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Moon Geun Young 문근영


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aka_moons오늘은 '마을-아치아라의비밀' 제작발표회가 있는날!! 두근두근 긴장이가 됨미다~ 꺄~
#예쁘게 #준비하고 #좀있다 #보앙~
#마을 #아치아라의비밀 #10월7일 #첫방 #D-1
Trans: Today is the press conference day for 'The Village-Achiara's Secret'!! Heart is palpitating and I am nervous~ Kkya~
#prettily #impreparing #abit #see#thevillage#achiarassecret #oct7th #firstbroadcast #D-1


aka_moons곰숑키들 해외숑키들 다들 너무 고마워요^^ thanks a lot 덕분에 힘 팍팍 얻었어요^^ 진짜루 많이많이 고마워요
#곰숑키들 #오늘 #만나서 #넘 #방가와쪄 #이#벼화곰들 #스토리보드 #만드느라 #진짜 #고생했엉 #고마와 #많이!!#사진 #못찍어온게 #아숩네 #푸우#ㅠㅠ
Trans: Bear shyongkies international shyongkies everyone thank you very much^^ thanks a lot thanks to you I gained lots and lots of strength^^ thank you really very, very much #bearshyongkies #iwas #so#happy(pleased) #tomeetyou #these#byeohwabears(who become shy in front of me (Bong/Moons)) #youreally #workedsohard #making#thestoryboard #thankyou #somuch!! #imsad #iwasntabletotake #apictureofit(thestoryboard) #poowoo~(sobbing sound) #ㅠㅠ

By SoompiMoons Aka sarigomtangmoons  Thanks


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Can you guess this beauty’s age in these photos?

Actress Moon Geun-young, who is starring in a new TV drama “The Village: Achiara’s Secret,” is known for her age-defying, innocent looks over the years.

Dubbed as the “nation’s little sister,” the 29-year-old made her debut by modeling at the age of 10. She rose to stardom through her role in the hugely popular drama “Autumn in My Heart” in 2000 when she was 14. Since then, she headlined multiple box-office hits, including “My Little Bride” in 2004 and “Innocent Steps” in 2005, and in 2008, she became the youngest recipient of a Grand Prize at the annual drama awards for the periodic drama “Painter of the Wind.”

Moon’s past photos were revealed, from her kindergarten days to elementary school and now. The starlet hasn’t changed a bit, still looking cute and stunning, except a little older, taller and a tad more mature.

Check out the photos: 



Moon Geun-young in Kindergarten (SBS)



Moon Geun-young in "Autumn in My Heart" (KBS)



Moon Geun-young in middle school



Moon Geun-young in highschool




Moon Geun-young in the drama "The Village: Achiara's Secret" (SBS) 






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25 Korean actresses who are gorgeous without makeup



Achieving flawless, dewy skin is the priority of many Korean girls' beauty regimes. All Korean actresses seem to have glowing skin, but some are known better than others for their natural glow. Take a look at these 25 Korean actresses who are gorgeous without makeup, and hear about their skincare secrets! 

9. Moon Geun Young

Moon Geun Young applies sunblock for outdoor as well as indoor shoots because her skin is often exposed to the studios' strong lights.


Read More Here dramafever


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aka_moons바보들~ 이거이거~ 스토리보드는 엄청 맘에 드는데~ 화환 문구 센스가... 차라리 신세경 화이팅 하지 그랬어~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
#에잇#감떨어진 #곰숑키들 #수준 #안맞아서 #못놀아주겠네 #센스도없고 #말도못하고 #푸우#난딘따부댕해 #ㅠㅠ #그치만 #우린 #여전히 #Day19
Trans: Fools (affectionately to bears)~ this this~ The storyboard completely stole my heart (I really enjoyed it)~ the sense (wit) of the rice wreath (by DCBH bear shyongkies that always cracks Moons up)… instead you should’ve just went with Shin Se Kyung Hwaiting~ kekekeke #aeit(shucks)#yourcreativity #level#bearshyongkies(ofthericewreathphrases)is#notmatching (Moons is playfully communicating with bear shyongkies who have always made very witty and creative phrases for the rice wreaths that always made Moons laugh and crack up) #cantplaywithyou#lackingsense (Moons is joking) #canttalk(when you see me - Bear shyongkies become ‘byeohwagoms(byeohwa bears)’: shy when they meet Moons in person and can’t say anything) #poowoo~#imreallysad #ㅠㅠ#but #were



aka_moons암튼 오늘도 곰모닝^^ 둠칫- 두둠칫- 예아붸붸~ 다들 흥겨운 하루 보내세요
#마을 #아치아라의비밀 #10월7일 #드디어 #오늘 #첫방!!!!! #두둥!! #본방사수!! #드라마는 #SBS
Trans: Anyways, today also good(gom/bear) morning^^ doomchit- doodoomchit- yeahbebe~ Everyone hope you have a cheerful day #thevillage #achiarassecret#oct7th #atlast #todayis #thefirstbroadcast!!!!!#doodoong!! #tuneinlive!! #dramais #SBS



aka_moons이제 몇시간 안남았다! 둑흔둑흔 빨리 밤씬 한개 찍고 본방사수 해야지!!! 꺄~ 
#마을 #아치아라의비밀 #10월7일 #첫방#다들 #재미있게 #보셨으면 #좋겠다요#그리고 #해외숑키들 #진심#더하기 #진심으로 #고맙습니다^^#ThanksALottttttttt!!!! #
Trans: Now there’s only a few hours remaining! Heart palpitations If I just quickly finish the one remaining scene left, I gotta tune in live (to watch the first broadcast)!!! Kkya~ #thevillage #achiarassecret#oct7th #firstbroadcast#everyone #(i)wish #youwould#enjoyably #watch(thebroadcast)! #and#internationalshyongkies #sincerely/truly#morethan(wordscanexpress) #imsosincerely#thankfultoyouall^^ #ThanksALottttttttt!!!! #

