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Superstar K Winner, Seo In Gook [서인국]


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Thank you for explaining, @cecilia! So it's basically a concert at a department store... well, the ticket thing is a bit confusing but at least I know that it's a mini concert :D

By the way guys, I came across this post on a blog and I love the post, especially the last sentence
"This boy, he’s truly been a diamond in the rough, and when he shines you just can’t help but be mesmerised."


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Thx for that tumblr post and i do agree on many things she said, which is why in guk never entered my radar til now. I mean if i had to write a post i could write a real long one but there are reasons why in guk has not been able to gain the popularity that he is capable of getting til now.

First of all he started as a singer from superstar k. The problem was that he was still an amateur but got thrown into the professional market straightaway. For sure he improved alot during the superstar k journey but compared to idols who train for years, his few months were not much. After winning, he got put into the spotlight straightawy with the skills and experience of an amateur. It would be unfair to compare him to pro's at that stage of his career. I think its Only natural that it took him a bit of time to grow and inprove as a singer and performer. Think about audition programs now, some singers dont necessarily debut straightaway. One example i can think of who debuted jot long after was Lee Ha yee ( Lee HI) but even she had some time to train and her debut single was a bit unpolished too.

Second reason is something i feel strongly about. I wrote a long post on this in korean on dc and found out that alot of korean fans feel the same (had 60 recommends and thousands of clicks)...that tumblr also touched on it. Seriously i dont know what was going on in the minds of the people from Jellyfish who were choosing the songs or planning the album concept, image, performance etc. Over the first few yrs of his career, how many 'wtf's were there??? When i wrote that post in korean, i had only been listening to his songs for a couple of weeks and was not quite familiar with them yet, but i think i could get a better feel and assess his music from the point of a random, non-fan listener then. You hear time and time again about singers trying to establish their style and make themselves stand out amongst the sea of singers. I feel Jellyfish has failed in building that image or style for in guk. In a big way. In guk is extremely versatile yes, but theres a thing called concept and focus which i felt were seriously lacking. Before KOHS the only song i knew of in guk was saranghae U, and my impression of him was more a ballad singer. Im not saying he should be boxed as a particular type of singer but there needs to be something that defines him as seo in guk and makes him distinct as a singer and performer. Even now i still think they have not be able to establish that. As a fan now, ive definitely become more biased and his korean songs have started to grow on me. But as a random listener, its hard to jump on his ship with whats being presented. From what i gather, some of the common frustrations korean fans have with jellyfish is (1) giving him songs or image which do not suit him (think baby U) (2) cutting his music activities short (tease me was rising up in the charts after 3 weeks but activities ended then) (3) the fact there is still no full length korean album and just a whole bunch digital singles more than anything. And linked to that (4) too much focus on japanese market and neglecting the korean market (in terms of his music)

The reason i got so worked up about this issue was because i came across his japanese songs. I am biased (in a nwgative way) towards japanese songs, i can support but ive never really liked korean singers' japanesw songs, even the non remake onesml. But surprisingly in guk's japanese songs are really good. The style, album concept, vocals etc really suit him well. The ppl who plan these, who wrote these songs, actually have some continuity in the way they are shaping in guk as a singer. The first time i heard some of his japanese stuff i was almost in tears. Seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just made me feel that if in korea, they can get their act together, in guk can really become popular in the korean music market too. But i dont know if thats too much to hope for.

anyhow that was a much longer rant than i initially planned. Thx for reading

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Yeah, Inguk also never entered my radar before Reply 97, I never knew there was someone called Seo In Guk in Korean entertainment industry. Not only that, but we knew that his appearance in public channel was limited before... Up until now, even though Inguk is gaining popularity because of his acting, I still think that he's very underrated as a singer. He's so underrated so that sometimes I came across people who commenting that he should just give up his singing career for being a full time actor.
I agree that his Japanese albums are actually showing his capability as a singer more~ He even composed and wrote some of his songs, while in Korea, it was only Fate for a drama OST and Young Love for the lyrics because of the SSK stage project.

Also I've never think of it before, but you're right about how he debuted straightaway after he won Superstar K. I know his fellow contestants from SSK1 who's still active today--Park Narae, she was in Top 8 and she trained before she joined Spica and debuted, also Park Semi--she was in Top 5 or 6 (I don't remember) and she trained before she joined Jewelry and debuted. In an interview with YHY in 2010, Inguk did say that he wants to get a professional training at a company... Well, he auditioned for JYP but they rejected him twice.

Inguk always said that he love acting and singing in the same amount. He can't choose one of them because he love them both. I want him to success in not only acting industry but also music industry. What Jellyfish needs to do is to make an album that can really show his full potential and make him distinct as a singer, also the album that really suits him just like his Japanese albums. Not to forget the proper promotion. I don't know when they do that, though...

