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Wilfred Laurier University

Guest jybaby

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Guest jybaby

Anyone have any Laurier tips?

Regarding meal plans, resident plans, teachers, courses anything??

i only know one person who goes there and he is completely whitewashed

i'm too asian lolss

but i'm totally attracted to their BBA program and got accepted soooo i'm thinking of going there

but i don't want to be a loner for 4 yearss...i won't be though right?? = =''

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Guest busagiboo

Anyone have any Laurier tips?

Regarding meal plans, resident plans, teachers, courses anything??

i only know one person who goes there and he is completely whitewashed

i'm too asian lolss

but i'm totally attracted to their BBA program and got accepted soooo i'm thinking of going there

but i don't want to be a loner for 4 yearss...i won't be though right?? = =''

I just finished my first year at Laurier.

So, any questions you have, ask me! =)

As for tips... For the meal plan, it's really dumb. You can only transfer $500 of it to the next year. So, if you have, for example, $600 left at the end of the year, only $500 goes through and the other $100 is given to the university. Be careful of that. Know how much you're going to eat. If you're in an apartment style res, you can get a value plan, so you don't have to spend as much money, but do think about how much you'll be cooking.

Profs: You'll be getting Jim McCutcheon for BU111 (first semester) and Laura Allen for BU121 (second semester). A lot of people say Laura is harder and that she's tricky. I found Laura to be really nice and helpful and not as evil as others said she would be, but that was just me. For EC120, try to get a prof named Ziss (I don't remember his first name). I had a prof named Robert Jefferson and I hated him. It was extremely boring and I didn't learn anything from him. For EC140, I heard Peter Sinclair's supposed to be the prof to get since he's the head for this course. I got Susan Johnson and she was extremely boring too and sounded like she would be sick forever.

As for Asians, you have to know where to look for them, I guess. There's a CSA that you can join or if you're Christian, then there's an Asian fellowship (I'm a part of that!). There's apparently been more and more Asians entering Laurier each year, so it won't be that hard for you to find other Asians, I think.

Parties. Pretty much all residences are party residences. Seriously. Laurier's known for partying. But if you want to go to the biggest parties, I'd say, go to Laurier Place or University Place.

Another thing about classes. Be careful of the courses you pick. I also heard that most tutorials are being gotten rid of except for business tutorials. This is just a rumour though. So if you're not strong in, for example, math, you may or may not be able to get extra help through tutorials.

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Guest jybaby

^ that was such great advice! thankss!

i'm going to pm you when i have more questions like when i fill out all my forms/selecting courses and stuff : )

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Guest easyascake

how about the branford campus?

i've googled about everything, and didn't get much back about wlu branford, just the city itself.

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Ya..... Branford is a really small campus and it really specializes in only a few programs (I think Education and Journalism are the best?) but overall, If you want a more "university" environment, I would recommend going to the Waterloo campus =)

It's easier to get issues sorted out (when you have admin problems for example XP lol) and I personally think that the residences and stuff are nicer ^^

I just finished SECOND YEAR in the BBA program at WLU haha =P I'll try and answer this as best as possible...

Residence: I personally lived in Bouckeart (the all girl's dorm XP) and I REALLY didn't like it haha =P It's a floor with 28 other girls (and they're double rooms).... and I guess it's because I'm REALLY a huge NEAT FREAK and I found the washrooms DISGUSTING and the kitchen small and even though the girls on my floor were nice, I guess I just didn't party enough for them cuz I could hear them yelling and drunk at like 4 am -___-'

Luckily, I stayed with my best friend in the same room so at least OUR room was neat >_> there's also a lot of restrictions while you're on rez but you meet more people for sure!

If you're like me and prefer the apartment style, I would recommend trying for Bricker =) it's BEAUTIFUL inside (and the newest I think?) and you room with 3 other people with a kitchen and 2 washrooms. It's harder to meet people, but I already think the campus is so small, it's IMPOSSIBLE not to familarize yourself with others haha =P compared to living on MKV in UW haha!

If you're living by yourself though? Try for King Rez ^^ It's "off campus" (well across the street >_>) but it's still relatively decent and alot of privacy. You share a washroom with your neighbour and that's it! The rooms are a little small but if you don't mind it, it's pretty nice =)

Meal Plans: Not much to it.... they changed the meal plan options and what they do with money leftover after my year so I dunno anymore haha =P What they USED to do is..... with all the money leftover, you can transfer it to you "convenience" account (which allows you to spend the money anywhere, even off campus places =O) but now, apparently they limit it? which sucks haha! Just get the lowest one if you don't plan to eat a lot ^^ my best friend and I usually just made our own food in our rooms so NO FRESHMAN 15! woot!

