is that right?

gerryg, nice to see u here.. :) did u like TOE? never watched it.. how is the pregnanacy similar?

gloryjc, yes i noticed that the car was the same as the oppa's car.. it makes me wonder.. i think he's up to something..

yes . she lied to him saying there was not even a baby in the first place .but er .i think what hapepn before between them ... make him firmly believed what she is saying are all lies ..meaning there is a baby but she just creating lies to make him believed she betrayed him with the baby thing ..from the way he looked at her and say their child can hear is evidence enough that he does believed the baby is true ...till when he saw her at the hospital

I noticed that for these recent episodes, the preview to the upcoming episodes are not usually shown. Is this intentional or the crews did not have enough time to film the previews?

ya sometimes when they have no time to cut the preview they just dun show it .lol but usually at half marker they kinda of dun show the preview too

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Guest pink_is

thanks SHIRLEY for the review..i was away for the weekend at RAIN CONCERT..your review rock ...i can actually picture how the story go..i can't wait til i catch up with all the episodes...^^

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Guest babymarzy07

yes . she lied to him saying there was not even a baby in the first place .but er .i think what hapepn before between them ... make him firmly believed what she is saying are all lies ..meaning there is a baby but she just creating lies to make him believed she betrayed him with the baby thing ..from the way he looked at her and say their child can hear is evidence enough that he does believed the baby is true ...till when he saw her at the hospital

ohhh i get it.. makes sense.. hehhe thanks

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Anyone noticed the car that crashed with SJ's in Ep 12. is ES's oppa car.

I can't helped to recall SJ's assistant once commented that he could one " Who set the fire and rescued the victim".

Afterall, he still love ES very much in his heart.

Who knows, the oppa might be cooking up something once he recognised

SJ's presence in the construction project.

I am not surprised to see a 5-year old girl pops up in the next few episodes too... hehehehe..

well i havent actually seen the epi yet but from what i've read so far apparently the oppa is being blackmailed by his ex-wife?? maybe because she knows what he did and that's why he has to do what she says??? that's what i read from someone's synopsis of the episode...

oh a 5 yr old kid showing up would b pretty interesting... it's probably a 5 yr old boy???

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shirley, thanks for the very detailed summary :) i do think a child might appear if she didnt miscarry.. just want to clear up what ES told SJ.. in prison she said there was no baby? but when SJ came out prison he still thinks there is a baby? and that's when he went to the hospital and saw her come out saying she aborted the baby? is that right?

gerryg, nice to see u here.. :) did u like TOE? never watched it.. how is the pregnanacy similar?

gloryjc, yes i noticed that the car was the same as the oppa's car.. it makes me wonder.. i think he's up to something..

babymarzy07 Nice to see u here too! It looks like shirley explained the similarities. But to answer your question, yes I really enjoyed TOE. I was up for several nights watching the dvds. It was a very good story.

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Main Translator: asiandreamer117, Devache

Spot Translators: purpletiger86

Timer: kiss the rain, ltrang

Editor: seirin

Coordinators: mily2, ay_link



Main Translators: asiandreamer117, Devache

Spot Translator: purpletiger86

Timers: kiss the rain., ltrang

Editor/QC: seirin

Encoder: upikepik

Coordinators: mily2, ay_link



Screen caps:

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Torrent will be uploaded on FRIDAY 12/29.

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Thanks! ^^

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Guest .alyak_

Thank-you so much for the summaries and spoilers. I had fun reading them!!!

Wow. Lots of things are happening in episode 12. Can't wait to see it!

Episode 6 subs are out! Will watch it tomorrow. :phew:

- Kayla

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Guest babymarzy07

babymarzy07 Nice to see u here too! It looks like shirley explained the similarities. But to answer your question, yes I really enjoyed TOE. I was up for several nights watching the dvds. It was a very good story.

really? not too draggy? sorry OT here.. :) thanks to withs2 for the subs!! yehey!! :)

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