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thanks @popscreen7 for the link ...I wish my english good enough to write something about SIG. My head full of though but I just can't put them in good, great and correct sentences  ~X(   Agree that SIG did alot decent and great collabaration, my favorite are 'time machine', 'would you?' and 'loved you'
@cecilia I also love his japanese album. It suits his voice but sometime I feel that mellow song just too much for our cheeky and playful SIG. About 'Baby U' what I see even until now, his fans always ask him to sing that song ... maybe because they can see the "fun and sexy" side of  SIG at the same time when he sing that cheeky song. Maybe he just want to erase that song from his discography because of the cute concept ... hahaha. What I see now he dance become lesser and lesser when he perform that song. Talking how he straightaway become pro after winning SSK1.. that must be very hard for him with all expectation. Poor him  >:D< Just want to make another comparing.. when he auditioned for SSK1 and choir QoM, he sing the same song but you can hear how difference can be after 1 year... btw I love that amazing "the name" song ... wondering if he had a reason to choose it then.

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@cecilia .. do you know the english name for this song  

I dont know if there is an official english title for the song but it means "I cant meet you again"

As with Baby U, at the homecoming event, he mentioned that he really used to not like the song but because he keeps singing it at functions and fans cheer him on when he sings the song, his view on it has changed a bit now, and he's much better with it now

i dont necessarily mean that hw should sing ballads, i actually think he has a great voice for rnb songs, if only he got dance training when he was younger..but i mean his japanese songs actually show more of who seo in guk is as a singer. I just think his korean stuff needs to be more impactful and more consistent

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I am fully on board that Jelly Fish should start focusing on his career as a singer. SIG is not getting any younger and the Idol world is very very very very competitive. Every time, there is a new idol group coming out. If In Guk should make a name as an international household name, he will have to conquer the Idol World too. I have nothing against him being older than most idols, if anything I think it will give him an edge. There has to be a market for a sexy and cute and sincere talent like Seo In Guk. Like Jason Mraz for example----- he stood out solely for his music and first for his music than his image like say, backstreet boys or sumth. I Think In Guk deserves that kind of caliber in Music----stuff which he really likes to sing and even compose. I'm sure there are a lot of good underrated composers in Korea that he can collaborate with too. In Guk can create a niche for himself outside of the typical KIdol image. I look forward to hearing good music from him----the kind that blows the charts off because he really has the skill. Judging from the way instagrammers tend to cover Bomtanaba, or how his songs tend to rise up the charts when they are released, he can really do it.  It's like competing indirectly by making a market that is all his own. Aish. I cannot express how much I believe in Seo In Guk. He has gained a good following now and if he follows it up with a very unique, very Seo In Guk, and very well-made full album with endless hits----he will be up there for good. I cannot really blame some fans for saying that he should be more an actor than a singer because most of the projects that they see from him are in dramas, and not music. I can weed out several really good songs from Seo In Guk and he has very wide skills from a balladeer to a rap artist so the right concept if conceived uniquely should be able to set him apart. So on that note, what kind of music or singer image would you like for him to have? Any ideas guys? :D

I vote for the funny, sweet, honesy, sexy, cute Seo In Guk image that is just Seo In Guk.  A little Jason Mraz-like raps with some upbeats and mind boggling Michael-Buble-ish sexy but manly----and also a bit of the Frankie J emo songs. Hah. So difficult to explain. I somehow like the idea of a "stripped-down" album. Kind of like those foreign Indie concepts that bring out the music more than the bling. Hah I don't know. I'm rambling. I want a good album!

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@kimnabong:I have seen his performance when he tweaked his songs to suit the blues and jazz mood. I felt he did an excellent job in that! He has the calibre of sing jazz songs too! I definitely agree that his opportunity to shine as a singer has sidelined for far too long! 
I didn't even know that In Gukkie was playing the 2nd lead character in Master's Sun when i was starting to watch KOHS. It was until i began to google him up then i realised it. He's a real gem and i really hope that he shines brightly and makes it big in the entertainment industry.
I am certainly rooting for him! He really puts in the effort to sing "live" when he is up on performances or shows. That is one element that i respect alot because many tend to just lip-sync. For SIG, you know very well that he's giving his best in each performances. :)

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I'm not that fond of Baby U either but I love the Baby U version that he sang on Yoo Hee Yeol sketchbook in December 2013! I'm sure everyone has seen it, it's the one where he performed after he sang Feeling Good; that version is manlier than the original :D

@kimnabong I love the character you described for him. The difference from being an actor is that when you're an actor, you should show the personality and the image that the script asked you to do. But if you are singer, I think you should show the real you, the image, the style and the music that is really you, so that you'll feel comfortable.
The character you described of him is really him, and I agree that Inguk needs to show that image in his music. The kind of music that suits him, his style, and can show the full potential of him musically.

Well, as for my personal preference, my most favourite Korean album of his is Perfect Fit and my most favourite Japanese album of his is Everlasting :D

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BWAHAHAHA The brotherly banter is crazy fun!!!! And at 1:45, did the the dongsaeng really call the Seo In Guk-Vixx Maknae Ahjeossi? Hahhahaha :))
I'm gonna die! These boys probably cause a mess in their studio! =))Seo In Guk is so consistent. His relationship with Vixx has not changed at all ^^ (the kind of man that knows how to keep long-term relationships ^^)

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