Program/BBA: I've always wanted to go into business so I'm glad that I did =) I admit that the reason I went to WLU was because I didn't want to enter a program with INTENSE competition (like UT) and I didn't get into UW's AFM (uber sadness T_T) so I came to WLU ^^ The program is differently designed compared to say..... Schulich at York because instead of teaching you everything in the beginning, the BBA program at WLU makes you specialize later on (and you take all the intense courses in year 3 instead of year 1). I'm not sure about the other programs, but I know that WLU is well known for business, french and music.... so I don't doubt that you'll get a decent education here for business. I'll tell you the rest when I graduate haha =P

OH! and there's the coop option which you can try out for in second year ^^ it's not mandatory or inclusive... you actually have to hand in your resume and transcript to the coop office and they elect people based on their first year marks and resume for interviews... and once you get INTO the program, you start work during your second year summer =) like me! A great advantage, especially if you're worried about work experience and money lol ^^

Teachers: Ok in ALL honesty, if you want to get the BEST PROFS in the like.... ENTIRE world, then WLU is not for you haha! The business profs are DECENT but you'll always get those TERRIBLE profs that make you wish you never took the course o_O The best prof I've had so far is someone named Morgonson and he teaches PS100 (psych, first year ^^)... if you ever take it, make SURE you take it with him because he has over 50 years of experience at WLU and teaching and I found it such an interesting course ^^

As for business... first year only had like 2 business courses? And the profs were decent. But second year..... OMG! Stats is HORRIBLE and the prof is even MORE horrible. I didn't do too badly cuz I can learn from a textbook, but just a warning lol =P I think the best ways to learn who's the best/worst prof in WLU though is just talking to upper students. You know you've picked the wrong prof when your class is empty haha!

Social Culture? If you're worried about meeting people, PLEASE DON'T haha =) if you've been to the WLU campus, it's TINY.... like UBER SMALL compared to York or Waterloo. You're almost GUARANTEED to bump into people again and (especially if you live in a dorm) people are always friendly and willing to talk. If you're in business, it's even better because you're forced to go to labs for math and business (at least WE were o_O) and being with the same people every week, really improves your chances in making friends and getting to know people =)

Parties? They're here and there. If you're a party person, I don't doubt that you'll find one haha! If you're more hardworking and bookworm (like MEeeeeee! ^O^), then you just gotta hang out with the right people. But a balanced life and best and for some person, EVERYONE in the TOWN of waterloo LOVES St.Patrick's Day haha!

As for the Asians? Ok I admit that there's NOT a lot. The most around centered in the business program and outside of it >_> I don't see many Asians in science or "communication studies" LOL! =P But it seriously depends on who you get to know ^^ I don't consider myself "very asian" but I'm not completely whitewashed either.... and there's always going to be people like that... if you go looking for them, you'll find them =) Join a few Asian clubs (like the Christian club or there's a Chinese society) if you really want..... but seriously.... campus is SO small, if you see someone you like and want to get to know? Just go out with them a few times, no worries ^^ and if all fails, hang out with ME!

Other: Not much advice..... if you need anymore, just ask =) From my 2 years at WLU, I find that they empathize A LOT on groupwork (or maybe that's ALL business in general) so don't worry about not meeting people or friends. The area itself is kinda dull.... but you always have UW down the street and there's a lot of clubs and restaurants around the area. Two malls (if you take the bus.... BUS IS FREE ^^ hehe*) and plenty of student housing, so you won't be homeless the next few years haha! That's all from me though...... need anything else, let me know XP

I just finished my first year at Laurier.

So, any questions you have, ask me! =)

As for tips... For the meal plan, it's really dumb. You can only transfer $500 of it to the next year. So, if you have, for example, $600 left at the end of the year, only $500 goes through and the other $100 is given to the university. Be careful of that. Know how much you're going to eat. If you're in an apartment style res, you can get a value plan, so you don't have to spend as much money, but do think about how much you'll be cooking.

Profs: You'll be getting Jim McCutcheon for BU111 (first semester) and Laura Allen for BU121 (second semester). A lot of people say Laura is harder and that she's tricky. I found Laura to be really nice and helpful and not as evil as others said she would be, but that was just me. For EC120, try to get a prof named Ziss (I don't remember his first name). I had a prof named Robert Jefferson and I hated him. It was extremely boring and I didn't learn anything from him. For EC140, I heard Peter Sinclair's supposed to be the prof to get since he's the head for this course. I got Susan Johnson and she was extremely boring too and sounded like she would be sick forever.

As for Asians, you have to know where to look for them, I guess. There's a CSA that you can join or if you're Christian, then there's an Asian fellowship (I'm a part of that!). There's apparently been more and more Asians entering Laurier each year, so it won't be that hard for you to find other Asians, I think.

Parties. Pretty much all residences are party residences. Seriously. Laurier's known for partying. But if you want to go to the biggest parties, I'd say, go to Laurier Place or University Place.

Another thing about classes. Be careful of the courses you pick. I also heard that most tutorials are being gotten rid of except for business tutorials. This is just a rumour though. So if you're not strong in, for example, math, you may or may not be able to get extra help through tutorials.

Oooooooo! I found Laura a lot better than Jim too >_> I got higher in Laura's class but maybe that's cuz I knew the material better and I liked how she taught things in sections rather than in BU111 when everything was "management" in general.

I had Jefferson for EC120 too but I didn't mind him ^^ I thought his practice questions helped before exams and I got higher in micro than macro. The biggest mistake though (in second year), when you choose either intermediate micro or macro to take.... people usually take macro (cuz they got higher in first year) but from what people have said, micro in second year is A LOT easier (and I agree since I got higher in micro than my best friend got in macro lol and she studied A LOT)..... if you're a math person, definitely take EC260 >_> just a hint.

Wow, this is a long post >_> I like to blab a lot... I did that stupid high school thing where you go back to your high school and talk about your university experience. So I have this concrete "opinion" on WLU that's universal and kinda says "COME TO WLU!" haha XP



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Guest busagiboo

^ You wrote so much!

Haha, I guess I'll add on some more.

