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One Name You Just Couldn't Name Your Child.

Guest ilikecandixD

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Seems like so many people hate my name Jessica LOL

But hey it beats the name my mum was about to name me >> which was Charlie.. for god's sake.

I would never name my kids - annie, elizabeth, mary, olivia, bob, george, kevin (too common), vincent, charlie and there are heaps others haha.

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Guest _kucha

I can not give my child any name that someone else i know personally has. *yes that is a lot of names* it would seem like i am naming it after them, helps clear up a lot of names i hate too. :P and Bob, i don't know a bob

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Guest soompier1

-any food(apple)

-abstract ideas (fate,destiny,love)

-inanimate objects(blanket,crystal)

-famous people with unique names (Madonna)

-place(London, Paris)

-unisex names (Jordan)

I wouldn't want my name to limit my child would basically be the idea so those names with the really bad connotation

like Bertha makes me think girth

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I wouldn't want to name my kid the same name as someone I know. If I dislike the person, that's obvious. I still wouldn't want my kid to have the same name as someone I'm neutral/on good terms with because it's just.. weird.

Since it's virtually impossible to do that since I know a lot of people, I'm probably gonna end up naming him/her after someone close to me. Thankfully, I don't know anyone who has the same name as my sister.

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Guest -x0.ASiANFANTiC

lancelot. my friend always says that would be the coolest name to name your kid.

seriously, i strongly disagree.

theres also a lot of other names. REALLY COMMON ONES. cause i have one and its annoying hearing it everywhere.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest RedPandah

I like the name Sunday. You could nickname her Sunny. Because its cute.

I dont like the names: Chris, Damien, Brenton, Tim, Jimmy, Freddie, Bill, Clarence.

Mathew, Alison and Ryan are names i like as well. but pretty common.

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Guest x_Abbey-chu


like, come on. I guess I don't mind Freddie, but just Fred? no. it's too much like Bob.

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Guest Joisushi

This thread is kinda mean.... Say whatever name you dont want to name your child but honestly do you have to bash the name? What if the person who has that name sees your post? =/

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Guest Sanyu

Totally surprised nobody said Coco hahaha, I've had heaps of bad reception from that name but I wear it with confidence so it's kay :) wouldn't name a child that though, mind you...

I don't like names like Beatrice/Caroline/Laquisha, or way-too-common ones like Ben/Daniel/John, or middle-aged sounding names like Craig/Geoff/Richard.

I love most of the names of the characters in Twilight, which SUCKS, Twilight kinda ruins them :( except Carlisle, my favourite boys name XD and I still like Edward too, but I feel sorry for anyone who's called that ><

If I had to pick ONE from these, it would be Beatrice.

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Guest rachelsaur


















All these names are too common and plain.

I dislike.


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