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Having A Bad Day? Wanna Rant? Right This Way!


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Guest bubblepeach

*sigh* had a fight with him again last night..... it's my fault though. shouldn't have left him... i should've been more active and initiative... *sigh*

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Truth is, today has been a very frustrating day. I was rewarded a scholarship in March and I sent in an acceptance letter for the scholarship already and signed up for the award ceremony already and I received an email today saying I did not receive the scholarship. This is a $2500 scholarship for me to go study abroad, and honestly...I am very devastated and frankly, heart broken. I hope this last email was a mistake and I did receive the scholarship. Things in general have not been going very smooth lately. I just feel the urge to cry.

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Guest smileyoo

Okay, you are excused for not knowing about fast metabolim and how genetics can link to a person's appearance of skinnyness. However, please don't come up to my face whenver you can and telling me I'm skinny. Yes, i OBVIOUSLY know I'm not chubby and I may seem like I don't eat a lot. BUT I AM HEALTHY BY MY AGE AND HEIGHT. I MEAN, AS LONG AS I CAN HELP YOU LIFT THINGS, I'M PRETTY SURE I'M STRONGER THAN YOU. So what if you appear to be fatter than me, you can't lift richard simmons. Always asking me to do it for you, what is the usage of your fat? say it to me one more time, and i will lecture some knowledge into you.

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Guest smileyoo

People are so shallow! Sometimes, I literally get irritated by my close friends because they are so certain of their claims and assumptions. I mean, yeah that one person may be exactly what you just said about them, but don't say it to every other person. richard simmons, stop generalalizing and STOP applying your concepts to every single person. No matter how nice they are individually, I can't help but feel pissed when they do that. -______-

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Guest Bby-GIE

I just failed another test.
It's so depressing. I've spent so much time trying to study for something.
I don't feel as though I'm good enough.

How am I going to finish off the rest of my degree if I keep failing.

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Guest hgirl1

sometime in life crap happens,,the people you love get sick or hurt and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it, the feeling of being useless to the people around you sucks, but the only thing you can do is hope for the best, so for all those who is having a crappy week (like me) i hope something wonderful comes your way, i hope you fine something so funny you pee in your pants, i hope the person you have a crush on, for years, suddenly confess to you, and most of all i hope you are strong enough to move pass this moment in your life where you feel completely useless.....because this feeling doesn't lat forever.....ok i feel so much better.

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I hate having roommates FFS when u have a party don't go off get high and drunk then let everyone trash the entire house. I come back and there's piled on the carpets and the toilet is plugged and no one does anything about it. Ugh

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I'm having a bad day because I have no idea what this song is.
It is really bugging me.
Someone please tell me what it is!

This is NOT a malacious site I promise :(((

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Guest boo`--NiCOLE

What the hell is wrong with wanting to go out during the first week of my god damn summer and spend a day with my friends? "Why were you away so long today? I sent you a message and you did not replied! Let me install this creepy tracking app on your phone so I know where you are all the time! For *safety* reasons! Blahblahblah."  ........ really dad, you just to take a freaking chill pill. You demand me to park my fat richard simmons at home for the next four months, force and tutor my poor brother against his will for something he doesn't even need help on, commute two hours to volunteer and finish studying a 1200 page study guide for my own prof school exams? OK, I got it.

BUT DO I HAVE TO GIVE YOU A GOD DAMN HOUR-BY-HOUR ACCOUNT OF HOW I SPEND THE 24 HOURS IN A DAY?  I do well enough in college, thank you very much. So what if I wanna spend three hours of my summer waxing my legs? So what if I wanna spend four hours of my life browsing new recipes and trying them out? I don't give a richard simmons whether or not one of my classmates is, unlike me, "being productive and spending her entire summer working in a lab." Good for her! Maybe instead of being someone's poor unpaid slave, I wanna spend my summer learning how to cook healthily instead of wolfing down freaking spam every day. Please, don't come storming down my front door when I'm 28 and ask me "why you don't know how to cook? hmm?" Hmmm, I don't richard simmons know ... MAYBE IT'S BECAUSE EVERY TIME I TRIED TO PRACTICE YOU TOLD ME TO GO BACK TO MY ROOM AND STUDY?


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