Residence: I lived in Macdonald House. At most 100 people live in this residence. It's the smallest residence and it's a co-ed dorm style. I kind of didn't get to know the people on my floor. I didn't even know all the names of the guys on my floor. -___-;; I knew three or four people on the floor above me and that was it. Mainly my choice because I hung out with my roommate most, if not all the time and with friends from UW and from fellowship. This was a pretty loud residence, but everyone got along. The washrooms are kind of gross, but I guess you get used to it. I honestly hate sharing washrooms with other people that I don't trust or don't really know, so that was a huge adjustment for me.

Like ~Tropical.Mists said, Bricker's a really nice residence, but because there are just SO MANY first years coming in they had to turn some of the single rooms into double rooms. It's not the newest residence, though. King Street is, well was... Because they're building two new residences! Don't know their names yet or what style they'll be.

BBA: In first year, you get to do this year-long project called the New Venture Project. It can be tons of fun, but you can easily get sick of it. You're pretty much in a business lab with the same people for the entire year, because as you're taking BU111 and BU121, you learn the things necessary to build a business report and a good presentation. Pretty much, you're put into groups of five from your business lab (of 25 people) and you work with this group for the entire year to develop an idea/product/service. The best idea of each business lab is put through to the semi-finals and the best six of semi-finalists go to the finals. It was an amazing experience, but hope for a really good group. I got lucky and had an amazing group where each of us pulled our own weight and we made it to the finals. If you do end up at Laurier, you can see the group pictures of all the finalists. My group was sixth place. ^^

I've also been told that taking MICRO instead of MACRO econ is better in second year because it's a lot easier... I've been told by my friend who decided to take both in her second year. Most people find that MACRO is easier in first year (but it gets a lot harder in the second half of the course), so they make the mistake of taking it again in second year. Be careful of that. I've also heard that BDM (Business Decision Models) can also be really hard?? Not too sure about this, but this is apparently one of the harder courses in second year.

For the third year, this is pretty much the year where you really want to work your butt off. The course that most third years complain about is FINANCE. I think you take finance in both semesters? Can't remember. But, be careful of it because a lot of people fail or just barely pass this course. Kind of sucks. ALSO! In third year, you do this thing called ICE WEEK. If you're not taking any electives, you get an entire week off to do a live case study in groups of four or five people with all the other third year BBAs. There are no classes, but you need to work together with your team and present your findings and conclusions. It's pretty intense.

I could go on about this. Haha.

Professors: Ok... I also took PS100 and had Morgenson as well. As amazing a speaker that he is, I fell asleep in a lot of his lectures, even with a laptop. This course is a year long course and the final is cumulative. So, I suggest that if you don't want to remember a year's worth of stuff, don't take this course. I eventually skipped all the classes in the second half of the year. I did a lot of guessing on the midterms and the final and came out with a decent mark. But, I really don't recommend taking this course unless you know you can use this to boost your GPA.

But as ~Tropical.Mists said, talk to the upper years about profs! =) Or... Go to ratemyprofessors.com! Haha.

Courses: I might as well list some of the bird courses. Haha. CP102 - you learn how to use excel, word, and some other programs on a Windows processor. Quite simple... Make sure you take this course in the first semester because it'll be harder in the second semester. MA129 - take this math course if you don't plan on taking any other math courses in your upper years. It's such a mark booster. This course is also harder in the second semester. I've heard that SY101 can be easy? But I'm not too sure. Take AS101 if you want an easy mark, but not AS102.

Don`t take MA170 unless you really like doing stuff that involves present value, future value and all that stuff, but I`ve only heard bad things about this course.

OH!! Very important! You need to take the CPPE in order to sign up for your math courses. You don`t neeed to take this test seriously. You could get 1% and still register for whatever math course you want. It`s just a test to gauge your math abilities.

I think I`ve talked enough too. I could go on, and on, and on.

~Tropical.Mists: Have I ever seen you on campus before? Haha.

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Guest jybaby

i love the advice here!! thanks busagiboo and TM~ maybe i'll see you guys on campus next year : )

okay, another important question

is there a significant difference between:

Active Living Community

Global Engagement Community

Leadership Living Learning Community

School of Business and Economic Academic Community

Alternative Study Environment

i really want a single room although my average is only 86...

because i am a neat FREAK, i think it actually might be a disease... lol

i even have problems with living in hotels

my second choice is apartment with single room

everyone told me i'll be lucky if i get into bricker or king

does picking any of the above communities affect what laurier will give me?

like for example, i only know that euler and leupold is an alternative study environment but that's it..so i don't think i would choose alternative study

any tips?

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Guest busagiboo


To be quite honest, I've never heard of those before. o.o Definitely did not have those when I was registering for residence, unless I was really oblivious and those have existed for a while now.

Ok, I went on Laurier's website to look it up... Um, I don't know if those will benefit you in any way or whatever. I certainly did not hear of anyone really participating in those communities and since you're going into BBA there will be a ton of people who will also be in BBA in your building, so it's almost like you're in the SBE community? Sorry that I can't say much else about this.

You might not get a single room since there are two all girls dorm style residences. And all those rooms are doubles. Since your average isn't 90% either, it'll be harder to get the single room, but there's always a chance that you'll get it! =)

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^ You wrote so much!

Haha, I guess I'll add on some more.