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Guest anitgone

Just watched episode 1 raw....Oh wow...I loved the tone and mood and whole set up...I know it's only the first episode---but I thought it was really well made/directed and excellently acted! I really missed watching Moonie on screen! Am thrilled she's back!!! Ratingswise, this may not be a runaway hit as the genre I believe may turn somepeople away, but crossing fingers it will just go up as we learn more about this village full of secrets. I felt  like I was seeing it all and everyone from MGY's character's perspective...hope someone subs or recaps this!

Oh and thanks girls for all the goodies screenshots etc! Can't wait for ep 2!

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Guest moonsong85

Also saw the raw last night.  It was good but different genre that Koreans usually tuned into.  I hope the rating will get better and more viewers get to enjoy it as well.  Fighting the Village!!!

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aka_moons남친 괴롭히기 & 남친이랑 허그 
#마을 #아치아라의비밀 #본방사수 #지금 #이곳은 #럽스타그램 #아카문스곰숑키들
Trans: Bothering my boyfriend & having a hug with my boyfriend
#thevillage #achiarassecret #tuneinlive #now#thisplaceis #lovestagram #aka_moonsbearshyongkies


aka_moons근데... 노네 그거 암? 현장에 노네가 준 아디다스 커플룩 있다~ 키 180 넘는다~ 오때? 샘나지? 질투나지? ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 어서 곰숑키로 합성해와~ 큭-
#본격 #현망진창 #부추기기 #게으름 #피우지말고 #빨리빨리#나는야 #럽스타 #밀당녀 #곰숑키들 #김칫국 #너무 #원샷하길래 #캄다운하라구 #큭-
Trans: But… do you guys know? There’s a same (couple look of the) adidas jacket you gave me on the film set~ Height is above 180(cm)~ How about it? Envious? Jealous? hahahaha Quickly go photoshop (the picture) with a bear(gom) shyongky~ keuk #now#makinglifeabit #harder #dontbe #lazy #quicklyquickly#ima #lovesta(gram)#mildang(pushandpull:playinghardtoget)girl#bearshyongkies #youhad #toomuch #oneshotof#kimchisoup (This is a Korean idiom that means to not get ahead of oneself.) #sotocalmyoudown #keuk-
aka_moons아놔~ 내가 한방 먹었네~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 두분 너무 잘 어울려요~ 행쇼~(부들부들)
#암튼 #바람피다가 #걸리기만해봐 #내가 #아주 #그냥 #땅굴파서 #묻어버릴라니까 #태양이 #부릅니다 #넌나만바라봐 #이곰숑키들아
Trans: Oh my~ You got me~ kekekekeke You two match really well~ Be happy~ (trembling) #anyways#ificatchyou #cheating #ill #just #so #digahole#andburyyou (Moons is joking and being playful with bear shyongkies) #taeyang #sings #youjustlookatme#youbearshyongkies


aka_moons오늘은 미리 굳밤 인사를 다들 드라마 재미있게 봐주시구~ 굳밤&굳잠 되세요 
#마을 #아치아라의비밀 #2부 #본방사수 #곰숑키들 #쫄깃하게 #굳밤 #chu
Trans: Today an early greeting to good night Everyone hope you’ll enjoyably watch the drama~ Have a good night & good sleep #thevillage #achiarassecret#episode2 #tuneinlive #bearshyongkies#haveasweet(chewable) #goodnight #chu
Posted by MGYIFC 
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aka_moons날씨가 너무 좋으다요^^ 오늘도 쉬는 날이라는 걸 이제야 알았어요~ㅠ 다들 가을햇살, 가을바람 잔뜩 만끽하며 좋은 하루 되세요❤️
#내가 #이한장을 #건지기위해 #셀카를 #수없이 #찍었다는건 #안비밀 #찐오빠와 #라니눈화의 #비웃음을 #bgm으로 #깔고말야 #

sarigomtangmoons Trans: The weather is really nice^^ Today also I just found out now that it was a rest day~ㅠ Everyone while fully enjoying the autumn sunshine, autumn wind have a good day❤️ #thati #took #countless #selcas #toget #thisonepicture #notasecret #withjjinoppas #andraninunas #laughter(atme) #playing #asabgm(backgroundmusic) #



aka_moons오잉! 촬영끝!! 나도 서울의 야경을 보러 갈테닷!!!! 다들 진짜 진짜 굳밤이에요
#곰숑키들이 #힘줘서 #그런가봉가 #덕분에 #촬영 #일찍 #끝내고 #퇴근!! #진짜루 #좋은밤 #보내구 #잘자요
sarigomtangmoonsTrans: Oing(huh)! Filming finished (today)!! I too am going to see Seoul's night view. Everyone really really good night
#bearshyongkies #ithinkits#becauseyougavemestrength #thankstoyou #filming#finished #early#andicangohomefromwork(finishedworktoday)!!#really #havea #goodnightand #sleepwell

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