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My Beauty Diary 我的美麗日記 Facial Masks

Guest xfriends4lyfex

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Guest Beautiful*Nightmare

I just bought the lavender one, did anyone ever tried that one?? I just got it in T & T in Ottawa since it's just open today :D

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Guest vickiixtinhy

I just bought the lavender one, did anyone ever tried that one?? I just got it in T & T in Ottawa since it's just open today :D

Yeah :D I just bought some more to stock up on my BlackPearl ones at T&T tioday too! Hahahah. Mmmm. they were at a pretty decent price, $13.99/box.

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Guest Beautiful*Nightmare

yup, i actually quite like this one. it just feels so soothing and nice. and the scent is really nice too

Thanx! Does it have any effect though? I heard that lavender supposed to heal skin and stuff like that

Yeah :D I just bought some more to stock up on my BlackPearl ones at T&T tioday too! Hahahah. Mmmm. they were at a pretty decent price, $13.99/box.

LOL I was about to buy the blackpearl ones but for some reason, I didnt. So, I'm going on Friday to get it haha

From reading the reviews in here, a lot of people seems to really like that one. Do they really whiten your skin?

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Guest 张之磊

Yeah :D I just bought some more to stock up on my BlackPearl ones at T&T tioday too! Hahahah. Mmmm. they were at a pretty decent price, $13.99/box.


i bought blackpearl and white truffle ones =D

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest GeneralMarshmallow

this isn't my first mbd mask, but i'm gonna do a quick review on the mixed berry one because i currently have it on!

btw, mbd masks are packed with moisture. if your skin is suffering super dry skin, i recommend these but please do not complain about the initial stingy-ness. it stings at first because your skin is a little dry! but if it super stings FOREVER, please do not use it again. i recommend buying sample size packets (2) before you resort to the box of 10!

currently my skin is suffering season change, so i reached for my lovely mbd's. mbd's are supposed to be on for about 20~30 min., which is quite long. don't be scared of the leftover slick of essence when you take it off; it's normal. massage it into your skin, our drain some off of your face and rub it on your neck.

mixed berry mask claims that it:

-restores dull and dehydrated skin

-evens out skintone

-brighten & tighten skin

when i first opened the packet, i had a huge whiff of sickly blueberry yogurt (maybe it's just me, i have a sensitive nose). like, very berry (no pun intended). but once you put it on your face, it dries down to a nice fruit yogurt smell that i think is appealing to majority of people. this mask is very wet compared to other mbd's. ofc, it stung a little on me for the first few minutes because my skin was obviously dry. i waited about 20 minutes for the mask to absorb into my skin. it's true that it does tighten and brighten, but since this is my first try, i don't think it evened out my skin tone. but it is believable that it does with continued use because.. well, i'm practically glowing.

i will keep you updated with other masks in the future~ rawr. i'm gonna review chocolate one in a week~

[edit:] even though i like these for being inexpensive (compared to other ones on the market) and is quite effective, i have to admit their are better ones out there. but mbd is good for those who want to add more to their collection, or want to get a nice introduction to sheet masks. but for some reason, i always come running back to these!

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Guest Cherish_xx

I recently bought the black pearl and bulgarian white rose mask. I've only tried the white rose mask so far.. it's nice and moisturizing but I don't think it did much overall.. But then I wasn't really expecting it to do much either.^_^;; Bought it more for the cute packaging hahah

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  • 1 month later...
Guest cookiebot

Can these masks be used everyday? Or should I use them like 2-3 times a week instead?

A lot of Asian beauty bloggers use these everyday and suffer no problem from doing so... but I can't bear to do that myself since its kinda expensive for daily use! I also don't think it'll be very effective, y'know, everyday.

White Truffle, Strawberry, Japanese Cherry Blossom, Platinum Nanocolloid and Camellia are very good for whitening and/or brightening (personally).

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Guest Shellymelly

I've used the pearl mask before. I thought it was really refreshing and it left my skin feeling smooth. After I took the mask off, I definitely noticed that my skin got whiter. However, the effect doesn't last that long and it usually goes away over night. I still like using their masks though. They're very pleasant in smell and easy to use. Bonus points for not having to wash the mask off. =]

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  • 2 months later...
Guest lockettex3

i just bought the aloe mask and red wine mask! (both are sets of 10) yay never tried them before so i'm excited (:



the red wine mask


the aloe mask

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Guest angelzstar

I bought the 7 days one with the different varieties. So far, I have tried the Aloe, Japanese Cherry Blossom, and the Red Wine ones. The first two were so so far me; one or bumps appeared (sensitive skin ;) after I took it off for both, but then disappeared. I just tried the Red Wine one this past Saturday and I LOVE it! My face felt really refreshed afterwards and no itchy bumps! I have yet to try the other varieties...hehe...OH, all of those three did give some sort of whitening effect though because my mom was like "why is your face so white?" after I took the masks off.

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Guest <3goesDOKIDOKI

i have a whole bunch of these.

i've tried a lot of different masks so far: strawberry yogurt, white pearl, black pearl, bulgarian white rose, red wine, aloe, rice peptides, cherry blossom.... i think i might've missed some

i still have some that i haven't tried yet from their luxury line

they all smell pretty good. so far i haven't found one with a fragrance i didn't like.

but they all sorta have the same effect. there isn't much difference between them.

i like to use them as moisturizing masks and generally don't even bother with what mask does what because it doesn't really matter

but i do have to say that i don't have any skin issues so maybe thats why i haven't noticed anything

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Guest wonderfullness

woot I love these masks : ) I think they all have the same effect. They usually soften your face and they're easy to use. I'm not sure if their effects are lasting though.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest JulieXD

Aloe one is really refreshing ^^ but thats all its done for me. Sake yeast smelt funny but no significant change. After using the black pearl once it whitened my skin ALOT but its left like my cheeks really red. Like 5/6 people have commented on it and its been like that all day. Is that an allergic reaction??

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Guest chunmeilee

i always use My Beauty Diary Facial Mask...

its super awsome...

my face lightens up and it feels really light...

i really love this product

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Guest Verso

The strawberry yogurt still available? I heard it was limited, but I see it on ebay and I want to pick up a few boxes when I go to HK.

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Guest larojiblanca

My favourite is the Natto one. I feel that it really softens and smooths the skin. I'm not sure if the effects are long-lasting because I dont' use them consistently enough...but for a quick, refreshing treatment, I'm really happy about these!

Some do sting a bit at first, like the red wine and the mixed berry.

I've noticed that Natto and Apple don't sting.

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Guest crazy4suju

i LOVE the bulgarian white rose because for one its just smells so nice and my skin feels so nice after.

but lately i haven't had any time to use it and i barely get enough sleep! : (

i defs want to try the apple and cooling mask tho : )

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