Residence: I lived in Macdonald House. At most 100 people live in this residence. It's the smallest residence and it's a co-ed dorm style. I kind of didn't get to know the people on my floor. I didn't even know all the names of the guys on my floor. -___-;; I knew three or four people on the floor above me and that was it. Mainly my choice because I hung out with my roommate most, if not all the time and with friends from UW and from fellowship. This was a pretty loud residence, but everyone got along. The washrooms are kind of gross, but I guess you get used to it. I honestly hate sharing washrooms with other people that I don't trust or don't really know, so that was a huge adjustment for me.

Like ~Tropical.Mists said, Bricker's a really nice residence, but because there are just SO MANY first years coming in they had to turn some of the single rooms into double rooms. It's not the newest residence, though. King Street is, well was... Because they're building two new residences! Don't know their names yet or what style they'll be.

BBA: In first year, you get to do this year-long project called the New Venture Project. It can be tons of fun, but you can easily get sick of it. You're pretty much in a business lab with the same people for the entire year, because as you're taking BU111 and BU121, you learn the things necessary to build a business report and a good presentation. Pretty much, you're put into groups of five from your business lab (of 25 people) and you work with this group for the entire year to develop an idea/product/service. The best idea of each business lab is put through to the semi-finals and the best six of semi-finalists go to the finals. It was an amazing experience, but hope for a really good group. I got lucky and had an amazing group where each of us pulled our own weight and we made it to the finals. If you do end up at Laurier, you can see the group pictures of all the finalists. My group was sixth place. ^^

I've also been told that taking MICRO instead of MACRO econ is better in second year because it's a lot easier... I've been told by my friend who decided to take both in her second year. Most people find that MACRO is easier in first year (but it gets a lot harder in the second half of the course), so they make the mistake of taking it again in second year. Be careful of that. I've also heard that BDM (Business Decision Models) can also be really hard?? Not too sure about this, but this is apparently one of the harder courses in second year.

For the third year, this is pretty much the year where you really want to work your butt off. The course that most third years complain about is FINANCE. I think you take finance in both semesters? Can't remember. But, be careful of it because a lot of people fail or just barely pass this course. Kind of sucks. ALSO! In third year, you do this thing called ICE WEEK. If you're not taking any electives, you get an entire week off to do a live case study in groups of four or five people with all the other third year BBAs. There are no classes, but you need to work together with your team and present your findings and conclusions. It's pretty intense.

I could go on about this. Haha.

Professors: Ok... I also took PS100 and had Morgenson as well. As amazing a speaker that he is, I fell asleep in a lot of his lectures, even with a laptop. This course is a year long course and the final is cumulative. So, I suggest that if you don't want to remember a year's worth of stuff, don't take this course. I eventually skipped all the classes in the second half of the year. I did a lot of guessing on the midterms and the final and came out with a decent mark. But, I really don't recommend taking this course unless you know you can use this to boost your GPA.

But as ~Tropical.Mists said, talk to the upper years about profs! =) Or... Go to ratemyprofessors.com! Haha.

Courses: I might as well list some of the bird courses. Haha. CP102 - you learn how to use excel, word, and some other programs on a Windows processor. Quite simple... Make sure you take this course in the first semester because it'll be harder in the second semester. MA129 - take this math course if you don't plan on taking any other math courses in your upper years. It's such a mark booster. This course is also harder in the second semester. I've heard that SY101 can be easy? But I'm not too sure. Take AS101 if you want an easy mark, but not AS102.

Don`t take MA170 unless you really like doing stuff that involves present value, future value and all that stuff, but I`ve only heard bad things about this course.

OH!! Very important! You need to take the CPPE in order to sign up for your math courses. You don`t neeed to take this test seriously. You could get 1% and still register for whatever math course you want. It`s just a test to gauge your math abilities.

I think I`ve talked enough too. I could go on, and on, and on.

~Tropical.Mists: Have I ever seen you on campus before? Haha.

Hahaha! I'd like to say that you typed a lot too XP I wouldn't be surprised if you've seen me? What year did you just finish?

I'm in second year coop right now.... =X

Just for your information on courses, I personally found micro to be MUCH easier than I imagined in second year X__X I thought it'd be hardcore and I'd have to study a lot >_< but coincidentally, it turned out to be my highest mark in second term =O! and on top of it, it was simply just a lot of calculus and if you're good in math, it'll be a breeze ^^

For BDM (Business Decision Models - BU275), it's a followup for stats, or that's what students like to say.....

You HAVE to pass stats (BU255) to take this course in second term but I found it A LOT easier LOL! I got almost a full 3.0 grade points higher? HAHA! so yes, shows how much I hated stats I guess? =S It's a lot of work on the computer and Excel but if you just listen in class and do your assignments, I don't see how you can do badly in BOTH courses =P

I'm going in third year and yes, theres TWO finance courses but from what I've seen and heard (my best friend worked for the finance prof last summer), the textbook IS really dry but the material itself isn't like HARDCORE HARD =S and it won't kill you so I'm hoping it won't be hard =X

That's all I can say about courses haha!

OH! and to add to the bird courses, I HIGHLY recommend RE103DE (it's Religion - Love and its Myths) and it was DISTANCE ED O__O I only had 4 courses worth of classes and RE103 was so easy! A lot of BS and you just read and watch movies haha!

Um.... I actually took A LOT of math in year one (and year two =P) since I was going to minor in it.... I took MA130, MA170, MA122, and MA121. If you're strong in math, I don't see why you won't do well in these courses haha! I admit that MA170 was probably the hardest to understand, but the exams were so BS that I feel like even tho I learnt NOTHING in that course, I still did fairly decent =S somehow.... again, MA122 and MA121 are both fairly easy... I almost FAILED vectors and proofs in high school and when I got to uni, it just CLICKED =) But that's just personally opinion.

i love the advice here!! thanks busagiboo and TM~ maybe i'll see you guys on campus next year : )

okay, another important question

is there a significant difference between:

Active Living Community

Global Engagement Community

Leadership Living Learning Community

School of Business and Economic Academic Community

Alternative Study Environment

i really want a single room although my average is only 86...

because i am a neat FREAK, i think it actually might be a disease... lol

i even have problems with living in hotels

my second choice is apartment with single room

everyone told me i'll be lucky if i get into bricker or king

does picking any of the above communities affect what laurier will give me?

like for example, i only know that euler and leupold is an alternative study environment but that's it..so i don't think i would choose alternative study

any tips?

LOL! I have NO idea what hose communities are o_O maybe I'm just REALLY out of loop....

But I personally don't know and if you really wanna hear about those, I think it's best to ask people that are actually active members or you should go to our campus and check it out ^^

I understand about the whole "living" situation =X I shared a double room with my best friend and honestly, even though we were both "clean", it's REALLY hard to meet expectations especially when everyone living around you and the shared washrooms and stuff =S Even while SHOWERING, I felt dirty T___T

I don't really know what to say about your living situation? I would highly suggest you try for King (and I don't think marks really matter? =S... from what I see, I think it's more based on availability and if you have people you wanna room with and stuff, but I can be wrong). I personally don't think picking a community does any good in landing a place...

But if you have specific conditions *cough health conditions *cough, I'm sure they'll make arrangements for you haha =)

I hate to say it, but when I was picking colleges for UT, I got placed in New College when I REALLY wanted Woodsworth... so I went DT to talk to the principal of Woodsworth and told her how I felt like their college was more of a fit for me and I appreciated having my own personal space and didn't want to be crowded in dorms. And she accepted me =) so maybe talking to our admin would help.

Hope that helps!



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Guest jybaby

i'm freaking out too, about the room thing! also for the fact that i actually don't know anyone i could request as a roomate especially since the resident application form didn't ask too much about myself. it was like "are you a clean or messy person", "early, late sleeper?" and that was basically it.-__- and i'm so worked up on the whole community thing because i think each commnity symbolizes a building which is why i wanna know the difference!

i think i might just do what TM did if i want to switch colleges. =T

gahhh forms due soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest jybaby

so little people on soompi go laurier!! haha waterloo thread is filled with soompiers haha!!

anyways, i'm looking over course selections now and i'm so lost! the bit about birdcourses by busagiboo definately helped a lot though : )

what are other easy courses that are somewhat useful??? i'm thinking of taking CP102 but the description is so much scarier than what busagiboo said~~

i really want to concentrate on math because i suck at it = = soo i need easy courses for the extra study time.

speaking of math...is it best to take math throughout all your years in uni? or is it totally fine just to take it in the first year. does it affect co-op decision? If i do choose to continue math in the following years then should i be taking ma129, ma103 and ma110?

and what are exclusions o.o ??????? i probably sound so stupid

the course descriptions sometimes say EXCLUSIONS and then name a course code.

for example MA129 exclusions: MA110*. This course may not count for credit in Mathematics programs.

so since i'm BBA it's okay to take MA129 or MA110 right??

GPA: it says that you need a GPA of 7.00 for all BU courses and GPA of 5.0 for all EC,MA and all other elective courses

that means for EACH course right? or just 7.0 average between the two BU courses and 5.0 average overall for the rest of your courses

teachers: i haven't registered or looked at loris yet but is there an option for choosing teachers or do they show who's going to be teaching? or do we switch out ONCE we're in that class if we find we don't get the prof we want?

and yeah i'm freaking out about the resident thing. this year i think it's different...from what previous first years told me they got to choose top 5 options or something like that for where they wanted to stay

this year we only get to choose if we want single/double/apartment T__________T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and they stated that kids in their 90s would get priority and i know a lot of them chose KING. darn haha

i think that's it for now...i'm probably gonna come back with a handful of questions later on. i'm so nervous!! lol thanks guys !!!!!!!

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Guest busagiboo

Other bird courses that I can think of is GG102 - Intro. to Human Geography, RE103 - Love and Its Myths, this one course called Reasoning and Argumentation or something like that, but I've heard this course is easy if taken DE (distance education, meaning online). I don't know if MU115 is still offered, but I know and I've heard from many people that it's really easy, because it's just the basics in music theory. I never took this course, because I did music all through high school and my life. So, I did other music courses. I'm doing a music minor, so this course wouldn't be counted as part of my minor. I've heard MI201 CAN be easy? Same with MI202. I'm not too sure. I was registered in MI202 in the winter semester, but I didn't like the look of the assignments and it seemed like I would have to do a lot of work. The first lecture was also really boring, so I dropped it and took another course.

CP102, though I never took it, I had many friends who did. They've said that it's really not that hard, since you get a cheat sheet for both the midterm and the final. Even though some people gets 50s or 60s on the midterm, they still get As and Bs as their final grade. They may or may not have changed the course from last year, but I doubt it would've changed by much.

If you're not good at math and you're not intending to do a math minor, don't take math throughout uni. MA129 is all you need for the BBA program. And no, it won't affect co-op decisions. But, if you're sure you want a math minor or you want to continue taking math, then take MA103 and MA110. MA110 is a full year course, so be careful about that when making your schedule. I think most people take MA104 after taking MA103, but I'm not too sure about that.

Exclusions mean that if you've taken a course that's been listed in the exclusions line, then you can't take the course that you're looking at. Or if you're in a certain program/department you can't take that certain course.

Yes, you can take MA129 or MA110. Both courses will fulfill the required math credit.

GPA: It's just the average. So, for the BU courses, both your course grades need to add up to 14 or have an average of 7. You could have a 6 in BU111 and a 8 in BU121 and you're fine. Same concept for the EC, MA and other elective courses.

Profs: You won't find out who your profs are until late in the summer. But if you get a prof you don't like, then you can switch out of that class and switch into another, provided you don't get conflicts within your schedule. Also, you don't HAVE to go to the class you've signed up for. You can sit in on other lectures with the prof you want, but make sure that when it comes to exam time, you go to the location corresponding with the class(es) that you're registered in. I did this a few times.

I never got the option of choosing which residence I wanted to stay in. I don't think you're allowed to choose which building you want. You just choose what style you want. Unless I'm totally wrong and they changed it this year. But only you would know, because you should've submitted your residence application by now. Haha. I don't see what's so great about King. Lol. Sure, it's the newest of the available residences, but do you really want to live off campus (ok, it's a minute walk from campus. Whatever. Lol.), if you can get placed in say, MAC HOUSE which is right in the middle of everything?! Sorry, I just have a bias for Mac House, 'cause I lived there. Haha. But seriously, Mac House is in the middle of everything. The terrace is right beside it and you can get frozen yogurt at 3 AM, the dining hall is right across... And I got to watch the on-campus party that happened during O Week from my window, instead of getting squished by everyone. Haha. I have a huge bias. =b

What courses are you planning to take right now?

Hahaha! I'd like to say that you typed a lot too XP I wouldn't be surprised if you've seen me? What year did you just finish?

I'm in second year coop right now.... =X

I just finished first year! Haha, I wouldnt' be surprised if we have seen other before, either!

How's co-op right now? I have some friends that are on co-op right now/have just finished co-op and are on a study term right now. Where are you working right now? And how was the interview for co-op? 'Cause I applied, but I don't think I'll get it because my resume kind of sucks right now. -___-;;

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so little people on soompi go laurier!! haha waterloo thread is filled with soompiers haha!!

anyways, i'm looking over course selections now and i'm so lost! the bit about birdcourses by busagiboo definately helped a lot though : )

what are other easy courses that are somewhat useful??? i'm thinking of taking CP102 but the description is so much scarier than what busagiboo said~~

i really want to concentrate on math because i suck at it = = soo i need easy courses for the extra study time.

speaking of math...is it best to take math throughout all your years in uni? or is it totally fine just to take it in the first year. does it affect co-op decision? If i do choose to continue math in the following years then should i be taking ma129, ma103 and ma110?

and what are exclusions o.o ??????? i probably sound so stupid

the course descriptions sometimes say EXCLUSIONS and then name a course code.

for example MA129 exclusions: MA110*. This course may not count for credit in Mathematics programs.

so since i'm BBA it's okay to take MA129 or MA110 right??

GPA: it says that you need a GPA of 7.00 for all BU courses and GPA of 5.0 for all EC,MA and all other elective courses

that means for EACH course right? or just 7.0 average between the two BU courses and 5.0 average overall for the rest of your courses

teachers: i haven't registered or looked at loris yet but is there an option for choosing teachers or do they show who's going to be teaching? or do we switch out ONCE we're in that class if we find we don't get the prof we want?

and yeah i'm freaking out about the resident thing. this year i think it's different...from what previous first years told me they got to choose top 5 options or something like that for where they wanted to stay

this year we only get to choose if we want single/double/apartment T__________T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and they stated that kids in their 90s would get priority and i know a lot of them chose KING. darn haha

i think that's it for now...i'm probably gonna come back with a handful of questions later on. i'm so nervous!! lol thanks guys !!!!!!!

Wow that's a lot of questions O__O nervous much haha?

I remember when I was signing up for courses.... I would take like like HUGE stack of papers and calenders to like... class >_> and make my timetable as my teacher taught cuz I was so bored TOT I was still deciding between UT, UW or Laurier though haha =P

Anyways, for bird courses I think I said that I took RE103 DE? >_> It was PRETTY DAMN easy.... my prof was in the Branford campus too so I never saw him =X the course has NO midterm and NO final and all your evaluations are simple short answers and 2 essays? I didn't do well on the essays (since english isn't my thing -_-') but the assignments are based on a few readings (in books, NOT textbooks lol) and like a few movies? so it's fine. You get to watch Casablanca ^^ which I enjoyed surprisingly.

CP102 was also a HUGE snore..... I admit that I thought it was going to "challenging" but it was SUCH a BS course. Not only was it EASY but because I had the 8:30am course, I just slept in and never went =X Instead, I just took the powerpoints from online (studied from that) and the textbook for a book (altho the text is pretty pointless too =S) and I did the assignments. Trust, the assignments are SO easy, they're based on Word or Excel and Access. The midterm and final was a little harder since I found his questions really random =S but it's still relatively easy I think.

My best friend took like environmental studies and geography (in year 1 and 2) and she said it was SO EASY! the only downfall is the labs which you HAVE to go to... and I HATE going to labs so I took math lol! You have like weekly assignments and stuff, but she says A LOT of it is common sense and it's impossible to get lower than like a B+ (unless you're REALLY not working and don't care =P)

As for math.... I only suggest taking it if you're strong in math. I got 90+ in math in high school (and I was actually going to go to UW for Math and Business lol XP) so I took about 4 math courses (MA130, MA121, MA122 and MA170). >_> Ya I'm a nerd.... it doesn't really matter how many you take or which one, as long as you take the Calculus course (for the first year requirement) and the rest can be used for a minor or just credits ^^ I found MA122 and MA121 were pretty useful and I got a lot higher than I expected after the final =X I think cuz it was bellcurved? LOL! Also, if you plan to do MORE math in second year and stuff, MA122 and MA121 is usually mandatory (at least for the courses that I wanna take ^^'')

Since busagiboo already answered a lot of your questions, I think that's all from me >_>

I wish I could help you about LORIS and teachers and rez... but they change their system every year to make it flawless and it's so stupid =P Personally, I just hope you don't end up in a doubleroom dorm style cuz I REALLY didn't like it =X maybe you will? But I found it REALLY messy and disgusting (besides my own room with my best friend, everything else was nastyyyyy) and the people on my floor were nice but LOUD! oh dear =X

Don't be nervous about going to Laurier =) seriously! we have such a good admin system cuz our school is so small. The only thing I hate is that they're also really SLOWwwwwww! Getting OSAP (if you registered? O_o) took me like... 2 hours in line? LOL! I just brought my NDS and played with my best friend for 2 hours and it's just really stupid =O= it takes me like 5 mins, why does it take others like 30 mins?!

If you have anymore questions let me know ^^ AND YES! COOP FTW! Everything should try for it, I'm really pro-coop lol =P i think it helps a lot.

I just finished first year! Haha, I wouldnt' be surprised if we have seen other before, either!

How's co-op right now? I have some friends that are on co-op right now/have just finished co-op and are on a study term right now. Where are you working right now? And how was the interview for co-op? 'Cause I applied, but I don't think I'll get it because my resume kind of sucks right now. -___-;;

LOL! for a "small" school, there's still a lot of people you don't see =P I also live off campus so it's harder to bump into people.... since I only come for class >_> nothing really to do on campus

Coop is great =) I love it! I think their system is kinda flawed? and it's a work-in-progress, but the coordinators really work hard to make sure you're comfortable and know what you're doing and stuff ^^ they send emails all the time to update you on important dates and stuff... and especially cuz the economy is so bad and it's SO HARD to find jobs now, they try extra hard to help you find one ^^

I'm currently working at Imperial Oil/Exxonmobil for their HR - Payroll department. I actually was hoping to get into a CA firm (cuz I'm going into accounting lol =P) but I couldn't land an interview with them so that's sad =( but besides that... when I had other interviews lined up, it wasn't too bad.

My actual interview with the coop center was actually really short and easy I think? They asked really typical questions lol! and none of that "What are your weaknesses?" kinda of questions =P they asked questions that reinforce what you wrote on your resume like "What was your favourite place to work and why?" or "What are 3 strengths you have?" and stuff like that.... it wasn't hard =)

You already applied for coop? Well I don't think they base your acceptance SOLELY on your resume... honestly I didn't think mine was too smooth =S but it's based on like.... your grades, resume, your interview, your extracurriculars (school involvement -__-'), volunteer and like a few others. If you need help on it let me know =) I can't promise that I'll make a difference but I never really asked upper years or have older siblings to spam questions with so I think it helps haha =P



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Guest jybaby

The only thing I hate is that they're also really SLOWwwwwww! Getting OSAP (if you registered? O_o) took me like... 2 hours in line? LOL! I just brought my NDS and played with my best friend for 2 hours and it's just really stupid =O= it takes me like 5 mins, why does it take others like 30 mins?!

That's a good heads up! I'd hate if i went and just stood there for 2 hours. I also heard residence move in day = traffic. Should be funnnNNNnnNN lol

I never got the option of choosing which residence I wanted to stay in. I don't think you're allowed to choose which building you want. You just choose what style you want. Unless I'm totally wrong and they changed it this year. But only you would know, because you should've submitted your residence application by now. Haha. I don't see what's so great about King. Lol. Sure, it's the newest of the available residences, but do you really want to live off campus (ok, it's a minute walk from campus. Whatever. Lol.), if you can get placed in say, MAC HOUSE which is right in the middle of everything?! Sorry, I just have a bias for Mac House, 'cause I lived there. Haha. But seriously, Mac House is in the middle of everything. The terrace is right beside it and you can get frozen yogurt at 3 AM, the dining hall is right across... And I got to watch the on-campus party that happened during O Week from my window, instead of getting squished by everyone. Haha. I have a huge bias. =b

What courses are you planning to take right now?

Well I want courses that interest me yet i want them to be somewhat easy (i am SO picky T__T) anyways this is what i have so far. opionions?

- communication studies CS100*

- global studies GS101*

- political science PO110*

* are these courses hard? i went on rate my profs to get a taste of what the teachers would be like and the class but all the reviews were SO mixed.

- cp102

- re103

+ the 5 mandatory bba courses (i chose ma129...but i'm still very unsure if i should continue taking math or not and select the other math courses. i'm scared i'll need it in the future)

do you guys think it'll be easier to take econ all in one lecture or 3 lectures/week

I also want to take english but is it tons of readings and essays? In other words, time consuming?

concerning res: haha! well the only reason i wouldn't want mac is because there's only one bathroom on each floor i think. i seriously have MAJOR issues with sharing personal things like washroom, especially with people i'm not close with. if it's just one person i could probably handle it. i hope i'm not coming off as spoiled or anything!! it's kind of like how people are scared of heights/small spaces etc. I also liked waterloo college hall but i heard it went on fire or something? I wonder if it's going to be fixed by september... =S

anyone want to sell me textbooks? or know a good place for cheap used ones?

thanks so much guys!! i can't wait til one year from now when a new soompier comes into this thread and i'll be answering the questions :rolleyes::P;)

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Guest busagiboo

Wow! You're up early! Haha.

Picking up your OSAP really sucks. I remember waiting to pick it up from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. So not fun.

I can't really comment on the courses with an asterisk. Um... CS100 is a popular course, but I don't know what kinds of things you'll be doing exactly. I just know you write papers. Haha.

GS101, you'll definitely be writing essays. I'm pretty sure this course has a midterm and a final exam. Not too sure about other details of this course.

PO110, you write papers. If I remember correctly, I don't think there's a final in this course. But, don't take my word on that.

Sorry that I can't help you more on these courses!!

I had a friend take EN119 - Reading Fiction and he said it was one of the easiest courses he's ever taken, but I don't know anything about that course.

I don't think you'll need anything other than MA129. But if you want a math minor, then take the other math courses. If not, I say you should just stick with this one course.

Res: Yeah, I know what you mean. I really didn't like the fact that I had to share one washroom with everyone, but I guess I got used to it, even though it was still gross. -___-;; WCH is a nice res, but yeah, there was a fire that occurred at the end of the year, during exam time. I'm not sure about it being fixed by September. They still have three months, so there could be hope!

Textbooks, I could definitely sell you my business textbook and economics textbooks! Haha. Hopefully they didn't change the editions. So, once you know the editions, just tell me. =) I don't have my MA129 textbook and my BU111 lab manual anymore because I sold them to my roommate, but I still do have the BU121 lab manual and the other required textbooks. Otherwise, you can look on the facebook marketplace. That's how I got some of my used textbooks. Or go on the facebook groups. Tons of people selling their used textbooks.

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Guest killmysmile

on one of the letters from laurier it said that 'Only students obtaining scores of 70% or better on the Evaluation (CPPE) are eligible to register in MA103( calc1), MA110 or MA 129'.i thought that was weird. I got accepted into their Economics, but i'm thinking of switching into BBA during year 2. So i'd have to take the first year BBA courses right? Most of them are similar anyway. I'm so worried! Also, I am already taking calculus in gr.12 but i'm worried about taking calculus 1 and doing poorly.

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Guest jybaby

on one of the letters from laurier it said that 'Only students obtaining scores of 70% or better on the Evaluation (CPPE) are eligible to register in MA103( calc1), MA110 or MA 129'.i thought that was weird. I got accepted into their Economics, but i'm thinking of switching into BBA during year 2. So i'd have to take the first year BBA courses right? Most of them are similar anyway. I'm so worried! Also, I am already taking calculus in gr.12 but i'm worried about taking calculus 1 and doing poorly.

that's so weird...didn't busagiboo say

"You don`t neeed to take this test seriously. You could get 1% and still register for whatever math course you want. It`s just a test to gauge your math abilities."

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now i'm very nervous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and yeah i couldn't sleep well so i just woke up and looked over courses

i thought english was really hard in uni...because of all the reading/essays

but if it's easy i'm definately taking reading fiction

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Guest busagiboo

on one of the letters from laurier it said that 'Only students obtaining scores of 70% or better on the Evaluation (CPPE) are eligible to register in MA103( calc1), MA110 or MA 129'.i thought that was weird. I got accepted into their Economics, but i'm thinking of switching into BBA during year 2. So i'd have to take the first year BBA courses right? Most of them are similar anyway. I'm so worried! Also, I am already taking calculus in gr.12 but i'm worried about taking calculus 1 and doing poorly.

I was just reading the first year registration guide and it only said that you needed at 70% for MA103. Nothing about MA110 or MA129.

For my year, we just had to do it and then we could register.

I suggest calling the school and asking about it. They probably changed some things around, I guess.

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Guest killmysmile

I was just reading the first year registration guide and it only said that you needed at 70% for MA103. Nothing about MA110 or MA129.

For my year, we just had to do it and then we could register.

I suggest calling the school and asking about it. They probably changed some things around, I guess.

Because i for sure didn't get 70% on it ahah. And if you need a 70% it'll limit what kind of major! I've been looking at the double degrees and those ones require Calculus 1. If i'm still interested in getting one of the double degrees, how would i satisfy the Calculus 1 requirement? Summer school? I'll wait to see if it'll let me register into the MA103 course first. This is so stressful! Oh and on the letter regarding the CPPE it also said 'Past results indicate that students scoring below 50% often experience challenges meeting university-level expectations in any introductory calculus course'. They're so contradictory! Because everywhere else it says the CPPE only helps you determine your readiness for first year calculus. Then they throw this at us. I hope i can still register for it, I'll just have to work my butt off!

To reassure you, i've looked into the 70% thing some more and yeah only need 70% for MA103. NOT MA129!!!!

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